"Cosmic Blast" ideas.




Hey all, Bored so i decided to try my hand at making a theoretical powerset idea. Cosmic blast focuses on varied damage types and some hard hitting abilities with slow recharges and, well, here it is.

(This set assumes that many different recently acquired gimmicks are possible)

The main idea of the set is to give blasters a competitive edge, while still being balanced Mostly with high downtime heavy hitters that don't feel weak, so without further ado...

Powerset: Cosmic Blast

Gimmick: Cosmic Attunement- tier 1, 2 and 8 powers have the ability to build up cosmic attunement, This stacks up to five times, it boosts the "Heavy hitters" of the set to do a little more damage for each stack, but at the fifth stack the boost adds not only TONS (For lack of a better word) of damage and additional side effects.

((For the record, i had this idea awhile back and thought it was impossible, but water blast's gimmick seems to have revived my idea for this))

t1: Cosmic Bolt- fast animating- low-to-medium damage (pure energy damage, No smashing)- builds cosmic power. -defense- Fast recharge

t2: Cosmic blast- Medium to high pure energy damage, Animates about as fast as fire blast-Chance for knockdown- Chance for stun- Moderate recharge

t3:Meteor - high-Superior fire/smashing damage, high chance to knockdown ( trying to avoid knockback, nobody likes that.) chance to stun, High recharge (but nothing over a minute)

((Ah. Here we go, The first heavy hitter of the set. This power would use the warwalker's orbital strike mechanics, The player targets an area and a marker would appear (Think diablo) and eventually something would hit the area and damage everything around it.))

t4: Black Hole- IDea 1: Opens a rift that teleports all enemies into an area, Essentially a gravity controller wormhole clone. Great set up for your heavy hitters.

Idea 2 for black hole (Not sure if possible but meh.) a patch on the ground that pulls enemies toward it, Sort of like a patch that has a reversed repel effect. pulls them toward you. Or in this case, the hole. The patch would also do just a littl -to hit...Since it's hard to aim in a ball of gravity and matter and...Yeah. Builds 2 attunement due to high recharge

t5: Starfall: Spends attunement, Creates 6 locaters at targeted location, wait 3 seconds and bombards it with 6 medium to high damage bolts of light that deal pure energy damage and (Maybe) smashing. High chance of knockdown. High recharge, Increased(or decreased) base to hit chance

With 5 stacks of attunement the bolts would instantly hit and have a 100% chance of knockdown and cause a little more smashing damage.

t6: Cosmic Alignment.- I'm not letting this set end up like dual pistols. This crap's getting aim. And this version of aim is building up 5 stacks of alignment instantly. ((I know that seems overpowered but...Blasters need something that hits like a truck.))

t7(short range single target Heavy hitter): Without attunement it does very high single target, Pure energy, chance to stun and a minor DoT effect.

With five stacks of attunement it does damage comparable to a double raged knockout blow, has a 20% chance to hold and can cause knockDOWN. The catch being it's high recharge and the fact it's single target.

t8(The snipe- with a catch, Heavy hitter.)) The basic sniper attack that does insane damage and has a decent shot of being interrupted. It also pierces targets -Like what beam and dual pistols (Tried to) do. High recharge

...HOWEVER. Think about stalker's assassin strike. When you have five stacks of attunement the animation time will be near instant, do even more insane damage and is not interruptable.

((The reason for this is, I want people to actually WANT the sniper power, Not just make another useless power.))


t9: Supernova: The nuke((Obviously a heavy hitter)). This power will do EXTREME fire damage and cause a hefty amount of -res (After the damage hits though, so it doesn't get too crazy), Causes a crash, very large recharge time

With five stacks of attunement it will not crash and has a small chances of instantly recharging meteor for each target hit

((...And that's it! I HIGHLY encourage feedback on whether you need something explained better, something's overpowered and needs toning DOWN or if something's underpowered and needs toning UP...I really hope this becomes a set :C))

((I know im probably not the only one to come up with cosmic blast, but I'm pretty sure my version of it is at least somewhat original.))



Reserved for potential updates



Not to be a buzzkill. But what makes this set "cosmic" (outside of an RP context) that can't be satisfied (in the same RP context) by Radiation, Energy, etc?

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Not to be a buzzkill. But what makes this set "cosmic" (outside of an RP context) that can't be satisfied (in the same RP context) by Radiation, Energy, etc?
If it has no knockback and looks/sounds even partially similar to Energy I'd instantly play it.



Originally Posted by Kazz View Post
If it has no knockback and looks/sounds even partially similar to Energy I'd instantly play it.
At the risk of being horribly maimed, I wanna say I like Knockback. That's mostly because I know how to use it. Regardless, I still like the idea of this set.

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



Originally Posted by Kirsten View Post
At the risk of being horribly maimed, I wanna say I like Knockback. That's mostly because I know how to use it. Regardless, I still like the idea of this set.
I won't maim you, it's just a preference thing. I think knockback can be fun and useful, mostly as A) a survival "get this off me!" power for squishier toons or B) street-sweeping grey mobs and sending them a mile down the street.

Scattering even-level enemies constantly, though? Not my idea of fun. I prefer to avoid it.

Let's not turn this thread into a KB vs KD thread though. The powerset sounds fun, but it might need more tweaking.



I like this. I'm not crazy about the recent trend for "stacking" powersets, but visually I can see a "Cosmic" set filling the animation void where Magic Missile and "arcane blasts" often go. A recent game that is a cousin of the 800lb gorilla has a blast power that looks like you are throwing a small, rotating solar system that might visually set the tone. I picture a default color scheme of purples and yellows.



Initially misread this as Comic Blast.

Nuke would be dropping a bunch of Robin Williams clones on the enemy... Get a "Liefield blast" that, upon hitting, affects their speed (they get pointy little feet so they can't run fast) and accuracy (too many pouches and bulges in the way to be able to aim accurately,) etc.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Initially misread this as Comic Blast.

Nuke would be dropping a bunch of Robin Williams clones on the enemy... Get a "Liefield blast" that, upon hitting, affects their speed (they get pointy little feet so they can't run fast) and accuracy (too many pouches and bulges in the way to be able to aim accurately,) etc.

"A Tier 10 power? What the hell is that?"

"We call it "Sam Kinison"..."

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Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Initially misread this as Comic Blast.

Nuke would be dropping a bunch of Robin Williams clones on the enemy... Get a "Liefield blast" that, upon hitting, affects their speed (they get pointy little feet so they can't run fast) and accuracy (too many pouches and bulges in the way to be able to aim accurately,) etc.
"It was like going to church, except Ozzy Osbourne was there."



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
Energy, Luminous, or Radiation Blast. Pick one.
So, because it uses mainly energy damage, it can't happen?

Really, if your main complaint is the powerset name i -COULD- just change the name

ALRIGHT FOLKS. DUE TO THIS NICE LADY ^^ We are going to make a poll and a new name for this purely hypothetical and probably not possible power set.

Vote naow



No, the real problem (IMO) isn't so much that your proposal is redundant with existing powersets, it's that it's a bag full of Kewl Gimmicks in search of a concept to justify it.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



None of the KB shannanigans of Luminous and Energy Blast? I like it




Originally Posted by Cheetatron View Post
None of the KB shanagans of Luminous and Energy Blast? I like it

This is the main reason I'm so interested, I will admit. Rad is... alright, but it doesn't have the same feel to it as Luminous or Energy Blast. Those two have nice visible, powerful-looking blasts, whereas Rad (to me) feels like it lacks the same 'oomph.' The energy is all diffused and not clustered (save the focused X-ray Beam).

It feels less like a blast and more like "I throw my wad of energy at you!", in a sense.



Redundant set with some questionable mechanics. (Those "Target Now, hit in X seconds" powers are probably going to be as big a success as Time Bomb is. And I'm rather certain option 1 for Black Hole would need to be a higher tier power, while option 2 is plainly impossible to do with this game engine.)


-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-



Originally Posted by OneWhoBinds View Post
Redundant set with some questionable mechanics. (Those "Target Now, hit in X seconds" powers are probably going to be as big a success as Time Bomb is. And I'm rather certain option 1 for Black Hole would need to be a higher tier power, while option 2 is plainly impossible to do with this game engine.)

So, How does one "unsign" from something they never signed?



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
No, the real problem (IMO) isn't so much that your proposal is redundant with existing powersets, it's that it's a bag full of Kewl Gimmicks in search of a concept to justify it.
So, Having gimmicks is a bad thing now?

Water blast, Dual pistols, Staff fighting, Dual Blades, STJ, The stalker AT and dominators.



For one, your sets gimmick seems to use the term 'cosmic power', 'attunement' and alignment. I'd suggest choosing one of them and clearly state in the description that it grants or uses the combo counter. You have attacks that (apparently) build 'attunement' (only the tier 1 says it builds it but the introductory paragraph says the tier 1, 2 and 8 do), you have powers that don't build or are affected by 'attunement', you have powers that are boosted by attunement and then you have powers that also spends attunement.

You should clarify when a power builds attunement. You should clarify when a power spends attunement or doesn't spend attunement. You should clarify when a power is not affected by attunement.

On a personal note, without names for some powers, the theme this set invokes (hitting someone with a meteor) and specifically avoiding any actual visual express of power (namely knockback or even knockup), it ruins any impression this set may have. It's namely a ball of effects (and snipping away at unwanted effects) instead of imagining a specific theme and letting *that* dictate what effects should and shouldn't be there. A meteor must be a weak-*** chunk of dirt if it can barely cause someone to trip on their rear...it's not like anyone's trying to portray a space rock possibly composed of dense metallic ore speeding at a target hundreds of miles per second here. That'd definitely only slip up people some of the times.

But yeah, color me unimpressed by this partial attempt at a powerset write up. Would probably be better suited as an 'earth' based blast set focusing on smashing, lethal and fire damage with a pension for knockdown for an expressly mitigative set.

When I think of cosmic, I think of otherworldly or strange. If I were creating a cosmic blast set now, I'd probably keep a strong focus on negative energy, gravity-type effects and teleportation...like maybe a warshade. Reshaped as a blast set:

1. Density Orb (ST foe: negative/smashing dmg, -movement/-ToHit, chance of knockdown, *special*) Fire an orb of super dense energy that expands over the foe and quickly contracts, strengthening the pull of gravity on the foe for a time. Cosmic Attunement swaps the -movement/-ToHit with a splash of AoE energy dmg (5 targets).

2. Gravity Shot (ST foe: negative DoT, -movement/-ToHit/-fly, mag 2 immobilize *special*) Rain down gravity's pull on a target, forcing the target to the ground. If the strength of the pull is strong enough, it may slow down up to 3 foes nearby the initial target. Cosmic Attunement swaps the -movement/-ToHit/-fly/immobilize with knockdown and replaces the DoT with more energy dmg.

3. Gravity's Pull (Targeted summon: Gravity Pull patch; area foe: -fly/-jump/-speed, chance of immobilize) Target an area and intensify gravity's pull at that location. Foes caught in it will find it hard to move which will leave them vulnerable for a celestial strike from the meteor that was attracted by the strong pull. (AoE foe: smashing/lethal dmg, chance of knockdown after 3 seconds). Cosmic Attunement does not create the -movement/immobilize patch but adds energy dmg and knockback to the meteor.

4. Black Hole (Targeted summon: Black Hole; area foe: -ToHit, teleport) Not affected by Cosmic Attunement. Summon a black hole out of super dense gravity. There's a chance any foe caught within 25ft of its center will be teleported to the Black Hole's center. The Black Hole's area is vast (reaching as far 45ft) and controlled by you. Any foe you hit with either Density Orb, Gravity Shot or Gravity Spout will be teleported to the black hole if they are within the gravity's field of effect. If Cosmic Attunement is in play, Gravity Shot, Gravity Spout and Density Orb will not teleport foes to Black Hole.

5. Star Fall (Targeted summon/AoE, foe: energy/negative/smashing, knockdown) Not affected by Cosmic Attunement. Target a point in space and yank celestial bodies from the sky to rain down on your victims. You create an initial impact of gravity (across the whole area) then afterwards comets and asteroids rain at random, splashing over parts of the area causing energy and smashing damage.

6. Cosmic Attunement (click self 'attunement', +ToHit) For 30 sec, shift your cosmic attunement and wield powerful and explosive energies. All negative energy from your blasts are replaced with positive energy and/or replace all gravity effects with knockdown/back and additional energy dmg.

7. Gravity Spout (ST foe: negative/smashing, foe knockup/-movement) Unleash a burst of gravity that knocks a foe high into the sky and a chance to knock up 2 more foes along with them. Cosmic Attunement replaces the -movement with splash energy dmg (3 targets).

8. Dark Matter (Target AoE, foe -perception) Not affected by Cosmic Attunement. Use gravity to funnel some specialized dark matter around the foes. Foes tagged by Dark Matter will react violently with your positive energy and have a chance to be stunned by any cosmic attuned attacks.

9. Collapsed Star (PBAoE nuke; self *special*, foe *special) Depending what attunement you use affects the effects of this attack. Using Gravity, you draw in your power around you, inflicting strong forces on yourself and foes around you (self: heal 100%, -75% HP, -100% dmg resist all; foe neg dmg, hold, -movement/-jump/-fly/-ToHit). If you expand your energy, the collapsed star explodes causing the foes harm while draining yourself (self: END crash; foe: energy dmg, knockback/stun)



Originally Posted by DarkBlaster_NA View Post
So, Having gimmicks is a bad thing now?
When the set consists of nothing but gimmicks, because the designer is under the impression that they're what make a set interesting and fun to play, and more of them is always better... yes. IMO.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



You know, I don't see much Cosmic about it. It's not a bad idea for a set though, but I don't really think unique enough to stand on its own for development. I did like the idea of knockdown over knockback. It seems anything Cosmic about it would be almost solely defined by the f/x for this particular listing of powers.

One thing I did like was the idea of a gravity bomb. It got me wondering if the devs could work that mechanic into the game, reverse KB could have many interesting applications in the game.

Summoning a meteor has a certain appeal too.

To me, the most cosmic characters I can think of didn't really fit any specific blast type AT. Silver Surfer could just as easily manipulate energy as shoot it. Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) is almost like a long range melee fighter. Quasar, same as the Lanterns. Nova, who knows, he just seems to be a human rocket.

Maybe some kind of Cosmic/Celestial AT would fit these and more powers more nicely. Something that could include Cosmic themed melee and control without the shapeshifting mechanics of the Khelds. maybe something witha bigger focus on new mechanics: reverse knockback, maybe more creative uses for teleport like teleporting melee attacks, constructs, antigrav holds. I'm sure others here can think of other unique mechanics that really encompass cosmic power.

@Sylver Bayne

Pinnacle Server



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
For one, your sets gimmick seems to use the term 'cosmic power', 'attunement' and alignment. I'd suggest choosing one of them and clearly state in the description that it grants or uses the combo counter. You have attacks that (apparently) build 'attunement' (only the tier 1 says it builds it but the introductory paragraph says the tier 1, 2 and 8 do), you have powers that don't build or are affected by 'attunement', you have powers that are boosted by attunement and then you have powers that also spends attunement.

You should clarify when a power builds attunement. You should clarify when a power spends attunement or doesn't spend attunement. You should clarify when a power is not affected by attunement.

On a personal note, without names for some powers, the theme this set invokes (hitting someone with a meteor) and specifically avoiding any actual visual express of power (namely knockback or even knockup), it ruins any impression this set may have. It's namely a ball of effects (and snipping away at unwanted effects) instead of imagining a specific theme and letting *that* dictate what effects should and shouldn't be there. A meteor must be a weak-*** chunk of dirt if it can barely cause someone to trip on their rear...it's not like anyone's trying to portray a space rock possibly composed of dense metallic ore speeding at a target hundreds of miles per second here. That'd definitely only slip up people some of the times.

But yeah, color me unimpressed by this partial attempt at a powerset write up. Would probably be better suited as an 'earth' based blast set focusing on smashing, lethal and fire damage with a pension for knockdown for an expressly mitigative set.

When I think of cosmic, I think of otherworldly or strange. If I were creating a cosmic blast set now, I'd probably keep a strong focus on negative energy, gravity-type effects and teleportation...like maybe a warshade. Reshaped as a blast set:

1. Density Orb (ST foe: negative/smashing dmg, -movement/-ToHit, chance of knockdown, *special*) Fire an orb of super dense energy that expands over the foe and quickly contracts, strengthening the pull of gravity on the foe for a time. Cosmic Attunement swaps the -movement/-ToHit with a splash of AoE energy dmg (5 targets).

2. Gravity Shot (ST foe: negative DoT, -movement/-ToHit/-fly, mag 2 immobilize *special*) Rain down gravity's pull on a target, forcing the target to the ground. If the strength of the pull is strong enough, it may slow down up to 3 foes nearby the initial target. Cosmic Attunement swaps the -movement/-ToHit/-fly/immobilize with knockdown and replaces the DoT with more energy dmg.

3. Gravity's Pull (Targeted summon: Gravity Pull patch; area foe: -fly/-jump/-speed, chance of immobilize) Target an area and intensify gravity's pull at that location. Foes caught in it will find it hard to move which will leave them vulnerable for a celestial strike from the meteor that was attracted by the strong pull. (AoE foe: smashing/lethal dmg, chance of knockdown after 3 seconds). Cosmic Attunement does not create the -movement/immobilize patch but adds energy dmg and knockback to the meteor.

4. Black Hole (Targeted summon: Black Hole; area foe: -ToHit, teleport) Not affected by Cosmic Attunement. Summon a black hole out of super dense gravity. There's a chance any foe caught within 25ft of its center will be teleported to the Black Hole's center. The Black Hole's area is vast (reaching as far 45ft) and controlled by you. Any foe you hit with either Density Orb, Gravity Shot or Gravity Spout will be teleported to the black hole if they are within the gravity's field of effect. If Cosmic Attunement is in play, Gravity Shot, Gravity Spout and Density Orb will not teleport foes to Black Hole.

5. Star Fall (Targeted summon/AoE, foe: energy/negative/smashing, knockdown) Not affected by Cosmic Attunement. Target a point in space and yank celestial bodies from the sky to rain down on your victims. You create an initial impact of gravity (across the whole area) then afterwards comets and asteroids rain at random, splashing over parts of the area causing energy and smashing damage.

6. Cosmic Attunement (click self 'attunement', +ToHit) For 30 sec, shift your cosmic attunement and wield powerful and explosive energies. All negative energy from your blasts are replaced with positive energy and/or replace all gravity effects with knockdown/back and additional energy dmg.

7. Gravity Spout (ST foe: negative/smashing, foe knockup/-movement) Unleash a burst of gravity that knocks a foe high into the sky and a chance to knock up 2 more foes along with them. Cosmic Attunement replaces the -movement with splash energy dmg (3 targets).

8. Dark Matter (Target AoE, foe -perception) Not affected by Cosmic Attunement. Use gravity to funnel some specialized dark matter around the foes. Foes tagged by Dark Matter will react violently with your positive energy and have a chance to be stunned by any cosmic attuned attacks.

9. Collapsed Star (PBAoE nuke; self *special*, foe *special) Depending what attunement you use affects the effects of this attack. Using Gravity, you draw in your power around you, inflicting strong forces on yourself and foes around you (self: heal 100%, -75% HP, -100% dmg resist all; foe neg dmg, hold, -movement/-jump/-fly/-ToHit). If you expand your energy, the collapsed star explodes causing the foes harm while draining yourself (self: END crash; foe: energy dmg, knockback/stun)

I like his version better, To be honest.

Leo, make this a thread NAOW!

Also, i only said no knockBACK because i know how much people hate it, I don't want to have something people hate so i emphasized knockDOWN and knockUP. I understand it's realistic, but if marauder can drink applejuice and take on 16 incarnates, then i guess i'll avoid realism xD.

But seriously, Make this a thread. IT DEMANDS ATTENTION.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
For one, your sets gimmick seems to use the term 'cosmic power', 'attunement' and alignment. I'd suggest choosing one of them and clearly state in the description that it grants or uses the combo counter. You have attacks that (apparently) build 'attunement' (only the tier 1 says it builds it but the introductory paragraph says the tier 1, 2 and 8 do), you have powers that don't build or are affected by 'attunement', you have powers that are boosted by attunement and then you have powers that also spends attunement.

You should clarify when a power builds attunement. You should clarify when a power spends attunement or doesn't spend attunement. You should clarify when a power is not affected by attunement.

On a personal note, without names for some powers, the theme this set invokes (hitting someone with a meteor) and specifically avoiding any actual visual express of power (namely knockback or even knockup), it ruins any impression this set may have. It's namely a ball of effects (and snipping away at unwanted effects) instead of imagining a specific theme and letting *that* dictate what effects should and shouldn't be there. A meteor must be a weak-*** chunk of dirt if it can barely cause someone to trip on their rear...it's not like anyone's trying to portray a space rock possibly composed of dense metallic ore speeding at a target hundreds of miles per second here. That'd definitely only slip up people some of the times.

But yeah, color me unimpressed by this partial attempt at a powerset write up. Would probably be better suited as an 'earth' based blast set focusing on smashing, lethal and fire damage with a pension for knockdown for an expressly mitigative set.

When I think of cosmic, I think of otherworldly or strange. If I were creating a cosmic blast set now, I'd probably keep a strong focus on negative energy, gravity-type effects and teleportation...like maybe a warshade. Reshaped as a blast set:

1. Density Orb (ST foe: negative/smashing dmg, -movement/-ToHit, chance of knockdown, *special*) Fire an orb of super dense energy that expands over the foe and quickly contracts, strengthening the pull of gravity on the foe for a time. Cosmic Attunement swaps the -movement/-ToHit with a splash of AoE energy dmg (5 targets).

2. Gravity Shot (ST foe: negative DoT, -movement/-ToHit/-fly, mag 2 immobilize *special*) Rain down gravity's pull on a target, forcing the target to the ground. If the strength of the pull is strong enough, it may slow down up to 3 foes nearby the initial target. Cosmic Attunement swaps the -movement/-ToHit/-fly/immobilize with knockdown and replaces the DoT with more energy dmg.

3. Gravity's Pull (Targeted summon: Gravity Pull patch; area foe: -fly/-jump/-speed, chance of immobilize) Target an area and intensify gravity's pull at that location. Foes caught in it will find it hard to move which will leave them vulnerable for a celestial strike from the meteor that was attracted by the strong pull. (AoE foe: smashing/lethal dmg, chance of knockdown after 3 seconds). Cosmic Attunement does not create the -movement/immobilize patch but adds energy dmg and knockback to the meteor.

4. Black Hole (Targeted summon: Black Hole; area foe: -ToHit, teleport) Not affected by Cosmic Attunement. Summon a black hole out of super dense gravity. There's a chance any foe caught within 25ft of its center will be teleported to the Black Hole's center. The Black Hole's area is vast (reaching as far 45ft) and controlled by you. Any foe you hit with either Density Orb, Gravity Shot or Gravity Spout will be teleported to the black hole if they are within the gravity's field of effect. If Cosmic Attunement is in play, Gravity Shot, Gravity Spout and Density Orb will not teleport foes to Black Hole.

5. Star Fall (Targeted summon/AoE, foe: energy/negative/smashing, knockdown) Not affected by Cosmic Attunement. Target a point in space and yank celestial bodies from the sky to rain down on your victims. You create an initial impact of gravity (across the whole area) then afterwards comets and asteroids rain at random, splashing over parts of the area causing energy and smashing damage.

6. Cosmic Attunement (click self 'attunement', +ToHit) For 30 sec, shift your cosmic attunement and wield powerful and explosive energies. All negative energy from your blasts are replaced with positive energy and/or replace all gravity effects with knockdown/back and additional energy dmg.

7. Gravity Spout (ST foe: negative/smashing, foe knockup/-movement) Unleash a burst of gravity that knocks a foe high into the sky and a chance to knock up 2 more foes along with them. Cosmic Attunement replaces the -movement with splash energy dmg (3 targets).

8. Dark Matter (Target AoE, foe -perception) Not affected by Cosmic Attunement. Use gravity to funnel some specialized dark matter around the foes. Foes tagged by Dark Matter will react violently with your positive energy and have a chance to be stunned by any cosmic attuned attacks.

9. Collapsed Star (PBAoE nuke; self *special*, foe *special) Depending what attunement you use affects the effects of this attack. Using Gravity, you draw in your power around you, inflicting strong forces on yourself and foes around you (self: heal 100%, -75% HP, -100% dmg resist all; foe neg dmg, hold, -movement/-jump/-fly/-ToHit). If you expand your energy, the collapsed star explodes causing the foes harm while draining yourself (self: END crash; foe: energy dmg, knockback/stun)
This.... pleases me.



Originally Posted by DarkBlaster_NA View Post
I like his version better, To be honest.

Leo, make this a thread NAOW!

Also, i only said no knockBACK because i know how much people hate it, I don't want to have something people hate so i emphasized knockDOWN and knockUP. I understand it's realistic, but if marauder can drink applejuice and take on 16 incarnates, then i guess i'll avoid realism xD.

But seriously, Make this a thread. IT DEMANDS ATTENTION.
Originally Posted by Kazz View Post
This.... pleases me.
Hmm, I didn't even realize anyone would read the whole thing. Maybe I do have fans in the Suggestion forums...I tend to have lots of ideas that I just don't bother posting.

And the only issue I have when people suggest sets and focus on knockdown, DarkBlaster, is that it's more a limiting factor than a design decision. I don't mind sets without knockback or that use knockdown over it, I just don't much care when focus on eliminating it instead of incorporating it logically. Knockback isn't hated, it's how it's placed in sets that is the problem.

That said, a reshuffle of your OP as a sort of Earth/Stone Blast concept would work since Earth/Stone isn't really focused around knockback but instead knockdown (see Stone Melee[all] and Earth Control [Earthquake]). And fire damage would fit perfectly there too. I think one of the points made by other posters was that the proposed set didn't feel thematically cosmic but it could definitely feel Terra-based.

Replace the energy/smashing with lethal/smashing, keep the fire, swap Meteor with Magnitude, Black Hole with Sand Pit, Super Nova with MegaCaldera (super volcano), use some of those earth gfx used by the Talons of Vengence and change the 'Cosmic Attunement' mechanic to Seismic Waves and keep the general effects the same.



Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
Hmm, I didn't even realize anyone would read the whole thing. Maybe I do have fans in the Suggestion forums...I tend to have lots of ideas that I just don't bother posting.

And the only issue I have when people suggest sets and focus on knockdown, DarkBlaster, is that it's more a limiting factor than a design decision. I don't mind sets without knockback or that use knockdown over it, I just don't much care when focus on eliminating it instead of incorporating it logically. Knockback isn't hated, it's how it's placed in sets that is the problem.

That said, a reshuffle of your OP as a sort of Earth/Stone Blast concept would work since Earth/Stone isn't really focused around knockback but instead knockdown (see Stone Melee[all] and Earth Control [Earthquake]). And fire damage would fit perfectly there too. I think one of the points made by other posters was that the proposed set didn't feel thematically cosmic but it could definitely feel Terra-based.

Replace the energy/smashing with lethal/smashing, keep the fire, swap Meteor with Magnitude, Black Hole with Sand Pit, Super Nova with MegaCaldera (super volcano), use some of those earth gfx used by the Talons of Vengence and change the 'Cosmic Attunement' mechanic to Seismic Waves and keep the general effects the same.

Earth control has always stricken me as a kinda "Lame" power in most games, Really only the Diablo 2 druid was able to catch my eye with a "Nature" vibe.

I really want a power like that though, Something like telekinesis, Maybe when you lay down the patch it summons a circle of psuedopets that repel everything into the circle.