Excalibur + Mag Trial gave me an idea for a new concept character -- Any helpful suggestions?

Chad Gulzow-Man



Yes I bought an Excalibur for about 1 billion influence for my level 1 TW/Fire Brute. However, it gave me an idea for a new concept along with the new Mag Trial. Side track for a second, re-leveling in Praetoria and I had forgotten how beautiful it is. I am not exactly sure what makes the zones there so awesome but they are the best in the game.

Anyways, I am still trying to flesh out my concept but I figured I would share it:

Basically my new character is a TW/Fire Magic Brute. The basic concept I have going (And still trying to fit all of this into the biography) is that he comes from another world (He appears human) where he was the Champion of his world's Well.

However, he finds the magical Excalibur sword (Debating if I will rename it) and it bolsters the character's power tenfold. The sword then speaks to him and leads him to a magical armor set (Still thinking of a name for this armor too) that also boosts the character's power. (The fiery aura powers)

The Well from his world begins to grow jealous and fearful of the character's growing power. By discovering these artifacts the character is able to draw extreme power not only from the Well but from himself. Ultimately, this meant the character could soon become an ascended. (If you have done the Incarnate story arcs and talked with Prometheus you will know what an ascended is)

So the Well creates a plot to get rid of the Champion by empowering a group of people as Incarnates (Here is where you see the Mag Trial Inspiration, or I was thinking perhaps gods the Well empowers) to assassinate the said character and sever his ties to the Well.

The group succeeds only the Well tells them not to kill the Champion because even in death he could become an ascended and that it wouldn't fully sever the ties with the Well. Thus, the group is ordered to bring the Champion to the Well and to dump the body into it in order to re-absorb the powers along with his magical artifacts (the sword and armor) in order to absorb those powers into the Well too.

****This is the part where I am still trying to flesh things out... The character ends up in a plane between worlds where ALL the Wells of the various races, planets, etc, have access to. The Wells all fight to try and absorb the character's artifacts and powers. The Well of Furies also tries but in doing so pulls the character through time and space landing him in Praetoria.

The character's story basically begins with his ties to the Well severed, his armor scattered (so he looks to be in rags) and only the Excalibur still in hand.


So the last part is the part I am still trying to figure out is how I can land him somehow in Praetoria. I could easily write that he travels to Paragon as I could say his armor was scattered across the multiverse and that as he begins to reacquire it thats essentially his combat level rising up again.

Anyways any thoughts or possible help in the concept?



Not one suggestion, comment, or opinion?



Well, Tuesday late night isn't exactly prime posting time... not to mention the TL;DR factor some might have.

At any rate, I think the bones of the story are good... but I question the fact that you refer to the Well as an actual well. Further, your backstory might be subject to retcon as we learn more of the Well, Pandora's Box and Battalion.

Buuuut... my only suggestion would be to distance yourself a bit more from the Lore and definitely have the sword NOT called Excalibur. I think that thrusts your character too much toward Earth Lore. Really go out on a limb and explore the culture/race you are dealing with. Flavorful names and Myth will help you to do that.



Comment: This belongs in the roleplaying forum.

Ehhhh... You can make his background whatever you want, but if you try to go that way, you're very likely to hit a wall when the canon storyline takes a different turn or somehow invalidates your story. You're grasping at the seeds the developers have planted, but they're not even straw yet.

Oh, and when a Champion of the Well dies, his power goes back into the Well to be passed on to the Well's next champion... so no, he can't ascend even in death.

My advice? Remove any reference to the Well from his background now, since it's only a matter of time before it gets invalidated anyway.

"Dudeface Guy was a mighty, almost god-like warrior from another dimension whose Holycrap I'monfire armor allowed him to further tap into abilities that most mortals couldn't even dream of. A jealous rival attacked him during his rest period and managed to rend Dudeface Guy's armor, but was still no match for Dudeface Guy's natural abilities. With his dying breath, the rival cast shards of the armor throughout the multiverse.

Now Dudeface Guy searches Praetoria and Primal Earth for the few remaining pieces of his enchanted armor, his pace increasing as his strength nears completion once again. He wields his dimension's version of Excalibur, Awesomeness McSwordname, cleaving any who stand between him and and his full power."

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Well, Tuesday late night isn't exactly prime posting time... not to mention the TL;DR factor some might have.

At any rate, I think the bones of the story are good... but I question the fact that you refer to the Well as an actual well. Further, your backstory might be subject to retcon as we learn more of the Well, Pandora's Box and Battalion.

Buuuut... my only suggestion would be to distance yourself a bit more from the Lore and definitely have the sword NOT called Excalibur. I think that thrusts your character too much toward Earth Lore. Really go out on a limb and explore the culture/race you are dealing with. Flavorful names and Myth will help you to do that.
Appreciate the feedback, I will think of a different name for the blade. I shouldn't have too much of a problem with that.

As for the Well being a well, in one of the stories from Prometheus he states that the "Well" is however the race sees it. In terms of the Kheldians that were wiped out by the Battallion, their Well was a big shining ball of pure light. Thats why I thought it could be an actual Well.



I see how that would make sense. Personally, I prefer to think of the well in the metaphorical sense, so mayhap I got that intertwined someplace.

Also, I agree with everything Chad just said... essentially he said a few things I meant much better also.

(I get lazy when posting from my phone.)



Well, great. I had a long post written up, I accidentally hit the "back" button on my mouse and lost it all. Thanks, City of Heroes forums, for not remembering text I've put in your text fields.

Sorry, Ultimus, I'd love to help you but I can't reconstruct what I'd written.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



A big portion of your story is how your character's dimension has its own Well of the Furies, but that isn't how the Well works. There is only one Well, serving all dimensions.

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
A big portion of your story is how your character's dimension has its own Well of the Furies, but that isn't how the Well works. There is only one Well, serving all dimensions.
But its said the Battallion consume other races Wells. Wouldnt that mean multiple exist?



Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
Where'd you get that?
In Prometheus' spiel. He states that the Kheldians had their well consumed at that the Rikti did something with theirs as well.

According to Prometheus every species has it's own 'well' and each is perceived by the species differently. Ours is a Well, and the Kheld's was a ball of light.



It would work if you weren't a human. Also, the death bit is kind of iffy. Dying typically means absorption into the Collective Potential, but there's a difference between death and "death". Ghost Widow is clearly still connected to the well, and player incarnates die repeatedly during the Dilemma Diabolique and Magisterium trials. The Dream Doctor has True Rez as a spell like ability provided he can catch the soul in time.



Originally Posted by NightErrant View Post
It would work if you weren't a human. Also, the death bit is kind of iffy. Dying typically means absorption into the Collective Potential, but there's a difference between death and "death". Ghost Widow is clearly still connected to the well, and player incarnates die repeatedly during the Dilemma Diabolique and Magisterium trials. The Dream Doctor has True Rez as a spell like ability provided he can catch the soul in time.
Actually, I don't see the human thing being an obstacle. When the Well of the Furies pulled him into Praetoria, it changed his appearance to blend in. This helps protect him from the champions of other Wells.





Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
In Prometheus' spiel. He states that the Kheldians had their well consumed at that the Rikti did something with theirs as well.

According to Prometheus every species has it's own 'well' and each is perceived by the species differently. Ours is a Well, and the Kheld's was a ball of light.
Okay, now I've caught up with Prometheus' latest infodump. So yes, there are multiple wells for different species, but according to him only one well for humans across all dimensions. So for Ultimus' story to work, his character would have to not be human. (Also, the only thing I remember him saying about Rikti was that they do in fact still have a connection to the Well of the Furies.)

Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.



Percy Winkler's got some pretty lively armor in the Night Ward arcs. Maybe he stole it from your character (like he stole a lot of his power and things from the other Midnighters). That could be a reason your guy goes there.