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  1. Kirsten

    Shared clues

    Sounds good, maybe limit it to ones that are currently being run, so as not to clog when somebody has a million half-done arcs?
  2. I am going to regret making this thread, aren't I.

    Ah well...

    To clarify, I don't have a problem with people complaining, I just have issues with...certain people, and how they go about complaining.
  3. Then please, I suggest that you do one or more of the following:

    (TL;DR: There is a time and place for complaints, and wherever you complain, please do so politely!)

    *Calmly, and without vitriol, point out what your problem is: If you make a clear, concise case to the right person, it can make all the difference.

    *Ignore it. It's just a game. MST3K Mantra, guys.

    *Create your own award-winning MMO and write it better. (I say this entirely without sarcasm, and honestly mean it.)

    Please, for the sake of other people who don't like wading through pages upon pages of angry, sarcastic, acidic forum arguments to try and find people who actually want to talk about the actual topic of the thread, please do not do the following.

    *Call the writers incompetent: It's rude, unproductive, and annoying to those of us who actually like the game.

    *Complain about the writing when it has little/nothing to do with the conversation at hand: It's perfectly valid to not like the writing, and also valid to voice those opinions, but only in certain contexts.

    *Don't argue your grievances ad nauseum. It's the internet, and people aren't going to agree with you, but that's no reason to strangle a perfectly good discussion with a relatively minor disagreement.

    So I ask, please, for the sake of everyone, to stop arguing and complaining about the writing. If you must, please do so at the appropriate threads, and not in the midst of unrelated discussions. I'm only asking this because I'm tired of arguments. You may not like the writing, and I can see where you're coming from. But I do not want to hear about it. Thank you, and goodbye.
  4. I will now say what many said 8 issues ago:

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    That'd be a bit of a dead-end story-wise and teaming-wise
    Yeah, assuming there aren't any Devoured who can possibly break free from Hami's control Phlebotinum Rebel-style
  6. Perhaps they could set the AoE Mezzes to have greater power based on how many enemies got caught in it?
  7. Praetorian DE,

    Carnival of Shadows


    Pretty much it.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    Leadership: Fifth power is Victory Rush, a ghetto Stygian Circle.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    Compare Spidey's mindset to a true Scrapper like Wolverine's.
    Nah. Wolvie's a Brute through and through.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post


    Left: Devs
    Right: Players
    I never heard anything about a Rainbow Blast set...Although I would want to see it...

    EDIT: There. I suggested it.
  11. Squirrel Girl. Plain and simple. Don't believe me? Look here.
  12. We don't need no education
    We don't need no thought control...

    Meh. I usually play Blasters, anyway. What helps me with Defs/Corrs is building for obscene damage in solo builds, I.E. building them like blasters. If I need to bust out extra Buff/Debuff/Healing, I switch to my other build.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    The only thing that would blow my son's mind would be if the Marvel guys were in the same vein as the "Super Hero Squad Show" animation.
    Ew. No. I'm cool with nearly any art style for Marvel. Just not SHS. I seriously am looking forward to this crossover, though.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    (3) Given incarnate trials and what Prometheus's group "knows," the whole "captured the well" bit should be... well, moot, unless the devs are suddenly going to de-Incarnate every Kheldian that's reached that level. Heck, Khelds should (by that line of thought) be twice as powerful, as they'd have two "wells" to draw from, potentially.
    PBs run off the well of their current host? And Nictus are different enough not to count as true khelds?

    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Develop a man-crush on Jack Emmert.
    +1 Interblag for GG.

    Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
    Oddly enough they're listed under the Historical Heroes section, when even in that listing they're credited with downing a US plane and nearly starting a Nuclear war...
    Your Terrorists Are Our Freedom Fighters, Comrade!
  15. ...While I understand where you are coming from, I don't see the point. I mean, if they wanted Patrol XP to be that easy to get, they wouldn't gate it behind either being logged off or buying in the market. I mean, god forbid you're forced to play through story arcs!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    Also, my main (Aggelakis, Emp/Arch Defender) is pretty much entirely HOs (some white IOs where SOs used to be). What am I supposed to be proving? That I can BAF with the best of 'em? Yes, I can.
    In other words, IO sets are handy and useful, but not strictly necessary. At least, I believe that is what Agge is saying.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    What's the deal with Dream Doctor? He was a mysterious letter-writer and now he's a Deus Ex Machina that shows up to trump all the endgame villains and is going to throw Ouroboros into the ocean. Who watches the Dream Doctor, and are his statements about the Menders even close to being true?
    Ah yes...the classic question: "Qui custodit custodes?"
  18. WTF are all the other mythological deities doing!?

    We have some Ancient Groman gods, and some oblique reference to Carthaginian (Mot) and Celtic (Croatoa), and a supposed Egyptian-Themed AT that may or may not be in the pipes, but what about Norse, African, Chinese, Japanese, Native American, Meso-American/Olmec, Teutonic stuff? Do they even exist lore-wise?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post
    A location designed for ERP? That is ridicoulous!
    I think he said "designated" not "designed".

    Something can be designated for a purpose without being designed for it. (E.G. a "smackin' broom" designated to be used to discipline hooligans, as opposed to its designed purpose, sweeping.)
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    I'd also pay for stand-alone offline and/or web based Tailor access.
    Sadly, due to Marvel-based loony litigations, I fear that may never happen. There used to be a standalone costume editor that was released in promotion for City of Hero, the game's Korean adaptation, but it was discontinued due to City of Hero never happening and a lawsuit from Marvel.

    The suit itself was pretty stupid, as it claimed that CoH encouraged ripping off existing properties, despite the fact that the EULA specifically forbids/forbade it. The truth about the out-of-court settlement is a bit nebulous and vague, but one of the terms, iirc, was that NCSoft/Cryptic Studios never release a standalone costume editor/creator.

    Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, though.

    I still wish it could happen, though. That'd be SWEET!
  21. I'm honestly hoping they can extend Praetoria up into 50. Resistance stories could revolve around building a new democracy/hunting down remaining Loyalists, while Loyalists could try to restore some order/try to fill the power vacuum.
  22. Kirsten

    Personal Lairs

    Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
    What if Batman had to CHOOSE between having his bat cave and being in the Justice League?
    Maybe Bats had a coalition with the JL...