854 -
I can be on for all apart from Friday. Would like to get two in but will sit the others out in favour of some of those who don't have it.
My lvl 50 fire/therm is available and my ice/ice Corruptor is finally 45 now so can bring either. -
At the moment we need pretty much everything
A trap MM would be nice for when we defend though. A few energy melee and a couple of granite brutes. What we're really short on though is corruptors for buffing/debuffing.
Base wise, I've just gone for a pretty small one with as many defences and damage boosters as I can cram in. Was a bit painful having to copy my main over to fill all 12 slots to ensure I had all the salvage needed -
Sod the team as a Mastermind your best off soloing I have yet to play with a decent team in CoV. Solos the way to go on your MM you will get xp so fast that it will make Regens and PL cry.
[/ QUOTE ]
Bit of a broad statement that Rock and I actually think it's incorrect.
Teams on CoV aren't naturally bad, it's just that CoV is harder to play as a team compared to CoH as AT's like MM's and stalkers are clearly built to solo.
Personally, I enjoy CoV more purely becuase of this. I've been venturing back over to CoH a bit more lately and actually found it yawn inducing over there because it's so easy in PvP. On CoV, you always seem to be on the edge more with the weaker heals on there, brutes needing to take damage to inflict it, stalkers being squishy yet having to take out the biggest threats etc.
All that aside, it's VERY rare I end up on a bad team on CoV but that's probably down to the fact I have a wide circle of players I know and team with regularly so we've all worked on MAKING teams work on CoV, rather than on CoH where they work naturally. -
Just thought I'd post in here to try and drum up some support as responses on the Villain side have been very poor.
We're doing a base raid on the test server Sunday evening and at the moment teh heroes have a full team of 16 plus subs while the villains only have about 6.
If anyone can make it, please sign up.
Just thought I'd post in here to try and drum up some support as responses on the Villain side have been very poor.
We're doing a base raid on the test server Sunday evening and at the moment teh heroes have a full team of 16 plus subs while the villains only have about 6.
If anyone can make it, please sign up.
Well, the villain base is now set up on test ready for Sunday but we're STILL short on villains to take part.
For now, it is still happening but those who signed up last on the heroes side may not get a spot on the night.
I suggest we all meet up in Pocket D on test around 18.30 and check numbers then and also see who doesn't mind swapping sides if we are short. -
I've got a heal/end reduction to swap. Prefereably dmg/acc but anything that may be useful foe an ice/ice corruptor accepted
Traps is a bit of an odd set as it has some great powers in it but it also has a hell of a lot of stinkers in there. COmpared to something like /dark, it's not as useful in general team play due to the fact most of it's useful powers require set up. The simple fact is that in the time it takes you to set up, most teams could have wiped the mob by then anyway.
That said, when a team is struggling and are willing to wait for the prep a traps MM needs to do, it can be an awesome set. Also great for defending in base raids
I wouldn't have a /trap for general play but for certain situations, I am glad when one is to hand. -
I can make Monday and Tuesday. Will skip Tuesday though if the teams are tight as Sal needs to get that badge on Chilling
Decided to give an empath a try but not sure how to slot AP.
I was originally planning on 3 recharge, 3 health but after playing with it for a while, it seems to heal all damage in the circumstances I've used it so not sure if the health SO's are needed?
Any feedback on favoured slotting would be appreciated -
My. Best. Kill. Ever(and a fine example of ultimate stupidity)
Scouting round Warburg my katana/regen comes across a brute and I go steaming in. The fight goes on for a while as he hit's Overload and I counter with IH. Build up and a couple of criticals get him down to the orange and he pops some greens, he gets me down and I hit reconstruction. Back and forth it goes for a couple of minutes and he's still popping greens like they're going out of fashion, then he's obviously running out and his end is dropping.
Next thing I know he's popped a Shivan out so I switch targets. The Shivan is down to about 25% HP when I realise he's stopped attacking me. A quick glance and there he is just out of melee range... Resting! Tab+Soaring Dragon, one kill to me
Must admit, resting in the middle of a melee battle is a new one on me, maybe it's the next FOTM tactic -
I thought base raids were disabled in a recent patch so they could get the IoP trial working?
OK, I'm going to be setting up a base for this on Sunday for the villains.
With regards to numbers, we have a full hero team but barely half a villain team.
If anyone knows villains who PvP, point them to this thread as we need more numbers -
It's bugged afaik. It's set to Mag Stupid or something, quite a fuss in the US from what I hear.
Think it's a similar issue to the old Balista numbers, they've just set a decimal in the wrong place.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well if it is something as complicated as a mag number on a database somewhere, that explains why it's taking so long for a fix. Sometimes I despair about about the bugs in this game
My personal annoying one is the team kick on Eden TF because the exemp doesn't work and the fact the pets in it do nothing. How old is this TF now? -
Not sure if it's just me but are there any known problems with this in PvP? It seems to blast through any mez protection I have and BF's seem to to have no effect when I use them?
I'd go ninja blade every time.
Claws has quicker recharge and lower end but lacks the damage of Ninja Blade. Given that a stalker is all about hitting high damage attacks then ducking back out of combat to drop back into hide, the damage is a lot more important.
Claws would be better for prolonged battles to give you lower end a more constant attack chain but stalkers aren't really designed to go toe to toe for prolonged periods -
lol, I was sure the mantra of most PvP'ers was 'it's not the toon, it's the player'
(And before Xanth or Stalk get smart, I know that means i'm screwed regardless of build)
I'll be interested as well.
Can bring a lvl 50 fire/therm or a lvl 45 ice/ice corruptor -
It isn't WAI yet.
It was s'posed to be spawning on a 2-4 hr timer, however, there has only been random rare sightings just as before.
And btw, bring Web Grenades, Air Superiority, and lots of it.
The bugger likes to be airborne
[/ QUOTE ]
How current is that info as the patch the other day listed it as fixed in the patch notes? -
Hm low burst damage, low surviability cause of fire primary(for a tank). Dont make a PvP build.
[/ QUOTE ]
Lol, tell Gatling(think it's him with X-treme?) with his two shotting fire/energy tank
As I said though, It's been sitting at 50 for 6 months and rarely get's touched so better to PvP it and actually use it than just use it to rot. It's mainly going to be for pentad PvP, not zone as #i have other alts for that. In those situations, I don't think many people will even try to take a tank down when there are 3 other easier targets.
Even though it may not be as great defensively as other sets, it's still going to be the hardest target to kill in a Pentad.
Also, the overall feedback I get on FE is that it DOES boost non fire attacks and the text is wrong. My understanding is that it's just not as effective as it is with fire attacks. Once again, it's probably Gatling we need to confirm as I'm sure he uses it even though he's energy for damage.
The initial discussion on FE was in this thread HERE
EDIT: It's not Gatling but is actually X-Treme -
Drop all the slots out of Blazing Aura and put them in taunt.
[/ QUOTE ]
Done. I've updated the build in the OP but basically put the slots in taunt and the one left over in challenge.
Also wondering if I should take the slots out of Ice patch and put them in fiery embrace as to hit buffs? -
I know Fire/Ice isn't the best choice for PvP but as he's sitting at 50 and never get's used, I may as well respec him.
I'm going for pure taunting with him as a team build so any help appreciated. Here's the build i've planned so far
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder - (http://sherksilver.coldfront.net/index.php)
Name: D-Zol
Level: 50
Archetype: Tanker
Primary: Fiery Aura
Secondary: Ice Melee
01) --> Blazing Aura==> Acc(1)
01) --> Frozen Fists==> Acc(1) Acc(3) Dmg(3) Dmg(5) Dmg(5) Rechg(31)
02) --> Fire Shield==> DmgRes(2) DmgRes(7) DmgRes(7) EndRdx(9) EndRdx(9) EndRdx(21)
04) --> Healing Flames==> Rechg(4) Rechg(11) Rechg(11) Heal(13) Heal(13) Heal(15)
06) --> Combat Jumping==> Jump(6) Jump(31) Jump(33)
08) --> Hasten==> Rechg(8) Rechg(15) Rechg(17)
10) --> Taunt==> Acc(10) Acc(27) Rechg(29) Rechg(29) Taunt(31) Taunt(37)
12) --> Plasma Shield==> DmgRes(12) DmgRes(17) DmgRes(19) EndRdx(19) EndRdx(21) EndRdx(46)
14) --> Super Speed==> EndRdx(14)
16) --> Hurdle==> Jump(16) Jump(34) Jump(34)
18) --> Swift==> Run(18) Run(34) Run(36)
20) --> Stamina==> EndMod(20) EndMod(23) EndMod(23)
22) --> Challenge==> Rechg(22) Rechg(37)
24) --> Health==> Heal(24) Heal(25) Heal(25)
26) --> Fiery Embrace==> Rechg(26) Rechg(27) Rechg(37)
28) --> Super Jump==> EndRdx(28)
30) --> Acrobatics==> EndRdx(30) EndRdx(46)
32) --> Ice Patch==> Rechg(32) Rechg(33) Rechg(33)
35) --> Burn==> Rechg(35) Rechg(36) Rechg(36) Dmg(40) Dmg(43) Dmg(43)
38) --> Greater Ice Sword==> Acc(38) Acc(39) Dmg(39) Dmg(39) Dmg(40) Rechg(40)
41) --> Focused Accuracy==> EndRdx(41) EndRdx(42) EndRdx(42) TH_Buf(42) TH_Buf(43) TH_Buf(45)
44) --> Consume==> Rechg(44) Rechg(45) Rechg(45) EndMod(46) EndMod(48)
47) --> Conserve Power==> Rechg(47) Rechg(48) Rechg(48)
49) --> Build Up==> Rechg(49) Rechg(50) Rechg(50) TH_Buf(50)
01) --> Sprint==> Empty(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Empty(1)
01) --> Gauntlet==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Empty(2)
Getting a full attack chain on an ice tank is pain. Mines sitting at 50 and still doesn't have one and I still use boxing in there just to fill in(Even worse, i've actually put 3 extra slots in it!)
Unless you're fire/ice for the ice patch/burn combo, getting any sort of attack chain and damage -
All depends on how you plan to use it. If it's going to be the 'last resort' method, go 2 ACC, 3 damage, 1 recharge. That way you know that when you're in the situation where you have to use it, it will hit and do damage.
Personally, I like mine to be available as much as possible and will use it nearly everytime it recharges so have it slotted 3 recharge, 1 acc, two damage. However, this works because I use aim beforehand and pop a blue before hitting power sink straight after.