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  1. Kinslayer_

    E.V.I.L. Returns

    [ QUOTE ]
    One of our members of the supergroup kindly sorted out the enhancement storage so each box houses the appropriate enhancement (so please dont mix them up).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /e snigger. You've never heard Max how the best way to get a kid to do something is to tell them NOT to do it, then they do it just because it's been forbidden

    Anyway, any particular plans/tactics for Thursday? Not sure how you guys do your raids so I'll need a quick brief before we start on what to target etc.

    (Bloody busy week for me this week. Synapse TF tonight, A hero event Wednesday and this raid Thursday. Don't know when I'm going to be able to fit HO farming this week!)
  2. Phil has a filthy amount of 50's now, spanning two accounts AND both servers. Makes you wonder why he's still such a noob

    Gratz to both of you, especially Idris as that may mean her second villain is next and earning me prestige in the process
  3. Hmm, I suspect you may have some of the 1 AT guys popping in here in a minute. They regularly do mass dings and currently have about half a dozen 49's who've been waiting for the next mass one(a couple of months for some of them. No way I could wait that long just to ding with friends!).

    Not sure if they've timed them simultaneously though or just in the same mission

    EDIT: Ignore that. Just been on the 1 AT forums and doesn't seem like they have done it as they're discussing it on there as well
  4. Aye, agree with Max there. Since I7, taking out objects is really not an option as it takes 3-4 damage dealers a good several minutes to take down a single item and no defenders will leave anyone unmolested that long.
  5. Hmm, I know 'Ghosts' are an RP group. Only person I know in there though is @emba so may want to send her a tell
  6. Yeah, took a while to gbet it up and running with people switching toons due to the pathetic turn out on the hero side and number of no shows but was a good laugh.

    I still worry about the future of raids though as it's so frustrating dying before you've even zoned in.
  7. lol, no idea what mine is but if you just holler on arena, someone will hear
  8. Come on with your hero to start and we'll see what numbers are like for each side before seeing if people need to switch
  9. Send me a tell on @kinslayer and we can sort something out. I'll be on about 19.00 tonight but you'll need to catch me quick as I have a TF at 19.30(if not, can grab me after or at some other time)
  10. But even then, a melee character has to come close anyway so why increase the risk to yourself for no reason when simply standing there will have the same purpose?

    Also, it's not the smartest idea if using when you have a character held and trying to rest. By the time the actual rest period kicks in after the delay, they'll be close to getting out of the hold and hitting you if they're clicking away on attack and killing you thanks to the -RES rest gives.

    If anyone was to duel me and use rest in the middle of a fight, I'll be more than happy to take the rep point off them as only a complete fool will not be able to take advantage of it.
  11. BJB, is there a final/proposed line up for the TF's over the weekend?

    Just so I know which ones I need to be around for and which ones may need a reserve. Can do any of the Sunday/Monday ones. I do have a PvP event on test at 19.00 Sunday though.
  12. Kinslayer_

    New PvP SG!

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'd like to challenge Force Of Immunity to a PvP fight on the test server. Name your times and your terms and we'll be there.

    I'm sure Retribution would like a pop at you as well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    We're a start up SG at the moment. We have a couple of lvl 50's that have been moved over and are solo PvP builds or PvE builds waiting PvP respecs but we've not even really PvP'd together yet so think it's a bit early for us to be accepting challenges, I don't think we even have a Defender in there over 45 at the moment let alone PvP specced!

    Don't worry, I'm sure if it takes off, you'll get plenty of chances to show our lack of team experience up
  13. The raids are fought at lvl 50 with auto SK'ing happening. With Phil switching to villain side and Xanthus not being able to make it, it's now 10-15 so not hugely out of balance as I'm sure there may be a couple of no shows and I can round a few people up on the night.

    Biggest concern now is the hero base. If anyone wants to design one on CoH, please let me know. I'll warr you now though, it takes a bit of time. It took me nearly an hour just to copy all the salvage needed across and needed someone to help me and invite all my alts to the group. 36 million also wnet nowhere near as far as I expected!

    If we are missing the hero base, we can just do one raid on the villain base(the poorer numbers on villains side will also be less of an issue then)
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Err im playing my Ice/Kin Corruptor

    [/ QUOTE ]


    BTW, if anyone wants an invite in advance with a view to playing around with the villain base, let me know.

    Put the basics in but will set it up on Sunday if no one else wants a go
  15. OK, as we're nearly at Sunday, here's a recap on the Base Raid.

    Th plan is to meet in Pocket D at 19.00 to sort out the numbers and sub in for no shows. The villain base for this is up and running.

    So far, the sign up looks like this for heroes:

    1 - Xanthus
    2 - Hammerfall
    3 - Stalk-obot
    4 - Empath
    5 - Quiver/Mystic Madness
    6 - X-Treme
    7 - Jummy
    8 - Double
    9 - Gatling
    10 - Serophina
    11 - Archy
    12 - Stryker
    13 - Globey
    14 - Laustin D'Woods

    On the villain side, we have the following

    1 - Kinslayer
    2 - Sam The Seed
    3 - Neo
    4 - Max Powerz
    5 - Knight Stalker
    6 - Rooks
    7 - Aeonic
    8 - Uncle Al
    9 - Philosopher

    What that means is that only the first 8 heroes to sign up are currently guaranteed a place. I'd recomend everyone coming to Pocket D anyway as I will be trying to round more people up on the day and between now and then and a couple of those on the hero side have said they can switch if we're particularly short. There's also bound to be the usual number of no shows.

    Once again, if you do know any villains who PvP regularly, mention this to them. Even if they don't sign up but just turn up at Pcoket D on the night, we can probably fit them in going on current numbers.
  16. BTW, where can I find the complete list of HO's?

    I need to find all the different types so I can start planning what i'm ultimately after. The end cost on my Corruptor at the moment is a joke and his damage output isn't as great as i'd like. Don't suppose there's dmg/end reduc is there?
  17. I saw a good double MM kill in RV the other day that made me chuckle. Two MM's who were tearing apart several scrappers and blappers as they camped on top of City Hall.

    The attackers tried pet killing, coordinated attacks on a single MM etc but the bodyguard mode was just too much. Then a fire blaster gets buffed up by an emp and pops some reds before running in and nova'ing. Seeing the MM's try to run for their lives after their bodyguard was taken out in one go and a swarm of heroes suddenly saw their chance to get them was quite funny
  18. There's always a silly amount of scrappers in the PvP zones whenever I go there but that's only because everyone wants to play spine regen/sr as they're so easy in PvP.

    That said, there's also plenty of blasters and trollers in the PvP zones.

    Stalker wise, there are a few of them about in Sirens but they've also become less and less effective since people began to understand the importance of +PER powers and as you move on to Warburg and RV they become even less common as more people can fit those powers into their builds. You can always tell who the really good stalkers are as they're the ones that can still do well in the two high level zones despite the fact there's more +PER.

    On the villain side, you also see a reasonable amount of Brutes and Corruptors but Dom's are still a rare sight. I do agree that if I join a PuG in Sirens though, I can normally bank on at least 2-3 of them being stalkers.

    Dominators and Defenders are definitely the two AT's see the least of on each side in the zones, probably because they just become gank fodder for all the stalkers and scrappers after the easy kill
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Hey Kin,

    If you manage to pull her, you REALLY think you will make the sunday one either? She aint that hot then!

    Good luck mate.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Pfft, as soon as she's bought me my breakfast in bed i'll be out of there
  20. Bludd, scratch me from Saturday's runs. Just managed to get my hands on a free ticket to watch my beloved Spurs trounce Everton(also with a very hot and newly single female friend of mine ) but will be about for the Sunday/Monday runs.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Don't worry about Joshua James Stewart he's a cockney and he can't speak english.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    edited for grammar

    But. Neither. Can. You. ROFLMAO

    Nice to hear PvP does happen in BB though. As for MM's, yes, they are a pain with that damn bodyguard!
  22. The 1 AT or Last Line Of Defence are the two SG's I always recommend. Only because I stepped down as leader and left my SG when I moved over to CoV, otherwise the New Bloods would be the only choice ahead of those two rabbles

    1 AT have a seperate SG/VG for each individual AT as well as a recently formed PvP group and are all in coalition with each other. A mix of players from newbs(NOT noobs), CoH guru's, PvP'ers and PvE'ers. Can get a bit rowdy and spamtastic on their forum but are very helpful and great fun to play with

    Last Line Of Defence are a great bunch spanning three SG's and are one of the most laid back and friendly groups you'll come across. They have a VERY active global channel that is always full of banter and the one thing they do pride themselves on is making sure no one has to solo, regardless of level and will always leave teams and exemp down or alt to stop that and don't take themselves too seriously as the game is all about fun for them.

    I can put you in touch with inviters from either of the two if you catch me in game on @kinslayer.
  23. Hmm, not too sure about some of the slotting in there.

    For taunt I'd definitely slot at least one of the taunt durations for a recharge, though i'd probably go two recharge one taunt. I also wouldn't really bother with weave, the bonus from it is so poor for all the slots going in and the end it costs.

    The main thing that confuses me is if this is a PvE or PvP build?

    If it's PvE, there's way too much accuracy in attacks and i'd drop them all to two accuracy and put those as end reducs in toggles. I'd also drop the slots in SS and swift.

    For PvP, you're still stuck with the same end problem so maybe put end reducs in SS. You can also drop the taunts in chillinh embrace if it's for PvP. Not sure of the exact mechanics in terms of PvP but taunt aura's are pretty useless in there and certainly not worth spending slots on. Also, as Standoff says, swap swift for hurdle.

    A little hard to really comment though until I know if it's a PvE, PvP or mixed build. The attack slotting kind of makes sense for PvE to give you a very quick cycle to help aggro but makes no sense for PvP where simply attacking doesn't seem to taunt other players.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    I would recommend going for MA/SR should a quick/fast unslowable Ninja

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How much use is the slow protection though? I know SR's have it but i've never noticed them being any tougher to slow than anyone else when i'm on my ice/ice corruptor?

    Anyway, I think the point of this thread is that it's pretty hard to gimp a scrapper in PvP, regardless of primary/secondary