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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    My [Censored] is huge. Seriously.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ROFLOL! I actually expected Liquid to throw that out before you. hehe
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Difficulty sliders wont mean anything to the lvl 50s, dont look forward to lvl 50 guys there is no raid content or actually ANYTHING to do after you have all the badges/accolades which is basiclly just going back and killing grey mobs over and over.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No [censored]?

    Look...go back to the Zek servers where people with your nasty disposition belong...

    I came here to get AWAY from [censored] like you. I pay to play CoH because I want to relax, have a good time, talk to friends, and enjoy a leisure activity. I'm not here to try to prove my [Censored] is bigger, harder, stronger, or faster than yours or anyone else's. It has nothing to do with "carebear" and has everything to do with not having to deal with jerkwater attitudes when I'm trying to RELAX. You, here, are proving why I steer clear of PvP environs...
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    dont you think its time we atleast learn what is on this update?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nope. I like to be surprised.

    [ QUOTE ]
    All of my lvl 50 friends have quit and im on the fence, we need PVP, new content etc etc and I dont see any of that on the horizon

    [/ QUOTE ]

    We need?! No... YOU want... CoV is PvP (optional) ALL content is "new" content. If you can't see it, it's because you don't want to... Just another whine to be whining anonymous chatter...
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    No kidding, I get enhancements more often on yellows and lower. More often on blue than anything (they're crap but they're there) I've killed lots of guys yellow and above (only thing I won't touch is purple bosses and large groups of purple minions and Lts.(Yes I'm a blaster)). And I hardly ever come across an enhancement.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm getting few, if any, enhancements from blue-... I get a goodly share on whites and yellows, and every orange and red has been dropping them for me (on Cenobite...he's all I play now).

    Just my own personal experience.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I really hate those minimum level enemies, that recruitment officer I ignored cause I could, but that lvl 30 rikti boss in a 27 mission was 2 shotting me on ranged and one shotting me on melee, had to come back a level later bust every possible insp and then used my newly acquired short circuit to keep him from doing anything to me. Those things need some fixing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The Education Officer's been fixed since the "Purple Patch". Even then, I did him on every alt that's made it to 18 even when he wsa spawning at a fixed level 20. He dun spawn like that no more...

    As to the others, I think anyone who demands they be changed is a wuss... But that's just me. I've done both the Rikti Chief Soldier and the Nemesis "Mysterious Soldier" at between levels 27 and 29 on various alts... Every last time, they were level 30 mobs (because, frankly, that's the lowest level they can spawn...and it's getting pretty tiring having to reiterate that constantly...). It's been like that since release, it's been like that through the "Purple Patch", and I hope it continues to be just like that.

    Again, per Statesman's own words, "Sometimes you'll just have to call on assistance" (well...okay, that was a was more like "you won't be able to solo everything").

    I'm looking forward to facing the challenges those 2 particular missions represent once Cenobite reaches them... I hope to all that is holy, and un, that these remain untouched.
  5. Oh, I already got that far... When you add that Requiem was found, and apprehended, in another dimension through a Portal Corp portal device (and all the ruptures he was creating all over the place to rip our dimension apart), gods only know what he brought from the depths of the Outer Realms dimensions before he was apprehended (ignoring the fact he's apprehended nearly daily by various heroes lol).
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    It wasn't a Mel Brooks movie... it was argh what's the name

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I was just referring to Mel Brooks being able to play the spittin' image of good ol' 'dolf...
  7. [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No more Mel Brooks...please...
  8. I fear that they were all discovered and are being interrogated...or worse, that they've been tortured for what information they held, then killed. I would venture to say the former, as this still leaves them as leverage against those warriors for Light.

    I fear, though, that all our working on stopping them from harnessing the magicks of the Circle of Thorns may have been unsuccessful. With Nosferatu and Requiem locked up, and the rest left to their own devices, who knows what sort of being they may have brought to the fore... Creatures of the Lower Depths have the ability to warp and mold minds to their bidding...
  9. Apparently, Bladewraith's incursions into Requiem's territory, and the subdual and capture of Requiem himself, has not only not halted their activities, it seems to have left the door open for a possibly more reviled leader than he was.

    I will, indeed, need to notify Portal Corp that my incursions into other dimensions to repair their own screw-ups are going to have to be put on hold while I investigate this possible new threat.

    ...the seeds of hatred shall be made sterile by furious righteousness!
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Thsi seems a very simple fix. What's taking so long?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Take a drive on over to Cryptic's studios and poke that code fix in there will ya? I mean, very simple, right? Go for it. Please.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I could SO go on, but it's all your fault for referencing Lovecraft...

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    This is probably NOT the time to point out that DE Devoured have mouths that look just like Cthulhu.

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    Oh I knew they were Lovecraftian the moment I saw one of those beasts for the first time. In fact, their whole principle and look are so Dagon-esque there's no way it could be accidental.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Shiver me timbers! It's Long John Nyarlathotep!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Captain Cthulu!

    Mutiny on Yog Sothoth!

    Dagon Jones' Locker!

    Shiver me Reanimators!

    Captain Azathoth, he has the Innsmouth Look about him...

    I could SO go on, but it's all your fault for referencing Lovecraft...
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Someone remind me of the name of Issue 1?

    Nevermind... Through the Looking Glass.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Right, which was also already mentioned by someone else, I believe, as a reference to Alice in Wonderland who fell through the rabit hole (Portal Corp portals) into another world (dimensions)...
  14. In actuality, Kraken is spawning once roughly every 2-5 minutes, and he's spawning day and night... It was server daytime when I killed him 3 times for people.
  15. Ahhh..did it. Terra/Tanya Tyler story arc... Same holds true, and I was the only melee usually. (yes...lots of people in a group, ran the arc. Yupyup.)
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    It's their call and their game, but if I were on the dev team, I would look at the climate of feedback and discussion among players right now, and consider it the number 2 priority, after fixing the problems with Issue 2.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Who's to say that its NOT their priority right now, though? Something as important as difficulty sliders, which have a larger chance of unbalancing or screwing up the game needs to be well thought out and thouroghly tested. Just because it may take a few months to work it out doesen't mean its not a priority. It's just using common sense.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My present prediction is the abuse/exploit of the difficulty slider to turn normal missions into "Portal Mission" type pharm-fests...
  17. Really? I slaughter red+ de's in large groups now for FUN. I USED to have to avoid them. Now I look for them.

    DE's turned into a cakewalk...except the sentries. I hate those. lol I'll take 'em out when I need to on an indoor mission, but I avoid them in the open.
  18. Maybe it's because, for the most part, scrapper powers are smashing/lethal based? I dunno... Yeah, I know 2 have poison/poison dot and dark energy instead of lethal, but I think they've been going on that being the exceptions instead of the rule... *shrugs*

    I'd think that's the main reason there's not a matching scrapper primary to tanker secondaries...

    I dunno...that's out of left field, but it's a thought.

    Why shouldn't there be? There could, or not, makes no nevermind to me, really... Why should there?
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    And I'm probably a little fired up because I've had all day to think about it.

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    ...and...see...therein lies the virtue of waking up earlier than normal and reading the boards first thing in the morning, like I do!

    I have to be at work at noon...I was up at 8am, reading the forums...if there was nothing going on, I'd have gone back to bed... Update #2 live AND Invasion?! I logged on and played until I was almost late for work. I got a taste of what I'm going to get to enjoy over the weekend.

    I'm at work now too, you see? But I don't feel they're being unfair, cheating me, etc... I also don't think they are being disrespectful of my Work Ethic (referring to the OP, not you) by releasing it during the day...
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Ok, you're not getting it. If the content is here and gone when only part of the people who can play it are available, then it's cheating the other people who want to play.

    To make sure that doesn't happen, and I'm assuming (look out) that Cryptic will keep this content up all day and hopefully for 24 hours, then there's nothing to worry about.

    If it changes, they some people missed it. But if the typical gamer who is on for 2-3 hours a day every day can't get the content because it was only for 8 hours while they were working, then it's a shame for them.

    And please stop with the agressive tone. I'm asking for a discussion if you will, not a dungflinging contest.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    When you state a position that has any sort of real validity, maybe it will be discussed in a more calm demeanor...

    Again, the "bummer" feeling is understandable... To become so insensed as to post a "you hate my religion?!" type of remark is beyond ridiculous.

    Again, there is NO WAY on this or any other planet, and in no dimension of the multiverse, that the devs could schedule it to "be fair" to every last player.

    I pose the challenge to you again.

    Find a day and time that EVERY LAST PLAYER can log in without "conflict" (how people can view a video game as a "conflict" over real life leaves me with a deep sadness over the fate of the human race...) with real life "commitments", then I'm sure the devs will do it.

    Please. Post it. I want to know when they can do something that is "fair" to EVERYONE...

    In summation: It's not an issue of fair or unfair, cheating players, anti-[enteryourreligionhere], or any such thing. It was released at a time most convenient for the poeple who work on and maintain the game FOR A LIVING... You know...the people with the red names? The ones who CREATE the thing?

    All else is secondary to what works best for THEM... And that is as it should be.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    That's not the point. It's not like the game came out today. The point is that there is limited time content that is available today, and people will miss out on part of that content due to prior commitment. I'm not trying to argue with you, I'm trying to say that up to this point, there's only been one invasion, and that was on beta. I've been iching to get in on that content since it was expected another would take place. It looks like one is now, and there already have been people saying that the wave is over.

    That bothers me, because I'm still at work, and would have missed content of the game. Yes, it's expected that there will be things going on all weekend. But even missing a part of that is something I would feel cheated in. I'm still at work, despite wanting to play, because work is more important. But I LIKE playing the game, and missing out on things does make me upset.

    But it's only a game.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If it's "only a game," why this persecution complex over it?

    My gods, if they released it this evening, people who work nights and early am shifts would be complaining that THEY have to work... Are you going to decry their being deprived of content "they pay for"?!


    Post a day and time that every last player of this game will be able to partake of the content, and we'll be sure to get every player sign on to asking that that micro-second be the precise moment in space-time that an event will be run...
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Let's say you're SO wants to get married on the same day that your favorite football team is in the Superbowl. You'd be torn, right?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ...crack baby... Am I right?

    WTH kind of a comment is that?! For [censored]'s sake HELL NO I wouldn't be torn!

    IMHO, if you are torn between getting married and watching your favorite sports team, you're either too immature to get married, or you don't love them.


    That was a ridiculously poor comparison...

    [ QUOTE ]
    They could have made this tomorrow, or Monday. Picking today just happened to be a day that some people find important for other reasons.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wow...again, the argument that ANY day they pick, some people would find exception to and complain about. THAT is the point some of US are making.

    Monday? I work on monday, just like I work on thursday... It's equally inconvenient, either way. See, there's the key's a matter of convenience...

    If they hold things off until every last person in the game can freely enjoy it at release? We'd NEVER get ANYTHING.

    To feel personally religiously persecuted over what day it's released is supremely egomaniacal...
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    They released issue 2 the begining of my 5 day weekend.

    All is well

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You knew it was coming and put in for 3 extra days off, didn't you... DIDN'T YOU!!!!

  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Well, when is the right time to release it then?

    People didn't like that it was released on a work/school day.

    Weekends are bad because there's noone around to fix any problems.

    Holy days are out.

    Religious observance days are out.

    So we're agreed then.... game releases, fixes, patches, and updates can only occur once every four years on on February 29th!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sorry...that's my brother's birthday and we make a big deal about it, as he's, going on date alone, only 6 years old...
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Looking at my calendar, I see that Rosh Hashanah began Wednesday, September 15th. Today happens to be the 16th.

    I admit my ignorance of Jewish Holidays, but I assumed religious observances for Rosh Hashanah began the same night it began.

    BTW, (/sarcasm on) Why didn't the devs call in to work for me today? I could have been home playing CoH if they had just arranged a day off for me. Gosh, they're SO inconsiderate. (/sarcasm off)

    Enjoy your holy dude, remember why you're there (Some things are bigger and more important than MMORPGs, flamers be darned) and realize the game, event and all, will still be there tonight. I don't get off till 8:30pm, and if there's still portals with aliens there for me, they will be there for you too!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's because anyone who knows anything about the jewish faith knows that Rosh Hashanah is a two day event.

    Oh, and I'm Catholic, and I'm pissed at this as well. If they released it on Christmas, I would be furious. I think it's rather insensitive to some people that they did this, as some people will have to miss out on some content, mainly the invasion, which may drag on for more than a day, but it's still content.

    What would you say if they went live with 3 on 1AM New Years day?

    Insensitive bastards.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'd say "AWESOME!" because I'd have the day off!

    Ask me how I'd feel if it was released on Samhain... Ask me how I'd feel if it was released on Alban Arthuan, Oimelc, Alban Eiler, or even Beltaine! (those are some of MY religion's know when they are?)

    I'd equally say "AWESOME!" Why? Because, no matter WHAT day or time they released the update, SOMEONE would complain. There is no pleasing everyone...