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If anyone cares, here is cracked's take on the trailer.
Quote:Zooey Deschanel won't hurt it either.I never even heard of this movie until I saw this thread. It sort of looks like an updated Princess Bride with a little bit of Blackadder and classic Mel Brooks thrown in. Obviously having a quick "Natalie in a thong" scene will probably earn this movie an extra few dozen million all by itself.
Too bad we have to wait until next April for this one. -
If this has been post already I'm sorry.
I'm just so excited about seeing Natalie Portman in a thong.
Also it looks like it might be better then a serious middle age movie. -
You should hotlink the packs to what they offer in the announcement.
Quote:Keeping hope alive I see?Eh, it's Michael Caine saying it, not Nolan. His interpretation is as valid as any one of ours.
And there is nothing to say that Cobb wasn't dreaming his meeting with Caine (and in fact, the whole "real" world) along the lines Mal was suggesting when she killed herself. -
Nukes don't hurt but fist of rage will do the job!
What a piece of ****. -
Thanks for the replies, I also find geas easier to get. I misses a lot of the mayhem missions villain side since I'm don't really like doing radio missions.
With the most common accolades which do you think would be easiest to get villain side and easiest to get hero side?
Some seem obvious like demonic villain side and geas hero side, I just want some opinions please. -
I posted this in a different thread but still....
People that stop 50 feet from the next car at a red light and move up 10 feet, stop, move 10 more, stop, move 10 more, stop while the light is still red. -
I forgot to mention something in the OP overall I'm a pretty level headed person and don't get angry at most things in life especially the unimportant stuff that happens all the time except....
I have some weird mental tick that makes me hulk rage is adults that talk during a movie. Most of the time this is not a problem but every once in awhile you get someone that has to share their opinion with everyone else in the theater (I get mad just thinking about it). This movie sadly had not one, not two but three of these mouth breathing morons.
I sit down and and behind me is two older guys so I thought they would be safe, well a few mins into the movie I realized I was very wrong, they must of worked on a railway or something similar cause they were nit picking every ******* detail about trains and how they worked. Hulk rage on, I turn completely around in my seat and stare at them for a full min until they get the hint, shut up or I want to be apart of the conversation.
On my left is two women and their dates, for the most part they said stuff pretty quietly but one lady couldn't help but yell at the scene all the time about stuff happening. The entire theater could hear her I'm sure. In front of me was a guy BY HIMSELF talking about the movie and giving opinions about everything happening as well (he wasn't yelling at least). I could feel like blood vessels in my brain about to pop. I said so the entire theater could hear, 'would you please shut the hell up' (not sure why I added please). Then I hear a few people laugh and some other people say 'thank god'.
I didn't hear another word the rest of the movie, I was so pleased with myself. I didn't pay that money to hear this idiots who think they are so witty give comments throughout the movie.
Oh and people that stop 50 feet from the next car at a red light and move up 10 feet, stop, move 10 more, stop, move 10 more, stop while the light is still red can eat a bowl of... well you know. -
I wasn't really sure if this is the proper place to post this but I was kind of confused today when I received an email from a GM about a petition I sent asking 'how to reset my chat tabs' which is odd cause I'm pretty sure I didn't sent that petition, also I already know how to do it.
Shrug who knows, anyone else have this happen? -
I didn't see any post about this movie and I'm not gonna give a few review of the movie. I just wanted to say this was a pretty good movie with some great acting and was a nice change of pace not being completely CGI, most of the action was believable.
One thing that bugged me though I will post lower down so you can avoid it and maybe you won't notice it. Here goes.....
They went crazy with the pan and scan shots, where they have a shot of an actor or action scene and then rotate the camera around the person. It got to the point I thought it was going to make me sick.
It is funny that Chris Pine was in two movies with two very annoying camera effects this and star treks infamous lens flare. -
Wish they would've explained why the kids couldn't remember him dying but overall it was a pretty funny arc.
Seems if he was stabbed in the butt he was either running away (can't blame him) or it was staged for PR. If you gave me a chance to pick where I would prefer to be stabbed I would pick the butt, I've got a lot of junk in the truck so it probably wouldn't even hurt.
Quote:From the sentinel?
him getting reduced to a skeleton in one shot was way more shocking than Mags delacing him.
Also this picture shocked me cause of the art and how graphic it was.
I thought part of the 'fail' was the spelling of jewellery but turns out that is England spelling of the word. Learn something new everyday.
Quote:BTW how did you come up with that name?Cody: That's C-4, dip ****. Put that back. I said a detonator! I need some dudes who speak American god dammit! He's making a ******* sweater here, I'm tryin' to put Tiger Balm on this jungle's nuts. -
Honest I don't know for sure. I could be completely off base about it, just something I was thinking about while looking at the bonuses. Maybe the level shift wouldn't transfer to the pets so if the new content is geared toward people that should have the level shift the pets would be even weaker in that setting.
Again I'm not say it as fact it was just a passing thought, plus I kind of suck on masterminds (but keep making em for some reason...) -
I understand it feels good to vent every once and awhile, I'm more worried about my masterminds since one it doesn't look like the bonus will help as much with pets as other sets and pets are gonna be pretty weak against higher level npcs as they are already at -1, -2 or -3.