885 -
Was merely commenting on the fact that you shouldn't copy and paste the EXACT SAME THREAD onto two different areas of the board.
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Wich is against the rules...
But we all know this boards are full of trolls with no social life, waiting for someone to try and piss off; so why bother giving them any attention and even replying to their posts that are just 'ROFL' 'LMAO' 'HAHAHA' or useless and unmotivated attacks on the SG?
I have no free slots on Union but I'd seriously consider joining if I should get bored of one of them, good luck in the meantime [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] -
Invincibility is a pretty good taunt aura. But a taunt aura is no good when you are only affecting self.
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TBH I never had any problem with the Rage crash on my Invuln because I think the 'only affecting self' means that your aura isn't debuffing or damaging anything and since Invincibility isn't damage nor debuff it should work, or at least it always looked like it works after a Rage crash. -
To anyone suggesting it:
Hamidon attacks, spawn mitos and laughs at you even with NO ENDURANCE.
It's been changed a while back to avoid that kind of tactic.
Maybe the confuses have magnitudes just like holds....
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Bindun. Some guys from the US were successfully able to confuse a mitochondira. The only problem was, it actually didn't have enough damage to hit Hamidon over his regeneration rate.
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But the blue one could help with the holdings.
Only problem being: better 10 trollers to hold or a single confuzzled Mito? -
Once again, good luck guys and sorry I can't lead the taunt team again
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But you could've joined anyway...
Maybe with the scrapper to pound him? -
Hmm after teaming with a stone/stone tank at level 20 and me at 22 with Taunt SO's in Taunt & CE, she still manged to grab the aggro from me with just taunt... am I missing somethink?
[/ QUOTE ]Taunt effects don't stack, the lastest effect applied to a target is the one that will take effect. Also, as a related note, placate and taunt override each other.
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Actually, Taunt duration DOES stack, Bridger said somewhere that for A to taunt something that's already been taunted by B, A has to apply a Taunt Duration of DOUBLE the duration of B.
So, since Taunt lasts like 5x times the taunt duration of CE and Gauntlet you'll easily be out-taunted by anyone with Taunt if you run only CE and rely on Gauntlet.
And it's not only with Rage that you'll risk losing the aggro of an AV but if someone does more damage than you (not hard) and you don't have enough taunt duration (wich is likely since on AVs taunt lasts a very short amount of time)they'll just turn on someone else. -
Stage & i both have L50 trollers
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Wich tells enough on how any n00b can hit lvl 50...
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yeah, even you hit 50
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Nice to see stage keeping up with his insults
EDIT: My blaster has one epic hold with power boost and will have vanguard by then if this is where we sign up
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the show mate... the SHOW!
plus you gotta admit, that was one way too easy to miss
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I would've been offended if you didn't replied like that -
All Healing powers heal a static amount of Health based upon the level and AT of the user. Most healing powers scale at the same speed as the Health of the user making it look like they're calculated as a percentage.
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That explains most of it, thanks
But still, the respites should heals a % of your health, but they don't if you have any kind of HP buff.. -
I thought they'd fixed it? Then again haven't actually tried to find out.
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They did, but when we made it first time we put an 8 men team together, famed the PvP mishes in warburg and then everyone sent the petition for the Mu Guardians and Fortunata Seer gladiators -
Stage & i both have L50 trollers
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Wich tells enough on how any n00b can hit lvl 50... -
Yeah, LR was based on the premise that the patch wouldnt be here to lower regen of GM's & AV's before the raid. As i said in the raid guide i put up, LR may be needed at some point, but i will signal to the Rad TL (Double) if/when this will be needed.
Just clearing up confusion
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Okies, but we'll all blame you if this goes wrong, remember -
For reference, my planned ice/axe build (slightly different from what I have, wanted to see if I liked icicles, wasn't worth it):
And how I'd build an ice/SS:
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I don't see Taunt in any of the build you proposed so I hope you get a backup, taunting, proper tanker when trying AVs because they'll just ignore you if they're not taunted due to the last changes (unless you 3 slot all your attacks for taunt...) and they're likely to cause some big messes.
Trust me, you WILL want hoarfrost. Not only is it non-interruptible and fast, it also heals way more than aid self, and because of the max HP increaqse, it will increase aid self's effectiviness.
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It _should_ increase the effectivness of Aid Self but it doesn't.
Any power that heals a % of your HPs (like respites and Aid Self) isn't affected by any HP buff, that's why a Respite used on a dwarf-form kheldian heals like 10% of your hp and the amount Aid Self heals is always the same, Hoarfrost or not.... -
ok best way I got them on my hero was to get a hero to level 15 and do the bloody bay mission with 7 other people, usually spawns enough Mu's to get the badge. Maybe start a thread to see if anyone else needs the badge for heroes.
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Do that then send a mass-petition to earn the badge -
My red phone is flashing... I'll go put my shin pads on.
As for Pirates... whatever they're taking, I'll have seven.
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She's 15.
So am I.
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I don't wanna know how you know her age, but I hope you're not as tedious as she is -
Actually, the only purpose of the Rad team was to have a team to poke for Accellerate Metabolism.
The main purpose of the team is to use AM as much as possible, even only that for the whole raid and you'll have done enough.
Lingering Rad will hardly be needed because with the spamming of Transfusion Hami's regen will be pretty much floored.
RI instead is important because it'll make everyone able to hit Hamidon without accuracy enhancements and allow to slot for maximum effects the various powers. -
My red phone is flashing... I'll go put my shin pads on.
As for Pirates... whatever they're taking, I'll have seven.
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Must....slay....pink....girly.... -
or just use Phase Shift if u have that ...
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Hamidon hits trough the Phaseshift from the Pool since a while back (I5 or possibly I4), aswell as trough Nebulous Form from the WS powers so it should hit trough Q-Flight aswell.
Hyper Phase is the only power that saves you from Hamidon's hits AFAIK. -
Against Nemesis, I had Rock and Brimstone on, but it has happened with Granite on in PvP. The trouble I find with having Granite and Rooted is that it makes me so slow I can't get to the fight before it's over.
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If you only had Rock and Brimstone it's obvious you got toggle dropped after a Stun because you were without Rooted.
The slow of Rooted is one of the reason that almost any Stone tanker (if not all) picks Teleport as travel power so they can move around while Rooted.
In PvP is easier to stack enough status to drop a GA, especially against Nrg Meleers that can Total Focus you (mag 4 disorient if they're lucky) and then maybe use Stun and Bone Smasher to stun you. -
Here's a question for badge experts - is it possible to get the Heart of the Hamidon exploration badge without going on a Hamdion raid?
Or do you die too quickly to reach the spot where it's lying, and the only chance of getting it is after the Hamidon's been defeated?
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I've got it way before my first hamidon raid, as soon as I hit 45 I've gone in there and Superjumped in the blob 3-4 times till I landed on the badge.
Or you can use the temp power from Warburg (Hyper Phase?) to go in there untouched. -
Indeed, as everyone else said, Aid Self is far better than Tough for survivability purposes, it won't save you from one-shotting of some kind of mobs(PPs, Buffed nemmies and werewolves in general) but overall the numbers are better.
On my tank I have 3 heals, 2 interrupt redux and 1 recharge altho I may switch an interrupt for a recharge or end redux. -
Would A rad/rad defender be of any use there?
If so i'll glady join the raid... I'll try to reach 50 in due time, however it is almost sure that i'll need to be sked.
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There's a full rad team in wich you're more than welcome because Accellerate Metabolism and Radiation Infection are really needed in a raid. -
Strange though it may sound, I'm looking forward to the hours of waiting around and the massive debt that I'll probably get...is that wrong?
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Nah, that's not strange, it's what Hamidon is all about: debt and waiting
And Shannon, if they haven't changed Hamidon since last raid, he hits for 935.04 point of untyped damage if you're level 50, wich is more than 2/3 of a scrapper's health (based on Dr. Rock number and without accolades I assume) while it's 1/2 of a tanker's HP (still without accolade and based on Dr. Rock's numbers) so if while dropping into Hami an Antibodies hits someone along with Hami (780 odd damage from the Mito IIRC) the Tanker will leave to heal himself and go on while the scrapper will have to rez or be rezd unless he has DP running.
But in this case (with DP) a Tanker will be able to take 3-4 hits before goin down while a scrapper only 2-3.
After the drop it won't matter if they're scrapper or tanker cause the healing blanket won't allow anyone to plant regardless of the AT unless they run around in the blob -
Yeh but EM is REALLY pants till you get Energy Transfer and Total Focus because the other attacks do very little damage..
On my Ice/Nrg the most damaging thing that I had before Energy Transfer it's been Icicles, I ditched Whiling Hands because the damage ain't even close to the one from a PP
All in all the build looks good but they already said anything
If you want something different try Invuln/Stone, or Mace, those combinations are really rare while Invuln/EM is pretty common aswell -
I don't think this method of tanking hamidon is as good as the method we use on Defiant.
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Sure, try keeping a single tanker alive with 2 empaths while every mito is trying his besto to whipe everyone.
The main use of tanker here is not to TANK hamidon, just to keep his attention away from the turtle.
The tankers don't have dedicated healers, specific specs to follow or anything else to do, they just have to survive till they're near the blob and put taunt on auto fire after they're in range of the Transfusions, this way they'll already have done what's needed. -
I'm inclined to say you can hold a very solid build without needing stamina at all, there are more useful powers to take than hurdle/health et al.
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If you plan on having 3-4 toggles running (Tactics, Superior Invis, Travel Power and the Epic Shield) you WILL need Stamina or you won't be able to do nothing at all.
I'd never skip stamina on this build since you have lots of stuff to do and the endurance is never enough, even with Transference.
I managed to pick anything bar Group Invis, Fulcrum and Repel on my build along with 2 travel power, Stamina and 3 epics.
The build is REALLY thight but can be done. -
I my raid taunting was done by a full tanker team on one 'side' of Hami near enough to him to be in the AoE of the Transfusions but out of the way from the Holding group.
All they needed to do was survive till they landed and the healing blanket started, then they were pretty much safe as anyone else in there.
Phil even complained cos he never planted once....