Medicine vs Fighting




Hello folks. What do you think it will be better for a Ice/Nrg Tanker: Aid Other+Aid Self or Boxing+Tough? Even with Hoarfrost and Hibernate, its still a pain when I run into a +3mob. Thanks in advance

@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant

Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]



Well you go get a self heal(hoarfrost) but you have plenty of defense as an ice tanker, gee this is a complicated one.



Actually I use Hoarfrost before battle to increase my HP.. :P

@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant

Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]



Boxing + Tough, so if something DOES hit you, you'll take less damage, try to fit Weave in if you can too for extra defence.



Here's some testing I did on Aid Self back in the day (time values are approximate but reasonably accurate):

I've now had a chance to do a little testing with Aid Self on the test server. I used a lvl 33 and a lvl 50 version of myself to do the testing. Here are the test conditions and results for people to have a look at:

__________________________________________________ ____________

Aid Self testing -

Lvl 33 inv/mace tank with 1420 health. No accolades, therefore no need to adjust my base health figure. Hasten remained turned off. Aid Self was slotted with lvl 35 SO's (i.e. green +2's)

slotted 2 heal/2 recharge/2 decrease interupt - heals for 482 points and recharges in about 16 seconds
(heals 33.94% of hp every 16 seconds)

slotted 2 heal/1 recharge/3 decrease interupt - heals for 482 points and recharges in about 19 seconds
(heals 33.94% of hp every 19 seconds)

slotted 1 heal/2 recharge/3 decrease interupt - heals for 380 points and recharges in about 16 seconds
(heals 26.76% of hp every 16 seconds)

slotted 3 heal/3 decrease interupt - heals for 584 points and recharges in about 25 seconds
(heals 41.13% of hp every 25 seconds)

slotted 3 recharge/3 decrease interupt - heals for 278 points and recharges in about 14 seconds
(heals 19.58% of hp every 14 seconds)

lvl 50 inv/mace tank with 2155.2 health. I have Freedom Phalanx Reserve and Portal Jockey Accolades at lvl 50 which bumps my health up 15%. I've adjusted my health accordingly to get an actual base health figure of 1874. Hasten remained turned off. Aid Self was slotted with lvl 50 SO's (i.e. white even levels).

slotted 2 heal/2 recharge/2 decrease interupt - heals for 612 points and recharges in about 16 seconds
(heals 32.66% of hp every 16 seconds)

slotted 2 heal/1 recharge/3 decrease interupt - heals for 612 points and recharges in about 19 seconds
(heals 32.66% of hp every 19 seconds)

slotted 1 heal/2 recharge/3 decrease interupt - heals for 490 points and recharges in about 16 seconds
(heals 26.14% of hp every 16 seconds)

slotted 3 heal/3 decrease interupt - heals for 734 points and recharges in about 25 seconds
(heals 39.18% of hp every 25 seconds)

slotted 3 recharge/3 decrease interupt - heals for 367 points and recharges in about 14 seconds
(heals 19.58% of hp every 14 seconds)

__________________________________________________ ____________

[/ QUOTE ]

I went with 2 interupt reduction, 2 heal, 2 recharge with my Inv tanker. As a defense based tanker you could probably decrease the number of interupt reductions and go for more heal or more recharge if you liked.

1 decrease interupt, 3 heal and 2 recharge would get you about 40% of your hit points back every 16 seconds or so (add another 3 or 4 seconds for power activation). To me that looks like a much better return on power picks than the ~ 25% resistance you get to just smashing/lethal damage from 3-slotted Tough. Aid Self needs a couple more slots to shine than Tough but I think they're worth it.

Defiant 50�s: Generalissimo, Righteous Bob, Splortch, Brutus Cayuga
Union 50's: Chimera Obscura, Diet Anthracite, Grim Proctologist, Puny Little Minion, Raging Bitumen

In Soviet Russia, mission farm you!



As a mostly Defense based Tanker you'll likely get more out of self healing than a bit of Resistance.



I never got the point of tough anyway seamed a pointless end drain to me for an ice tank. Aid self all the way. With Aid self you turn into a sort of 'regen' tanker, due to having three heals and you can tank better vs toxic/psi.

p.s. Good to see another person with Ice/Energy, I'm looking forward to my nerfs next issue.



I'm picking Aid Self then. And just for the record.. Ice Tanker was my first character ever (on CoH beta test)

@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant

Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]



Im not sure there is a whole stack in it... Personally Im getting both...

FOr me, the choice about medicine pool is usuallly concept. Many toons simply wouldnt carry round a tricorder...



Go Aid Other + Aid self, the numbers are simply to low for tough, not to mention the endurance cost. Aid self is more reliably and gives you more survivability imo.



Okay then, Aid Self FTW!



Indeed, as everyone else said, Aid Self is far better than Tough for survivability purposes, it won't save you from one-shotting of some kind of mobs(PPs, Buffed nemmies and werewolves in general) but overall the numbers are better.
On my tank I have 3 heals, 2 interrupt redux and 1 recharge altho I may switch an interrupt for a recharge or end redux.



Getting both is the best of all!



I have both Aid Self and Tough I picked up Stimulant instead of Aid Other though - I figured that helping to keep defenders/controllers/blappers unmezzed would be more useful than throwing out the odd unslotted heal.

Defiant 50�s: Generalissimo, Righteous Bob, Splortch, Brutus Cayuga
Union 50's: Chimera Obscura, Diet Anthracite, Grim Proctologist, Puny Little Minion, Raging Bitumen

In Soviet Russia, mission farm you!