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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
    If Nuke is designed to be a "panic button", then it's gotta come out fast. Fortunata's nuke is what I consider the best nuke in the game. It has no crash and its damage is pretty high. The best thing about Fort's nuke is the stacking Stuns and the fact that it comes out so quick. Total activation time is still about 3s but it comes out first and then you are stuck in that animation. It is better than jumping in and waiting for 3s for the nuke to come out.
    /this - love my Fort's nuke to death.
  2. I'd be in favor of the crashes going away. Would actually use the powers, then.
  3. With the servers down, took the opportunity to go see the movie.

    Best movie I've seen in quite a while.

    I definitely squeed! when I see the original human torch.

    Chris Evans pulled Cap off. I really had my doubts, but he did it.

    Hugo Weaving. Well, it's hard to think of a superhero movie with a villain of his quality.

    Tommy Lee Jones stole almost every scene he was in.

    Peggy Carter was a strong female presence. Very happy for that.

    Even Sgt. Bucky worked for me.

    Loved how the Howling Commandos were Cap's group.

    Still not a fan of their version of Nick, but at least he's not the real Nick so it's more acceptable.

    Really looking forward to the Avengers.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vanden View Post
    After i21, there will be more Keyes runs. They're changing it so that you can't get a Very Rare drop from BAF or Lambda and the chance of a Rare from them will be reduced too, so you'll have to run Keyes and Underground to get any Very Rares and Rares at a fair rate. The idea is that since they all give the same salvage, players will run BAF and Lambda to get their commons and uncommons, then upgrade to the tougher Keyes and Underground to get their rares. From an interview in GamePro.
    Well, hope that is not correct.

    Edit - ah, now I get it. Took a while with my bad eyesight.

    Tsk, tsk.

  6. Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Incarnate Trial.

    Like some others, I had a reflexive response to Trials. Ugh. Not a raider. Not going to be a raider.

    Still, making my characters more powerful - so I gave it a shot. Got a few characters done, then gave up on the process.

    Took a break for about 3 weeks, then came back to the Trials on a whim.

    For several reasons, I'm doing better with them than I had. Felt like sharing hoping this helps some others on possibly enjoying them more.

    1 - New Lore pets - Most of my characters can now find something reasonable for the character concept, as opposed to automatically picking a Vicky. Makes me feel much more attached for the power to the individual character. Having the power make more sense is really helpful. Now if only they didn't shimmer.

    2 - Keyes - I know this is a backhanded compliment, but Keyes really makes me appreciate BAF and Lam! I was always pretty comfortable with BAF, but Lambda is so much less gimmicky than Keyes.

    3 - Multiple servers - this isn't new for me, but I play on 3 servers. If a trial isn't forming on one server, I just cycle through until I connect. If I only played on one server (not Freedom or Virtue), I can see how this is more frustrating.

    4 - Astral Merits/Emp Merits - conversion to shards and threads that go to your e-mail tab. I've only taken two of the Emp aura options. That left me with characters who had leftover astral and emp merits, which I can now use to improve other characters. Great change!

    5 - The main thing for me. I lowered my expectations. I never expected to Tier 4 all characters. Now, I don't even worry about higher than Tier 1 for Interface or Judgement. Get the shifts, lvl 1 for the rest and call it a day. That, combined with starting threads from another character (my last 3 characters started with 54 threads each), have reduced the grind, such as it was. The iXP fix makes it even better.

    Now, do we still need solo/small group Incarnate progression at a reasonable rate? I would say yes, as it can be hard to find trials Sat. and Sunday morning, two of my prime playing times. But, the Trials definitely look more appealing to me now.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
    Here's how I'd do it.

    TF: Required members
    Positron: 1
    Synapse: 1
    Psyche: 1
    Citadel: 1
    Manti: 1
    Numina: 1
    Kahn: 1
    Statesman: 1
    Lady Grey: 1
    ITF: 1
    Tin Mage: 1
    Apex: 1
    Taskiros: 1
    Renault: 1
    Mantis: 1
    Mistral: 1
    Barracuda: 1
    Recluse: 1

    Did I forget any? I'm sure I did. Anyway, they would probably also require only 1.
    I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.

  8. So, October release?

    Heh, thanks for the update.
  9. I can confirm it doesn't.

    We always level pact, and we have changed alignments several times. No issues with the pacts.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    OP> Nope, because I don't read these answers.

    I'm tired of people who start threads complaining about other people's feedback, though. If there are a certain amount of people who feel that way, each of them should speak up. If it's the same folks posting a dozen times, it's unfortunate, but then again the fanboys always post a hundred times defending any little thing, so there has to be some balance (and devs have seemingly sometimes misunderstood the signal to noise ratio in the past, so it's hard to blame people for making noise ; oh, and please give a noFX option to Shield).

    Of course, I could avoid these threads just as well. Hey, I don't claim to be any better than anyone else.
    All quite true.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Generis View Post
    With the next power proliferation, Corrupters will end up with exactly he same powers as Defenders, including the longed for Psychic Blast.
    Therefore, the only difference i see between them now is that one starts critting on a low target - Scourge - the other one starts getting an end discount and a 30prct dmg buff if he's in team, and someone in his team is taking damage.

    Tbh i'd go for scourge any day on a Psy/Pain or Psy/Rad corr.

    What do you guys think? Am i missing something or are they reducing blaster to the 2nd most useless AT after PBs?
    You waited two years. And this is how you start?

    Short answer. No, defenders won't be useless.
  12. Jetpack

    The Dead Pool

    I would bet BaB, but this sure smells like a cop-out for a signature arc.
  13. Good info.

    Thanks for providing all of this!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    I have a sneaking suspicion players won't be allowed multiple free accounts. Multiple paid, sure, more money for them. But multiple free accounts would be ridiculous.
    I suspect you will be surprised then. More accounts means more chances to sell stuff.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    Next question: Does the fact that you will be able to "buy off" the restrictions placed on Premium accounts using your already earned "Vet Rewards" change any of your minds either way?
  16. As someone who will be close to Tier 9 when this releases (if not there if closer to end of year), looks great to me! Keep taking my money!
  17. I'm adding two accounts, that will go premium.

    The main two will stay VIP, although the big MMO release coming up at holiday time will probably be taking my time.
  18. Jetpack


    Originally Posted by Dr_Darkspeed View Post
    I think Ms. liberty is gonna be the one that dies.
    If they take votes, she'd get mine.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
    When just Alpha was available, lots of people stockpiled shards, I hear, and so threads were invented to stop instant Incarnate T4s being crafted on day one when lore, Destiny etc were added.

    When Hybrid, Vitae etc get unlocked, surely there's going to be the same potential problem?

    Are we going to get Incarnate Fragments, Facets, Slivers, Chunks, Slices, Nuggets, Blobs and Bits as well as the currencies we already have?

    I see you survived the make-up shopping.
  20. Jetpack

    Hi everybody!

    Originally Posted by Abysmalyxia View Post
    Just thought, you know... I'd say Hi. Again. =)
    I definitely remember you.

    Welcome back.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
    People need to ask around about your history with trials. I wish forum rules allowed me to post the things I have heard.
    AF, while personal experience leads me to agree with you, this path isn't going to be helpful to the overall discussion.

    Put her on /ignore and let it go.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
    I wasn't aware that stating the existence of an alternative was the same as expressing a preference or opinion.
    It does state that they don't intend to stop it. Which I find interesting.

    Feel free to not.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    May I suggest Blueside Pocket D on Virtue?

    There's always plenty of...content...there .
    This may be the most interesting red name post I've seen on these boards.

    Never been to D on Virtue, but I've heard the stories. If it's as bad as some people say, I find it interesting that a Red name refers to it. And that they don't seem to mind it.
  24. It is MM exclusive. My Vicky is named Hilda.