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  1. I think a year-long arc would be nice:

    "For years, Lord Recluse and his Arachnos organization has controlled the Rogue Isles. Now, from the ashes of the past, comes a threat so single-minded it threatens the very planet. Witness the coming of... MYRMIDON."

    Make it an almost ant-like organization with all "drones" focused on the goal of the organization. No challenging, not infighting. None of the chaos of Arachnos. Give it an "insidious secret." a special new co-op zone, and both a 40-ish level co-op team and soloable end-game to the arc.
  2. Statesman dies, but is then replaced by Zartan.

  3. I just want a white face mask that doesn't require the use of sightless or full mask just to keep me from looking like an out-of-work birthday clown.

    Oh... and a bubble helmet.

    ... and honest-to-dog ray gun animations.

    ... and a really jet pack for use with the fly power

    ... and a Lens.
  4. I expect it to be a another VIP pacifier, to keep old-timers interested until the F2P player base builds enough to replace the cash flow. But that's just me... if you enjoy Incarnates content, then I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
  5. Looks like ***. This movie continues to take hits left and right for me.
  6. Now if they could only fix the niggling little Stipend Bug
  7. I'll jump on the train, the UI issues are unacceptable, why there's not been an emergency roll-back is even more so.

    However, Freedom gave us a simple way to express our displeasure. Before Freedom we had to pay regardless if we liked the changes/issues/bugs or not. Now, that's no longer the case.

    Downgrade your account to a freebie and don't spend any money in the store until it's back the way you want it.
  8. Hmmm... did Seth Rogan do this one too?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I'll give you some clues - Korea is east of Europe, and west of America, and further north than Africa
    OMG... Korea is ATLANTIS!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    It's taken some time but JJ Abrams Micronauts movie now has writers. No idea if it's going to be animated or live action.

    The upside is the writers are the ones who did Zombieland and are also looking to do a Zombieland based 1/2 hour comedy for TV.
    Yet another comic book movie ending up turned into some moronic comedy spoof, no doubt.
  11. Yeah, more incarnate stuff. Someone wake me when they remember that there's levels prior to 50.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
    When did City of Heroes turn into Final Fantasy?
    Selecting Titan weapons should disable long hair, trench-coats, the colors black and red, and the cool down weapons should involve a panting animation.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
    3 even con minions is supposed to be a fight you WILL win, but should not be able to sleep through.
    Not to derail the thread, but I always disagreed with this formula of Jack's "Killer DM" mentality. Minions, if you follow comic book tropes, should be cannon fodder, cheap and easy to wade through and not worth much as all. Three street level thugs should NOT be a threat, even to a beginning hero. Heck, 9-to-1 should be a minor challenge purely for the "kobold effect."

    Lts should be where your hero begins to feel any perspiration. A couple of good lTs should be something the hero should have to pay attention to.

    Bosses should be a one to one threat and Elite Bosses should have a solo hero pushing the envelope of powers and creativity.

    Arch-villians should need a super-team, or a really really really smart hero.

    Giant Monsters should need the freaking JLA.
  14. Jet_Boy

    Bond 23

    Originally Posted by Robo_Knight View Post
    As long as this new movie isn't boring like the other 2. The more recent ones just don't feel like Bond Movies.
    Yes... they felt more like the Bond Novels. Personally, I liked that we finally get to see a little more character development with Bond himself. In (most of) the earlier movies, Bond is already the sum total of his damage through the years. I enjoyed see a bit of how Bond gets that way.
  15. Sounds like Dan DiDio's already feeling the pressure of the reception to his big plan.

    Don't worry Dan, there won't be any Crisis in your universe.. they're saving that until you're gone to fix everything again.
  16. OP: Try items/powers out on Test before you buy, and only use the MPPPs give as a VIP stipend (dole?). That was you know what you're getting before hand and it costs you nothing extra but a little patience.
  17. Of course, we all know The Machine has its own agenda, right? I mean it's pretty obvious after al... hmmm... why is my webcam on?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Except for the whole "reviving the character's cinema presence from the grave and making movies loved by 95% of the human race" thing, which I suppose depends on your definition of "verge."
    Well, my definition would be taking a successful franchise and suddenly compromising it because he was not willing to taper his creative vision with the understanding that its still an iconic franchise with certain expectations from a multi-generational fan-base. Screw with too many of those expectations and "kaboom..." that 95% turns on you like a pack of rabid badgers and all your prior deeds are swept away as you become "the man who destroyed *insert name of your franchise here* " instead of the man who revived it.

    Don't get me wrong, I really like Nolan's Batman films. But this one seems to be taking a bit more liberty with established canon than the others. Bane seems to have been radically changed, Catwoman seems... well... un-Catwomanly, at least in appearance, and now a "Batmech" that only seems comfortable in Miller's "The Dark Night Returns."

    Of course, I concede that we're only seeing out-of-context production snippets here and there, and Nolan has been know to misdirect the rumor mill. But so far, what I'm seeing doesn't have the same "wow" factor that the peeks from the first two films did. I want to see it blow the first two films away and prefer to hear "Clearly the best of the three. Nolan leaves the franchise with bang..." and not "Of the three films, Batman 3 was the let down. Nolan lost his focus, simply not being able to keep up the momentum he built with the first two films. A planned reboot is already in discussion"
  19. *Eyes the "down" labels on the servers*

    So Z... How you uh, how you comin' on that character you're working on? Huh? Gotta a big, uh, big stack of paragon points there? Gotta, gotta nice little bio you're working on there? Your big Beam Rifle toon you've been thinking about for 3 days? Huh? Gotta, gotta compelling build? Yeah? Gotta mission for him to overcome? Huh? Gotta arc brewing there? Working on, working on that for quite some time? Huh? (voice getting higher pitched) Yea, talking about that 3 days ago. Been working on that the whole time? Nice little back-story? Beginning, middle, and end? Some friends become enemies, some enemies become friends? At the end your character is richer from the experience? Yeah? Yeah? (voice returns to normal) No, no, you deserve some time off. /em stewiegriffin

  20. You see how great this is... we've now got the FREEDOM to do other stuff three days out of seven.
  21. A new MMORPG... just kidding!

    Seriously, I may give Time a whirl, but I'll have to check it out fully (and more importantly, for free) on test before dropping a single point.

    My plan is to be as miserly as possible with my Magic Pony Paragon Point stipend until NCSoft comes to their senses again. I plan to only use them to "buy" the things we used to get free preFeedom, and then only after giving them a good test run first. As long as they're embracing this business model, then I'm going all Mark Howard about it.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lady__Jade View Post
    That is an interesting idea, they now have the ability to 'refund' us without it actually costing them. With the Paragon Points they can hand them out and that doesn't actually cost them anything up front.
    "Here ya go kiddo, here's 80 Paragon Points... buy yerself somethin' pretty..."
  23. It looks like a transformed Tumbler to me. My guess, notBane steals/duplicates Tumbler (the camo one) Batman uses Bayformer Tumbler Mk3 to stop him.

    To be honest, this movie better have a hell of an engrossing story-line and Academy Award-level performances. With all the major changes from canon, Nolan could be on the verge of being the next Joel Schumacher.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mousedroid View Post
    The problem is, the refund would be next to nothing to you, but would cost NCSoft thousands of dollars.

    Yesterday the game was down for... let's say 12 hours, and lets say it's down for 6 hours today. That's 18 hours, or 3/4 of a day which, if you pay $15/month to play, amounts to a 37 cent refund; less if you are on one of the discount plans. Even if they were to refund you the full two days, you'd only get a dollar. That's less than the cost of a bottle of Mountain Dew!
    I think 1 Magic Pony Paragon Point per minute of downtime would be a lovely compensation.
  25. Jet_Boy

    I21 Mids

    Hi... this the the thread where we get to poke the Mids guys with sharp sticks until Mids 21 is posted?