1390 -
Must be just the EU Deluxe version then. That couldn't be applied to my existing account through the upgrade process.
Quote:Lame supposition that ignores the point.That type of player burns out anyway. They make a habit of hopping from game to game.
Quote:Now I have to admit I find it amusing that your argument is that the DfB should be nerfed because you claim the "Outliers" cause nerfs.
Classic -
I agree in theory but not in practice.
The outliers of behaviour do damage the game, people burn out and leave, cry there's not enough content, damage the economy, cause nerfs that effect "normal" play etc etc. If you want to argue that all the mechanics to stop "wrong play" should be removed, like Marty and reward cool downs and ambush nerfs then go ahead.
Nor do I feel comparing DfB to AE is a great defense. The Devs haven't stopped AE PLing but I am pretty sure that if they found a way they would. -
Quote:This time in 3D!
Wasn't the last one in 3D?
This time in 3D!
I said wasn't the last one ....
Sush! 3D! -
Quote:To be fair Arthur Conan Doyle only had access to Sidney Paget's lithographs.I think Arthur Conan Doyle would have made a horrible action movie director. For instance, the final fight at Reichenbach Falls was a lackluster yawnfest in comparison to the movie version.
Where as Guy Ritchie can do steam-punk bullet-time! -
I actually like most of the mechanics in the iTrials. At least, the ones I've done anyway.
For example I think that the BAF is actually a neat designed little encounter, I like that the AVs need to be defeated at the same time and I like that the prisoner escape requires different powers/tactics.
Its only when the encounter gets the "times 24" factor added to it that it all goes wrong for me. Add in a touch of the farming mentality and it gets worse.
If these were all 8 man TFs that you did once or twice per character they would be my favourite parts of the game. -
Quote:That succeeds in raising my interests in this film. Which previously were pretty low. I was thinking about waiting till it was on the telly, now I might go to the cinema.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yh6SriAjdE
I want to see this so badly. Pretty much the only movie I'm planning on going to the theater for. -
Quote:The exaggerated metaphor of comic art doesn't always translate well into film. I can't see how a more literal translation of the comic book Bane would work on film. Not saying it couldn't be done, I just find it hard to imagine tbh. Can't say I am particularly keen on Darth Vader Lite either but I think it works, kinda.Bane doesn't look or sound right. He's not tall enough for the role, He's not built enough for the role, he isn't speaking with a spanish accent, he isn't a brute, he isn't a mastermind either.
Can't say the same about Catwoman. Thats one where I think the current comic appearance would work better. -
Simon has been my favourite character since the beginning. Yes, even when he was a creepy psycho stalker
Loved it when he became the most/only competent one of the group. I am a little sad that he and Alisha haven't escaped their fate
Still, nicely written story with a long payback time. -
Quote:I will take your word for it, however that seems a poor excuse for having a mission that encourages people to endlessly repeat content rather than explore the rest of the game.It's a hell of a lot easier to PL to 50 using the AE legitimately than it is the DfB and the game and player quality have been doing just fine for years.
I would also add that the difference would seem to me that the couple of people I have met that were endlessly repeating the DfB were doing so because they didn't know what else to do. Which is a little different from people PLing the AE. -
Love the Gong of Doom idea
Although I don't think it would be a good idea in practice for reasons others have mentioned.
Things I'd pay for:
Summon Alt:
Would work like a Signature Character Summons except that you would be able to chose from your list of alts from the same server. The character would have a set of standard powers rather than your actual build but would appear with the last selected costume.
For bonus points they should allow pet_say commands. I believe this would be a Role Player gold mine. Those RPers don't spend enough money dang it! -
Quote:Unfortunately paying $100 won't guarantee you the badge because those sets are only supposed to be for starting a new account. You are relying on Customer Support to go the extra mile to upgrade your account. Success rates vary.i mostly want the VIP/Destined one badge that went along with the slide but theres no way im paying $100 on amazon for an old dvd edition
Fortunately you do not have to spend $100 on eBay since the EU Deluxe box set contains everything except the Statesman Heroclick and that can be bought for approximately $10. Although its harder to get Customer Support to upgrade a NA account with an EU pack even though those distinctions don't exist any more. That's the route I went but I have the advantage that although my account is NA I do live in the UK. -
Quote:Actually sounds fun.The other alternative is to set up a massive active farm: Get 50 people to go to Warburg with their insp tray full of only wakies. Pack together tightly at the globe. Then pretend it's a Mothership raid and everyone else is a Rikti. No defense powers. Let yourself be killed and do a lot of killing. When you run out of wakies, go to hosp and come pack full of wakies.
With patience Customer Support eventually solved the issue. In the end I uninstalled .Net4, 3.5 and 2.0. Then reinstalled .Net2 and it worked. This was dispite the fact Game Advisor reported the .Net installation was okay.
Quote:No! *angry face* As far as I am concerned all the Influence my heroes own is just a representation of the aid and support their reputation can generate.Back to it, aren't we all contracted by Hero Corps? Aren't we paid? Or are we contracted by FC and "paid" with "influence" through them?
Don't ask me how I can spend that at an auction house where the auction house can take a cut*sobs*
Quote:I have. I have encountered characters at lvl 14 and 22 asking how to get missions other than DFBI play on Freedom, read and talk in the help channel, and team almost exclusively in PUGs, and I have not yet encountered a high-level clueless DfB newbie, neither in teams nor in chat. I think that some players have a very skewed perception of how widespread this problem actually is - or more appropriately, isn't.
Really? Going for another thread delete so early?
I attempted to have a discussion, I really did. I'm out. -
In City of Heroes your position as Hero, Villain or shade in between is determined by public opinion (like your influence). Which is the in-game justification for the timer. Its not a 20 hour lock out, each heroic or villainous action you undertake has its own individual timer, and that needs to fade in the public's memory before there is room for another. It takes time to effect the public consciousness.
People do farm it but they can only gain the rewards at a rate the Devs have determined is acceptable.
Such as? -
Quote:Do you mean a Wall of Features? Where we vote on things we want most?Ultimately, we have final say on what does or does not go in the game, however we always want to be able to include the players in the creative and decision making process.
You could allow people to vote using Paragon Points.