This is what Titan Weapons brought me
What secondary? Im rolling a TW/Invul Brute now.
Why you dont use the Barbarian pieces for different costume slots?
There are some nice pieces there
I would have used the Barbarian chest straps, but those aren't available for women. As for the other Barbarian pieces... Because Xanta is not a Barbarian. She's a pureblood Troll, as in the Trolls of Skyway City. She doesn't suffer from the Troll's rampant stupidity and her body doesn't break down like theirs do because her genetics are stable. Her alternate costumes are more contemporary, like professional wrestling gear or a skirt.
Well, admittedly, I do have a suit of fantasy armour that I'm too ashamed to show off, but that's besides the point
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
here's mine. she is also a former superdyne user, but due to her unique genetics, she became a "huldra" rather than a troll, retaining her intelligence and gaining greatly advanced strength over what even a supa troll can accomplish. The outfit comes mostly from her being a major d&d fan before the change, so she is kind of a hyper active fantasy-trope fangirl more than a particularly serious portrayal.
side note, can you imagine the wrist pain of drawing my overly-detailed characters in an actual comic?
Titan Weapons seem incredible, and I'm tempted to buy them, even though I'm only a casual player.
O.o How did I not know that female characters could have six packs? I guess I don't bare enough skin.
Her costume's keen, by the way. She looks like a badass.
In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.
Her head's too small. it looks like a grape on a baseball bat.
Her head's too small. it looks like a grape on a baseball bat.
And yes, Sam's character needs a bigger head.
if i recall, sam uses a kind of graphic user mod. the only six packs currently available to females is the barbarian top with skin. and we nagged like crazy for that :P
To be honest, almost every time I bring out one of those altered screenshots, I get at least one person who asks me how to do that in-game because he or she really wants to. I like to think that's evidence for at least some level of demand

Also, yes, Titan Weapons are amazing. They're worth the buy, definitely, and it's the most fun I've had with City of Heroes in a very long time now. No new set that I can think of off-hand has had me this excited. In fact, I can think of only three times in the entire game's run time where I've been this excited: when I made the original Samuel Tow, when I made Crash, another signature character of mine, and when I made the original Xanta as a BS/Inv Scrapper back in 2007 or 2008. This is amazing!

Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Okay, here's what Titan Weapons brought to me.
First of all, let's review. My street justice brute who I got to 50 and kitted out with a very nice build:
I went with a goddess because I was enamored with celestial armor and because the name Megamisama (Japanese for goddess) was available. Then I came up with a background to explain why a goddess was walking around on Earth punching and kicking bad guys.
So when Titan Weapons appeared, I thought, what weapon is better suited to a god or goddess? Thus Megamisama's sister appeared:
The end!

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
Wow, fabulous costumes! Samuel, I love the six pack. I didn't know I would love it until I saw it - it looks perfect, just perfect! When I saw your comments previously, I didn't think it had much to do with me. Now I can think of several characters on whom it would look just right! (Also, I like the thicker waist version. Athletic women don't have the nipped in waist, so without being obvious about it, you've made it look her more realistic in the new and improved version.)
Rian, yours almost looks like you tossed a whole bunch of very distinctive costume pieces in a blender, and put on whatever came out... and it looks AMAZING! The more I stare at it, the more I wonder to myself a) how did you even come up with that combination, and b) Good heavens, how on earth did you make it WORK?!! I'm almost jealous (and I'm not the jealous sort) of the ability to use all those items, and find such balance and symmetry.
Organica, you should be in advertising - your action shots showed perfectly showcased exactly what Samuel was saying, without a single word. And that your toon would also look very good with that six pack he "invented", if you were so inclined.
Thanks for sharing, everyone - great fun to see what you've created, and just how it can look for someone else thinking about the set!
Rian, yours almost looks like you tossed a whole bunch of very distinctive costume pieces in a blender, and put on whatever came out...
! |

(yes there was more to the quote and thank you very much for the kind words, it does mean a good bit to me to hear people like those outfits that i make, but i have to do the dumb joke, chase arcanum will likely be on to zing me on it too

Wow, fabulous costumes! Samuel, I love the six pack. I didn't know I would love it until I saw it - it looks perfect, just perfect! When I saw your comments previously, I didn't think it had much to do with me. Now I can think of several characters on whom it would look just right! (Also, I like the thicker waist version. Athletic women don't have the nipped in waist, so without being obvious about it, you've made it look her more realistic in the new and improved version.)

And you're right about the waist. The original Xanta was made many years ago when I wasn't very comfortable with pushing the limits on the base models. I made her big, but not very, I made her chunky, but not very, and I gave her a big sword... But not very. It was actually the Science Pack that made her what she is today when I gave her a good two or three extra feet of height

Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
So when Titan Weapons appeared, I thought, what weapon is better suited to a god or goddess? Thus Megamisama's sister appeared:

Sadly, the action shots will have to wait until I get access to the machine which has the skin on it. I don't have that on any of my home rigs as they're both Windows 7 x64, and because I actually play on them

Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
I have nothing to add, just want to say how much I love the character descriptions and shots people shared. Those are some truly great costumes/bios.
Thanks for the compliments, but in a way it's really complimenting the animators. They did a very good job of conveying swinging a massive, heavy weapon around. Very fun set because of that!
And I definitely vote for Sam sexy six-pack.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid
I'mma just leave this here.
(although this is mostly SFW, other episodes may not be...)
"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy
This is Kareleus Kraal Vetka.
He's based on a custom D&D race of mine, the Zuriel, who can essentially be summed up as hulking, bloodthirsty, six winged angels. In my custom setting they used to be angels, but were turned into the Zuriel when a race of sentient omnicidal stars declared war on the world, killed off the gods they served, and used their abberant magic to warp them into their current forms, intending to use them as shock troops. The stars lost the war though, and the Zuriel have taken up protecting the world their gods created. Obviously this wouldn't work in City of Heroes, so I had to make some adjustments:
And you know what? He's one of the most fun characters I've ever played. I can just hear this guy bellowing in rage as he smashes bad guys into pulp in the name of preserving order.
I am a scion of Vetka...
I bring order to a world perverted by chaos...
I am the sword of the cosmos!
I am he who stands in the path of the Coming Storm!
I am the destroyer of the murderous and mindless!
I'll throw mine in the hat:
Rubric, my robot from a distant future with a nuclear powered core. TW/Elec scrapper. All his secondary armor powers are the same neon green as the glowing pulse on his chest jewel. That chest jewel gets its heartbeat from the beastly rage aura set to chest. The think tank eliminates the breath part of the aura (I think it's normally on for the chest setting, IIRC). And it has a really nice green "thump-thump" rhythm like a heart beat.
If we ever get the dual auras system Tunnel Rat has alluded to in her posts, he'll also likely get the seismic path aura turned on as well.
Oh WOW. That heartbeat-aura thing is amazing, I'd never thought to do that. I mean, all of the costumes in this thread are already amazing, but that one is amazing AND personally useful to me
Just a side note, I just hit 32 with Kareleus Kraal Vetka and picked up Arc of Destruction. It it just me, or is Follow Through + Arc of Destruction the coolest one-two combo in the game? Knock em down, then while they're down RAM A GIANT SWORD THROUGH THEIR CHEST!
I figured that as long as we're all doing it, I might as well snag a bunch of "action shots" of my own. Luckily, though a series of clever crops and resizes, I managed to get them all down to 800x600
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Finally gave in and made myself a titan weapon scrapper, introducing Tie Ton on the Union server!
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Does anyone remember my character by the name of Xanta? Well, let me remind you, then:

This is Xanta, and she has a very good shot at being my most favourite character ever. Clearly, because I'm a fan of authority, no-one will ever outstrip Samuel Tow, himself - my first and fondest character - but him aside, Xanta is pretty damn close to being my second favourite of all times. She's essentially the point where I "lost my mind." Before Xanta, I mostly make people. Their clothes differed, their hair differed, but they were always people. Xanta is the first "freak" I ever made, and to this day remains my most favourite of my weirdos. She's big, she's heavy, she's strong and she has a very large sword. Well, she does now, and she didn't before.
So what's changed about her? Well, if we go by the side-by-side comparison...
Not much appears to have changed. Obviously her sword is significantly bigger (and in the wrong hand), but the rest of her is the same, right? Well... Not exactly. You may or may not be able to tell, but Xanta is chunkier and heavier set. Not by much, but I realised that I'd been entirely too conservative when I made her way back when. This chance to remake her from scratch with the lessons learned from seven years of costume design (and the absolute disregard for taste that taught me) meant that I could go all out and not really worry. She's bigger now, especially in the waist. She may have lost that pretty hourglass figure somewhat (not that City of Heroes females ever could) and she's larger overall.
But that's just cosmetics. Even the big sword in the screenshots - though FAR FAR FAR bigger - is just a showpiece. What has really changed about Xanta is WHO she is. When I made her a long time ago, I didn't have much experience in storytelling, and I chose to go against her nature of making her almost a wilting flower of a quiet person. It wasn't a bad story in an ironic sense, and probably something worth exploring, but it missed the point of making her this big an this strong. The Xanta of the new decade is bigger, stronger and meaner. Still the honest, just, forgiving individual, but one much more willing to punch, kick and cut her enemies, and one able to fight through pain and injury not so much because it's the heroic thing to do, but because getting hurt only serves to piss her off. Xanta used to be a Scrapper - a fighter more than anything else. Xanta is now a Brute in as true a sense as I've ever made one. She is the unstoppable powerhouse that carves a path of destruction and that you simply cannot stop.
Titan Weapons has been a great inspiration in this regard, both in terms of visuals and in terms of power balance. Sure, it's not perfect yet, but it's getting there. Visually, the set is brutal. I said Street Justice was brutal when it came out, but this is worse. Where Street Justice seemed like it would hurt, Titan Weapons seems like it would simply ragdoll anything it hit and sweep it away like the leaves of autumn. The raw energy and explosive force with which this set hits is simply invigorating. And the set's actual numerical power scares me. This may well be the first time that a gimmick has ever made a set stronger, as opposed to serving as a hoop to jump through to get a set to be average, which means Titan Weapons is just evil in combat. Its attacks are unbelievably strong and their range is impressive. To pull a line from Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now...
"Pulls like a train, and quick, once it gets going. And once it's going, it's not gonna to stop."
That's Titan Weapons in a nutshell, and I couldn't be happier with it. This is precisely the kind of excessive force, aggression and sheer weight that I've always wanted Xanta to have. And this is what she has now. I don't remember the last time I played City of Heroes with such a big smile, nor the last time I've had to punch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming, but this set has reminded me why I'm still here after all these years and after all the missteps. Because I simply can't have that in any other game.