suggestion for a Paragon Market user-friendly feature

Not sure why its taking so long to be implemented to be honest, hopefully it will appear soon.
ps: Welcome to the forums

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04
I think there's a command to list all your purchased items, but it is a clunky output to your chat window, not a proper graphic user interface. I'm kind of hoping Issue 22 does something to improve the Paragon market because the initial 5-second freeze while it loads the market up on first click bothers me.
It also feels kind of slow and things like not being able to preview items without having to start from the beginning of the list makes me feel like it's Paragon Market Beta to me. My memories of Dungeon and Dragons Online shop felt so much faster in rendering and user-friendliness than P.M. does.

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My first 50(0)! 18/11/11
This is one of those "ever been to the iTunes store...?" kinds of questions with regards to user friendliness in layout.

Hi, don't know if this idea has been brought up before, but...
It'd be nice if in the Paragon Market, I can see a list of all the items that I've bought previously. A one-stop list inside the Market would be helpful if I buy many things and don't remember which ones I already have.