597 -
My 'Feh' was not aimed at you in particular - just at the notion of Debt Mitigation. ;-)
When someone starts going on about how much debt they piled up, I just point out that they are getting ALL that Bonus Influence.
Heck, I put my level 20 characters INTO debt, just so they have enough Influence at 22 to buy more SO's. -
3) If you are rezzed you have 50% less debt from that death, if you use an awaken you have 25% less debt from that death versus going to a hospital. It encourages players to actually stock up on supplies and bring healers on missions.
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This creates a situation where people lie face down for hours screaming over broadcast for a rez. Empathy (and other) Defenders start getting harassing /tells and get told that they suck (or worse) if they refuse to travel all the way across the map to rez who's just gonna be face down again in 10 minutes.
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If anything is to be used for debt-mitigation, it should be going to the hospital. It's the least-convenient and using that for debt-mitigation will eliminate spams for rezzing.
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Feh. Best way to 'mitigate' debt? Fighting Crime. People spend so much time obsessing about what debt they have that they often forget to just Play the Game.
"OMG! PL Plz! I need to get rid of this Debt!!eleven!" instead of just LEarning their Lesson, and playing a little differently. -
The way I see the problem is resists do stack, defense now does not. That is how ice tankers got nerfed.
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Re-read Geko's reply .. the above is simply NOT true.
Defense still stacks. If you have defense to fire and lethal, you dont get double defense to a fire sword and regular defense to a regular swords and fire blasts (that is not fair to the guy with the fire sword, nor is that system fair to Dark scrappers, or energy blasters). It does mean you get the chance to apply the higher of the 2 values.
The lower defense values are not ignored. If you have 30% defense to lethal, and 20% defense to fire, you get 30% defense to a fire sword (the higher of the 2). But you still get 20% defense to a fire only attack like a fire blast. Of course the lower one serves a purpose. And if you get an Insulation Shield put on you, your Fire defense may go to about 40%, so now you get 40% defense to a fire sword (the new higher of the 2), and 30% defense to a broadsword.
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what the? why do they need to respond? it was a temporary event, people had fun, people took advantage. so what. move on already.
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Not my point.
It was fun, didnt say it wasnt. But id did sweep in a wave of noobs who are now at my level and helping me get XP Debt.
And the Devs havent said a word.
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Maybe their Overall Plan was in fact to put you into Debt? -
I hope you all enjoyed today's rendition of 'The Boy who cried Nerf!!1!'.
Two words:
Kill Skuls.
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He is ours now.. Our work is Complete. -
Asking for projects like this to never have a delay isn't reasonable, nor is it realistic.
There is no REAL way to determine exactly how long something will take. If they delay the release of a feature because it is not perfect, most people are ok with it.
We know that we'd rather have something released correctly and late, than be sloppy and bug ridden but 'on time'. -
*** You are ignoring this user ***
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Willy's posts read better this way. -
Why do you hate Super Strength Tankers Statesman? What vendetta do you have against them? Did one kick your puppy or something?
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That can't be it - it's not like we could've HURT the little puppy with one of OUR kicks, after all.
I'm just glad I haven't used my Respec yet. I was going to use it tonight, but now I have to wait - AGAIN - as States takes another 'look' at my AT... again.
Feh. -
Many players complained about the stun at the end of Rage because it turned off toggles and left them helpless. At the same time, hardcore players with perma-unstoppable or Unyielding were able to avoid the Stun effect. Thus the casual player was getting penalized and hardcore player wasnt getting the desired penalty. We're still looking at the issue - so feel free to post your thoughts & ideas!
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You and your team designed the power with a drawback that you could manage to avoid. You also made it better than the 'Build up' powers because you added that drawback.
If you are going to change Rage, just change it to Build Up, and remove the bogus penalties you added to it. Heck, Maybe I'd take it then - I haven't taken it yet because I simply don't want to be Stunned. I sure as heck won't use it if you give it an End drop - and a Drop to 0 is Sheer Madness. Is it our 'Nova'? Hardly.
Please - Stop screwing with Tanks - SS is bad enough as it is, we don't need anymore of your 'Help' Thankyouverymuch. -
Before this gets out of hand...
The Gecko on Freedom server is *not* Geko.
He's an SG-mate of mine, you would not believe how much crap he gets from people.
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Hiya Paradoxe! First itme I've ever seen a SG mate post here. -
I would like to see the devs play. Wouldnt that be cool? Join them on a team or something? Maybe join our SG? Maybe be our friends. After all, Im sure most of them are our same age. Share same interests. I just want to see Statesman and Co. use their powers and kick some scumbag butt. I want to see Statesman's powers and everyone else. Maybe he could put on a show for us or something on the test server. That would be cool. What do you guys think?
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Who knows .. maybe you ... already have ... ? -
its not my fault, besides who would be desprate enough to date me? you cant even tell what sex the person behind the avtar is.
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Why, other Desperate people, of course. SOme people aren't ... choosy.
Back on topic - release date was NEVER firm, so it has not 'Officially' been 'pushed back'. -
They didn't plan Issue 3 right after they released Issue 2 - so it can't be seen as something they created to 'fix' a perceived problem with Issue 2.
They plan the Issues alot more in advance than you think, and I'm sure they plan them more than you give them credit for. -
You are now ignoring this user. You will no longer see the body of any of their posts.
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Ahh .. Blissful Peace. It's all so much easier to read now. ANd .. the world seems a brighter place .. ;-) -
And as soon as you dropped the snide 'carebears' comment, I stopped taking you seriously.
Fact is - there's Content now, whether you care to see it or not, and there IS new content coming out every few months.
You want PvP. Cool, I'm glad you enjoy it. City Of Villains is coming out - you'll probably enjoy that alot. But - no need to INSULT people with stupid 'Carebear' comments like you seem to want to do.
I predict a Thread Being Locked soon .. and it'll probably be this one. -
Marketing! What about marketing!!! My guy is a business guy... I need marketing!!!
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Marketing? Sorry - that's for City Of Villains. So are all the 'Lawyer' skills. ;-) -
yes I know its breaking the rules.. but hey.. im a paying customer who just wants some kind of answer to a question..
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There are THOUSANDS of 'Paying customers' on the Boards .. in fact, we ALL are.
And that STILL doesn't give each of us the right to 'Bump' posts concerning our Pet Peeve or Desire.
So stop bumping already. Actually, you'd probably get better replies if you LET this die here, then bring it up in the SCRAPPERS forum, where you are more likely to find people on your side.
(On a side note - I'm one of those people - I want a Fist Fighting Scrapper also... But I can't advocate you breaking the rules just because you WANT something. That's hardly the Mature Response) -
I personally like Footstomp the way it is (recharge and damage wise). It will be a ton better (playability wise) without the KB in it when that change gets put in.
I think there are too many higher damaging AOEs floating around and that compounds the upper end game problem. AOEs for Tankers (again, in my mind) should be lower damage, agro holding types of powers. The kind of power that makes mobs go "Oh [censored]!!! Get that guy first!!!!".
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All well and good - but that just ARTIFICIALLY makes Tankers more dangerous. Having the Computer react that way just because they are TOLD to in their programming is just .. the Devs Cheating.
Tanks SHOULD be dangerous in their own right (also important once PvP is introduced), not just have MOBS tricked by computer code into 'Thinking' they are.
Keep fighting the Good Fight Krunch, and hopefully the Devs will Hear Our Pain. -
Please keep in mind that AOE attacks don't rule as much from late-30's to endgame. Before that, yes. After that, an AOE alpha strike pretty much means a dead blaster.
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But one thing - the 25-38 section of the game is a LONG period of time for most players. It's when most of the non-blasters complain of the slow levelling time. Oddly enough, the AOE Blasters just mow through those levels, along with whoever they let group with them.
AOE needs to be toned down, and I'm glad they are looking at it. To the guy above who will leave when they do that ... Buh-bye.
This post is 100% right. yes, from 25-38 AE is overpowered, but from 39 on, it is pretty much a debt magnet. Unless you stick to even to +2 con minions only, but every group has bosses and LTs post 39, which means AE is a no-no, unless you have an empathy defender working overtime keeping your no HP, no defense having butt up.
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Here's one:
bind J "say <color red>You want some of this, tough guy?! $$powexec_name taunt"
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks Tons! I tried that, and it works .. I must have been writing the 'powexec' part incorectly.
5 stars for you! -
Still reading through, trying to work out some basic binds, but figured the thread could use a bump too.
I'm trying to do the 'Say Something and use power' type bind, and the 'Say something and do Emote'. I got it to say and then Emote, but I can't get it to Say then use the power.
Do Binds not work for Offensive abilities? Am I just a Dork?