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  1. I suspect i've found the problem. On the fb page, click the small american flag icon in the bottom right corner and try again. Seems to have done the trick
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I suggest trying to use one
    Ok, so after remembering the defining principle of Ingsoc, doublethink- I get
    'you can't use the supplied serial code'...
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Have you tried to use a code?
    Please note that this promotion is limited to residents of the United States (excluding the State of Rhode Island, and excluding Guam, Puerto Rico, U.S. territories, military installations and commonwealths), Canada (excluding Quebec), or the European Union.
  4. It's more than a little disappointing that being Australian, i'm automatically excluded from this. Physical product i can somewhat understand- but why exclude us from digital codes?... /e facepalm...
  5. Ithryn_Incarnate

    My Post Count...

    [ QUOTE ]
    (Insert Random Hyperbole Arguement Here)

    NO U

    [/ QUOTE ]
  6. Ithryn_Incarnate

    I met a newbie!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, I should put together 'n00b Bingo' card.

    "im better than u becoze:"
    -"I have X 50s"
    -"I can beat you up irl"
    -"I have a kheldian" (no vet badges)
    -"ive been playing for 10 years" (see above)

    [/ QUOTE ]
    sad, but true- some noobs just spoil it for all the other noobs...
  7. [ QUOTE ]

    I have wondered how they would handle this. If these extra rewards are only for people who start and stay in Paragon, or start and stay in the Rogue Isles, that seems to discourage people from starting neutral at all, unless they get something for staying neutral.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    perhaps a True Neutral badge?
  8. um, what about dual pistol defence? Trick Pistols, gun-fu or however you wish to call it...
    And weren't clowns the next mm pets after demons?
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Archery and Trick Arrow for Corrupters.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  10. I'm a bit disappointed that I won't be playing an Arch/TA corr anytime soon, but I guess like the rest of us I'll be waiting to see what we WILL be getting 'in the coming months'...
  11. I've been looking at doing a 3rd arc, though I'm waiting for more people to play the other 2 first =P
  12. it boggles my mind that someone who claims that hamidon is difficult, but doable finds the LRSF so tough. Unless of course them mean a heroside hami raid. I've never been on a sucessful one villainside, but I digress.
    I don't believe the LRSF to be so hard a challenge it needs to be changed. And for the record, I've never done it with shivans and/or nukes.
  13. I think I owe it to WOW to defend its higher level content- some of it is truly awesome. There's a quest for example, that has you latching onto a dragon, duelling its rider and dropping them to their doom. lather rinse repeat. One thing that it has that we don't have here in COV is something truly different. I'd like to able to be a hamidon mito, fire up some of those vanguard tanks and take on some rikti, or perhaps even take a ride in the arachnos flyer. Perhaps it's just a pipe dream, but it's something I'd like to see crop up in new content. More than just new maps/mobs with the same old game mechanics. I'd really love to see something else...
  14. Ithryn_Incarnate

    Closed Beta

    isn't it a Schroedinger beta? Both open and closed at the same time...
  15. I dunno about a new EAT (I'm still hoping for Incarnates at some point) but I think there's still room for another standard AT in the game. Throw in new powersets, a little more proliferation- I want an Arch/TA corr =P. And colour me happy
  16. My choice would probably be an assault/buff debuff. kin corrs are my favourite to play, and if you've ever played a kin you know they like it up close and personal =D
  17. I was beginning to worry when the page quit loading after I hit the pay button. Luckily I've been reading this thread while waiting for pages to load and checked my email inbox. Got my purchase receipt, and now trying to login again to add the code
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I don't guess you can bind the costumechange emotes, I've tried dozens of combos, none of them worked..

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You can.

    BAB is working on a post. Stay tuned.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hope you guys are enjoying the costume change emotes that are part of the Magic booster pack. There have been questions here on the forums about using these outside of the costume selection screen, and the answer is "Yes. There is a console command for activating these."

    The command is /cc_e or /cc_emote ('costume change emote')

    The full syntax is:
    /cc_e [costumeSlotSlot#] [emoteName]

    There are a couple of important notes. One, the costume slot numbers start with 0. So your first costume slot is 0, your 2nd is 1, 3rd is 2, etc. Two, you need to use the actual emote name, not the display name that you see in the costume select screen's rollout. For the magic pack, these are:
    <ul type="square">[*]CCPrestoChango - “Presto Chango”[*]CCLightning - “Lightning”[*]CCSpin - “Spin”[*]CCCast - “Cast”[/list]Example:
    /cc_e 1 cclightning
    Will switch you to your 2nd costume slot, using the "Lightning" costume change emote.

    As part of a macro or bind:
    /local ABRACADABRA!$$cc_e 1 ccPrestoChango

    Other than that, the normal rules for costume changes apply. You can only switch costumes once every 30 seconds. If you try to use a costume change emote sooner or try to switch to the costume slot you're already in, it won't work. You'll look foolish, and everyone will laugh at you.


    [/ QUOTE ]
    lol, thanks for the heads up BABs
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Nemesis are behind it!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    shouldn't that be Nemeses, or Nemesi or something?
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    It is April 14th.... wheres the pack at?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    *also waits impatiently*
  21. tl;dr
    but I'm against more villain zones- I've seen what it's done to heroside and I'll pass tyvm
  22. sorry if I miss someone else posting this, but at 5 pages, I'm going to call tl;dr
    Can we put something about villainside hami on there? I'm not sure what really can/should be done, but I'd really like to be able to complete a hami raid.
  23. do you have a black workboot in a size 11 sir?