357 -
And Zwillinger's post in that thread:
So if it's showing up again, don't expect it to last for long. -
Quote:This hasn't been my experience at all with archery/energy. Boost Range allows considerable latitude when it comes to positioning. I just pick a good spot and start doing my thing. I seldom reposition during a fight unless I want to use melee attacks to take down a mob quickly. Redraw does mean that I can't seamlessly chain melee and ranged attacks together, but as long as I stick to one or the other it's not a big deal.After leveling up some weapons using powersets, I really don't like the redraw. If you use a power in your secondary, your weapon is put away!
Then as I'm using my fancy repositioning foot work, the redraw bring me to abrupt halts to pull out the weapon again!
And you will need to be moving around a lot because you'll be out taunting the Tanks. I hop back and forth over the team meleers to try to lose the aggro to their taunt auras and to realign my cones.
My corruptor has recently gone from level 30 to 41 mostly from TF's/trials/raids, with not a single sewer trial. No problem finding teams to do other content, at least on Freedom.
Dark and rad are likely candidates for secondaries, though they'd have to make a melee attack for rad.
I've recently been enjoying Time Manipulation on my corruptor. I love the way that enemies freeze when I use the single-target hold. I'm thinking that a similarly-themed Time Control set for doms could be interesting. -
While I suspect that you're right, I will nevertheless be very disappointed if that does turn out to be the case. The enhancement boosters already push CoH into 'pay to win' territory, but cash-shop-only enhancements which are arguably better than anything available in-game goes deeper into that territory than any MMO I've played before.
I know that you've already made up your mind, but have you considered a corruptor? Same blast primaries, and no melee attacks in the secondaries.
I've been having cookie problems since I resubbed a month ago. The session cookies were set to properly expire, and my userid and password had expiration dates a year into the future. When I would close the browser and open it up again, the userid and password were still there. However, when I would navigate to the boards those cookies would be deleted, and I'd be forced to log in again.
My solution was to have my browser block cookies from boards.cityofheroes.com. That way, when I would log into the boards the sessionid would be included as part of the http address. Then I would just copy and paste the address (sessionid and all) as my bookmark. The session would expire if I didn't open a forum page for around 8 to 10 hours, but at least I didn't have to log in every time I reopened Firefox.
As of a couple of days ago, even this trick isn't working. The forum is now aggressively expiring my sessions, forcing me to log back in every hour or so, whether I block cookies or not.
I browse several other forums on a semi-regular basis. They all use vBulletin, and I have zero problems with any of them. This forum is the only one that gives me any problems, and it's getting worse. The problem is not on my end, and it's not inherent to the software. -
Quote:Substitute Shocking Grasp for Fireball. It has higher dps than Havoc Punch even, though it's a DoT.Fire/Elec is #1 ST dps when not factoring the -regen in /MM
Blaze>CB>HP>Blaze>CB>FireBall, use your self buffs (bu/aim/hasten) between fireball and blaze, lightning field damage aura puts it ahead of /EM which would otherwise be the same dps.
Charged brawl = Energy Punch, Havoc Punch = Bonesmasher, theyre the same DPA, dunno why your mids is showing differently. -
It's an ok set for tankers. I have a level 50 elec/KM. The damage boost from Power Siphon affects all your damage powers, so it synergizes well with elec's damage aura. One of the reasons I took the set was for the damage debuff to help with tanking hard targets; so far I haven't really needed it, but it's nice to have anyway.
For my /fire scrapper, two KB IO's is enough. I tried using just one for a bit, and found I was getting knocked down in itrials more than I liked even at 50 +3. With two, the only time I get knocked down with any frequency is during Hami raids, but that's such a unique situation that I prefer to solve it with break-frees instead.
Please devs, make this happen. I'd roll an energy blaster (again) in a heartbeat.
Quote:FA has good resistance to endurance drain, and at least a little resistance to speed and recharge debuffs. It's not bad, considering FA's offensive potential. Endurance drain in particular is one of my bugaboos, and I wouldn't play a tanking set that can't mitigate it.Neither does FA and it's a very popular set. I'm not saying that regen would be the best set in the world, but it would be playable. And besides, think of what potential it could have with IOs. If you managed to cap it's defense to s/l/e/n (very doable now when paired with /MA) then added on the crazy regen and capped hps that a tank would get, you get a nigh unkillable beast. And IH at lvl 18? Yes please.
P.S. almost hit submit reply and this popped into my head. I forget who (Werner, Arcanaville, Claws, Dechs, etc...someone who is a well known foum guru) but someone posted a statistical analysis of armor sets and showed that on SOs alone regen was either the top performer, or at least very close. That would make it great for all the new F2P players. -
Regen would offer worse survivability under heavy fire than other sets. Also, unless it's changed (again) recently, regen has no defense plus no debuff resistance. That means the regen tanker gets hit for full effect with every endurance drain, to-hit debuff, defense debuff, recharge debuff, etc. It would be a very frustrating set to play IMO.
Quote:Excellent news, and that's exactly why I use Noscript. Best plugin ever.Absolutely. Anyone with NoScript installed is literally at zero risk of being affected by this. (Unless you've whitelisted the malware domain, which I really hope you haven't.
) Whitelisting the cohtitan.com sites is fine, also, the payload was delivered by a remote server, not the Titan server.
Also, kudos on getting the wiki back up. -
Quote:I take it from your description that a browser plugin like Noscript would block the javascript payload from running, even if the plugin allows scripts from the cohtitan.com domain to execute, correct?The nuts and bolts of it is that something has rewritten a whole bunch of index.php files, including most that run the core functionality of all of our sites, to include the following line at the top:
echo (base64_decode('ZXJy[bunches more gibberish]0KfQ=='));
When you decode that, you get a Php function that:
- Turns off error reporting,
- Fetches the IP address of who's accessing the page,
- Fetches the user agent (UA) of who's accessing the page and compares it against a list of known security sites and webcrawlers,
- If it's not in the list of UAs, it does a cURL fetch of a javascript payload from a remote distribution site. The URL is defined as:
'http://[scum domain omitted]/index.php?go=1&ip='.$ip
So it's sending the user who is accessing the page's IP address. Depending on that IP address, they payload may or may not be delivered. When I put my own address in, it's not. When I poked around a little bit, I was able to find an IP that did deliver the payload, which I copied for further analysis as soon as I get a chance. -
Quote:The ability to destroy a GM is insignificant next to the power of the Farm.Is there any farmable content that would benefit exceptionally well by the ability to solo AV's and GM's?
No, there really isn't. If all you want to do is farm, you're probably better off sticking with your brute. -
I'm talking specifically about the marketplace, not the economy as a whole. I see no reason to ignore a good idea from another MMO, regardless of which one it may be. And I would argue that hiding the bids and prices, and requiring the player to make guesses about the value of items based on scant information, requires more of a learning curve than showing all the information to market participants so they can make informed decisions.
Ok, I read through more of your post.
A couple of points:
I've heard more than one person on non-CoH gaming boards call the invention system a complicated mess. I don't have a problem with it personally, but I've played with it since its inception so maybe I've just had plenty of time to absorb it all.
Quote:Another game has this too, and yes, it's awesome. However, I'd gladly give it up if it meant we could also get rid of the double-blind feature. The inability to see any prices beyond the last 5 transactions makes our market far more inefficient, and occasionally frustrating to use, than it needs to be. I would love to see CoH adopt a more that-game-like system, and let the players see all of the bid and sell prices.Well, for one, the classic "auction house" interface is horrible, for one simple reason - it does not permit players to register standing bids for items that sellers could fulfil. If I wanted to sell something to an "auction house," I would need to pick my own price, and what this means is going through the prices listed and trying to infer the best one. Not so in City of Heroes. Here, I can easily infer price by looking at the number of people actively bidding for said item, and I don't need a price - I can just dump the item I'm selling for 1 monies and it will instantly go to the person with the highest bid. If it's easy for me to sell without doing market research, I will have more money and thus be more likely to buy without doing much market research, but City of Heroes is the ONLY MMO I have ever seen who allows people to make standing bids. That one little innovation has made both selling and buying in City of Heroes easy for me, and both selling and buying TORTURE to me in every other game. -
Many MMO's that are designed from the ground up as F2P have some type of inventory management trickery where they have lots of different drops for quest items and crafting, such that it can be hard to hold everything you need or think you might need. That's an intentional design decision. You'll notice that you can buy more inventory space from the cash shop.
BTW, when I play Vindictus I typically sell off everything that I can't immediately use, then just buy required quest/crafting components as needed. The transaction fee is only 3%, so the way I see it I'm using the AH as an extra 'bag.' -
From your first build, I would have said to drop the medicine pool, pick up Combat Jumping and either Vengeance or Afterburner, and put a LOTG in each. Combat Jumping would give you enough defense to pull one of the slots from Fly, which you could put into DP as a recharge IO.
Interesting build overall. How long are those monster fights lasting? -
I'd like to bring my fire/fire dominator if you still have open spots. Level 50 +3, I've run BAF plenty of times on this character but I'm still missing the Gotta Keep 'Em Separated badge.
This is the same problem I have with my fire/fire scrapper. Everything runs away from me three seconds after I start attacking, including monsters. Provoke might help, but I have no intention of changing up my build just to find out. I recall that my ranged attackers didn't have this problem, so I may eventually try with my corruptor once that character hits 50+incarnate.
Quote:You make plenty of choices about personal character development, starting with choosing your AT and power sets.Most *good* games give you actual choices that affect gameplay.
In DOOM you might have the choice between a rifle or a shotgun. The rifle will go through your ammo quicker, but the shotgun is useless at range. Choice, consequence.
To take the example of a good RPG, in Planescape Torment you might have the choice to add Ignus or Vhailor to your party. Ignus will give your party awesome AoE attack capabilities, while Vhailor is guaranteed to break your face in as soon as he learns the truth about you. Choice, consequence.
In City of Heroes you have the choice of wearing a standard cape or one with glowy bits on it. Next month they'll give us the choice of new, glowier bits.
As for the itrials and and TF's like Apex and Tin Mage, I think they would be far more monotonous if they lacked the 'gimmicks.' I don't want every fight in the game to be nothing more than a simple tank-and-spank affair. -
Quote:No disrespect intended to AIB, but I'd take that as proof positive that any AT can solo monsters with lore pets. It looks like he fought under specially arranged conditions though, i.e., running the mission at L-1, and having nearby fodder to drain and extract. That's not exactly the same as fighting a DE monster 'in the wild.'I'll refer you to my good friend AIB on his triform warshade.
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=276268 -
RoF also pairs nicely with Hot Feet, especially if you throw a little slow enhancement in it, though I don't see many blasters with that power. I love RoF, but I love it on my dom and corruptor who have ways of keeping the mobs from running right out of it.