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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by sypher_vendetta View Post
    its an entirely different situation, hes not payin 4 medical care n such, the fact that ppl like u even attempt to compare a vet with no legs to a subscription fee based game is absolutly insane and childish, there is no comparison because its simply far out and nonsense, i genuinly feel sorry 4 the guy but this is a different scenario and the poverty and no legs guilt trip do not work on me, ppl who pay 4 a service are entitled to complain as part of their statutory rights plain and simple.
    Exactly. I was just about to rant the same.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Trip View Post
    Really, think about it. The whining is unrea.. Nothing is finite or 24/7...except maybe the crying.
    I don't see anyone whining or crying. I see people outraged they are spending real live money for something that isn't delivering what they are paying for. They have every right to be angry. Myself included.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
    No, it's mildly ridiculous for us EU players. It's especially ridiculous for the Aussie and Oceania players.
    Even though it's not NA prime-time, it's still ridiculous for those everywhere who normally play at this time, as well. The City of Maintenance is really starting to piss me off. I haven't much patience left.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    Look at your User Agreement again bub.
    Do not need to. A user agreement has nothing to do with user base satisfaction with the service they have bought, and the level of the service they are experiencing - Bub. The service is piss poor, bub. Terms or not.

    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    As for not caring what the issues are sparking the need for this? Very adult
    Ad hominem attacks like that are not very adult, bub, and they are irrelevent to the facts.
  5. I don't care if you know why it's happening, why it needs to happen, what's going on over there with the devs, or anything else.

    The fact remains, I'm paying for a service, and the service isn't delivering what I'm paying for. This is business, and they aren't doing business very well at all.
  6. The excessive downtime, crashing, and extended maintenance will, without question, generate a negative public image - and this is plainly evident.

    Bemoan the folks who are complaining all you want, but it just looks as though you're coming to the defense of an injured dog, rather than for a service you are paying for. Can you find another fee based service you have that has had comparable repeated downtime/issues that you also stick your head up their arses when it happens?

    When it gets this bad, it's time to wipe the poo from your nose and start drawing some lines.
  7. lol - So dreary - why do you even play the game.
    I joke of course, since this is a review, but still - lol
  8. I wouldn't put anything other than regular Single Origin hancers on my toons. They're cheap and you outlevel them too quickly to bother with anything more expensive.

    Wait until you hit 50 to do any expensive slotting. And even then I still don't do it unless it's a toon I really like and intend on playing often. Otherwise, SO's work just fine. Use your money on the more important chars. I funnel my other toons funds to my main chars.

    On the other hand, it is quite different these days. Back before the market ever existed and when money meant nothing, we built up HUGE stockpiles of useless funding. Having that initial wad pre-market made living after it much more bearable than compared to a newer player. However, since SO's are all you really need till 50, it's moot.

    Make your own base. Store everything there. Craft along the way. Never buy anything from the market - its purely for people who want to "play" some kind of evil stock market game. Just pretend the market doesn't exist until you're ready to sell something to the people who don't care how much they spend on something they can get for free and are willing to pay for the convenience of "hafta have now".


    Disclaimer: All of this is IMHO and purely suggestive based on my personal experience. Your results may vary. I'm not liable and can not be held responsible for any information where it's obvious it originated from my subjective opinion to which many others will refute and argue. Objects in mirror may be closer to fantasy-land than they appear.
  9. Yea, I'm sure most of you will find this silly, but I digress, I can't resist. It was my first online dev event, so please excuse all of this if this is just common place for you.

    It was so much fun listening to all the CityOf Devs, Mods, and Designers shoot-the-poop and answer Q&A last night. I enjoyed the humor between all, the immense patience the devs had, the unbelievably mature attendees, and all the craziness. Though I should note that most of the power-effect calmness is thanks to Posi who was running Power Suppression for all near him. I was getting irritated, not having fly, that I couldn't fly up next to Posi for my screenshot, but he finally came down and stood next to that Nem Horse for us screenshot nerds. Ghost Falcon spent a lot of his time just trying to figure out why his toon was not visible to all of us. I'm sure the part about him being a Ghost had nothing to do with it. Castle kept changing his outfits, so I snapped those as well. War Witch was a social butterfly. Even with 30 million messages streaming through the chat window, WW managed to just about personally respond to everyone. Aeon was pretty subdue, probably irritated that everyone was asking him questions about everything except for MA/Missions. Babs came out and just started rattling off answers to questions he knew we were going to ask before we asked them, all the while spawning monsters killing everyone, yet continuing to rattle off key information as if everything was just honky-dory. While still spewing off golden-nuggets of info, peeps laying dead everywhere, he turns on power suppression which is now hindering my ability to heal anyone standing near him. Peeps were getting angry, as if debt on test server was appauling. I was just ROFL all over the place.

    I had so much fun last night - I just have to say thanks to the organizers, your patience, your answers to so many questions, and the kick-butt humor.

    Favorite Moment (abbreviated):
    Attendee Question: Will we ever get true lay down and sleep emotes?
    Ghost Falcon: Not while we have the Pushups emote.
    Posi: LOL @ GF!

    For my personal delight, here's my screensies of me standing with the powers that be last night; (Note: Some of them have links to larger versions if you want to see them).

    General PocketD Group Photo

    Mouse Standing with War Witch

    Mouse with Guest: Sister Flame

    Mouse with Dr Aeon

    Mouse with Ghost Falcon

    Mouse with Castle

    Castle's Alternate Outfits

    Mouse with Positron

    Mouse with Back Alley Brawler

    3 Devs - Group Photo

    That's all.
    Thanks for listening to me giggle.
  10. Stone/Stone - Dmgless Tanker
    Fire/Shield - Dmging Brute
    Elec/Kin - Mob Nerfer
  11. Alt-Tab stopped working under Win7 for me as well.

    As was stated by another previously, I use Ctl-Alt-Delete to bring up the process monitor, which also gives me access to my taskbar. Sometimes, though, I notice ProcMon will not display over CoV, and I have to click the set of keys twice - but eventually it will work.

    I would revert desktop themes, but I like the one I have and this work-around isn't too much trouble.

  12. IncredibleMouse

    Redside purples

    I dunno about all this hub-bub about purple prices. Just doing paper missions in GV I can get 2-4 purple drops a week. From those, I sell, and then buy the ones I really want. I'm sure there must be other methods of getting purps but papers are easy to solo and fun in groups. Ran three papers this morning and got a purp. I suspect the people not getting purps are due to them doing things where purps never drop - like AE?
  13. Thanks for the exploit fix.

    My friend re-activated her account now that it's been fixed.
  14. Thanks for the exploit fix. Keep up the good work.

    Also tossing in my vote for the removal of all exp from AE.
  15. I suppose if you like shadows that are ridiculously dubbed ultra while you play, it's an awesome update. Else: Yawn.
    So, my pick would be;
    I17: Whatev.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zubenelgenubi View Post
    Declare victory and retreat. Check.
    Self-Righteous Trolling. Check.
  17. It's been very disheartening ever since AE came out. All zones abandoned for one. Then, CO comes out, and POOF you notice there's a massive decline (cite numbers all you want this is MY post and I'll say what I feel and witnessed from my POV) in the population. Then, over the past week or so, I'm watching population rise, as if there's a light at end of the tunnel. Woot. Yes, I was worried. I even tried CO. What a mess that game is. I'm sure they can work it into something, maybe.. one day. This game is far more impressive, and will hold the numbers. In hindsight, they City played their cards right, and had an awesome hand. CO lost. rofl. Can't wait for GR.
  18. Someone said this game doesn't have healers?
    That's an old-old misconception of words that's been fought many times over on these forums. There are healers in this game, because they have the ability to heal, therefore they are healers. If your toon can heal, you are thusly a healer. That is what was meant by the OP, and that is what was understood. So, yes, in that context, there are healers in this game.

    Someone else said healers become a 5th wheel at higher levels.
    That is so true! The only time I get to actually play as a healer is if I look for lower level teams. They always want/need healers. Higher level teams just ask me to go get my kin (also a healer).
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    Clearly the simplest solution to this debate is to ban all lowbies from the game. If you are under level 40 when you create your character you should be restricted to the trainging zone until you've reached level 40.

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ReclusesPhantom View Post
    Player: Omg ignored for one day.
    Me: What would one have to do to get a perma ignore? Thanks in advance.
  21. IncredibleMouse

    No "More"

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    or that I'll hold back until you ask for it, you are sorely mistaken..
    Ugh. Lordy. Dude. You win. lol Now go find a life.
  22. IncredibleMouse

    No "More"

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    My goodness... Mouse, please understand I mean this with the utmost respect, but I really, really, REALLY dislike very much everything in that list. I don't want to get into detailed explanations, because there's no real point, but I just gotta' say, I pretty much disagree with you completely and would actually hate to see a lot of those done to the game.
    I mean this with the utmost respect, but I really, really, REALLY, disagree with your take on my suggestions posted to an open forum that specifically asked for people to post what "they" wanted. Nonetheless, I do thank you for your unwarranted feedback. Have a fabulous day!
  23. IncredibleMouse

    No "More"

    Originally Posted by Mr_Hellcat View Post
    - Very low light maps lit by lighting effects and powers.
  24. IncredibleMouse

    No "More"

    • Add rideable vehicles and boats with gun turrets that disable all your powers except the gun. When I enter the ride, I want my UI to be converted to the console of the inside of the vehicle.
    • Tear down those ridiculous impassable blue walls. They stick out like a sore thumb. They make me feel trapped, and less like a super-powered anything. Permit zone to zone travel simply by going towards that zone. If you hit the edge of the map, you should instantly zone into the adjacent zone, picking up where you geographically left off.
    • Reduction of zones, starting with the useless, to be determined by data mining. Though everyone knows, if you want to do anything with anyone, what zones we all ignore - and have been thusly for years.
    • Redesign existing zones with far more diverse textures.
    • Delete BM/Wents. Give everyone the ability to open a store and set their own prices. "Oh look, Joe Blow has that item, 5 billion infamy/influence cheaper - I think I'll buy from him." - EPIC!
    • Design Ability! If I can design a base; and I can create a story arc; why can't I design a map AND story arc?
    • Add drones next to any NPC to which I must open a full screen window (which removes my ability to see the invading hoardes surrounding me).
    Edited yet again, since impassible does not mean the same thing as impassable. OMG I'm such a loser.