Yea, I'm sure most of you will find this silly, but I digress, I can't resist. It was my first online dev event, so please excuse all of this if this is just common place for you.
It was so much fun listening to all the CityOf Devs, Mods, and Designers shoot-the-poop and answer Q&A last night. I enjoyed the humor between all, the immense patience the devs had, the unbelievably mature attendees, and all the craziness. Though I should note that most of the power-effect calmness is thanks to Posi who was running Power Suppression for all near him. I was getting irritated, not having fly, that I couldn't fly up next to Posi for my screenshot, but he finally came down and stood next to that Nem Horse for us screenshot nerds. Ghost Falcon spent a lot of his time just trying to figure out why his toon was not visible to all of us. I'm sure the part about him being a Ghost had nothing to do with it. Castle kept changing his outfits, so I snapped those as well. War Witch was a social butterfly. Even with 30 million messages streaming through the chat window, WW managed to just about personally respond to everyone. Aeon was pretty subdue, probably irritated that everyone was asking him questions about everything except for MA/Missions. Babs came out and just started rattling off answers to questions he knew we were going to ask before we asked them, all the while spawning monsters killing everyone, yet continuing to rattle off key information as if everything was just honky-dory. While still spewing off golden-nuggets of info, peeps laying dead everywhere, he turns on power suppression which is now hindering my ability to heal anyone standing near him. Peeps were getting angry, as if debt on test server was appauling. I was just ROFL all over the place.
I had so much fun last night - I just have to say thanks to the organizers, your patience, your answers to so many questions, and the kick-butt humor.
Favorite Moment (abbreviated):
Attendee Question: Will we ever get true lay down and sleep emotes?
Ghost Falcon: Not while we have the Pushups emote.
Posi: LOL @ GF!
For my personal delight, here's my screensies of me standing with the powers that be last night; (Note: Some of them have links to larger versions if you want to see them).
Yea, I'm sure most of you will find this silly, but I digress, I can't resist. It was my first online dev event, so please excuse all of this if this is just common place for you.

It was so much fun listening to all the CityOf Devs, Mods, and Designers shoot-the-poop and answer Q&A last night. I enjoyed the humor between all, the immense patience the devs had, the unbelievably mature attendees, and all the craziness. Though I should note that most of the power-effect calmness is thanks to Posi who was running Power Suppression for all near him. I was getting irritated, not having fly, that I couldn't fly up next to Posi for my screenshot, but he finally came down and stood next to that Nem Horse for us screenshot nerds. Ghost Falcon spent a lot of his time just trying to figure out why his toon was not visible to all of us. I'm sure the part about him being a Ghost had nothing to do with it. Castle kept changing his outfits, so I snapped those as well. War Witch was a social butterfly. Even with 30 million messages streaming through the chat window, WW managed to just about personally respond to everyone. Aeon was pretty subdue, probably irritated that everyone was asking him questions about everything except for MA/Missions. Babs came out and just started rattling off answers to questions he knew we were going to ask before we asked them, all the while spawning monsters killing everyone, yet continuing to rattle off key information as if everything was just honky-dory. While still spewing off golden-nuggets of info, peeps laying dead everywhere, he turns on power suppression which is now hindering my ability to heal anyone standing near him. Peeps were getting angry, as if debt on test server was appauling. I was just ROFL all over the place.
I had so much fun last night - I just have to say thanks to the organizers, your patience, your answers to so many questions, and the kick-butt humor.
Favorite Moment (abbreviated):
Attendee Question: Will we ever get true lay down and sleep emotes?
Ghost Falcon: Not while we have the Pushups emote.
Posi: LOL @ GF!
For my personal delight, here's my screensies of me standing with the powers that be last night; (Note: Some of them have links to larger versions if you want to see them).
General PocketD Group Photo
Mouse Standing with War Witch
Mouse with Guest: Sister Flame
Mouse with Dr Aeon
Mouse with Ghost Falcon
Mouse with Castle
Castle's Alternate Outfits
Mouse with Positron
Mouse with Back Alley Brawler
3 Devs - Group Photo
That's all.
Thanks for listening to me giggle.