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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    heck, you could probably just recruit people on the spot for quick tests.

    [/ QUOTE ]No... I really can't.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    What I meant was that if you get even one or two helpful people from here, you can probably get THEM to do the rest of the on-the-spot recruitment. If you're paranoid or shy about asking me to do it next time we're on, just speak the magic code word "chrysanthemum" and I'll know what you mean.
  2. 9PM PST Sunday is no go for me; I didn't realize you were east coast. Any other night or a couple hours later would be fine. Of course I am not a necessary element to this equation - heck, you could probably just recruit people on the spot for quick tests. I'll keep my eye on global friends when I get in that night just in case.
  3. Oh, good grief.


    That was the perfect word for my huge Clockwork abomination. The Clockwork Juggernaut. Anybody have any other suggestions?

    EDIT: Never mind - for some reason Colossus is allowed
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    And I suppose the server doesn't really matter, I can make a level 1 character and get it to any location in the game to meet up with the team. The MA should auto-SK me and I'm not looking for any hard gain from this, just information.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Right! I forgot that all we're testing for here is multiboss spawning, not overall playability. Although ... wait ... I thought the whole multiboss thing was ironed out in the other thread.

    EDIT: Oh wait, no it wasn't
  5. I'd be happy to help test if the schedule works out - Sundays are terrible for me, though. I should be home around 11PM PST tonight (and every Sunday ). Pinnacle works great for me.

    Really, midnight-2AM should work for me any day of the week, though, if that comes together for the rest of the team.
  6. One thing occurred to me - what are the enemy levels in the mission you're testing? If your allies have been dropped to a different level, they may have fewer powers available.
  7. Oohhh, the Architect badges. Right, I thought they were talking about standard defeat badges like Tank Buster or Spider Smasher. My bad.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    I had also gone [to Atlas] prior to the badge farm to do a regular farm mission for tickets/infl/kill badges (I was on my 50)

    [/ QUOTE ]
    FYI, if you are getting tickets, you are not getting credit for kill badges. Those two reward systems are mutually exclusive.
  9. Ooh, I didn't even think of that. Thanks Turg!
  10. Do difficulty settings affect anything other than which powers are used by a custom unit?

    For example, if I have a Minion with the Ice Pick attack set, they only get two attacks: Lunge and Eye Gouge. Whether I set them to Standard, Hard, or Extreme, it's only Lunge and Eye Gouge. The other attacks can only be used by Lts and Bosses.

    But does an Extreme Eye Gouge do more damage than a Standard Eye Gouge? Or are they the same?

    I guess I could test this myself but I'm at work right now. Just wondering about it.

    Thanks in advance, Z
  11. I feel dumb, too. Thanks Arnabas for posting the thread. I didn't know I could do this and I lost my 5-digit arc number. Ah well
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Umm can you tell me whats mispelled? Cause i honestly didnt notice anything..

    [/ QUOTE ]
    You might want to run all your text through a spell checker. I just found one online here. I ran your post above through it and found 13 mistakes (not counting stuff like CoT and BTW). Maybe your in-game text is better; I don't know. Just wanted to throw that out there as a suggestion.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    We need some screens of more of the costume options online, such as the female high collar cloak and any others that haven't been shown.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Strongly agree. Paragonwiki enthusiasts, please post full details!
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    I ran into an interesting trick today. I had to rescue hostages on a rather big map. The problem was the hostages were dressed exactly like their guards. So much for zooming over with flight and searching for the hostages (and, yes the hostages were standing up and doing nothing like the guards).

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I guess my heroes are better than most at detective work .. they can fly over and immediately identify friendly targets.

    /bind [key] "target_custom_next friend"
  15. I, too, really wish for a way to make custom "common thugs", guys with Saturday Night Specials who throw rocks and carry switchblades.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Is "APATHY QUIT!" a meme yet?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    It is now! Thanks!
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Another idea is to load generic enemies into your custom group to discourage multiboss spawns.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's exactly how I've got it set up now. I use underlings, specific underlings which fit the concept for each boss and can be explained within the context of the boss' powers. I'm trying to avoid making each boss seem like a controller/mastermind with multiple pets, if at all possible. Something small and weak which acts more like a temp power or toy, fine. A boss with his own personal army, that doesn't work for this.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I hear ya, but again, lesser of two evils. If the system doesn't *want* to spawn a boss and underlings, and has no minions or lieuts to choose from, it may be more likely to spawn two bosses instead. Which breaks concept least?

    Haha, saw your PM, I'll read it when I get home tonight. Will also try to find your insomniac [censored] in-game.
  18. OK, as I suspected, you were wayyy ahead of me in terms of using the system

    It sounds like this is a flaw in the MA system. I have strong doubts that you're intended to place a boss fight, "Fight Archon Sammy", and have him spawn with two more Archons all together. That just seems weird. So hopefully that will get fixed at some point.

    If that's how things work, and I again recognize that you've probably already thought of this, you might want to name your "base" custom boss with a generic-type name, in case multiples do spawn. It still won't make sense for Candyfloss Joe to spawn with two more Candy Kings, since he's supposed to be the only Candy King there is, but it will still look better than three Candyfloss Joes. See what I mean?

    Another idea is to load generic enemies into your custom group to discourage multiboss spawns. Maybe Joe hangs out with Freakshow lieutenants a lot in his time off. Again, I recognize that this may not be story-appropriate, but again, it's a lesser of two evils thing.

    And again, I'm sure you're way ahead of me on all this

    (I'm at work right now and probably won't be online again at least until late tonight - maybe 8 hours from the time of this post ... so I'll talk to you in-game later.)
  19. Just let me make sure I understand: you have custom bosses that are non-unique but don't travel in pairs?

    For unique custom bosses, I put mine in a separate group so they wouldn't show up unless I hand-placed them. But I can't imagine that you didn't think of that already.

    I'm sure that once I see the characters it'll make sense, but I'm having a hard time envisioning non-unique bosses that are never in the same room together.

    My schedule is unpredictable but I'd be delighted to volunteer as a tester if we can get it together. PM me or look for @Zombra in game.
  20. I wouldn't mind taking a crack at it. Post some dialogue and we'll see what we can come up with.

    If you absolutely MUST, you can PM me instead, but I'd prefer to work in an open environment - you'll have more material to choose from that way.

    (Though I wouldn't mind being credited if you use some of my dialogue )
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    I'd love it if I could do something like Crey and do female and male versions of the same minion with the same name and powers, but it appears that in their case the Devs also do it with totally different critter entities.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I'd love to be able to allow for randomized faces and hairstyles as well as gender. It'd be great to build a minion uniform and add power sets without having them all look like literal clones.
  22. All great suggestions.
    [ QUOTE ][*]New advanced objective: create a sparring contest (enemies use "we're fighting" emotes).

    [/ QUOTE ]
    This would be my #1. Too often, battles are over before the players are even aware of them. I've come upon several wounded enemy groups just standing around in custom missions. I say to myself, "A battle happened here. I wonder if it was cool."

    Even better might be a way to limit battle damage, so the NPCs are fighting each other for a few minutes - or even better, a way to give one group an edge on the other .. I wanted to have my custom villains getting their [censored] kicked by Longbow in my arc, but it didn't work out that way. But I'd think these kind of things would fall into the "resource-expensive" category.
  23. See Karl Rove Man's brilliant thread on how to make things hard on your players. My favorite: make a "Defeat Synapse" mission, and set Synapse to flee at 100% hit points. He'll be out the door before they've finished loading the map.

    Fleeting_Whisper's idea is even more foolproof of course
  24. ICF_Zombra

    Custom Sniper?

    Interesting, Miuramir, thanks.

    For the record, my first draft of the unit I had in mind actually was /Devices with Targeting Drone. Thinking of Snipers, I made this unit a Lieutenant, but found that a Lt couldn't have Targeting Drone without also having both Smoke Grenade and Caltrops, two of the most annoying enemy powers in the game.

    I was testing just now, and discovered that a minion can have Targeting Drone, and will receive Caltrops but not Smoke Grenade. This revelation is terrible since I just published my epic arc a few hours ago .. but now I've taken it down again with an eye towards a possible redesign. Thanks a lot!

    What other custom power sets have +perception? Maybe I won't have to do as big an overhaul as I'm worried I might.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    Well that would be pretty sweet, but for my purposes I'd be happy if I could just say "Well you blew it, see ya."

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Cap may disagree, but I too think this would be a good thing. I want my mission failures to have some meaning other than different ending text and a 3% xp reduction.

    But then I'm the kind of guy who resets a mission if he dies in the middle of it and can't scrape up an Awaken.