Custom Unit Difficulty Settings
Justing from the critter creator, no, it's just more powers. Basing this on the power details from each set as you toggle the hard/extreme settings.

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

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Ooh, I didn't even think of that. Thanks Turg!
Do difficulty settings affect anything other than which powers are used by a custom unit?
For example, if I have a Minion with the Ice Pick attack set, they only get two attacks: Lunge and Eye Gouge. Whether I set them to Standard, Hard, or Extreme, it's only Lunge and Eye Gouge. The other attacks can only be used by Lts and Bosses.
But does an Extreme Eye Gouge do more damage than a Standard Eye Gouge? Or are they the same?
I guess I could test this myself but I'm at work right now. Just wondering about it.
Thanks in advance, Z