50 -
As a player with a lvl 50 Elec/* Brute, I wouldn't skip either, but if I had to skip one, I guess it'd be Jacob's Ladder (and not because its a bad power at all... despite its longish animation time).
From a pure fun perspective, CI is a more enjoyable power.
You open your attack chain with it, and it goes around tagging several other mobs near the one you hit while you go house with your other attacks. Just remember to use it on mobs that aren't left with only a sliver of health, because the chain stops when a mob drops even if the maximum number of targets are in range of that mob.
As food for thought, its worth mentioning that a good Fury-fueled JL can drop 3-4 hurting mobs at once... which is nothing to sneeze at in terms of either Endurance savings or reduced take-down time. -
AR/Dev is a very effective and safe combo IF you play it to its strengths, which are using Smoke Grenade/Cloaking + some other form of stealth (a former SG mate of mine used Super Speed and Cloaking Device to great effect), drop a bunch of Trip Mines, back up, drop Caltrops, then open up with either Full Auto or Ignite from the edge of your range. Fulmens' time estimation of 20 seconds actually sounds kind of fast for the spawn kill time. It felt like it took my SG mate longer, but the fact remains that its a very "safe" way to play.
Ice/Ice, in my limited experience with the combo, is also a very safe build.. but keeps the "action" factor up, as most of the damage mitigation is done in real-time as opposed to being done in set-up.
I wouldn't be me if I didn't mention Elec/Elec as a safe combo as well. I'm usually able to solo spawns that other Blasters have to pop insps for. Hate fighting Cimerorans though... their high Defense makes them generally tough. -
I agree that VS is not worthless. Even prior to getting a couple Soulbound in it, I found it useful for helping finish off minions I'd dropped AoE chains on and for upping my ST damage against bosses.
Is there any reason *not* to juggle your toggles?
If you're packing 3+End/Sec recov, then hats off, but most of us aren't. :P
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm late to the party here, but I have to say that with my mildly IO'd/HO'd DM/DA, I don't don't have +3 Rec/sec and I don't find myself in any great need of CAB's or resting... heck, most of the time I only Fire off Dark Consumption as an AoE chain to quicky polish off a larger group of minions (TT+Soul Drain + DR + DC + DS. Its not up all the time, but when it is... it usually means: POW! next spawn).
As far as the OP goes... I think at this point the poster is long gone, but naming the trademark powers of the set in an attempt to exemplify why Dark Armor "sucks" obviously shows that they're missing the utility of the set.
I completely agree that in the low levels its hard to manage endurance, but I found that managing endurance on a /SR Scrapper in the low levels isn't always easy either.
The only real gripe I have with the set is that CoF could use some kind of love (Des, myself, and others have had dialog about this many moons ago). My take on it is that CoF got nerfed too much, and while it is *definitely* still useful, one aspect of the power could be given a buff (either its Endurance cost, its Accuracy, Its Fear Mag, or its To-Hit Debuff) without breaking it... well, upping its Fear mag back to 3 might be over-the-top, as might increasing the To-Hit Debuff, but slightly dropping the Endurance cost, or easing up on the Acc penalty would probably keep the power balanced without making it the over-the-top uber mitigation that it once was. -
Elec/Elec for me... it was my first Blaster, and still no Blaster I've played to date solos as easily. Its not fast, but between the holds and the End Drains, its mighty safe to solo with whether against bosses or large spawns of minions with lieuts.
With Elec Mastery's additional ranged hold and cone attack, you actually get decent AoE and even more control... it makes soloing bosses pretty much a no brainer, and if you get the jump on an EB you won't even have to use insps.... and no, my E3 Blaster is not soft-capped... not even close. His IO sets are for Acc and Recharge... good times. -
I have to weigh in here on the controlled vs. uncontrolled KB topic:
Controlled KB is rarely, if ever, a problem on any team I've ever been on.
Uncontrolled KB is a major PITA. AoE damage toons can't use their powers effectively, Controllers/AoE debuffers can't use their powers to full effect, and aggro control becomes difficult at best and nigh impossible at worst, as uncontrolled KB can knock mobs into previously not-aggro'd spawns.
Overall in most cases it makes for a less efficient team that has to spread out in order to take out mobs scattered by usually just one player.
In my years playing this game, the only time KB has been uncontrolled on teams is by newer players who don't understand the mechanics of teaming. I've played with /SS Tankers who run up to a spawn and hit Hand Clap, /Elec Blasters who run up to a spawn and hit Lightning Clap... in both cases before any aggro control can be established, debuffs applied, control exerted, etc...
Conversely, on the Controlled KB front, I've played with Sonic/ Defenders who were excellent about using Shockwave to knock spawns into a wall or corner to pile them up, PB's who were careful to NOT use Solar Flare in the middle of large spawns, and Herdicane'ers/Repulsion Field'ers who did a great job of piling mobs up together.
Uncontrolled KB==suckage.
Controlled KB == good times -
When playing solo, prior to tacking on IO set bonuses, you're only getting in the mid-20% range for positional Defense (not counting if you take CJ, Hover, Maneuvers, or some other Defense-granting power to supplement Shield Defense's buffs).
If you're fighting on the hardest level, it can get dicey without popping insps on occasion. Otherwise, the combinatinon of additional HP, Defense, Resistance and damage output in SD is good for most normal solo play (i.e., you're not going to herd up five spawns and survive without popping either a purp or two before hand or a couple of greens along the way).
On teams it can be relatively easy to stay alive without softcapping.
I took the time playing my Elec/SD (a VG mate asked another mate and I to build similar toons, and while I'm not normally an FoTM player, I have to say, the combo is pretty sick) to raise the inf to get him soft-capped to melee, and almost soft-capped for ranged/AoE. Its pretty darn nice... and quite uber feeling. -
Ice/Elec is going to have more success in PvP, based on my limited PvP experiences and my knowledge of the Ice/ and Elec/ sets. VS will not come in handy in most PvP fights, as you'll be bouncing around or otherwise moving most of the time, and VS will have a hard enough time keeping up with you to stay in range of your opponents. Besides, in PvP, it seems like you'll want to concentrate your attacks on one opponent at a time, and if you're moving around a lot, it will be hard to do that unless there are no other targetable opponents anywhere you may move to on the map (PvP zones have NPC mobs in them).
Also, VS is better when fighting in a protracted environment (a group of mobs, or a boss or two) rather than the quick hit & fade tactics employed in PvP.
/Elec as a secondary is probably better suited to PvE than, say, EM, but it hits hard and gives you a bit of control to help keep a target in range a smidge longer, which is always nice.
Ice/ has two holds, plus its -speed and -rechg components... as well as its very good ST damage. Based on those factors, I would say Ice/ would be a better primary for PvP. -
Having a Psi/MM at lvl 50, I can say that I enjoyed it and still do enjoy playing it. Psi/ not going to waste single targets as fast as Ice/ and its not going to mow down mobs AoE-style like Arch/ or Fire/, but it does do decent overall damage on mobs that don't resist Psionic damage heavily (most mobs in the game don't heavily resist Psi damage. All robots do though, so in the late game you have Malta Titans, Nem Jaegers, Council bots, etc... plus the regularly Psi resistant mobs... like Carnies and some Rikti). That being said, mobs like human Council, Crey, Family, Freakshow, and CoT are all easier to take out w/ Psionic damage.
The main gripe I have with Psi/ is that, for the animation time of several of the powers in the set, the damage they deal is not what I would consider fair in comparison to other powersets. That being said, the very rare damage type sort of makes up for it, but not in all cases (i.e., Psi-resistant mobs).
As far as the control powers are concerned:
TK Blast is decent in terms of what it does and how long it takes to animate,
Scramble Thoughts takes WAY too long to animate for what it does. A mag 3 Stun is nice, but the animation time is just silly.
/MM as a secondary is just plain great. Paired with any primary its a blast (pardon the pun), but paired with Psi/, it definitely seems to help mitigate some of its shortcomings.
By lvl 45 I could take out decently-sized mobs solo (mobs of hazard spawns of 7-8 minions with a couple of lieuts in them) safely (although not terribly quickly compared to Fire/, AR/, or Arch/). I took Elec mastery and Static Discharge to include with Psy Scream, Psi 'nado, and PSW to make for a decent AoE chain. The combo is really nice.
Since nukes like Psy Wail tend to have decently long recharges, I don't normally count them as part of an attack chain, but I have to say, for a relatively short-range nuke, it is a great one. Sometimes teammates don't see the animation fire off and wonder how everything suddenly died, and why there are a scant few mobs left wandering around stunned. Always gives me a chuckle.
One last note here... my Fortunata's Psy Wail is better... but only because there's no endurance crash after using it. -
As far as the endurance/survivability pain of Widows in low levels... I have to say I agree... it was rough (on my Crab/Bane as well). I found that using 1x End reduction in my attacks helped some on the endurance front though.
Things got a LOT better once I was able to slot SO's too. I don't have any IO sets in my VEATs yet, but at this point endurance management isn't terrible. I usually make sure I've got a couple of blues handy to keep me rolling when soloing, which also helps.
Once you're able to specialize and you get Mind Link to compliment your other Defense powers... its really amazing how easy it is to stay alive the vast majority of the time.
My Fort solo'd a two-boss spawn two nights ago (both bosses conned purple as they were +2 to my level). One was a Death Mage and the other a Chief Rikti Soldier. It was one of the mishes for Ashley McKnight in a cave. I popped two reds for insps, Hasten, and Mind Link. Late in the fight on the second boss (the CRS), I had to pop a small green and two small blues. Otherwise I was fine for survivability, which more or less shocked me. I had to send a tell to an SG mate who was playing on another server about it. -
Do what I do: use dual builds.
I've done so on my crab/bane as well as my widow/fort. With the SOA it really like having access to two ATs in one character.
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That is what I do as well... its really nice, I have to say.
The Night Widow build is half empty on enhancements, but still has a decent amount of survivability, although it hurts for endurance usually. My Fortunata is using almost all common IO's and SO's, and there have been mishes where I've been the primary means of aggro management for decently large teams of 6-8 players. Between the control powers and my Defenses/Mind Link... its almost too easy to stay alive. -
I have a lvl 50 Crab/Bane (dual build). I find that for the most part I like playing the Crabby, simply because of the AoE goodness he can dish out, and having the extra pets is always nice too.
As for my experience playing a Bane, I would not:
1) take CT: O - there's a difference between +Acc and +To-Hit, and CT: O is not +To-Hit.
2) toggle off Cloaking Device. ~3% Defense is nothing to sneeze at when you're playing a build that needs as much Defense as it can get.
Taking Assault from the Leadership Pool... on a Bane it may not be quite as bad as taking it on, say, a Crab in terms of sheer endurance cost vs. overall benefit, but found myself to be a little slot-and power-choice-starved on both the Crab and the Bane, and Assault was something I just couldn't justify fitting in on either.
One quick note on Crabs... maybe I'm just lucky, but for Boss fights I never seem to have any major problems solo. I DO buff up on insps before I hop into the fight and I make sure I've got some if not all of my pets out to help soak aggro, but after Omega Manuver, VG, pets, Suppression, FG... there's not much of any minions left. I can finish off any Lieuts quicky, and then deal with the Boss with my pets. To be fair, my Crab is lvl 50, and I have vet powers to help supplement my few ST attacks. Plus, being able to knock a boss off of its feet with the Nem Staff or FG on occasion (can't knock 'em all down, of course) isn't a bad thing in terms of survivability either, I guess.
Granted, I'm not plowing through bosses like a hot knife through butter, but as a Crab I can usually take them down without much issue. EB's are significantly tougher, of course, but I've beat a few... and a few I don't think I was ever able to beat unfortunately. :P -
Server - Pinnale , Triumph , Protector
Zone - All
Characters- All
Sprint does not turn off , has to be repressed more then once.
[/ QUOTE ]
Its all servers/zones as far as I'm aware. During I13 beta run on Test BaB said that the devs implemented that change by design to prevent a certain exploit (that no one could really figure out).
Its not just Sprint... its either all travel powers or all toggles in general. I usually deactivate my travel power AFTER I begin my attack on a given spawn (or switch travel powers... say Fly to Hover) to save on endurance. I usually do this by turning the travel power on.... advancing on a spawn, target a mob, queue an attack and as that attack is animating I hit the key that turns off the travel power so that it deactivates during the activation period. Now, I cannot do that, and find myself either spending significantly more endurance than I would like (by not bothering to turn off the toggle) or by causing a significant gap in my opening attack chain (which HAS lead to a couple of my toons face-planting as I repeatedly hit the key that detoggles the travel power that particular toon is using).
I bugged it last night for emphasis, but BaB stated that the devs are discussing it in order to see if there is a way to still prevent the exploit and not degrade the QoL for players in general who are affected by the change (many of whom voiced their opinions in the original thread).
BaB resorted to sarcasm, which didn't help matters any... and after that communication by BaB, nothing has yet been done to address the issue (most likely because there were/are bigger bugs to stomp out prior to- and post- i13's drop to Live.)
I am hopeful that it gets addressed relatively soon though... it puts a major "cramp in my style" as it were. -
Nicely done KingSnake.
Your inclusion of tactics were excellent and didn't go over the tops of anyone's heads.
One thing... and this is more a nit-pick than anything, is that Dull Pain with 3x Heal enhancements in it is the equivalent of ~35% resistance to ALL (including Psi and Toxic).
So when fighting mobs that deal primarily Psi damage (or Toxic damage if you're fighting Vahz at low level), Dull Pain is essentially Psi/Toxic resistance.
Just my .02, take it or leave it. -
After all, the one thing they -can't- afford to change, for marketing purposes, is the name of their websites.
[/ QUOTE ]
I used to think that filtering the URL of the site would be enough, and I think it would still have some impact, but there's a trick that a lot of spammers use (not just MMO RMT spammers) to get around string/text filters. They can add spaces or characters to a name/URL and still make it understandable, either intuitively as in my first example below [NOTE: I am using a made-up URL to prevent the RMT spammers from getting any more exposure] or by adding a simple sentence the describes whatever character they're using so break up the string.
For instance, a site called
could be spelled out in a tell/email as
"w w w . i b s p a m m e r . c o m"
and they could leave it to the recipient to figure it out (most web users who want to look into an RMT site will know to spell that URL out in a browser address bar without spaces just by looking at it.)
They could also do something like the following
"www.ibspa-mmer.com (pls remove the - when typing into your browser)".
This might confuse the less adept web surfer or one who has a hard time reading english, but most players could easily figure out what a spammer is trying to say here. An extra character like the one in this example could be put anywhere in the string... and it doesn't have to be a hyphen. It could be literally any character and therefore easily defeat a string/text based filter, by just changing the part of the URL that the extra character is placed or the character used.
The problem w/ spammers is that money motivates them, and apparently there are people lazy enough to pay someone real money to give them in-game currency which is very easily attained on one's own just by PLAYING THE GAME.
My hope would be that the CoX population at large would know better, and educate those who might be considering using the "services" of an RMT spammer, because nothing drives away spammers like a dry well, but I know that the spammers wouldn't be pushing so hard if there players weren't biting the worms on the spam hooks, as it were.
The best way to filter out spam in any messaging system is to take a multi-layered approach. The problem with that is that multi-layered protection (including string/text filtering, behavior/characteristics/heuristics, AI smart and fast enough to analyze every message in real time, etc... as in lots of the enterprise-class commercially available anti-spam solutions) is expensive and has to be not only trained, but maintained.
I'm not saying its impossible, but its not an easy task. On the upside, there are fewer ways for spammers to get their message across in CoX than there are in commercial messaging platforms. They can't send emails or tells as graphics, so that eliminates a big hole, and there's a limited number of character sets they can use, not to mention there cannot be any attachments of any kind in in-game email, so that helps as well.
Figured I'd end my post at least a somewhat positive note. -
Its tough to prevent RMT tells/in-game emails because of the way spammers get their "message" out.
They sign up for free 14-day (or however long) trials. Use random account names and random toon names, then log on to those lvl 1 toons, paste their advertisements into tells/emails, and start spamming.
Banning those accounts isn't ultimately a solution, because they can keep creating new ones for free. There's no way to stop that though, because a lot of new players join after enjoying a trial, so the trials can't be yanked.
I've suggested in the past using some kind of content filtering for the in-game chat/IM/email systems, but even that would be really tough without someone to maintain an up-to-date blacklist and characteristic profile for RMT-related spam... and that's a full time job right there. Just look at commercial anti-spam products... there's a LOT of info to maintain in order to be and remain an effective solution.
So ultimately, the RMT issue is the same as with any spam issue for any messaging system. It exists, and its not going away, but hopefully its days are numbered.
I personally have gotten sick of petitioning EVERY SINGLE tell I get for RMT, but I still /ignore_spammer them. Its better than doing nothing, and if I do it, that means that there is some other player out there who won't have to because the account (throw-away account though it is) will be banned before they can vomit out much spam to other players. -
Supergroup Name: The Legion of Vengeance
SG Website: N/A
Leaders/Recruiting Officers: @Lord Xion, @Hyp3r, Sorceror of Death, Majestic Retribution
Way of contact: In Game email, In-Game Tell
SG Description: A small, laid-back SG for players who love to play but have lives as well. Most of our members come on at night or during the weekends, and usually there aren't more than 5-10 on at a time (though that can and does change from time to time on the weekends and during Events).
We have a large base with Portals to almost every Zone and Hazard Zone, storage, a crafting table, a med bay, and the base is being made defensible for the purpose of hosting raids.
Most members have alts in other SG's as well as a VG on Liberty, and all are usually very helpful and friendly. We recommend that lower level players run in SG mode, but don't demand it, and players over lvl 30 can decide for themselves whether or not they want to run in SG mode at all.
Its all about having fun and not having any of the pressure of larger, more business-like SG's, while maintaining a feature-laden base, and helping out members whenever possible. Teaming w/ SG members is NOT required, but its a usually a good time... speaking from my own experience. -
I have received three tells total from spammers advertising their RMT sites and such. Each time, I petitioned them.
Tell spam==SO NOT COOL. -
Hey gang. Here's what happened. Matt's been swamped with Inventions and I9. He approached me a few days ago about helping him write this article as I was the one who wrote the original design doc on all of the changes we're making to Hamidon in Issue 9. I wrote out the article for curse-gaming and at the very top, I left a blank section to talk a bit about Hamidon's back story, the history of raids over the years, and reveal what Geko's original idea as far as player strategy was.
I'll admit, I was a bit hazy on the back story. I've done the arc myself and I had the vague memory that it had something to do with a mutated scientist named Hamidon, but couldn't remember the details. All I could remember was his creation of the Devouring Earth, and part with Terra and the love letter. I didn't want to mess anything up and get the facts wrong, so I just left that section empty and set it back to Position for him to fill in. When I read over what he'd written, I didn't think that sounded like what I remembered. "But he's Positron," I thought, "Surely he'd know.
Well, he got it mixed up obviously. Between his own hazy memory and more importantly just being really busy fixing things for Issue 9, he came up with something about an ancient god. Brian, one of our mission/story writers, set out an email shortly after the article went up that that basically said "The Hamidon is a what what of what?"
So Brian, who actually knows what's going on in the story and was conveniently ill the day we sent this article out, has rewritten the backstory and we've asked curse-gaming to update the article.
Other than that, I hope everyone enjoys the article. I had a lot of fun writing it.
[/ QUOTE ]
So it was actually Posi who screwed up Hammi's background that badly? Yeesh. Wouldn't have thought that in a million years.
Well, kudos for owning up to it. Busy or not, it helps to have the background straight, so having Curse-Gaming update the article w/ the correct background info is a good thing, IMO.
Overall, it was a good teaser article, I thought. Definitely seemed to get the gears turning of both the nightly-raider and the non-raider alike. -
To be honest, this isn't an official site so the reviewer are probably under some misconception about Hamidon.
[/ QUOTE ]
City of Heroes / City of Villains: Redesigning the Hamidon
By Christopher Bruce, Cryptic Developer
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Yeah, I actually found it a little annoying that one of the Devs knows so little about the game (even if he were trying to use "elder god" in a figurative sense) that he referred to defeating Hammi as sending it (him) back to the dimension from which he came.
Duh, read through a story arc of the game you code for once in a while.
It just looks bad to me. Cryptic's own developers (at least this one) know very little about the background of something that they are writing an article on... one that said dev knows full well is going to get published online and read by actual players.
I mean, come on, spend the 1-2 minutes it'll take to skim through the text of the arc and find the part about Hamidon being a scientist who mutated himself.
[/ QUOTE ]
What if it wasn't a matter of "just" a mutation? What if when he mutated himself, what actually happened was that it opened a gate to the Elder God Hamidon who then uses his body as a way into our world? What if this Elder God consumed the scientist's body in such a way so as to not require the scientist's actual body to reform here, which would explain the lack of such a body each time the Hamidon is defeated, or assuming this, repulsed from this dimension?
It's possible there is more to this than we currently know.
[/ QUOTE ]
Aside from the fact that this is nothing more than pure, unadulterated conjecture and imagination on your part, there is the possibility that they may change the background of Hamidon.
However, the fact remains that Hamidon's background is currently what we all know from having done the DE arcs, and every bit of documentation currently available that describes the changes to Hamidon do not make any references whatsoever about a background change.
Ultimately, its just a game, so it doesn't really matter. I just get annoyed by stuff like that in general. -
To be honest, this isn't an official site so the reviewer are probably under some misconception about Hamidon.
[/ QUOTE ]
City of Heroes / City of Villains: Redesigning the Hamidon
By Christopher Bruce, Cryptic Developer
[/ QUOTE ]
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah, I actually found it a little annoying that one of the Devs knows so little about the game (even if he were trying to use "elder god" in a figurative sense) that he referred to defeating Hammi as sending it (him) back to the dimension from which he came.
Duh, read through a story arc of the game you code for once in a while.
It just looks bad to me. Cryptic's own developers (at least this one) know very little about the background of something that they are writing an article on... one that said dev knows full well is going to get published online and read by actual players.
I mean, come on, spend the 1-2 minutes it'll take to skim through the text of the arc and find the part about Hamidon being a scientist who mutated himself. -
Even better are the random tells people send asking you to join their team (not enter any given mish, just join the team) because they think that there will be more mobs in the mish because they have more people on their team. Once they enter the mish alone, they say thanks and have everyone quit the team, somehow thinking that the mish will have more mobs than there would be for one toon.
If Shadow Maul goes, it won't be due to its cone status.
[/ QUOTE ]
Then what will it be due to? I'm not seeing the issue with
[/ QUOTE ]
IF it gets removed (there are cone attacks in other Stalker sets), it will be because it has a painfully long animation time. Being stuck for the whole time the attack fires off means that anyone you're not hitting gets a free shot at you for as long as your stuck in the animation.
As a DM/DA Scrapper in the low levels, I can say with vehemence that I HATED when I mised a couple of mobs with Shadow Maul, only to have one or more of them hit me back and take out a serious chunk of my health because I couldn't move or otherwise do anything about it. For Stalkers, my assumption would be that missing like that would practically be suicidal, as they have far fewer hit points. -
what is the point in having unyielding, which supposedly prevents toggle drops, and then having a stalker come up and each time he hits dropping all of my toggles....that means that unyielding is useless. i wouldnt mind if they dropped my health and killed me that way but dropping my toggles is somthing that should not happen. unyielding doesnt work at all vs stalkers
[/ QUOTE ]
Unyielding does not protect from Toggle Drops.
[/ QUOTE ]
I think he just said that wrong (or didn't know quite what he was saying :P). One of the main reasons to take UY (and the other mez-protection powers) is to avoid enemies dropping your toggles in PvE. My Inv tank wouldn't really be bothered about being mezzed once in a while, if it didn't sut off his toggles. Getting the mez-protection toggles is like "Yes! Finally my toggles will stay up!".
The whole toggle-dropping mechaninc negates this and reduces us to pre-mez-protection levels of power. If you want to kill me, kill my by overcoming my powers. Not by randomly shutting them off.
[/ QUOTE ]
Bam! Exactly! It's been said many times before, in different ways and forums, but it's because it's true. With i5, and ESPECIALLY ED, Toggle-dropping is an outdated and harmful mechanic for Tanks, Scrappers, Brutes and, to a degree, Stalkers.
[/ QUOTE ]
The Toggle-Drop effect of certain powers only occur in PvP as far as I know.
Brawl was given the ability to drop toggles too. In Bloody Bay I fought (along with a bunch of other villains) an Invuln/SS tank who literally strolled into the Villain base as if he were all alone. After a while of pounding on him with no significant effect, someone broadcast, "Brawl him you fools!!!" We did, and low and behold, Invincibility dropped seconds later. Then we pasted him.
I'm not a big PvP'er, but hearing that prompted me to go back and check different patch notes dating back to the advent of the Arena, and sure enough, in PvP, certain powers were given the ability to drop toggles.
Before you go saying, OMGBBQ!!!!11!1!1!!!!1!1, read back to the old patch notes. It just makes sense in PvP.
Otherwise the old tanker/defender duo would just own everything.
Some Stalker powers have a chance to drop toggles, BTW. Its not guranteed to happen with every attack from every powerset. However, if two or three Stalkers are all taking pot-shots at a toon running toggles, chances are its eventually going to happen.
Then again, if two or three of any toon is effectively jousting a tank and using Brawl, it's probably just as likely to happen. -
There is no way this type of character will work anymore with its MAIN defensive skill set at 0.65%. Not when it has to stand Toe to Toe with everything as it is a MELEE CLASS.
Now some of you might be saying it cant be this bad. Well, please try it yourself and good luck. : P Most people gave up before level 28 before I5 anyhow. Now????? I wouldnt even suggest anyone actually even attempt DA/DM. Your better off as a Tank actually. : P
I would actually have to classify DA/DM as the worst class within the game currently with no solution in sight other than a major edit.
[/ QUOTE ]
Firstly to Screwloose: well done. Very informative, and likeably opinionated.
Now, onto Lore...
You actually make a couple of valid points Lore, but the majority of your post is so vociferously uninformed (as the quote above shows) to be puzzling.
Do you really believe what you've typed? You've obviously put a LOT of time into typing a lengthy rant about why you feel Screw's post is not precise and why you think that the set's completely ineffective because of CoD's lack of spectacular defense, etc...
You're certainly entitled to represent your opinions, but I don't think you'll find many supporters here.
As for your belief that /DA is an impossible set to play... you may want to check out the /DA guides out there.
As you can see by the responses to your thread, there are more than a few of us, and it is our belief that they're a fun scrapper to play.
Mine is my favorite toon to play, as a matter of fact...