Pvp blaster, ice/elec or elec/elec
You're excited about SC? Definitely want to check the box that says 'show pvp numbers' on the detailed info; off the top of my head I want to say the base end drain is cut from 35% to 15%. The good part of SC is that it cuts recovery, but so does Tesla Cage and it's got range.
You're excited about SC? Definitely want to check the box that says 'show pvp numbers' on the detailed info; off the top of my head I want to say the base end drain is cut from 35% to 15%. The good part of SC is that it cuts recovery, but so does Tesla Cage and it's got range.
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Well, i'm definitely not excited about it, I was just comparing that to ice/ . But you're right, SC does only -10end and -100% rec for 10sec, while TC does -100% rec for 8s. Slotting either for end mod doesnt do anything to the duration of -recovery, does it?
I'd say if you're starting from L1 roll a Sonic/Energy and look at the numbers as to why.
Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread
I'd say if you're starting from L1 roll a Sonic/Energy and look at the numbers as to why.
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I'm not. I have both ice/elec and elec/elec at 50 already.
Ice/Elec is going to have more success in PvP, based on my limited PvP experiences and my knowledge of the Ice/ and Elec/ sets. VS will not come in handy in most PvP fights, as you'll be bouncing around or otherwise moving most of the time, and VS will have a hard enough time keeping up with you to stay in range of your opponents. Besides, in PvP, it seems like you'll want to concentrate your attacks on one opponent at a time, and if you're moving around a lot, it will be hard to do that unless there are no other targetable opponents anywhere you may move to on the map (PvP zones have NPC mobs in them).
Also, VS is better when fighting in a protracted environment (a group of mobs, or a boss or two) rather than the quick hit & fade tactics employed in PvP.
/Elec as a secondary is probably better suited to PvE than, say, EM, but it hits hard and gives you a bit of control to help keep a target in range a smidge longer, which is always nice.
Ice/ has two holds, plus its -speed and -rechg components... as well as its very good ST damage. Based on those factors, I would say Ice/ would be a better primary for PvP.
From what I've seen so far, I think both builds would be roughly the same. Ice has better ranged attacks, but with the new PvP rules, the snipe in electric blast equalizes things. It's a bit hinky, but I can see leading off with zapp and following up with melee blaps and lightning bolt. It's sad that bitter ice blast does less than ice blast, effectively neutering ice's tier 3.
I think your electric/electric for zone PvP and the occasional casual arena duel would be fine.
I'd say if you're starting from L1 roll a Sonic/Energy and look at the numbers as to why.
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I'm not. I have both ice/elec and elec/elec at 50 already.
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0.o Stubborn much?
I posted this in another forum and haven't gotten much feedback, so i'm posting it here!
"I get one extra blast attack with ice/ but I get VS and SC with elec/ Seems VS would be somewhat helpful. Am I naive to think so? I would love to get PositronBot back in pvp again. Sentimental reasons, ya know? Though, I would have to do about 3-4 respecs to get the 30 HOs out of him. :S "