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Quote:Ask around on the Gobal channel TheMarket, and if someone who can invite is on, they should be happy to send you an invite.EDIT: I propose we have a 30s and a teens level. I could spare the toons, even have some I'd like to get in there. What's the name of the channel/contact to get my dudes in later today, around 9 est.
I would second the suggestion to open up inviting to the SG to all levels, I'm in the SG right now, but I can't invite anyone.
I plan to have at least two (darn you altitus) heros in this, a Fire/Rad that I will lock in around lv 33-35, and a plants/rad positron running around 12-20. I was thinking we would have a seperate SG for the lower level toons, but I can't see any reason to do so at this time. Does anyone see a reason why we would need one?
I'm also going to have a thugs/MM that I will lock in at 33-35 redside. Given that low level IOs do not seem to sell redside, I'm not going to bother having a lower level redside toon. -
I'm available most night, but I'm going to dedicate Monday nights, 7PM(cent)- to this, at least for a bit to see if I can get this to take off.
So I will be on Monday night at starting at 7, and I'll have to my fire/rad up to lv 4 with AM ready to go.
I hope to see lots of people there. -
Quote:The fire/rad static team I suggested is completly optional. I suggested it because of two things.4. Static teams are fine, but please make them optional. This is a part time thingy for me, and I, like many others, have other characters on different home servers. I'm happy to pump out merits solo or as part of a team effort, but I'm out if I *have to* make X/X AT combination. Even as a soloist, I've made 5 random rolls so far (100 Merits) between doing Ouro flashbacks, the Winter Lord event and finishing out some old arcs. I'm sure I'll pull my weight.
1. Some of the most fun I have every had in this game has been on a team of fire/rads. If you have never had a chance to see such a team in action, I highly recommend trying it out.
2. This is a part time thing for me also, so if I can get a team together, and get 3-5 levels an hour to get to lv 33-35 faster and more funnly, rather than slog it alone as a solo toon I'm all for it.
I would like it if everyone in the SG who has a free slot on freedom makes a fire/rad. I would love it if when you see myself or anyone trying to form a fire/rad team, you pull it out and join them. Give it a try, if you dont like it, at least you will know you don't like it. On the other hand, you may come to believe, like I do, that running around on a group of fire/rads is about as much fun as you can have in this game. -
1. I would like to join a fire/rad superteam, and giggle like a schoolboy while watching everything die around me?
2. The best time for a static team to meet for me would be?
3. List of people who are interested. If we need more room, just add to list.
Name Global Toon Name
10. -
Someone PMed about the fire/rads, so I thought I would do a little (make that long) write up about them. First off, I stole this idea from Topdoc, so all the credit goes to him. There used to be a thousands of post long discussion of this idea over on the controllers forum. If it still exists there is a much more comprehensive discussion of it all over there, but I'll try to summorise what I remember of it here.
Fire/rad controllers are a powerful build taken in its own right. They combine one of, if not the most, damaging of the controller primaries with one of the best secondaries. But the idea is to combine multiple fire/rads into an unstoppable juggernaut.
The secret to this is Accelerate Metabolism or AM. It's a group buff that gives +20% to damage, +30% to recharge, +30% recovery rate, and +30% to fly/run rate for 2 minutes. And you get this at lv 4. With 8 fire/rads running this, starting at lv 4, you have 160% to damage, 180% to recharge, 180% to recovery, and 180% to move speed and some good resistance to status effects. What this feels like in practice is, you attack very fast and for good damage, even with only your starter couple of attacks, and you can't run yourself out of end, you can get to where the mobs are quickly, and if you do get slept/stunned/or held, its just for a couple of seconds before you are back in the game.
The drawback is if you have to few players, thus too few AMs, you drop back into slow motion regular play again. So you need a level of at least 4 and the more the better on for this to work. For a group like this part time SG, I'm thinking you would need a static team to pull this off, unless there are a lot more players doing this than I think, at which point you can get by with everyone building a fire/rad and just forming intersupergroup pugs as people get on and off. I'll be posting in the post after this one, a signup list and question list to see if we can get such a static team up and running.
The question I got was about the build, there are two ways to do this, build completely for just running with other fire/rads, or build a decent soloing small team fire/rad that can also take advantage of the AM when it is there.
The build I am going to go with leaves lots of holes that can be filled in with self supporting powers like stamina and a movement power.
Fire/rad build with suggestions
You start off with
1: Char and Raiant Aura : your hold and group heal.
2: Fire Cages. Group immobilize (x 8) kills group dead
4: AM : the god power, makes everything better slot for recharage as soon as you can
8: Hot Feet : our killing power till we get imps
12: Flashfire : group stun, with multiple casters, even bosses are stunned and will be dead before it wears off.
18: Chocking cload: big PBAoE arround you that holds, with everyone running it, even bosses get held after maybe getting off one attack
32: Imps: 3 little scrappers that follow you around and do just what they want, just like real scrappers
And that is it for the must have powers. Everything else is gravy. Some gravy like radiation infection and enervating field, are situtational, by the time the casting animation is over, the mobs are all dead, unless you are in a GM or AV fight. With just 5 fire/rads. Jurasic went down in 45 seconds. I timed it.
Team teleport gets special mention, since by the time you are lv 33, the mobs drop so fast, most of the time in the mission is spent getting between mob groups. A "Bus Driver" toon ports the groups around, somethimes with witty commentary while they do so.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. -
Quote:I have both a bots/ff and a bots/traps. Both are ungodly after you hit 32 and get the second upgrade. I almost never play the FF any more, as I find it utterly boring to play. I would suggest traps, as you get 2/3s of FF with the force field pet, and you then have other stuff to do.As far as a villain, I was thinking an ???/FF MM, while slow at soloing, would make a great team player, able to add defense through the shields, mitigation through the Pets, and damage through the Pets as well. Perhaps Bots/Traps? Lock it in around 33 so I have both upgrades available as well as all the good early FF powers. Be hard to solo it, as I don't have much patience for pure buffing sets, but it could easily make a team nigh-unstoppable, especially if combined with other players who are more offensively minded. Seems light enough that I could also get Aid Other/Aid Self(or Stimulant)/Resuscitate to help with downtime and survival while the bubbles are weaker.
~WP -
Ok, I have 8 free slots for toons on Freedom.
I'm going to make a fire/rad on each side.
I am going to make a plant/rad for Positron running and a thugs/traps MM redside.
Any suggestions for the other slots? -
The thing I most miss about the Katie, is getting my controllers to 30, and a couple of Katies later (say 3 hours) I had my pet. They were great for getting you from 30 to 35.
I too like to roll my merits and tickets as I level, and put the ones I do not use up on the market. This has worked well for me on blue side, but recently on red side, I had to pull about 10 lv 10 IOs, that just sat there unselling. And from the looks of it, blue side is heading that way.
What I would like to see the Devs do, is lock the recipes to the level of the slider. If I choose to spend tickets for a lv 10-14 recipe, I should get a lv 10 - 14 recipe.
It would also be nice if you could use the Pillar of ice and fire before lv 25. If I make a lv 12 toon to just generate low level recipes, I can get tickets easily, but the only way I have to generate merits is to run a Posi. -
I would be interested in doing this. I just need some more info about what level you are wanting to produce at, and if we will be doing something like a fire/rad team (ungodly, but requires at least 4 on at a time) or more soloish type characters.
Also I am assuming the we will be running Ourbo missions as well as TFs, which means we need to be at least lv 25. If we go with a fire/rad team, lv 33 would be my suggested level to lock at.
Looking at the OP again, it looks more like he was suggesting a SG where we place toons that we can combine into the core of a bigger PUG to run stuff with. In that case I would suggest we make a fire/rad team, and run them up to 33, just to have them for when we can get enough together, and to generate the prestige for the base.
A global chat channel for building our core teams would also be nice.
An added bonus would be a group of toons locked in at around lv 12 for running fast and solo Positrons. I would like to have a toon that runs them, but getting one started, let alone getting people to start one, and them log off, is hard. -
This sounds interesting. I've been soloing my new MM up using mostly a few farming missions I created in the AE. The tickets are good, as is the xp, but soloing does get to be boring after a while.
I have an idea for a plants/storm controller I want to try out.
Were you thinking of making this a static team, or just a whenever you happen to be on thing? -
With the changes coming in I16, it looks like you could level a character from 1-50 in Dark Astoria. It also looks like you can level from 10-50 doing nothing but TFs. Now I have to decide if I want to do one or the other or neither.
Would there be any interest in a static team that does either? -
Ok, I'll bite, I want a Numina's Convalesence +Rec/+Reg in the 30-40 range. How much will you charge for one of those?
The first requirement would be someone who was willing to donate thier time to do this, everything else, like having played it before, would be secondary.
MajorTom, where is your avitar from, it looks interesting? -
Wanted to thank you Ping, picked up two of the crafted IOs from around 30 million, put them back up for 50 million. Its like free monies.
Thanks for the tips, Ping! Now that I have a toon with a little extra Inf to invest, I've been itching to start playing the market more, but just not sure where/how to start.
[/ QUOTE ]
If you are just getting started, flipping is not the best place to start, it is fairly easy (at least I found it so) to get all your inf tied up in bids and items for sell that are not moving because the market shifted, and be locked down.
For those with small bankrolls, and/or lack of experence, I recomend starting with common IO crafting. You can easily make 2-5 million a week on crafting and selling ACC, DAM, END RED, and END MOD (generally the 25 and 30 ones) IOs. Do this for a few weeks while getting a feel for the market flows, and you should find that you have a nice bank roll to use for flipping, and a better idea of when to flip. -
Costume recipes have been weird since they were introduced. They do no have a pop up, so you have to put them in your recipe list to see what you need to build them. That may be the ones you were noticing.
I was once on a pug with Marut, Cobalt, Ping, Ultramann, Lord Stryker, Elf Striker, and that WP tank that Castle has on Champions.
They all agreed that I was the worst player ever to play in the whole game (including Virtue), and even the Pingu's will not play with me, complaining that I cause too much debt to their 50s.
Sadly, a true story, you have been warned. *e facepalm* -
For my second test, I ran a archery/energy blaster thru 2-7 in the MA missions. In around 1 and 30 minutes, he made 886 tickets, which I used to buy 14 bronze rolls, the results were
Bronze Rolls
2 x Regenerative Tissue: End/Heal (10)
Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Acc/Dam (10)
Horror: Acc/End (10)
Stagger: Stun/Range (10)
2 X Adrenal Adjustment*: End Mod/Rech (10)
Impervious Skin: End/Res (Recipe)
Stagger: Acc/Stun/Rech (10)
Annoyance: Taunt (10)
Befuddling Aura: Confuse/Range (10)
Energy Manipulator*: End Mod (10)
Paralytic: Acc/Hold/Rech (10)
Salvo Acc/Dam (10)
Again a couple I can use, some garbage that gets sold to the shop, and some to be put up for sell. -
For my first test session, I took a fire/fire blaster thru 2-7 using MA missions. It took me about 2 and a half hours. At the end of that, he had 913 tickets. I bought 8 bronze rolls, and used the rest for salvage.
Results of rolls (all lv 10)
Air-Burst: Acc/Dam
Induced Coma: End/Sleep
Air-Burst: Dam/End
Hibernation: End/Sleep
Induced Coma: Acc/Rech
Steadfast Protection: End/Res
You received Karma: Def/Rech
Discouraging Words*: To Hit DeBuff
Not to bad, a couple I could use, two I sold to the store, the rest I'll try to sell and see what I get from them. -
When I started to think about this, my first thought was a claws/reg scrapper, claws because I dont have one and it looks like a fun set, and regen for the early end boost. But after farther thought, it gets more complicated.
Since I will be using Mission Architech missions, I can add in a helper ally, was thinking ?/kin as my personal little buff bot. This should help a lot.
What I think I will do, is make a couple of blasters, a kheld, a couple of controllers, and a claws/reg scrapper, and track how fast they level to 12, how quickly and easily they can clear the mission, and which one is the most fun to play.
The other thing I was thinking, was since I will be building a mission for them to run, to collect tickets on, has there been any research on which size mission is the best. Is there a bonus for a larger or outdoor mission, or is it just totally based on how many defeats you do? In which case I need to figure out how big a map I want to deal with. -
I have had good luck bringing my latest scrapper up thru lvs 6-10 running missions for tickets in the Mission Architect. I'm thinking about making a toon that I will leave at lv 10 or 12 to make tickets and buy bronze rolls. Thus generating the low level IOs that my other toons want, like the -KB ones. I'll also probably run it thru Positron from time to time to get merits to try to get the low level stealth IOs also.
Now the question is, what toon would be the best to use to solo Mission Architect with. I'm doing this blueside, though I might do it red side also at some point, so I'm thinking that defenders (not enough damage) and tankers (end problems) are out. That leaves blasters, controllers, scrappers, and Khelds.
Has anyone done this, and if so what were your results? Does anyone have any general suggestions, or specific builds that they would recomend?
I know I will be IOing out this toon, since low level IOs are not that expensive, so assume that I will have lv 10 or lv 15 set IOs slotted, where set bonuses would help.
I'm planning on tracking the tickets and the bronze rolls that that this toon gets, so I may continue to use this thread to post results of my progress after I start the project. -
A lot of it has to do with different definitions of the word flipping.
[/ QUOTE ]
Gods no, please dont bring up the dead horse of "what is flipping", because when it shows up it always brings back with it the dead horse of "it's not true arbitrage" and I still have the mental scars from the last time that one came thru. -
What did you guys do to them before I got here? lol
[/ QUOTE ]
When they Devs dropped base salvage and replaced it with invention salvage, for some reason the base builders were very upset, and blamed the ebil marketeers for making it happen. I'm not quite sure why they decieded it was our fault and not the Devs, but I'm assuming that the negitivity you see over there is a residual of that. -
A few things I've refound while building the new bigger base.
Global limit on workbenches is 6. This means that you can not have all 3 tech and all 3 arcane workbenches + an IO workbench in the same base. It would be nice if the limit was at least 7, but I would prefer around 10, that way I could have several IO benches in case a couple of members wanted to craft at the same time.
The largest medical room allows 12 medical items. Since the only medical item is the rez ring, not sure why I would need more than one of them.
I now have two of the larger tp rooms, which gives me 12 telepads and a raid teleporter. I would still like to see a better telepad that takes more than 2 destinations, just to avoid having to track down which of the 12 porters is the one I want to use.
The storage max of 18 I would like to see raised. Now that we pay rent per storage bin, it should balance itself out. -
Mad Scientist mad a suggestion in this thread Multiple Super Groups that I want to make sure you saw, Sunstorm.
This would require some coding, but it fixes very neatly many of the problems with bases.