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  1. Gratz to Gol for getting his MM to 50 , especially well done as it's his very first 50 toon , very well deserved
  2. I went for CJ,SJ and acrobatics as well. You do tend to get stuck into the middle of fights with Thorns and KB protection is great i find.
  3. I remember teaming with you too Fortress along with Frostie (shame you've retired the old Wolf Cynic ) with Black Orchid my Planty Dom. Shame to see you go and all the best.
  4. Many gratz to Dead Monika on hitting 5-0.

    Nice one Dem and another for the Lethal Legion!
  5. Only got my Cold Corr to lvl 12 but i do remember asking if people wanted Ice Shields in advance as there was a lag issue for some. Looks like it's no longer a major problem? , or only effects a few poor souls?
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    You want 3 rech for sure. After that, it's a personal preference between hold, heal and ToHit.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hehe , i'll stick with the 3 recharges and give him a Heal,Hold and a Tohit as well , make him a Jack of all Trades
  7. Cheers guys. Right enough other MM's advise 3 recharge but some i've spoken to use a combo of Heal Holds and Acc?

    Tht_Debf will go well with the other Dark DeBuffs i reckon.
  8. Hi Guys

    My first time with Dark Servant and it seems everyone i ask slots their fluffy in different ways.

    For a mainly solo build using Thugs with no pvp in mind what would be the most recomended way of slotting the little fella?

    Thanks in advance.
  9. Great job all , was a fun evening , more than i thought it would be at the end of the night.

    Just like to add to whoever set the Nuke off last night , , looked quite impressive from an up high perspective
  10. If enough peeps sign up for it i'm game. Hibernia lvl 50 Ill/Rad troller , PA dropper.
  11. I thank you for that.I did hear Defence wasn't too good but thought maybe 1 would be useful over a 3rd Res but 3 Res it is
  12. Hi guys

    Not sure where to ask this but seeing as it mainly applies to my MM here go's.

    Shadow Fall on the Dark set. My Thugs/Dark now at 37 (so close to Fluffy i can almost taste him ) and slots going spare (also have 2 respecs in hand) so how best to slot this power?

    I have an End Reducer and 2 Damage Res and 1 Defence in it just now.

    I only PvE and mostly solo if that helps.

    The Orchid Gang
  13. Hi Guys

    Starting to think sending a bot into draw agro rather than me doing it might be a good idea

    Can someone who understands these things please advise how to make a macro that would send one designated minion into an area to attack and draw bad guys back to us. Also i reckon i need another macro to make all by pets wait in a designated position and not troop after me when i scout ahead.

    Most of my play is solo and these requirements do not seem essential but when in teams i notice other MM's carring out these options and it does look good

    Many thanks.
  14. Hibernia

    Elec/ Elec butes

    Definatly grounded as a power. Tried to respec out the Fitness pool on my 41 Elec/Elec and using Conserve Power instead , disaster and Stamina is back in the build again.

    Lightning field not so useful if you solo a lot but does help in groups for keeping agro more on you.
  15. Hibernia

    Orf Again

    Aww Ty , all the Orchids wave goodbye

    All the best and as others have said no doubt will see you back in Paragon sometime
  16. Hibernia

    Bots/Dark Build?

    Curse , i knew someone was going to bandy the "synergy" word about.

    Lvl 14 now and not sure if i want to restart all over again with Dark but i feel Traps is very lacking at the mo.

    Serves me right for trying to be a bit different and not reuseing Dark for the sake of having it on another MM already and knowing how useful nearly all the Dark powers are.
  17. Interested , will send in game tell , hope can catch up quickly
  18. Hibernia

    Bots/Dark Build?

    Damn , know i don't know wether to re-roll my new MM. I went for Bots/Traps to be different from my Thugs/Dark which i have at 33 and really enjoy.

    I'm not being overwhealmed with Traps at the moment and think Dark might have been a better option. Does anyone know if the later Traps powers become really useful , i'm only at lvl 12 just now with Caltrops and web grenade.

    Really am enjoying the Bots experience though
  19. Hibernia

    Hami once more!

    Should make it no problemo , once like Bob i remember to record Hogfather
  20. Yay Existence on hitting 50 , another Lethal Legion "Super-Villain" hits the Isles.

    Gratz Star
  21. Okay then. Tried it on test server and did a few pvp missions. Liked the new powers and Stamina seemed to last ok. Did respec and teamed a few missions and hated it. Ran low all the time , conserve power didn't come up as quick as i hoped with Hasten and quickenss.

    By chance did my Black Scorpion patron arc and got a mish which awarded a free respec! , never knew that existed , and have gone back to Health and Stamina.

    Moral , for me at least , have a Brute of any kind and you need Stamina in there somewhere.I miss Hasten and will take that as my 49 power without doubt.

    Thanks for all the thoughts and ideas guys.
  22. Hi guys

    Got my Elec/Elec to 40 last night and tried a new build on the test server but not sure how good it will be in a team enviroment so advice from anyone who's tried this.

    Ditched Swift,Health and Stamina and took Hasten,Conserve Power and Build up , none of which i previously had.

    Swift or Hurdle not so useful with Quickness. Health prob helped but with Aid Self fully slotted i reckon i can get by without. Stamina is the one power i'm afraid im gonna miss but hope i can get by without?

    Power Sink i have also now fully slotted and with Conserve Power i hope my Endurence will cope. In a large team do you guys think this is practical? I'd hate to run out of End in a big fight and would feel a little stoopid as an Elec Brute actually having to beg for some CaB's

    Advice as usual appreciated.

    Edit. Forgot all about the benefits of Build up? Not a power i've ever had on Hero or Villain. Could take Hand Clap instead , also a power i've no experience with?
  23. Gratz guys , always nice to see Statesman take a hiding.

    Out of intrest how long did it take you guys this time round from start to finish?