Elec brute owners , quick question.
/elec brute function well imo without stamina infact considered dropping stamina myself in favor of aid seld. just make sure u slot pwer sink for 3 end and 3 recharge
and keep build up! build up+lightning Rod = much death. personally i wouldnt take Lightning Clap.
if you have the slots apre id also put a endmod in all your attacks that do end drain and 2 in Chain Induction and i think the other is Havoc punch.
Would never drop stamina personally, you will fight alot of AVs/Heroes post 40 and they can be very long fights in smaller teams. You will also run into sappers and other end draining mobs and a faster regen of end is always good.
Build up is also something that I would never go without, either for that opening attack or that finishing one.
Health is a personal thing, I always go for it on brutes, not on squishies though. Almost 80% higher heal rate isnt something to sneeze at (when slotted).
Swift or Hurdle depends on your travel power choice. I always go for SJ so I always get hurdle/health/stamina.
Hand clap can be a good situational power when you draw too much aggro and need a quick breather for aid self. In groups you will tick people off if you constantly scatter the mobs though since everyone likes a tightly bunched group of mobs for AoEs.
As an Elec/Elec brute you will hardly have any trouble with sappers. In the 40ies your drain resistance is high enough to ignore sappers completely. (I had never laughed so hard at Malta sappers until I faced them with my Elec/Elec.)
So, your options are totally sapper-independent:
First, you should really keep Build Up. It´s damage bonus is really worth the slot, especially for some nice burst damage with Lightning Rod and Thunder Strike.
Second, you will want to have some health and endurance management. Both can be achieved with four power slots (as you don´t have a self heal in you secondary set).
You could go stamina-less and skip the fitness pool. You would need Power Sink and Conserve Power for endurance and two powers from the medicine pool with the second being Aid Self for health. With this configuration I would recommend also getting Lightning Clap to reduce the interrupt risk with Aid Self.
The second option is the one I use for my PvE machine. I have Stamina and Power Sink for basically unlimited endurance and health for... well, health. Conserve Power and Lightning Clap are not needed.
Whatever you do, have fun with your brute.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
I have tried to skip stamina on several toons over my time playing and it's never worked out. Even if you have a end-recovery or regen power i for one hate being totally reliant on it as theres always the chance that a) It'll miss if it's got an acc check, b) if it requires mobs like powersink they could move away just as your activating it, or die, or theres only one left, your on low end and detoggle yourself using it for little return or c) a full attack chain on a lot of toons including brutes may burn almost all your end, and said power might not be charged in time. Stamina helps to mitigate most of these by increasing the amount of time you can go before needing a topup.
Note: using these powers also takes time out of your attack chain. I find powersink has quite a long activation time (relatively speaking) and is time i could better spend stomping/aiding self etc.
I miss him in the weeping of the rain;
I want him at the shrinking of the tide;
The old snows melt from every mountain-side,
And last year's leaves are smoke in every lane;
But last year's bitter loving must remain
~Edna St. Vincent Millay
I think Power Sink (at least on an Elec/Elec brute) is well worth the activation time since it is not only a power for endurance recovery but also for endurance drain on all enemies in melee range. Since you have melee attacks that drain endurance and debuff endurance recovery you won´t have much to fear from (Elite-)Bosses as soon as they´re out of blue.
But even with Power Sink you need either Stamina or Conserve Energy (or a pocket kinetic) to keep going indefinitely. With all the armour toggles I found that easier to do with Stamina, but for those who have slots for endurance reduction left and need the power slots from the fitness pool for something else Conserve Energy might be an option.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
A non-stamina build was a bit of a Holy Grail I really wanted to pursue on my Elec' Brute, but I think on a Brute it really isn't particulary viable. I ran through a few versions of different sets and slotting and just couldn't make work at teh pace of play I wanted and the amount of aggro I wanted to take on.
I like to be a busy Brute and doing as much as I can wallopping everything in sighta and getting aggro. I have my armours very well slotted for end reduction.
I am using Tough and Lightning field a lot too, but even if toggled off, in protracted fights the build can start to dip dangerously low of endurance. Power Sink offsets this completely, but without the kick of Stamina there backing it all up, I can't see that the Brute will be anything but a staggering corpse of exhaustion .
Consider if you haven't already, Fitness, Fighting and Medicine for your pools on top of your travel power.
Running Tough and having Aid Self to hand will mean you can put nealy all other Burtes, and a lot of Tanks, to shame.
Build Up is fantastic. You'll learn how to chain you best atacks into the 10 seconds it's active. Lightning Rod and Thunder Strike couple up so well with it . Slot it for 3 recharge and it'll be a staple of all your attack plans
I use Thunderclap and while it is situational it is marvelous for mitigating aggro and buying a second to use Aid Self if you're taking huge amounts of fast DOT.
I noticed a massive spike in my Brutes surviveabiyt working Tough and Aid Self together and using 'Clap when things get really dire. Been pretty surprised with th amount of firepower the builds been able to withstand .
I would say Power Sink is really a cornerstone to the powerset. End' drain is an awesome soft control.
The activation time really isn't all that in my experience, it certainly never presented me with any problems at all, and all the rewards to reap from the power far far outweigh that anyway. IMO a non issue at all.
Wasn't saying at all that powersink isn't great, or that it's activation time is detrimental, just that if you run without stamina you will come to RELY on it. I personally dont have to fire powersink whenever it's ready, i might not even have to use it at all if i'm solo and not herding. My damage mitigation primarily comes from footstomp though, and i try to fit in aid self or powersink while the mobs are on thier backs...but the former of these is far more important, hense why i like not having to use powersink all the time.
It's exactly the same if you play a kineticist, you CAN go without stamina, but i hate to rely soloely on transference. There are better things to occupy your time than worrying about getting your next endurance refill at all costs.
My advice: get powersink, slot powersink, love powersink for giving you more end than any other brute, but take stamina too, you don't want to be caught out.
I miss him in the weeping of the rain;
I want him at the shrinking of the tide;
The old snows melt from every mountain-side,
And last year's leaves are smoke in every lane;
But last year's bitter loving must remain
~Edna St. Vincent Millay
If u really have to go without stamina, Ive seen it done. I was surprised when I looked at a brute who was lower than lv 30 and had tough and a travel power (maybe aid self too), then I realised he didnt have stamina. I think its entirely possible if u forego damage slotting (as I have had to do with my EM/inv brute, only damage I have is 2 in ET). Stick enough end in attacks (first slot the low lvl attacks with 1 end) and u will make it work Im sure. Actually aid self burns quite a bit of end too, u tend to notice things like that having 2 lv50 /elec and a 3rd /inv with no end recovery.
Remember the damage u lose by not slotting is not worth the fury u lose by resting.
Well, as /Elec brute with Stamina you certainly don´t need to stick too much end in attacks and resting... oh, I have almost forgotten where the button is.
I use it after Power Surge, but I guess no amount of slotting for end can fix that.

If it has eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.
Okay then. Tried it on test server and did a few pvp missions. Liked the new powers and Stamina seemed to last ok. Did respec and teamed a few missions and hated it. Ran low all the time , conserve power didn't come up as quick as i hoped with Hasten and quickenss.
By chance did my Black Scorpion patron arc and got a mish which awarded a free respec! , never knew that existed , and have gone back to Health and Stamina.
Moral , for me at least , have a Brute of any kind and you need Stamina in there somewhere.I miss Hasten and will take that as my 49 power without doubt.
Thanks for all the thoughts and ideas guys.
Hi guys

Got my Elec/Elec to 40 last night and tried a new build on the test server but not sure how good it will be in a team enviroment so advice from anyone who's tried this.
Ditched Swift,Health and Stamina and took Hasten,Conserve Power and Build up , none of which i previously had.
Swift or Hurdle not so useful with Quickness. Health prob helped but with Aid Self fully slotted i reckon i can get by without. Stamina is the one power i'm afraid im gonna miss but hope i can get by without?
Power Sink i have also now fully slotted and with Conserve Power i hope my Endurence will cope. In a large team do you guys think this is practical? I'd hate to run out of End in a big fight and would feel a little stoopid as an Elec Brute actually having to beg for some CaB's
Advice as usual appreciated.
Edit. Forgot all about the benefits of Build up? Not a power i've ever had on Hero or Villain. Could take Hand Clap instead , also a power i've no experience with?