Fire / Rad - Here we go
Been there done that unfortunatly the sg now has only 3 regular players,it is fun if everyone plays but if they don,t the base has nothing in it. Good luck and hope it works for you.Proffessor Radburn.
Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s
Ty mate. We got a few members already. Maybe some more from Union server will join us
Level 20: Free choice / Enervating field
Level 22: Assault
This change is for those who want to get Stamina asap. It shouldn't be needed in a large team but, as I said before, its understandable if you want to pick it (in case there are not enough members online to team with for example). The rest remains intact
@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant
Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]
might magnege perma AM XD, any ways, im in
I'd love to Join this!
If its not too late.... I'll be on tonight at 18.00ish as Flaymewing (can't remember my global chat handle - lol)
@Dark_Oberion I think - regular player here (most nights) and this sounds fun to me
Count me in!
Interested , will send in game tell , hope can catch up quickly
Does it have to be fire/rad? couldnt you have a mix of fire & what ever?? i know fire, rad & bubbles are an awsome combo (cant touch me!) and a fire/empath for RA buff & never i say never say no to fort .
Just an idea especially as your a new SG you have time to change, i could also free up a slot & join you, cant beet a bit of fire trolling
I hope it all goes well for you.
We haven't created a SG yet. For now a channel is enough. Create a different toon if you want Flush. Whenever theres a free room you can join us Send in game tell
@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant
Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]
hmm should've done this on union, we've got a fire/rad corruptor team atm could've pvp'ed it up lol
I'll hopefully catch you guys up at some point, have managed to get to lvl7 already via 'conventional' teaming.
So far what seems to be the 'best' time of day to team as a unit?
The best time seems to be between 6 and 10 pm. I've stopped playing my toon so others could catch up (I'm L19 atm). Hopefuly all members should be around the same lvl when the new year comes
@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant
Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]
Is there still a space open?
If so, i'd like to join.
[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]
I have to say, when you are teaming with 4+ fire/rads it goes very fast. Though i have to say with less than 3 stacked AM's you run out of end very fast.
But with more you feel insanely powerful
I hope more people will join the FireRads.
Is there still a space open?
If so, i'd like to join.
[/ QUOTE ]
The SG is up and running and the amount of xp that rolls in when 3 or more of us team feels like you're a 'dirty' powerleveler. The SG levels are from lvl 1 to lvl 24 at the mo so there is always chance of a team and/or sk.
The SG (Burning Zone) has lots of toons in it so all are welcome - there is no set time to play (as with other superteams), just log in and see. The Christmas period was quiet however I hope we'll be back to 'insane' leveling ways soon
If anyone want's to join, I'm on most evenings (after 8pm GMT) global=@Bumguffy
First of all, sorry for double post. I wanted to post this here but I had two different tabs on Firefox when I was making the thread and I've posted it in the wrong section. My bad.

Anyway, this is a call for all who want to join a Fire/Rad SuperTeam. For a quick definition, this SuperTeam will be composed by Fire/Rad trollers only. We will all pick the same critical powers in order to get the best benefit for the team.
List of powers required
Level 1 - Char + Radiant Aura
Level 2 - Fire Cages
Level 4 - Accelerate Metabolism
Level 6 - Radiation Infection
Level 8 - Hot Feet
Level 10 - Open travel power pool
Level 12 - Flashfire
Level 14 - Travel power
These are the key powers for the first 14 levels. It's not THAT important that you follow this especific order but it would be nice for the benefit of the whole team.
Level 16 - Free choice
Level 18 - Free choice
At these 2 levels you pick whatever you want to. It would be good to have extra team friendly powers (leadership for example or mutation). But it's understandable if you want to go for personal buffs like hasten or stamina pre-requisites (Stamina won't be needed in a SuperTeam obviously but it's your build. As far as you get the required powers its cool really)
About Cinders. It isn't necessary. Yes, we are controllers and controllers should lockdown things. But we are different. We're special. Having 8RIs followed by 8Fire Cages, 8Flashfires and 8HotFeet things die at an outstanding rate. Oh right.. and 8 bloody AMs to keep things running and recharged uber fast
Level 20 - Leadership - Assault: combined with the 260% damage boost from the AMs (I think that's the right number) we nearly reach the cap damage.
Level 22 - Free Choice / Enervating Field
Level 24 - Free Choice / Enervating Field
Level 26 - Free Choice / Enervating Field
Level 28 - Choking Cloud (This will be a key power on mid-late levels. Some of us should get Team Teleport in order to make this effective. Once the whole team have CC+FireCages running, one member teleports the whole team to the middle of the mob while the others will have the debuffs icons pre-clicked and aimed to the same target preferably. The 8CCs will completely lockdown the mob (including bosses) so all you have to do is use cages + hotfeet and wait 'til they die. Which will be quite fast)
L30 - Free Choice / Tactics / Lingering Radiation
L32 - Fire Imps: Do I really have to describe it? Imagine a crew of 24 rabid fiery monkeys ready to slay everything on their way.
At L41 it would be great if we all had all 3 debuffs (RI, EF and LR) from rad, Assault+Tactics from Leadership and the rest of the required powers. As for the EPP, Psi seems the best choice to me but we'll decide this later.
How to join? Is there a limit of members?
Send tell/mail to @BibleBasher and I'll get you an invite as soon as I see your message. No, there is no limit. We created a private channel for everyone who wants to join. Once in the channel, you just have to ask for invite for a team (if theres room :P ). Although its always better for you to team up with relatively close levels.
Have you started already? Am I too late for it?
We have a few members already. Some of us are L10 now. It's never later really. This is supposed to be a friendly group. Any1 who wants to join up, just send a tell and I'll get you the invite for the FireRads channel. We will try to SK up as much as we can and help with influence transfer.
That's it.. Sorry for the typos or some possible confused information. I'll read it up again tomorrow and fix whatever its need to. Cheers
@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant
Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]