Lord Recluse Strike Force - DONE
We really rocked that RSF. We did it quickly, and didnt run into any snags at all.
I only used 2 shivs at the end, so not too shabby for us
Friday we do it again! WHOO
The 50's
Ruby Dragon - ill/emp Troller
Rain Phoenix - fire/ss Tank
Seth Darkstar - rad/dark Def
Sorrow Phoenix - dm/reg Scrap
Por Siempre - ice/therm Corr
Prized Dragon - WS
Mari Darksoul - nrg/ice Blas
Nawty - fire/kin Troller
Macula - ice/fire Tank
Let me in, let me in *starts jumping*
After friday afternoon I'll have the proper time to play, so I'd like to join if any of you can't do it.
I've already said to some of you, but gratz! I know almost all the members of the team, they rock
Best Content EVER!!!! loved it so glad i got invited along
Roll on Statesman TF ^^
Damn Fine team there folks
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It sure was, and a joy to be part of
We really rocked that RSF
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes we did and all credit to us, we took on 6 lvl 53 heroes at the same time without nukes after taking out Numina and Synapse
Sister Psyche
Back Ally Brawler
Let me in, let me in *starts jumping*
[/ QUOTE ]
Lo Fu,
Get ready to rumble
so glad i got invited along
[/ QUOTE ]
Glad you could join us, give us all a mention on the radio it was a great team effort.
Great fun too.
Big gratz to all envolved
A no nuke SF.......... I'd be interested in the next one you do. Preferably with my Brute, but my MM would be free too
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
Well nukes will not be a prequisit for the teams that we will be doing this with anymore thankfully as it was a right pain going to warburg for them, its the one thing our team is over the moon about.
We will take shivans as they help although I didn't get a chance to use any of mine. They take 10mins to get and if someone does not happen to have them someone else goes help them take out the firebase to get them. I don't class them as a pvp content thing as there is no pvp going on in there. Its just in and out in 10mins. It really is a no brainer for everyone to take these on the recluse strike force.
Thats 2 successfull runs in a row now (2 people have done 3 now) and both have been very memorable for me for 2 different reasons. One was a team of 7 agaisnt lvl 54 heroes and one was a team of 8 against lvl 53 heroes without nukes. Both amazing teams to be on.
Grats, nice going .
Care to share a summary of the team make up and how that last fight went down without nukes ?
2 brutes (not stone)
4 corrupters 2 rad 1 thermal 1 kin
1 /dark mm
1 /traps mm
2 people who had never tried it before 1 brute 1 mm.
The core team have spent a lot of time (a lot) getting this right. This means team play at extreme lvl's knowing when to do what and when, also building there lvl 50's for this end game content. That might not suit everyone but thats what we wanted to do. Its the best thing to do with a lvl 50 villain in my opinion.
Last nights teams success was a combination of a few other teams efforts and combining what was learnt from other failures and successes, to many to start to mention them all. Yous all know who you are anyway .
Last nights team just happened to notice that on one failed attempt at a pull we nearly had numina down and decided thay after a reset that we would try to pull again and if all came we would just stick to numina and see what happened, well we pulled all 8 again but stuck to numina and managed to get synapse also before we wiped. We might have done better if we had have expected to do so well as we would have been better prepared.
After that we where going to do the warhead rush when we decided to keep the warheads and try to get another couple of heroes with just shivans. I was trying to type what to do for the benifit of the new players when I turned round to see 3 shivans out and a 'Too late' message. That was quite funny and a bit of a panic. All we where trying to do was take out another 1 and possibly 2 heroes.
The team work that went on from here was the reason for our success, yes people died but got instantly rezzed we went from hero to hero in a perdetemined order. What happened was not what we where expecting but as the battle went on I could read OMG and similar forum censored things in the chat box and we eventually worked our way through the last 6 heroes in one go.
The teams ability to rez the dead helped of course but thats all part of the team play in knowing who to rez first and when. That might sound simple to know who to rez first but with up to 8 heroes on your tail its a bit more of a challenge.
We took down a 7th who made an unexpected appearance
Fighting the the vidicators in the 4th mission without shivans will be a good indicator of a teams chance of success with the final mission.
Cool, nice one.
Personally, I hate the idea of having to reset a mission because it didn't work out right. So I don't really subsribed to any "pulling" theories for this mission.
Out of interest, where in the order did you take down Positron? TBH on our run I think the consensus was he was the toughest to take down and I think we'll tend to leave him way down the order. That was at level 54, tho' I don't really imagine there's so much noticeable difference in one level.
Agree about the Vindicators. If they can't be taken down in one fight, without any temps, it's a pretty accurate measure that the final fight isn't going to be very acheivable.
Encouraged by your success without Nukes, we'll be having a crack ourselves too. It'sall good news to anyone wanting to take their character on this event and not worry so much about being a particular AT.
Numina and Synapse gone already
Sister Psyche, Manticore then Positron.
Shivans didn't kill any on there own and didn't really noticably damage any either, they did take away some aggro.
I agree positron is a pain but the rest go down much easier when he is dealt with.
Any content in a PVP zone is PVP content
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
If a tree falls in a forest and there is no one there to hear it does it make a noise.
Yes. Noise is caused by vibrations, a tree falling over makes some fairly large vibrations
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
Not really the point I was trying to make Cynic.
The simple fact of this matter is that shivans benifit the team as a whole, and its not realy fair to ask all but one to go get them. Its quite simple to get them and there are those on the team very willing to help.
Its also not really fair to wait until a team is compedident enough and spent loads of hours to tackle this task force without shivans and without nukes and then ask for an invite. This is great in fact the best PVE content available to villains and we would love to take new people through this however it is very much depentand on the teams willingness to perform as a team and help as much as possible. Getting shivans is so easy with a team willing to help in everyway.
Dont get me wrong you will always be welcome to join us but you may just have to accept the fact that you will have to join in the team as a whole and not as a singular member of the team that refuses to help from the offset.
Please do not take this as anything else but a plea to reconsider 10mins of your time to go get shivans and join the best PVE content the game has to offer.
I cant even read over this as I am already late for a hero task force scheduled for 8.00pm
Edit:- and missed it
Gratz again Silent; as you say its good teamwork and leadership that gets you through this SF. I'd like to join the one tomorrow, but am busy; next time though count in everyones favourite dominator
You know your always welcome mate and it was our team that started the whole thing to begin with this time round . 7 vilains against 8 lvl 54 heroes will not be repeated ever again and for that I feel proud.
Though I dont want to take anything away from what everyone has learnt throughout all the various teams it all helped.
Damn, work xmas party on Friday (tonight), let me know when you do your next one though.
Done again, gratz to all the new people that joined and got their badges.
This run was
1/rad 1/kin 2 /thermal corrupters
1 brute
1 stalker
2 MM's
every run brings a new challenge, which makes them all the more interesting.
Gratz guys , always nice to see Statesman take a hiding.
Out of intrest how long did it take you guys this time round from start to finish?
Gratz again.. There are always more than one way to skin a cat - well so they say, never tried it myself tbh
If you are planning a run for Tuesday or Wednesday, ill bring Hussy along...
I think we took about 4 hours or so. That was with some of us crashing & d/c'ing like mad
Namely me
But everyone was really patient & laid back, even though I was swearing up a storm (thankfully we weren't on TS )
The 50's
Ruby Dragon - ill/emp Troller
Rain Phoenix - fire/ss Tank
Seth Darkstar - rad/dark Def
Sorrow Phoenix - dm/reg Scrap
Por Siempre - ice/therm Corr
Prized Dragon - WS
Mari Darksoul - nrg/ice Blas
Nawty - fire/kin Troller
Macula - ice/fire Tank
dont get me wrong, am willing to run through several failed ones with teams without shivans before a successfull one happens. Am more than willing to be on the non min/maxed team that cracks it. I'm not bothered if it takes several attempts to get that right, finding 7 other people with that attitude would be the problem. Failing that when Mistress Wrath gets in the level rtange she'll have a Shivan cause the corruptor I duo with wanted the stealth power and while we were there we grabbed them. By then it might not be needed (I sure as hell hope that its been cracked in a satisfactory way by then at the slow speed I level)
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
probably late, but grats. I tried it once but the Vindicators owned us
if anyone is doing the Recluse Strike Force and you need a Energy/Dark Miasma Corruptor let me know. Debuffs and crod controls gallore!
Congratz to Nidah, Soul finder, Corrupt Power (of the night stalkers), X-16, Lasher, Por Siempre(OF OOCTS), Dark Lord Spawnus (Demonic Guardians) and Grief Returned (Khaos Ascendant) on finishing the RSF.

Damn Fine team there folks and def biggie NO NUKES USED!!!!!!!
here's looking to the next one folks - I LIKE MY HAMMIE O'S