56 -
Quote:Ok i see. Thanks.This is copy pasted from the top of the server status page:
Changes to the Server Maintenance Times
As of Thursday, October 22nd, 2009, the regular bi-weekly server maintenance times will be modified and will take place once a week on Thursday from 4:00 AM Pacific / 7:00 AM Eastern to 6:00 AM Pacific / 9:00 AM Eastern.
Please note: while we are reserving that two-hour period for maintenance updates, they will not necessarily require the entire two hours and additional updates may be scheduled outside this time-period as needed. We may also perform maintenance on additional servers, such as the web servers, message boards, or login servers.
The servers are undergoing maintenance right now. Also, the server status page reads as last being updated 9/7/2010 (9 days ago), so the server status it's displaying isn't current. -
Just baught Going Rogue and applied it to my account, but when i try to log into the game, it says the login server is down or there is a conection problem. It is NOT the latter, as i was playing the game just fine yesterday.
So i ask, is there something wrong with the Login Server? -
Thanks for all the advice guys, looks like i should start looking around for a new graphics card.
I really wish there was a way to obtain respecs without having to be in a large team for a lengthy taskforce against an Arch Villain.
Let us pay infamy/etc... for them or even let us complete a personal line of missions that has a 7 day cooldown or something. -
Ghouls? Im reminded of the Ghouls from Fallout...
Hey there, couldnt find a section that this kind of question really fit in, so i am posting it here.
Anyway, recently City of Heroes/Villains has been damagaing my computer. Last Sunday i logged on to attend a Rikti Ship Raid, but upon starting CoX up, the resollution on my computer went crazy, and everything turned ginormous. Restarting the computer didnt help, and instead of the boot up screen i was greeted by a distorted bootup screen consisting of lots of blocks and lines, my computer didnt boot up and i got a black screen.
After 5 days my computer eventually booted up but the resolution/display was still huge. The Windows Control Panel reported the resolution was fine, when clearly it wasnt. I reformatted my computer and that fixed it.
I just reinstalled CoX and updated, and the same has happened again, but without the lines/pixils/failed bootup. What is CoX doing to my computer?
All drivers are updated and i have been playing other games just fine. Im using Windows 7 32bit with 3GB of RAM and a NVIDIA GeForce 7900 GS. Graphicly i run games on max settings and they run smoothly. -
Actually, it doesnt matter. While looking through all my alts, i remembered one of my alts was made leader of a SG after everyone in it quit the game. So im just going to remove everyone from it, invite my main and other alts and just use it instead. The last member to be online was online 456 days ago -____-'
But just so u know im still able to use my own alts to fill up any SG rosters for whatever reason and thanks for the offer m8 ^_^ -
Ok i have sent a Global Friend invite to you so we can discuss this in game. and thanks
I am currently looking for some signatures to start my own "Personal" supergroup. however, the "supergroup" is soley to provide personal storage for my inspirations, enhancments, salvage, etc and i just need the signatures so i can get the bonus prestige so i can afford storage room. Everyone but myself will be removed from the SG.
In return i offer infamy. It would be best just to use Alts. If anyone else thinks personal storage is a good idea, i would be glad to use my own alts to help others obtain their own personal storage space
thanks for reading and i hope someone can help. -
Am i the only one who is unable to connect tot he login server today? Ive tried evertything but it wont elt me on. Is there maintenence or something?
Bumping because of all the "lol grats" spam on the first page. Also maybe the OP has forgotten about this... :|
I have a friend who wants to come aswell, but i dont think he found this thread xP
So that should be 6 of us. -
ok so what are you gus globals? Ill add you and try to arrange something. we have about 4 for PP's so far, but possibly more if Namie's friends are still interested. They also said they wanted some Strike Forces.
There should be a badge for that...
"Loner" or something :P -
Ok so thats 3 for PP's. I got Namie and possibly one or more of his friends who want to farm them.
Oh and i forgot to men tion i also need many of the Recluses Victory kills. At the moment i only have Manticore which i got during the 22 villain massacre which involved 14 Masterminds, 84 pets and so much lag i could only manage to hit Manticore. :| -
Ok, it is time once again for me to start my badge hunting. I have a lvl 45 Crey mission ready to be farmed for Paragon Protectors if anyone wishes to obtain it. Below are the following badges i am looking for and hope something can be arranged to obtain them...
Bone Collector - I require the Bone Collector badge from anyone who has Mr Bocor as a contact. Im willing to unload a lot of infamy on anyones alt who provides me with this.
Soul Taker - I require the Soul Taker badge as the last peice of my Demonic Accolade. This mission is from Arch Mage tarixus and is called "offer Soul of Akarist" and i will pay lots of infamy to anyones alt who has this mission.
Exterminator - I require this badge from the mission "Elliminate Kit'vul from the contact Timmothy Raymond.
Bad Luck - I require this badge from the mission "Steal artifact from Tavaris" from the St. Martial contact Hard Luck.
Tracker - i require Tsoo Sorcerers, though i can farm them easilly in St Martial
Untouchable - i require Underbosses and Consigliare's, farming them in St Martial is painfully slow.
Weatherman - i require Outcast bosses. I am willing to unload a lot of infamy on anyones alt who can provide me with this.
I also could use the Overseer, Carnival Illusionist, and the Devouring Earth Eminators badges.
Strikeforces - i require the Cap Au Diable, Sharkhead Isle and St Martial Strikeforces. The Crystal Keeper badge will earn me an extra accolade.
I also need Caleb and the Arachnos Flyer kill badges.
Let me know if you can help and/or if you are interested in my Paragon Protectors offer. -
Ok i finally got around to playing the game again and i sent the global friend request to you guys. Does anyone have any of the others i mentioned?
Yay! ^_^
Thanks guys
sorry for getting your name wrong Silent. i got two of your toons names mixed up as one character XD -
Lol i doubt its the latter. Thats like 25 people or something. Anyway, these are some of the players on my standard friends list, if anyone has there global please let me know. I hope i cna remember more later >_<
Voltara -
Ok so im getting bored with WoW again and im getting back into CoV/CoH. Only *gasp* my Global Friends list has been whiped clean somehow! D:
Can anyone who had me on there global friends list please let me know?