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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dante View Post
    What I will tell you in advance though is that the RP is not as prevalent as it is on Virtue. You normally have to look in the usual places to find it like Pocket D, Supergroups and around a little statue in Galaxy City.

    But we're here and looking forward to seeing some Virtue roleplayers sometime soon.

    And yeah, I'll be coming over to Virtue as well as I'm almost out of slots on Union.
    ((Ooooooooo... In Galaxy City? Sweet! ))
  2. ((Do any of you have experience with the European servers, specifically Union? Union is the EU unofficial rp server, and I'm wondering if the coming server merge will give us two fairly rp-friendly places to create characters.

    Altitis. ))
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ascendant View Post
    Hey, I can't afford the kind of money to register a domain name at this point; heck, at this point, the cockroaches have moved out of my apartment in the hopes of finding better places.
    Ya should scatter some o' them Ascendant-O's around th' place. That oughta kill 'em.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kiana Wolf View Post
    Giant eyeballs with jaws that fly, but that's more of a biology problem.
    I blame it on them drugs in the 60's.
  5. Heroid

    End of an Era

    Originally Posted by Denji View Post
    In all seriousness, I can't fathom why anyone wouldn't want Stamina. :\ Especially those who are toggle-heavy.
    ((It's simple. It's like the player who made it to 50 without a travel power, back before any temp powers or jump-jet or whatever. You do it to see if you can do it. It's a matter of personal accomplishment. I don't think Pez expected anyone who hasn't done something similar to understand it. Personally, I think it's way cooler than getting all the TF badges.))
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kiana Wolf View Post
    Can't be much harder to grasp than Shadow shard physics.
    Giant eyeballs. All ya need ta know.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FeyDuex View Post
    I don't know, how often do you say, "HAMBURGEFONSTI" Heroid?
    Say it?! Hell, I can't even fit that inside my head! Geeze! It's like when that big-brain at Portal Corp tried t' explain kwanzaa physics ta me!
  8. Hey. I was pokin' 'round on th' innerweb an' found somethin' called th' "Heroid font". It's on th' Ascender Corporation's website. (http://www.ascendercorp.com/font/heroid/) Is this connected with you, big guy? If it's somethin' ya don't know about, could ya ask Saul? Maybe he knows what's goin' on here. It just seems mighty suspicious t' me. I feel violinated! It's like a flatulent defloration o' my innernet identity!

    ((Saw this when looking for some fonts. I laughed when I saw a comic book font called "Heroid" and laughed more when I saw the name of the website. Thought you might get a kick out of it too. ))
  9. ((I think you'd be better off re-thinking the concept just a little. Why couldn't she just be transporting from her reality to Paragon in her dreams and thinks it's all her imagination?. To me it would be more interesting if she *thought* she was dreaming everything. It might even make her that endearing crazy girl whose delusions people are willing to patronize. But, like others have said, if you want to go with your original concept, then I wouldn't put it in the bio. If she doesn't realize it then only her driver should know about it. Play it the way you want, but I think it's obvious that some people will have issues with it. ))
  10. Anola read the news in disbelief. She had met Rose several times, back when she had first come to Paragon. Rose had been an inspiration to her then. Now, she would never get the chance to get to know her better.

    Anola couldn't afford the trip to Boston so she did the best thing she could to honor Rose.

    As soon as she walked into the Kings Row Childrens Outreach Center, she was met with a chorus of voices squealing, "Look! It's that dragon girl!"

    Anola knew who they had mistaken her for (after all, she was a lizard girl and not a dragon girl, and she wasn't wearing a scarf) but they were so excited that she just couldn't bring herself to correct them.

    She sighed and said to someone she hoped was listening, "For you, Rose. For you."

    ((I'm gonna seriously miss you on these boards. ))
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rmthornton View Post
    There is?

    Okay, I'm being facetious, but you'd hardly know for the "Rush rush rush... Okay, teleport to the end here... Right we're intentionally failing this one... Geez, yet another kill all in a boring warehouse...etc" in most of the TFs. Especially blue-side.

    But that's another reason to open it up to more casual play.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    There's lots of story content only available via TFs.
    And why not open that content up to solo player also?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by elvnsword09 View Post
    ***WARNING RANT ON**** **** WARNING RANT ON*******

    to use your own argument, we're paying for the same piece of cake. I am in the middle on this, I am both a team player, and a soloer. My main made it to 50 by soloing almost exclusively, but now that he is fifty, yet I have other characters which exist TOO team. As such I feel I have a rather unique perspective, or perhaps a more common one. I feel that it is important to get solo content into the game, I can almost without a doubt, guarantee you aren't among the badgers who have ran ALL the solo content, so there are THREE raids now, the Hami Raid, the Mothership Raid, and now this, for those with heavy team mentality to run. Yet you fault them getting this when you have not stopped and smelled the roses on your own content yet. If it is such an objection to you, make solo friendly MA arcs that actually have story, and depth.

    There are a million and one things to do in this game, and you will keep advancing doing all of them thanks to our Devs brilliant foresight in allowing us to attain shards while exempted. Now, I for one, am gonna go out and catch some badguys,

    ******* END RANT ****** ***** END RANT *******

    @Enforcement, Signing Out
    I don't have a problem with them making more raids. I have a problem with the story content not being available unless you do the raids, and, in this instance, you also pay a heavy penalty levelling wise if you don't raid. I would like to see the game more open to ALL styles of play. ALL of the stories and content. The current system makes people who choose not to raid into after-thoughts.
  14. ((He might fit in with these guys:


    They're a great bunch and you see their coalition all over the place. Their forums seem to be pretty active too.

    Great advert! And good luck! ))
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Your also ignoring that, in I20;

    1) You can craft Notices from Shards. No more need to do WST
    2) Shards will drop from stuff OTHER than level 50 mobs
    3) Shards all suffer from the RNG, with the rarity of yellow recipes. They could be much, much worse.

    However, you've now convinced me that your someone who wants to have the cake and eat it too. So, y'know, good luck with that. The rest of us will be happy there is a solo available option and be getting on with it.
    We're paying for the same cake you are. Why shouldn't we expect to have a bite?

    All the arguing against the wants of solo players seems to be from people who think that WoW is the only template for an MMO. CoH has been solo friendly from day one. What concerns me is the new attitude and direction -- raid raid raid raid raid! And it's challenging! You have to figure out how to do ti juuuuuuuuust right. And you don't have to have certain powersets and AT's, it's just that some powersets and AT's will be next to useless, but they can come along and watch.

    It sucks. If they stay on this path it will kill what makes this game special. Raiders have Hami raids. Let them do that.

    Give us more story. Give us more worlds. Level cap is just a number. You can raise it to 1000 and people will still reach it and then you'll have to raise it to 1001. It won't make the game more intersesting. It just adds to the endless grinding. I'd rather have real content. Interesting content. Things that make me go wow, not WoW.
  16. Can we at least have the "abandon mission" option opened up on Trap Door. After trying on several characters with several strategies and not seeing his health bar drop, I'd like to not waste any more time with it. Thank you.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JD_Gumby View Post
    No. However, I do object to it being deliberately made slower - it screams of "Do our large-team/horde content and leap forward, or else crawl to the finish and be glad we let you play at all."
    Right. Soloer's won't experience the new content. They will just pick up crumbs as they go along. It didn't matter so much with Task Force content because at all levels there were great story-arcs to play. But what they're doing here is a blatant case of trying to STRONGLY encourage people to do raids. In fact, a friend of mine says that's what's wrong with CoH, is that there aren't enough RAIDS! But I personally have no interest in raids.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    They already announced there are solo options available coming with i20. It was in one of the public address thingies (there are like 10 now so it's easy to miss one).
    Nothing I saw in this announcement was solo-friendly. It sounds like I'm going to have to be willing to be whisked into a bunch of strangers and then stand around being told what I'm supposed to do, and then have to do it juuuuuuusssst right or the whole thing will be a waste of time...

    I know that's fun for some people, but not for me. My friend that's into that other game is always telling me how fun the raids are and how he feels "accomplished" when he participates and wins. Well... if I want to accomplish something I'll build a cabinet. Or tune-up the car. Beating a boss in a game is, in the grander scheme of things, not that big a deal. I play for fun. Stress does not equal fun. And raids just sound like a lot of stress to me.

    I love the story-lines the devs come up with (Praetoria's stories are wonderful), but I don't understand why you have can't have *all* the story-lines available to solo players who play in a more casual manner and aren't rabid raiders.

    I say again -- everything in i20 makes CoH sound more like World of Warcraft, and I never thought that was the goal with this game.
  19. I was talking to a friend who is big into Mr. T's favorite MMO and this sounds a LOT like what he was describing to me. So far, all of the "end-game" content has been team/raid oriented. So if you take a character through the levels doing mostly solo stuff you suddenly have to change the way you play to enjoy the high-level content? Is CoH gravitating toward the same mentality as that other game? If it is, wow, that sucks.

    Is there anything coming down the pike that is solo-friendly? Or are solo players persona non grata now?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Malkore View Post
    Is this thread for reals? I am all about making people complete tf/sf's or even raids to get certain alpha components. This is an MMO, why would everything be obtainable solo?
    Because solo players pay the same amount to play as everyone else. If there was a "group discount" I could see your argument holding water. The Incarnate stuff amounts to levelling. It's not a badge. You should be able to get to it solo.
  21. Geeze... you guys're gonna be missed. I mean ya'll had a real presence in Paragon, an' yer leavin' big shoes ta walk in. It takes more'n war walls t' fornicate a city, so all them new kids had better step up an' take their load. Good luck t' ya. I wish ya th' bestest.

    ((Sad to hear, but I completely understand. Good luck to the players and thank you Knights for helping make this server what it is today.))
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kiana Wolf View Post
    If you'll pardon me going off topic for a moment, but... D'awwwww.
    (( Ditto. ))
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Warp_Factor View Post
    According to this interview with Tom Brevoort, Marvel's not downsizing, they're going back to big events. He also has some interesting thoughts on how to get new readers into stores.
    ((I didn't see anything new in his ideas for getting new readers into stores. In fact, I didn't really see any solid ideas presented. And while he says they are still going to be doing big events, he also says it will be downsized from the House of M-Civil War-Invasion-Dark Reign one-after-another-crap that they did for most of the 2000's.

    I've read comics for over 40 years, and I've seen a lot of trends come and go. But I can tell you this: the harder they make it for twelve or thirteen year old kids to access and understand their comics, whether because of content or because of the deadly weight of decades-long continuity that is no longer relevant, the more their audience is going to continue to shrink.

    The best and most entertaining comics that Marvel puts out right now is their kids' line. And Ultimate Spider-Man, of course. And all of those have a relatively short history in their continuities.))