Fishman free to a good home(looking for an RPSG))




Hey there, How's it hangin'? my Name's Premmy, mind if I come in?

Ooh, this is a nice crew you've got, what're ya, Crime-fighters? Paranormal Investigators? Heroes-for-hire? Bounty Hunters? whatever, doesn't matter,really. Man, I like this set up.

*flops down on the couch and puts his feet on the coffee table*

I see you got your Psychic over there, Your Fire-flinger, howyadoin' buddy? Oh, you got your big super-strong guy, over there bench-pressin' cars. Hey you even got a Gadget-guy! Hey, buddy, think you can check out my cellphone after you're done with that....ray.. gun.. thingy?

Hmmm, Man... tsktsktsk You know, this is NICE but.. I don't know, Feels like something's missing.

You know what you need?
*Snaps fingers, Blue man walks into the room*


I mean he can do all the aquatic stuff, he-

Dude, seriously, Space

So anyway, Ryz(Rise),(that's what you can call him, by the way) is great, he can breathe underwater and swim fast as a shark.

And I know what you're think'n, "Oh, Water guys are useless on land, can't even fly!"
But he's got these crazy water-magic tricks, and he can Surf on dry Land!

cool, right?
He's, Like, an expert with knives and swords, don't ask me how, though

Like a friggin' ninja with those things. AND he's got this electric feild, yeah, just like an eel!

Oh yeah, if you see that other guy, Keep them away from each other, they do NOT get along, SHEESH.

And to top all that, he glows in the dark! who've you got that glows in the dark, Mr. Johnny Storm wannabe over there? He doesn't glow, he's on fire, that's a hazard. Ryz here's got safe, all natural 100% environmentally friendly 80% non-toxic bioluminesence

So what D'ya-


*sigh* Yeah, he's got issues with being nosy. Anyways, real loyal, real noble guy, will do whatever you say as long as you follow the rules, which YOU get to set, by the way.

We got a deal?

(( So basically I've made this new character and I want to put him in with an Active RPSG. I don't want to join any of the other "Atlantis" or "Aquatic"(if those are out there) themed groups because
1: He's just completely unrelated to Atlantis in any form
2: I have specal snowflake syndrome and want to be the only or one of very few Aquatic characters in the group

His in-game name is Aqua-edge(Though his personal Name is Ryz Sefod), a level 20 Praetorian Dual Blades-electric armor magic-origin scrapper

He woke up deep underwater after being put to sleep for many eons, only to wake up when the Hamidon wars made the human population dive like... like a submarine(it's magic, more details if you want) when he surfaced the Praetors fished him out of the sea , taught him english and hooked him on their society. Unfortunately Ryz has a very strict code of servitude that hinges on you( the master) proclaiming your core ideals. Anything he does for you can't contradict that or else he's going to sail away. All the moral ambiguity of Praetoria was too much for him, so he jumped ship.

He's got what I like to call Chronic samurai Syndrome, he NEEDS a Lord to serve honorably, and basically will float from one to the next if the code is broken

He's from a very different time and frequently has to ask questions about simple social concepts, like sarcasm

He has a very logical mind which makes weird decisions due to holes in his knowledge

Tends to stare, get to close, and pretend(badly) he understands what you're saying even if he doesn't

Fights with swords and knives, uses natural bio-electricity to defend himself, and can do minor forms of magic with water and ice.

Inspirations.. Should be fairly obvious

plus any Fish-out-of-water character

@premonitions in-game or chat me up here if interested. ))

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Wait. Ryz Sefod?

... Rise Seafood?
I actually mashed together parts of two words with "watery" and "cold" meanings and two names with "sword" meanings (Sefu and Odd) but darnit now I can't un-see that.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



if I may, suggest you to the SG "Empire of Atlantis"

They're a very respectable, great RPSG blueside that caters to all beings that originate from or are affiliated to the sea.

from sirens, to merfolk, to atlantians, to sea nymphs. etc.

Magisterum- 50+3 Fortunata--Virtue

Lukerion- 33 Emp/Rad Defender--Virtue
Noah Heartily- 34 SS/SD brute- Virtue
Mika Heartily- 50+1 Fire/MM blaster-Virtue



Awww, Heroid...thanks for the kind words. That is actually a pretty good idea though. He has somewhat of a WWII Namor type vibe only with filet knives. FILET KNIVES?!?!?! No wonder none of the rest of the fish folk will have anything to do with him!

The Golden Age Heroes SGs (Gods of the Golden Age, Young Gods of the Golden Age, and New Gods of the Golden Age <for reformed villains> is open for business for all classic hero types. We have no angst or anti-heroes, just full on heroic "sacrifice for the welfare of humanity" goodness.

Drop on by!

Gods Protect! <---(our slogan)

Hey Cookie Monster, if "C" is for cookie, what is "N" for?
Golden Age & Early Silver Age Heroes (RPers) Wanted!
Batman PWND by The Insidious Termite!
The Internet



Palladium Sentry/GAH
That actually sounds pretty awesome, And I'm whipping up an application now!

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.