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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
    • Fixed a software conflict with some graphics cards using Intel chipsets that made the shader quality degrade significantly.
    Thank you for getting this fix to the live servers! I know it's only been a week since I17, but I really missed having access to shader quality for my characters.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Doc Delilah View Post
    [FONT=Calibri]• Fixed a software conflict with some graphics cards using Intel chipsets that made the shader quality degrade significantly.
    Fantastic! I've gotten back the Shader Quality options I had before. And it looks like another annoying graphics bug has been fixed as well (which I'm guessing was also related to the Intel software conflict).

    Now I just need the contact/costumes picture bug fixed and I'll be perfectly happy.
  3. When I'm creating a new character, the most important factor in picking powers is the concept I've come up with for that character. If I don't have a concept ahead of time, I look for a powerset I haven't played with before.

    I once tried to randomly pick an archetype and powersets, but it didn't turn out that well.
  4. Haggard4Life

    CoH2 registered?

    I feel pretty "meh" about the idea of a City of Heroes 2. Mostly my apathy comes from the fact that, if it ever does become a reality, I most likely won't be able to play it because of the graphics. There's a very annoying push in the gaming industry that all new games have to have the best graphics... graphics so good only about 10 computers in the world can play it. I haven't gotten to play a new PC game in years because of that push.

    So I'll happily be sticking with CoH because I can still play it on my laptop.
  5. I'd like to see more comic book writers. Specifically I think you should ask Gail Simone to do one. I know she was an avid CoH player for awhile when the game first started, so she's at least familiar with it.

    I also like to see you pulling writers from non-comic book media. Like writers of novels, television, plays, etc. and see them bring their own perspectives to MA stories.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
    I admit the video and little bit of info looks good BUT, can you give much less at this point? A video that is supposed to be 41 seconds to give us a tease, but is really only about 25 seconds after the pre-shots and post shots for Paragon studios and then the powers are not even explained. Then the bare and stingy message on the website? Useless. Granted, I could have joined the test server, but things are always so messed up there during ALL phases of beta that it isn't worth it.
    I think the point of the Demon Summoning and Duel Pistols videos is to be teasers like movie trailers are. Movie trailers shouldn't give you all the information about the movie right away, they should give you enough information to entice your interest in the movie.

    In this case, they're giving us a teaser trailer of what the DS set looks like and a brief description of the set (including all the power names and critters you can summon).

    I don't think we should except ParagonWiki-level details from these teasers. We'll get all that info when DS is in open beta.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hercules View Post
    I'm hoping that if you decide to turn your villain to blue-side ... that the demons turn into something appropriately heroic.

    I just can't see a hero using demons...
    I can think of a few heroic Demon Summoning concepts:

    Your character could be a redeemer on a quest to save souls. Maybe that character likes the idea of using evil demons for the purpose redemption. Or maybe he/she's trying to redeem the demons themselves?

    Another idea is a character who is a cowboy who wrangles demons and then uses them to help people.

    Or maybe summoning demon-like entities and fire whips is that character's mutant superpower and they decide to use those powers for good.

    Personally, I'm going to make a DS/Poison character who has spent his life studying the secrets of alchemy (including using potions to summon demons). It's a concept that can work as a hero, villain or somewhere in between. I haven't decided which way I'll go yet.
  8. Oh and I really like that hellfire in this set is a combo of fire and toxic damage. That sounds good to me.
  9. Quote:
    ...seven elemental demons--Fiery Demonling, Cold Demonling, Hellfire Demonling, Ember Demon, Hellfire Gargoyle, Demon Prince, and Living Hellfire
    So I'm trying to figure out which demons come from which powers.

    Summon Demonlings is the easiest since there are three Demonlings on the list. And the Summon Demon Prince obviously summons the Demon Prince.

    But the rest are confusing. Does the Summon Demon power summon the Ember Demon and the Hellfire Gargoyle? Or is the Hellfire Gargoyle something else? And where does the Living Hellfire come in? Will it pop up in the Hell on Earth power?

    So many questions! I can't wait to try out this set!
  10. I was excited to see confirmation about epic power pools with side switching. So villains becoming heroes can use APPs and heroes becoming villains can access Patron pools. I'm wondering if at level 50 will have to switch to that side's epics or if they'll be allowed to keep the powers they already have?

    I'm also really excited about the Doppelganger system. I like how Posi said it's the kinda next step from the MA critter designing system. It was a little vague on if we'll have control of our Doppelgangers or if the game will generate them for us when we start the mission. Either way it's awesome.
  11. Someone put up a YouTube video of the panel and it includes the Demon Summoning video.

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
    So, we buy GR, then we have to wait months for the content to be actually available in the game?
    You get the first level of the Incarnate system in GR. Then in I19 you get the other 9 levels.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lady_Sadako View Post
    From what little we know, the ten Incarnate levels seem a bit different from the ten universal enhancement slots suggested in the survey all those months ago.
    Since then they have Posi and his team dedicated to making a fun end game system. So I'm not surprised it changed.
  14. There's so much awesome info that I... I think my brain is melting!
  15. They apparently showed a Demon Summoning video that will be on the Going Rogue website in Monday. Yay!
  16. So I guess it's confirmed that Dopplegangers are the "Dark Mirror" part of I17. Awesome!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Orion_Star_EU View Post
    Is anyone going to be updating us live from the panel?
    The comic book news website Newsarama is covering the panel live. http://www.newsarama.com/games/city-...ax-100327.html
  18. I guess the reason I don't want the Ghouls connected to Dr. Vahz or the BP is because I'd like some of the groups we encounter to be unique to Pratoria and not different versions of existing groups.
  19. Personally I doubt the Ghouls are related to Dr. Vahzilok. If Dr. V is in Praetoria at all, he'd probably be helping the Resistance and not be involved with anything like these Ghouls. I bet that they're connect to something Tyrant and his buddies have been doing to the citizens of Praetoria.
  20. I have an irrational love of the Legacy Chain group and I don't know why. Whenever I'm playing one of my villain alts, I make sure to do every mission that involves the Legacy Chain. It just wouldn't feel right missing out on those missions.

    And sometimes I'll take one of my low-level heroes to The Hollows and help the Legacy Chain NPCs battle the Circle of Thorns.

    I think I need help.
  21. Hey, the NCSoft store is undergoing maintenance. That's a good sign, right? I assume it means that we'll be able to prepurchase GR when it comes back up.

    *Edit: Ignore this post. I saw the other thread that mentions the maintenance.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
    Demon summoning has WHIPS. Does anything else matter?
    Totally agree!

    Demon Summoning sounds like it'll be a very cool set. Just the demon designs from HeroCon were cool by themselves. But the added coolness of a fire whipputs the set over the top! I'm very excited to test it out whenever they do the beta for it.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
    In Lord of the Rings, I often take multiple missions at a time so that I can complete them all at once while in the same area.

    I assume this follows the same mentality, in that we can complete seven instances at once. Very convenient.
    In other MMOs, I tend to be a mission packrat. I went around and collected every mission available in that area (and some from other areas) because the game would let me. And then I would end up being kind of scatter-brained on what mission to do next.

    I liked the 3-only mission system CoH has had because it kept me more focused than other MMOs. I was forced to finish my missions before I could do anything else. So I'm glad it was still 3 back when I first started playing the game.
  24. It's interesting that she said Posi's endgame system is part of Going Rogue. I assumed we wouldn't be seeing it until an issue or two afterwards.

    Maybe GR will be the first phase of endgame and Posi's team will add more to the system as time goes on.
  25. I'm extremely excited for I17! It's much better than I thought. I won't be able to use Ultra Mode, but it looks like there's plenty of other stuff in this Issue to play with.

    I can't wait to try out the new story arcs. 4 new arcs sounds like a good ammount of new content to keep me occupied until Going Rogue. I'm interested to see the changes in the Positron TF and I'm looking forward to finally doing the Silver Mantis TF.

    I'm also intrigued by the idea of crafting temp powers. That might give me a reason to craft.

    And yay for new Architect stuff!

    All in all, it sounds like a fantastic issue.