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  1. Did they say that the "Windfall" reward is? I saw it on a couple of slides, but not in any of the notes.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Michael Cullen View Post
    Well they did say exclusive new powers.
    Most likely inherent powers like the current Nemesis Staff vet power. So I'm guessing it refers to brand new vet powers we can get.
  3. I remember noticing how emotionally invested I'd become in the story as I was first going through the Power line in Praetoria. It really hit me at the end of Transuter's arc "Letting Go". I really liked the characters I had been interacting with in the Powers stories, especially Warrent. He was so nice to my character in his story arc and Reese's arc. So the ending of "Letting Go" hit me hard that first time through.

    EDIT: Thanks GG! Got mixed up.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post

    clickie to enlarge it
    Ah, okay. Thanks!
  5. What does the Nictus Shield look like? I can't find a picture of it on ParagonWiki.
  6. It had to be during the week I'm in charge of VBS with no free time. Oh well, it'll make the following weekend that much better.

    I20.5 has some outstanding shinies, so I'm very excited! I haven't done a lot of Incarnate stuff yet, but all those new Lore pets and new costumes give me something to strive for.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DLancer View Post
    Nothing terribly new in the UStream. They did mention that there is an another powerset in i21 beyond Time Manipulation. And Second Measure is apparently super excited about it.
    And they hinted at more beyond that too... before Black Pebble attacked them.

    What I took away from this is that they've dramatically increased content production and have banked a lot of content that will come out together with CoH Freedom and I21. Apparently the current closed beta players have been shocked by how massive it is. That's very exciting!
  8. I remember one of the devs saying we wouldn't see new Incarnate slots for a little while, but they are focusing on expanding the current slots. So if 20.5 has the Lore expansion, I'm guessing I21 will see one or more of the other slots expand.
  9. Looking at the most recent powersets the devs have made, they seem to be designing them to be unique playing experiences. I think they'll try to make it different from the other buff/debuff powersets so, while it'll probably have speed buffs and slows, I think they'll try to avoid stepping on Kinetics' toes.

    I can see it having a hold and a "turn back the clock" rez power seems like a no brainer. They also seem to give all the new powersets a signature ability that makes it play differently than other sets (ex: Shield Charge, Swap Ammo, etc). Who knows what that could be for Time Manipulation?

    A pet would seem overpowered... but I wonder about a Gang War-type power... nah, not if this will be a Mastermind secondary.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    Okay so .... seriously... who besides me REALLY hopes we'll be able to run the entire way up the tentacle curled around the building?
    That would definitely be fun... unless that's also a moving tentacle.
  11. I'm planning on staying a VIP, but if I didn't I'd probably use one slot for my main and the other slot for a low level character I enjoy playing.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    Looking at the screen shots again, and there are some amazing costume items in some of the pictures. I really hope these are things they plan to filter to the players with haste.
    Yeah, the devs have said they plan to give us any new costumes they make for new enemies. The Carnival of Light look new enough that I hope we get some of their unique pieces (like the Legacy Chain shoulder pieces).
  13. I'm excited about the Carnival of Light. It looks like regular Carnival (with some nice, new costume features) plus what looks like guys from the Legacy Chain (my favorite enemy group!). And I wonder if that floating mask is like the Banished masks?
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Not just you. Chrome, here, did much the same - video didn't stop, but I couldn't pause, etc. It was the "Create your own hero" ad (ironically enough) every single time.
    What I ended up having to do to watch the whole video is keep an eye on the time so when that hero ad popped up I could refresh and start the video from that spot again. It was annoying, but it got the job done.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
    What browser are you using? If you're on Firefox and have things such as Adblock and Flashblock make sure you have UStream on the allowed list. Make sure you have the latest version of Flash, too.
    I recently switched to Opera and I probably need to update Flash. So I'll try that. Thanks!
  16. I tried watching the recorded dev chat, but I kept running into issues. It seemed like one of the ads did something to the video. It shrank the video and the time bar at the bottom went back to 0:00 while the video continued to play. That kept going for several minutes until the video just stopped.

    I'll try watching it again tomorrow. Thanks for the highlights until then!
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Ok, attempting to reign in my trademark snark and bile thats been enflamed by a lot of stuff recently on the boards.

    I AM casting pet buffs every four minutes on ITrials. I'm casting pet buffs every mob or other mob on Itrials. Because Praetorians chew up and spit back out my whole Primary set at a rate of knots. It's not even funny. Its made all the worse by the insistently bugghed AI that makes my ranged pets run into melee to punch Warwalkers in the kneecaps, Warwalkers that as often as not kill them simply by dying and falling on them.

    It's not an Anti-Zerg measure. Defenders and such can now use their buff powers in an AoE with no extra endurance cost. There is NO good reason why this cannot be applied to MMs to give us some slack.
    I really like the AOE buff change, but I can definately see where you're coming from on this. I haven't done the iTrials with my MMs yet, but I had that problem with the Tin Mage and Apex TFs. I spent a lot of time having to get to a safe spot to resummon my pets who died in 30 seconds. And I had a lot of downtime waiting for my end to get back up (I ran through blue insps. pretty quick).

    So I agree that the devs need to look at how MMs perform in this new challenging content they're giving us.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpacePope View Post
    Guess we'll just have to see what, if any, the endurance cost is.
    And I'm guessing this stuff will be active when we test out the new trial on the Beta Server next week. So we can try out how it works and give the devs our feedback.
  19. It looks like they've put up some info on what's all in Issue 20.5.


    1.) New Trial, of course.
    2.) More Lore pets... a whole lot more! Nice!
    3.) Great improvements to the Team-Up Teleporter.
    4.) Account-wide items we can buy with Astral and Emp Merits.

    Looks awesome!

    [Hat tip to dvandom on the CoH Livejournal for spotting this]
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Freitag View Post
    Do I have to come up with an embarrassing story for each one?

    Yes, yes you do. Your fans demand it!
  21. Personally, I really hope they never do a CoH 2. I like this game and I don't want to see resources pulled from it to do a different game. And I don't see how splitting up our community would be a good thing.
  22. I thought the UStream webcast was a lot of fun. The chat part kept slowing things up for me, but then I figured out we can watch the video on Facebook without the chat and the slowness disappeared.

    It was fun getting to see so many different Devs throughout the day. And I was really glad that you guys recorded it so I could see the parts/Devs I missed. Thank you for doing this chat, everyone!
  23. Did the Beta server ever get the most recent patch that the Test and Live servers recently got? That might be it.
  24. Haggard4Life

    I20 announced?

    The thing coming at the end of summer that you're probably thinking of is the server list merge.
  25. Haggard4Life

    issue20 tuesday?

    Interesting. I wasn't expecting it to be tomorrow since the Dev Diary on the Interface slot suggested we'd see more diaries about the other three slots before I20 comes out.