175 -
Occasionally I pop into the PvP forums to have a look at how you PvP guys view it, and stuff. I say 'you PvP guys' because I don't PvP. I go to BB for Shivans quite often, and Warburg for nukes sometimes, but the only PvPing I do is the occasional gank from Hide on my Stalker while she's in BB getting some Shivans. Even that's just a passing opportunity kill.
The sole reason I don't bother learning to PvP is the appalling trash talk that I see in broadcast.
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My response is: Get over it, ignore it, and realize that it doesn't affect actual PvPers. -
Fury got fixed?
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You replied to posts that got deleted.
higher dmg
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Base damage perhaps, by 6%. Damage cap? Brute's is over twice that of tankers. PvP is balanced around teams, where damage buffs will be ample, and often enough to easily cap a tank, where a brute will continue receiving benefit.
more hp
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By design. Same HP cap though.
higher resistance cap then brutes
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No. Same. -
<QR> Absolutely fantastic.
Hurrah, Castle sounds happy!
Let's try not to change that.
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Happy Castle?
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Quick! Someone link him to the Power Boost, Patron Power vs Ancillary Power, Energy Aura, Ice Melee, Stalker Balance, and Psi Weaponry topics!
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You forgot Pet AI and Oil Slick. -
Who came outta no were some how amassed enough levels and lewt on a DB/WB Scrapper to be deadly in 1v1s on Justice about 3 weeks after those powersets went live and owned up some in the zone for about 3 weeks and then dissappered after a few 1v1 losses mostly to rupotors and MM's but also to My /Inv and /Stone brutes.
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at first i thought this was a rap to the tune of Ballroom Blitz -
It's 2008! And it's time again to make a choice!
Who will win?
Who are the canididates?
Is Positron really running as Statesmans third term?
Is BAB a true contender?
Can he fend off the more experenced War Witch?
What role does Castle play in this vital election season?
Make your voices count Paragonites!
[/ QUOTE ]
I am playing my lvl 50 WP/EM tank. With nothing turned on I have a base regeneration rating of 1.93%/sec 55.47hp/sec. I turn on Rise to the Challenge (with no mobs around) my numbers do not change. I then jump into a group of CoTs. my 1.93% jumps up a lot. I finish off the group I was fighting and take a rest. My 1.93% now reads 1.83%. I check to make sure I have no de-buffs on me and I do not. After about 15 seconds it returns to the base of 1.93%
I do not know what to make of this. Is this accurate? Is my regen rate supposed to go below baseline after I kill a group? is it just reporting incorrectly?
any help would be appreciated.
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Heh heh, that's the kind of thing that may make the Devs regret visibility lol. Difference was too small for anyone to spot before but now every small bug will be found. Everyone wants bugs fixed but fixing bugs isn't any fun as a programmer.
Bug it!
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Better to know what to fix than to not know what's broken. -
Make Freedom 2, Like you make Peregrine 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,75843
It's that easy.
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Yeah, they can just right click the server hardware, copy, paste, voila! -
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did we just ... do it? -
I wouldn't have a problem if the rewards were solely for the risk of PvP, but they have the NPCs that must be dealt with as well, so does that make them PvP or PvE rewards?
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The rewards are PvP because PvP is the risk that is taken for getting them. The NPCs are the means by which the devs decided the rewards would be obtained.
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Okay, now ask yourself if this philosophy helps or hurts PVP playerbase-growth.
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I asked myself, but all I heard in response was muttering about lack of any developer focusing on PvP in the first place.
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Wow really? In a game that was touted for not having PvP, the Devs brought of the Arena. They were popular for about an hour (exaggeration), so instead of saying, "Ahh well it was a nice try" and just scrapping it, they came out with three entire PvP zones. I think the Devs truely want to support PvP, but this game was doing fine before it, they now want some justification for why the grass is greener now.
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I mean a "PvP Developer", as Castle is the "Powers guy". Get what I'm saying? -
I wouldn't have a problem if the rewards were solely for the risk of PvP, but they have the NPCs that must be dealt with as well, so does that make them PvP or PvE rewards?
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The rewards are PvP because PvP is the risk that is taken for getting them. The NPCs are the means by which the devs decided the rewards would be obtained.
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Okay, now ask yourself if this philosophy helps or hurts PVP playerbase-growth.
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I asked myself, but all I heard in response was muttering about lack of any developer focusing on PvP in the first place. -
Lol Pax_ Do you have like a whole folder on your computer filled with Word Files that are "Pre-made" Respones that you only need to Copy - Paste? And If you do are they interchangable? (Like can you combine different ones?)
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He's not called Debatocles for nothing.
Unfortunately I can't really see his style holding up well compared to Socrates, and other great minds of the time, but c'est la vie. I think that "enema arrow" thing may come into play here, only except the obvious, what we get is a copious outflow not of waste-matter, but of words.
Ick, what a metaphor. Sorry.
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I see the whole vein-throbbing jest wasn't completely wasted on you, Bad -
Awesome guide.
One question though, according to the mids builder accuracy enh can be put into smoke.Yet i never seem to miss.
Is it an auto-hit power?
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Yes this power is an auto-hit and will never miss.
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The accuracy enhancement is for PvP, against players the autohit is overridden and the power can miss. -
Real Numbers will be awsome, finally something to help all the noobs with crippled builds finally to pick powers worthwhile and know what to enhance.
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I'm sorry, but I find that offensive.
Some players are not min/maxers. Some enjoy the game in their own way and don't care whether or not their character has been built to extreme efficiency.
When I pick a power, I'm not thinking of the numbers, I'm thinking "Hey, that sounds fun." I couldn't care less if the power I pick "cripples" my character.
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Then you are not who he was talking about. He is describing players who are in fact new to the game. Were they given any tangible information about the powers they are given to choose from, they would probably make good decisions, or at least be somewhat effective in combat. But without the numbers, and only because of the lack of numbers, they are completely ineffective, and probably think the game, or at least that particular AT or powerset combo, sucks. What he is saying has nothing to do with choosing powers for concept purposes, I assure you. -
This does not resolve the inbalance of PVP, or should I say; The "Dominance" of the villains over the heroes. What is this fascination the devs have to make the villains stronger then the heroes?. For instance, I keep getting the beat down from Dominators (two usually can de activate my invulnerbility).
The problem I have is that, not all heroes have a choice as to their invulnerbility is willingly on or if they have to concentrate to turn it on. My hero is based on Superman, his invulnerbility is alway on, wither he likes it or not. If a dom immobilizes him, he's still invulnerble to physical and energy attacks, get it?
My suggestion is, either bring this kind of balance to the game or expect less heroes to pvp or just to bail the game all together.
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Not only are you more wrong than I thought was possible, this is completely irrelevant to the topic. * for you. -
Yeah I missed the 'in real time', I think ym briain is addled today.
Sorry the win goes on. Did you not get the memo that suckage is no longer part of CoX ?
(aside from MOG) *ducks and runs*
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MoG continuing to suck is the only thing that grounds me in reality.
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You might want to avoid the Training Room in the near future, then.
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*cough* *choke* *gasp* *faint* -
You know, as funny as this thread is, I actually have to give ol Tiger an ounce of credit here, illiterate as he may be....
I happened to be in Sirens last weekend when he beat 6 straight Brutes in duels and 2-3 Stalks to boot, then came back an beat about 3 more Brutes after lunch...
A couple of the Brutes are pretty respectable PvPers with IOed out Sirens builds, so I cant discount the guy completely. With the right slotting and a lot of money, an IOed out DBer could make some of the guys posting in this thread look pretty stupid.
The problem is I use too many ellipses...
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Tru dat -
this thread has some serious walls of text son
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They're called paragraphs dad and they are used to separate out various ideas so they are easier to read. Not every thought can be explained in one single uncapitalised line.
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I'm actually being slightly sarcastic as a true wall of text doesn't have paragraph breaks, therefore the walls of text present in this thread are extremely unsound and I would never use them for support. Just a fair warning. -
this thread has some serious walls of text son