Grey Pilgrim

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  1. The answer to "not liking redside" is not to play through another Isos run over there with access to blueside. What you're suggesting is playing redside, and I really do not like the story arcs over there enough to play them as much as needed on an Isos run. Every redside run I end up playing just to play with you guys, and not having fun with the content, which is an issue. Gaming shouldn't feel like an obligation.

    I'll definitely do the next blueside run, though.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    I vote for you to be Tim Curry! And that gives me an idea for a future theme!
    I didn't have time to adjust a costume yesterday for the theme. I'll definitely try for it if you do a Tim Curry theme sometime (or are you going for the evil butler/evil character Tim Curry always seems to play?).
  3. Hmmmm, who to be? The evil butler/Tim Curry? Colonel Mustard? Professor Plum? Too bad my Isos isn't yet 50, or I'd bring him along for a Professor Plum lookalike.
  4. Eternal Albert is 49, so it'd be nice to run at least one more week. I know I'm not the only one not 50 yet, either. Heck, we could even do some task forces or something since we have 50s if we want to draw things out a little more.

    What do you mean by the redside thing, Mental? I was just saying in team chat that I'm not big on redside, other than its SFs, so I don't know that I would want to do a redside run with Isos again. It's okay once in awhile, but I get burnt out every week. I'm just not a villain. I did assume you all were up for redside again, though.

    Probably don't want to wait on Staff Weapons, though... that's supposedly going to come out after I22 does, kind of like Street Justice, etc.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    I ask that because usually tanks want to be "inside" and tanking the AV is not as "fun" for some people. It's more like are you okay doing that job or is it boring for you. Not can your build take it.
    Having actually been on the terminal team, it is more active, but they can both be fun. Count me in wherever I need to be in the future.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    Who here is qualified to decide that a developer etc is doing that?

    No one.

    Did someone say they were best qualified?

    Whoever that was thinks alot of themselves without truly knowing.

    For every viewpoint there is a counter argument, whether or not you see them is another thing. Some people I feel will only carry on only hearing themselves anyway.
    New Dawn, if you truly believe this, why on earth are you posting on the forums? No one is qualified to comment on the game but the developers, so why even talk it over? That's what this post and your others keep suggesting.

    Certainly, we're obliged to make a strong argument for why powers aren't working if we want the developers to agree with us AND do something about it (there is a difference between the two).

    I've already posted adequately enough in this thread as to why I am disappointed in where the changes are for Kheldians. And even if the developers would like to change things, I've also noted why it can easily feel that they are "sitting on their laurels" and not doing anything more.

    For all I know, Arbiter Hawk would like to do some more things to Kheldians, but we have now way of knowing that, and the development decisions since I22 have showed that any changes to Kheldians are not as important. I've also covered why that is an issue to my mind.

    The issues, as already stated numerous times, is that there were changes that said should come, and some kind of look at our powers after I21... and nothing has come of that since then. Yes, we don't KNOW that for sure, but that's just the thing, we don't know where we are. We've even had a kheldian player talk to Arbiter Hawk in person and ask him to post, and he didn't say anything.

    I'm hardly one of those that thinks the devs should bow to our every whim, but a little word at this point would be more than nice and helpful, given the situation (which has been gone over more than once).
  7. *sighs* We might as well leave this. I even pointed out in my previous post that calling someone a troll is the worst this thread has gotten, and I'd prefer to leave it there, so the real criticism in here doesn't get buried in real forum angst.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
    Arbiter Hawk never listened to a word I said back when I was nice, so why should he start now? Nothing I said then mattered, and nothing I say now is going to matter.

    Besides, it would be egotistical of me to think he or any developer was anything less than professional. Development schedules are based on professional decisions, not anything I or anyone else said that may or may not have been particularly cutting.
    Professional is certainly the name of the game. If one is a professional, they can think through cutting criticism to see if any of that criticism is even merited (as a teacher and a writer, believe me, I know how difficult but possible that is). Certainly you prefer more positive and constructive criticism, but you can use negative criticism as well.

    I'm not exactly sure what New Dawn is reading, but if honest disappointment is cutting criticism, the words "I wish you wouldn't do that" from someone New Dawn cares about must truly cut to the bone. I'm honestly not trying to be mean with that, but I don't know how else to take these earnest posts that there is something quite negative with this overall thread. Certainly Two-Headed Boy calling New Dawn a troll is negative, but the actual comments on the state of Kheldians are at worst disappointed.

    And New Dawn, this quote can be a good approach to life: "Buffs are icing because I am not jeopardized without them. Fun happens when you are free of certain things that bother you. Not a lot bothers me so any buffs would be icing." I feel much the same way about how you should react to things in life, whether it's a game or much more real. But such feelings don't hold as much water when it comes to any kind of design. A developer/designer/artist that is content to sit on their laurels and be safe is going in a bad direction.

    In other words, I still enjoy playing my Peacebringer, and there is a certain truth to the goofy Monty Python song "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life." But holding to that no matter what with where Kheldians are at is just ostrich head in the sand foolishness.

    "Enjoy the game, but don't just settle," for an even more TLDR version.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
    Given whats been said in some of these posts I'd be amazed if changes aren't pushed back.

    I suppose we could all read things differently and view whats appropriate differently.

    But I won't blame the Devs if they do push things back.

    Any buffs is pretty much icing to me.
    I actually to read other responses to this post to figure out what you even mean. You actually think this thread is harsh? I know you hang out in the Tanker forums... Johnny Butane can be quite harsh about the devs and tankers. Expressing disappointment that promised work has not yet been done is not a harsh thing in the slightest. I'm not even angry, really... just disappointed. Kheldians are one of the more interesting ATs in CoH, and I hate that they keep getting ignored like they do.

    And "any buffs are icing" is an odd and broad thing to state. Given that approach, you could say any old change to an AT or powerset that is not working as well as it should is icing... but that ignores pesky little things like if the changes actually fix the problem, or fix it enough. Which has not happened yet, alas. I'm happy that changes were made to Kheldians after they first came in the game, and I11, and I21. Yet for all that list, there are still issues with the AT. If anything, it's the attitude that "any buffs are icing" that has caused them to continue to have problems.

    Partial changes often don't get the job done. Castle supposedly had a great, overall plan for improving PvP, and the changes were only half put through... and they have just sat there, without anyone (including him when he left) being happy about the state of things. Get it done right the first time is the way to go, or at the very least, if you are going to start changes, follow through on them soon.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by kinaki View Post

    I forced myself every day to log into my lone MM to simply tell myself one day that I had an MM 50. Never again. So boring.
    I thought I would love the class as well, but I just do not like the playstyle at all. I don't like buffing teammates, and I want to be the one hitting my opponents.

    I'm getting close to the same dislike of Defenders and Corruptors. They just don't do enough damage for me, and being able to debuff or buff isn't an obvious enough bonus to me for playing them.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Glowing Touch is a joke and a cop out for "jack of all trades." Maybe if Peacebringers got some ally buffs and an AOE heal, their support potential would match a Warshade's control potential.
    You know... I kind of wish some of human form's double-dipping ranged attacks had not been implemented in the design phase, and buff powers of some sort were used instead. It's pretty clear that Warshades are supposed to be better mezzers, but you can't really see a clear cut niche for Peacebringers. Probably not going to happen now, but it would help.

    Certainly Kheldians are aimed at the jack of all trades idea, but their implementation and some of their specific powers just do not mesh well. Part of the "VEAT envy" people have is just from their better design. They had a clear goal and they are designed effectively toward that goal.
  12. Well, of course we don't NEED a thread in the I22 forums, as there isn't any big changes for us!

    In some fairness to the community team, the feedback threads seem more focused and tighter than they were with I21. I think they realized they had way too many threads that time around, but unfortunately that left Kheldians with the short end of the stick. Again.

    I think part of the problem with showing people that this IS a problem is that it's no one huge thing. It's a continuing tradition of small things happening over and over to make a Kheldian player feel like they just don't matter.

    The continuing story is that the animation team is very, very busy, but they're clearly focusing on things they prioritize. All this fall and winter, we've had a large amount of new powersets and animations, not to mention zones, trials, and incarnate powers. I am hard-pressed to believe that even a Kheldian formshift animation would have been impossible to cram in with all that. As I pointed out in a previous post, Synapse has found time to come up with a new power just in I22 beta, complete with PFX. Yeah...

    I'm not suggesting Kheldians by their lonesome are more important than additions to the incarnate system, etc. I am suggesting, however, that they should at least have some work and consideration.

    At least we're in somewhat the same boat with Gravity. Hawk wants to keep the KB in Wormhole because somehow that meshes nicely with Dimension Shift. I don't doubt DS is better now, but and AOE mez shouldn't be dependent on another power. It's not something you see in any other aoe mezzes that I can think of (and I did look through the powers lists), so the logic fails me. Same for Hawk's reasoning for keeping the KB in Solar Flare. Synapse wanting to avoid KB in a dark power just makes the oddness all the more glaring.

    But yes, I'm confused and a little down about it, for hopefully obvious reasons now. My glorious summer has become a winter of discontent, if you want to be melodramatic/poetic/humorous about it.
  13. Been busy with my birthday and real life, this thread sure grew after a slow start! I love that "SOPA, you shall not pass!" pic... that's up there with my picture of a road sign with a Gandalf outline with "You shall not pass!"

    Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
    Not it at all, really.

    I think I understand Pilgrim's disappointment, but at this point I'll let him speak for himself if he so desires.

    Although I don't think a case of the blues could be confused with life and death drama. Can't someone be disappointed without being accused of hyperdrama?
    Yeah... to put it nicely, I'm not sure how my post earlier equates with "My rage... let me show u it." It's just simple disappointment. I'll try to let it pass at that.

    You mentioned a few things already, but some of the latest posts from Synapse recent can illustrate some of my feeling pretty well. Dark Assault is getting a brand new power/PFX, all scraped together just this week! Isn't that great? But wait... there's that whole formshift animation thing that they STILL haven't found time for from I21 to now. Yes, Synapse said they just barely had time for the new dark power, but the irony from my position is rather rich (I'm happy for the Dark set, don't get me wrong, but I'd be more happy if they had found some time for the promised Kheld animations as well).

    Synapse has also noted his reluctance to put Umbral Torrent in the new set, due to its KB. The irony here is especially rich to me. Yes, Doms have melee powers, but they also have a lot of good ranged powers. They're much more range focused than human form Peacebringers are, but Peacebringers still have KB in powers that just do not synergize well (quick aside on that, Energy is great on a Blaster... all that KB is not so good on an AT that works better at melee range--and human form PBs are much better at melee range). I see logic at cross purposes from the dark powers to kheldians, and it kind of drives me nuts.

    As noted earlier, I also had higher hopes for the devs with Kheldian changes. I probably read too much into Second Falcon saying I22 would have Kheldian changes, and Arbiter Hawk saying he would continue to assess things. But at the very least, I did not think an animation change for the formshift was too much to ask for (and maybe the Light form option to go with it).

    It just all adds up to the same old story that many negative types have held to: that Kheldians just are not a priority for the developers (or in a better light, they don't have the resources to do them justice, which I hold to when I'm most down). I'm a realist, but I tend to want to be positive about things. In the face of all the evidence, it's hard to be positive, hence the OP.

    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    I even took the case to Arbiter Hawk, in person, at the Player Summit and tried to engage him to lay out his (and the Power Team's) point of view on the issues (plural) facing Peacebringers in terms of poor power synergies hampering them in ways that are most decidedly NOT present for Warshades. At this juncture, I have no way of knowing what (or even if!) any impression was made on Arbiter Hawk by that conversation. Then again, he does play his cards much closer to the chest in these matters than other Devs. By his own admission, he lurks the forums "a lot" but almost NEVER posts anything.
    I really, really wish Arbiter Hawk would talk more. Synapse has been great the last two issues, at least acknowledging ideas and saying things might have to wait, etc., and adjusting his plans to feedback. Arbiter Hawk has been quite nice in the PMs I've had with him, but his quietness on the subject is hurting more than helping. I know he doesn't want people hoping for too much or misreading things (as I know I have in the past), but it would be nice to know we're not forgotten.

    I would say that's asking for a lot with most requests, but Kheldians have been so neglected it would be nice. And we've been at least close enough to changes that some info would be nice (whereas PVP, bases, and AE haven't been close to anything for a long time, so leaving them to sit isn't going to make that big of a difference).
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
    Fire/Fire Scranker.

    Chad is cursed... well because, for the longest time every MSTF we tried to run for him failed. No joke like over 100, ok maybe it was less but it felt like 100!

    Always something weird or silly death too. CURSED I TELL YOU.... CURSED.

    I'm insulted. Grey Pilgrim is a Scranker? No wonder MP asked if I'd be okay tanking Maelstrom on the TPN. That hurt too, let me tell you. Sheesh.

    Not that I don't enjoy GP's extra damage, but he can take the heat, too.
  15. Thanks, everybody! Been a good birthday. Classes behaved, we ate out, had ice cream cake, and went to see the latest Sherlock Holmes movie. Good times.

    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Thanks guys. And Grey, happy birthday to you sir.
    And to you, good sir! *bows*

    Originally Posted by Vexen777 View Post
    Happy celebration of your birth!

    Your guides Pilgrim have saved me on more than one occasion.
    Hey, that's good to hear. Keep meaning to put one together for Blasting as well: I seem to like the opposite ends of the spectrum quite a bit.

    Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
    Happy Birthday to Victory's cursed son, and favorite fire scrapper.
    Wait, why am I cursed? Or am I the fire scrapper in this? Grey Pilgrim is a Fire/Fire Tanker...

    And if it is that way, why is Chad cursed? There should be no cursing on birthdays! /em Dr. Strangelove "Gentlemen! There is no fighting in the war room!"
  16. Grey Pilgrim

    Who Will Die?

    Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
    Having the reveal a month before the release did nothing but blunt the impact of part 5 imo. I would have found that segment a lot more compelling the first time if I hadn't know how it was going to end. Sure, now we know what Wade's final goal is, but it's pretty obvious that it isn't going to end up going well for him since him really achieving his goal would effectively end the game. I think a less ambitious (but still diabolical) goal would have made for a better story since we wouldn't know in that case whether of not he would be ultimately successful.
    The actual death was well done, but as you said, it was blunted somewhat by the announcement. I don't know why they felt the need to do it, and my early conviction that they have something else up their sleeve seems to be contradicted by the official dev posts saying he'll be removed from the game. The sig story arcs have actually been pretty strong for me with their storyline, and I'm kind of disappointed that I knew it was going to happen ahead of time. They even played the death scene like he might be able to rally from time to time, and that was screwed up by their "preview."

    I don't know that I agree with the rest of what you said. Wade's overall scheme could fail, but he could easily still be around with super awesome powers for a long while. He's up there with other incarnates now (or should be).

    I know some people don't like him being such a threat, but I've actually considered him to be one of the greatest dangers in the CoH universe ever since I heard him hint at wanting to free Rularuu. He's a striker from the shadows as well, and those are always ones to be careful of.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Why is a code rant necessary? The shift TO human form is already instant. They should just give us the same animation when we leave human.
    A code rant is always necessary with something like this. I don't know what the code (or animation time) looks like on their end, and it's bad to assume it would not take much time. It certainly was going to take enough time during I21's beta that it had to be put off.

    I get that you'd be okay with no animation at all and a sudden change, but I would prefer something. I'm rather surprised that quickening the one we have already looks bad, but I'm willing to accept Arbiter Hawk's statement that it does look bad.

    Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
    I don't think it's as bad as some of you are making it out to be. Sure, there are things that need to be fixed, but the ATs are in a better shape now than they have been since they released.
    I accepted that the animation for the form change would have to happen later, but I also know that the longer it takes for them to get to something, the more likely that it will not happen. Eg., time between changes for Kheldians I11 to I21, or Fiery Aura, from I11 to... I18 or so. I don't want the formshift animation in another 1-2 years: it's been needed since Kheldians were made, which is a lot longer than 1-2 years.

    I also hate partial improvements. Fiery Aura and Stalkers got them a long ways back, and Fiery Aura wasn't complete until I18 or so finally got the job done. Stalkers have been improved, but clearly not enough (I'm hoping the new set does the job). Why do I hate partial changes? Because no new changes happen for a LONG time, or there is a perception that the powers or powersets are now "good enough."

    Good enough doesn't fly in my book. Get it done right the first time so you don't have to go back to it. That's my policy with my teaching and writing, and I don't like it anywhere else. I know that there are time constraints (hence my being okay with a little wait for the formshift animation), but overly long ones or ones that are there because things are "good enough" do not sit well with me, and they shouldn't for any designer. Keep in mind that this is a stance that Synapse and the other current devs do tend to have as well. It's not some random preference I have.

    The formshift issue is a large one for how playable Kheldians and their aesthetic is. I'd say it's an even bigger problem than the two power changes Peacerbringers still need (Pulsar's anemic mez and long cast time, Solar Flare's KB). I don't care as much about the toggle issue as Two-Headed Boy does, but that's part of the flow issue that Kheldians still have, even after their improvements.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    If it makes you feel any better, "Sunless Mire will no longer accept tohit debuff enhancements."

    /em Monty Python "yay."

    Dante, the animation changes are what I was referring to... I find it rather disappointing that between the I21 beta and I22's, there was somehow not time to do it. Doesn't seem like it would require an entirely new animation, but I suppose the standard code rant applies.

    I also took too much hope from Second Falcon saying they were hoping for some Kheldian changes in I22 (this was in June/July before I21's open beta). I'm guessing they were able to fast track everything to I21 and that's... all she wrote at this point.

    Don't get me wrong, I like that stuff happened in I21, I just find it disappointing that they STILL couldn't do the animation change a whole issue later, and that nothing else was changed. It's much like the I11 tweaks with Fiery Aura for me. They were nice, but not enough, and I hate it when they just sit and sit in need of help.
  19. Grey Pilgrim

    Kheldian Fashion

    Justaris's costume reminds me of the design for the Ringwraiths from Ralph Bakshi's cartoon of Lord of the Rings. Which is a good thing, if you're going for creepy. I actually think they were creepier than the live action ones from Peter Jackson, and those were hardly a bad attempt.
  20. Well, I22 has cometh and... nada. *sighs* I was hoping that there was at least some animation time found for our formshift, but that was apparently too much to hope. I am extremely confused as to how this was not possible, and can't really make myself think anything other than we are under the radar again. I know the new zone and powersets are taking up time, but no time for the formshift... really?

    Any words of consolation for my blues? Anyone have more energy and willing to say something on the beta forums? No one has said anything yet and we probably should. I would, but I'm feeling down about it and I'm not up for a passionate plea at this point.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NancY View Post
    Last week I worked with my husband and after dinner I fell asleep at 7:30.

    When I woke up around 9:45 I didn't think it was worth playing. So, I think I'm dropping out. I missed 3 weeks and now I feel 'meh' about having to try to catch up. I never get online for anything anymore, the 2-3 hours a week for Isos is becoming impossible.

    Maybe I'll be around for the next run. Maybe I'll just hibernate till spring.

    Take care.
    No need to feel so pressured. Just join in when you can and it's no biggie if you are behind. Even joining in for a little bit is nice. Sure, we jibe people for being late or leaving early, but that's all part of the group. We'd rather have you than not.
  22. Grey Pilgrim

    Two Words

    Originally Posted by Mr_Morbid View Post
    Stalkers are the one archetype I've never been able to play past the very earliest levels. The whole stealth focused play style is something that's just never clicked with me (in any MMO.) But Assassin's Focus is such a huge buff to stalkers that I'll probably give one a good go.
    Probably would help not to think of them as "stealth-focused." I usually find it better to see them as two-dimensional Scrappers. Scrappers are pretty much one thing (heck, Brutes often are the same), and Stalkers have a greater tactical capability that can actually make them more interesting to play.

    Not sure what my next Stalker will be... maybe wait for Staff Weapons, though I was hoping to use a Tanker for that. Might try KM again, since that is a fun set. Just wish we would get a new defense set (I don't like using the same set twice... EM is the most I've done it with Blasters)... we've been all attack or control sets for a long bit.

    Originally Posted by Struder View Post
    For me I like the new Stalker changes, my Stalker is a Katana/regen, I do play her like a scrapper but dies alot cause such low HP's even with DP on (an extra 200 HP's while on) now I have a chance to survive. Dusted her off to get her incarnate slots open for when the update drops. The new DA does look better now, can see everthing now no fog yay.
    I don't know why they didn't up the Stalker max HP level when they upped their base HP. They know that +HP makes a huge difference for melee sets, but somehow neglected to notice that when they made that change. *shakes head*
  23. Grey Pilgrim

    Two Words

    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    From the one picture, the crab-like things look straight out of HL2 IIRC.

    Still no work on the shard into a Co-op for some reason. New Base TP = fantastic. I just started playing with combining 3 of them on top of each other and it looks fine, but a PITA to get each one to TP where you want. And finally the team up TP working inside missions; now I can stop wasting so much damn time standing around and doing nothing while waiting.
    Yeah, I'm really happy about the team up teleporter working from anywhere. Biggest annoyance for me is waiting on leagues to get enough people... I only have so much time to play and don't want to waste it standing around Pocket D.

    Not sure if I'll be making more Stalkers even with the changes. I like my one enough, and I play him when I feel in a Stalker mood. I play him just like my Scrappers, but I for some reason have more Scrappers. Not sure why. I do like the changes and will enjoy them when I am on my Nin/Nin, though.
  24. I may join in if I'm about. Coordination is the main thing again. You want a good group taking care of Mael and the telepathists, and the building group needs to be focused as well. MP is good with coordinating the building stuff, so she should really finish her guide. *hint, hint*
  25. Grey Pilgrim

    Two Words

    I'll have to check out the new zone to see if I like it. Some of the mobs look more weird and creepy than I like, but they might just be randomly about in a few screenshots.

    Grav and Stalker changes should be fun. Nothing on anything more for Kheldians. Apparently their formshift changes have gone the way of PVP and base changes. I hope not, but that's generally what seems to happen when the devs don't follow something up soonish.

    Kind of wish the devs had added a new TF than a new trial (level could be based off the leader incarnate level or something, too), and a trial with 57s to boot. Noob incarnates are stuck with three trials to run, though the new missions should help some, at least.