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  1. Yay! I got my paragon points on my billing date this month instead of the 10th-ish. My vet awards always came 10 days earlier on the anniversary of when I started the game as opposed to the anniversary of when I started paying and that seems to be the same with my tokens.

    But I still think they should try to merge times for tokens and points and give both out on the billing date for the upcoming subscription month. Keeping track of time played pre-Freedom for tokens vs time paid for points no longer makes sense in a game where anyone can play for free. Once the two are merged to the same day it should be simpler to start awarding tokens in advance when time is paid in advance and then we'll have everything we were originally promised.
  2. I like all the new content as well, including First Ward (well, I don't like what they did with Katie Douglas but that's another story). However...

    All the Praetorian arcs from level 1 through FW need to get assigned a real reward merit value and not just the 2-merit place holder. It's pretty bad when you can almost double your merit total there by getting the exploration badges. I'm not running the stories for the merit reward but I have a lot of choices at level 20-29 and the lack of merit reward is going to influence that decision.

    The devs have forgotten that co-op zones do not erase alignment. Cimmerora and Midnighters managed to have both hero and villain content (Midnighters club did it in the same contact) but not RWZ and now not FW. Judging from the answer to a question I made on FB about DA, it won't have separate hero and villain story arcs either. FW should have had a branch someplace that took heroes and villains in different directions even if they had the same ultimate result. It's how you accomplish something that makes the difference between the hero and villain in situations like that. That or at the very least give the contacts different dialog depending on their alignment (hero, villain, resistance, or loyalist) to make me feel better about bringing a villain there.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    I hear people had been having a lot of success with Afterburner.
    I finally managed to get the gold on the advanced slope with my main by using Afterburner. The super control it gives you in flight apparently applies to falling/skiing as well. All my others characters had to settle for the silver.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    The bad new is: Nobody goes to Faultline. Like the revamp done to The Hollows, it didn't really do anything.
    I always laugh when I see statements like this.

    Nice artwork even if they put it in the wrong place. I'll have to stop flying over that building and take a look next time.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by 7deCoeur View Post

    The Weekly Strike Targets Have been updated. Sorry for the delay!

    Thank you so much!
  6. I'd like to poke the mods to think about getting the WST list for January up today or tomorrow since the first business day next week happens to be the first Tuesday in January.

    Wouldn't want the list to get updated after it goes live that morning after all!

  7. I have some of all of the non-epic classes with the exception of the corruptor and I play and enjoy all of them. It keeps the game fresh to be able to play different roles all the time depending on my mood.

    I probably play my melee types more often and have more of them but that has more to do with what my friends like to play than me. I have some that prefer melee (mostly for the survivability), some that dislike melee, and the rest have at least some variety. I just seem to hook up with the non-melee friends more often.
  8. I don't understand. If you dropped the skirt off entirely she'd be in a one-piece bathing suit-type outfit... pretty classic female superheroine look. I've seen the ninja robes without pants many times in-game and not thought too much about it. The drawn image is much cuter, even without hair, but she isn't a mature (the rating beyond T-for-Teen) image by any stretch I can imagine. Heck, I wouldn't care if my 5-year old grandson saw that image.

    Maybe I just don't have enough imagination.
  9. The Bolero works the same way. Match colors globally then turn it off and fix everything else.
  10. Golden_Avariel

    Snowflake Emote?

    That menu option is dim which is why I was trying to buy it but using /e throwsnowflake worked so I guess I did get it last year after all. Sorry.
  11. Golden_Avariel

    Snowflake Emote?

    Am I just missing it or is the snowflake emote missing from the Candyman's menu this year?
  12. I'm with Claws 100%. I've played all the hero arcs multiple times and all of the villain arcs at least once. I'm really enjoying them so far on both sides. I actually think the players come out on top on both sides in all the arcs. Even #3 is a pyrrhic victory for the pc-hero since they get to arrest both Blitz and Malaise.

    "Heroes" versus the "Mastermind" is definitely a little lopsided in the mastermind's favor but not because he wins each time but because he doesn't really lose anything in the first or second arc and wins big in the 3rd. In the 4th arc though, the BIG thing he loses is his identity. I'm assuming he realizes that though and planned for it.

    So going into #5 the Phalanx now recognizes the danger, knows who is responsible, and has a plan even if they are down to five able-bodied heroes - six as they recruit the pc-hero to help them. Darrin has managed to whittle away 2 FP members but he better have a REALLY good plan or he's toast and my villain will simply abandon him to avoid the massive retaliation.

    Of course we know that Darrin does have something planned since Stateman dies... somehow.

    I can't wait. I'm really enjoying the story.
  13. Golden_Avariel

    BrandX's Art!

    I'm digging the style on all these pieces. Very playful and colorful. Perfect for my first husband/wife team commission I'm considering. Thanks for posting!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DIABL0 View Post
    Have not received the below on any characters that I have loggedon. Is it BUGGED?

    The Holiday Spirit temporary power. Use Holiday Spirit to grant 48 hours of 25% Experience Debt Protection.

    The Holiday Cheer temporary power. Use Holiday Cheer on another character to give his or her a Mystery Gift that could contain a rare temporary power, a sack full of Influence or Infamy, or a winter-
    I complained a lot about this last year. My characters that were new for the year got them but not my older ones even though I distinctly remembered getting them in previous years (I had characters with Holiday Spirit still running and another one in the power's list ready to click on when that one ran out).

    I haven't logged into any of my 3 "new" characters for this year to see if anyone is getting them but I was very disappointed to see that my older characters didn't get them again this year. Using the Holiday Cheer power was so cool and I don't know why that can't be fixed.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vega View Post
    So long States, see you in Pocket D next to War Witch.
    Hey, he and War Witch could take over Desperate Guy/Just Say No Girl's dialog.

    I'm one of those who have really enjoyed the WWD story so far. #4 hero-side is one of my favorite. I can hardly wait to run it villain-side to see the difference.
  16. Golden_Avariel

    Bloody Hands

    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    Villains and rogues get HERO SLAYER for defeating 25 [various] heroes.

    Villains who then turn into heroes and vigilantes have the name of the badge changed to Bloody Hands.
    See? That's why I put it in the questions forum. That answers my question about that. I still don't think the images should count but at least I know I didn't get a villain-only badge.

    I see now I should have read the "Notes" on the wiki page and not just the description at the top.
  17. Story arcs from regular contacts. Tips and SSA's between contacts. Task Forces once or twice a week.

    That's my normal line-up... the next two weeks of course I'll be running a lot of holiday missions.
  18. The slopes were always fun for a laugh and a bit of frustration but until I got ninja run I had never been able to get more than a bronze on the beginner slope. Now I have to slow myself down to get the silver and bronze on the beginner and the silver is fairly easy on the expert. Expert gold... yeah, that's still a problem for me. I think I got it on one character when someone gave me IR but I rarely see kin's on the platform, not that I blame them.
  19. Golden_Avariel

    Bloody Hands

    Originally Posted by OmniNogard View Post
    Ahhh, why did this have to be a hero badge, it fits my Half-Human Half-Demon char greatly!
    It isn't a hero badge, that's the point of my post. Villains get it by defeating 25 Mayhem mission heroes... or at least that's what I thought. Judging from some of the comments that might not be completely true.
  20. Golden_Avariel

    Bloody Hands

    Do you think the devs intended my hero to earn the Bloody Hands badge by running the 4th SSA? Has anyone else encountered this?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    That is something that I was missing.
    So if I am not hitting, I need to do Blinding Feint for the to hit buff, then try the combo.

    Yes, and if you can't seem to hit the particular enemy you are trying to kill, switch quickly to a minion to do that hit and switch back or use an insight.

    I consider my DB/SR my easiest 50 so far and my best scrapper. But then, I tend to overslot accuracy on all my characters and maybe this one benefited from that. No idea.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    The new Pilgrim Hat has 4 sections: the hat and band which pick up the 2 chosable colors, the buckle which is locked to silver, and the hair which is a pre-tinted grey scale that picks up both the primary and secondary colors! Now, that's pretty.... odd. (Yes, blue hat + red band = purple hair.)
    I discovered this past weekend that the magic pack's witch's hat does this exact same thing (it was the first time I'd ever tried to use it).

    I went with it anyway and gave my wiccan heroine purple hair but I don't like it. I wore the costume for like 1 mission then switched. I'll probably end up ditching the hat because my witch does not wear black but does have black hair.

    I would have much rather the hat be the primary color and the hair and design be the secondary.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
    Thank god for AE tickets, right?
    Truth! Being able to get this stuff by playing the game instead of playing the market made things SO much more fun for me. Before that you had to use Ouroboros and hope for the right drops, now you can just run a couple of AE missions and narrow your randomness to a set of 6 pieces. Back when uncommon salvage was going for millions it was a no-brainer to spend 80 tickets on a specific piece than to use the market.

    I'm assuming this is for crafting non-common IO's for a higher-level character. I never spend cash on salvage for common enhancements for a low level character... I'll go buy a DO first.
  24. The only time I've seen him "despawn" while fighting him, we were close the trainer or the black market and he was actually zapped by a drone or the market bubble. It wasn't always obvious except after taking stock of where we were standing when it happened.