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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post

    It is neither Deadly ... nor an Apocalypse.
    In this sense, the "Deadly Apocalypse" fails on both counts for truth in advertising.
    While I'm sympathetic to your complaint, right now CoH isn't a game that wants events to have any actual impact the world. It caters to a very wide range of playstyles and levels of commitment, as well as desired results. There is a small but significant portion of the playerbase that ignores the art and theme trappings of the game completely, while another exclusively roleplays and tries to ignore gameworld events that break their immersion. You'll never be able to please both.

    Even relatively minor effects of failing the event -- a -10% Regen/Recovery debuff applied to all characters in the zone for the next thirty minutes, say -- would be met with cries of anguish. Game events cannot have consequences, only rewards.

    (Although there are hints that the post-50 Incarnate events may actually have long-term effects. We'll have to wait and see. My money is on anything significant being killed in closed beta.)
  2. After about an hour ToTing in PI (50/Controller, remains hero) I got the pumpkin tip. Based on what others have commented here I clicked the glowies and got the "Bonus Time" message with related timer change, stealthed through the rest, beat down the Book Worm, and got "Mission Completed." No rewards table (as reported by others), and the Clocks appeared with minutes remaining on the timer (as reported by others).

    On exit I saw "Return to contact" so I clicked the Pumpkin tip again, got the message about accepting the responsibility to get the book, and then it went away (again, as reported by others).

    I didn't fight my way through the entire mission because (a) soling a min/kin can be slow going, and (b) going in knowing the mission's broken takes away some of the incentive. I liked the look of it, though, so kudos to the art and mission design team. I'm a bit perplexed by the use of Clockworks as the timer assault, though. Why them, and why did the Circle leave those bits of Praetorian tech hanging around their portion of the underground, anyway? To my mind it would make more sense to have a wave or four of Praetorian cops sweep through the tunnels following the same path as the player, having just discovered this intrusion. Let them fight any CoT that were left behind, too, with dialog like "What the Cole are these things?!"

    There's my take, anyway.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    Very sad news for all those concerned who are now looking for work.

    I am not ready to cry doom, far from it. This simply seems typical of any corporation's generally ruthless attitude to their greatest resource. They seem to be very quick to wield the axe whenever it's deemed necessary.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Castle View Post
    When we were redesigning the Hamidon Event a while back, I jokingly advocated having a chance to confuse players in the event equal to the number of HO's they had ever slotted.
    See, that's what I've been waiting for ever since Hami-Os were introduced.
  5. Weird. I guess because I wasn't offended by the Party Pack (just didn't buy it), it didn't occur to me that "another initiative" would be a pay pack. I assumed it would be tied to the Incarnate content or system somehow. I guess I'm just an optimist.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
    Sorry, "the right" was my mistake :P I just hate how this game is gravitating towards rp (party pack) and catering towards being easy.

    I'd love a grav change (non emote), and lolta.
    It's funny that you say that the game is gravitating toward RP, because my dissatisfactions with the game are mainly about moving away from RP and power button-mashing for the hypothetical +8/x16 crowd. I guess (shock!) the game experience is subjective rather than objective.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
    Apex Task Force?
    War Witch Task Force?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    Thanks for the nice birthday (Aug 22) gift!
    Happy pre-birthday!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
    its like i can speak again.
    Not that I'm a forum regular, but yeah. [inhales deeply]

    And I'm sure there's going to be a LOT to talk/argue about.
  10. I'm getting it on pretty much every zone load, whether through teleporter or train or running through a tunnel. But I thought it sounded like a snippet of the Portal Corps machinery.
  11. GlassGoblin

    Updater error

    Originally Posted by kangaroo120y View Post
    My Updater keeps saying I have run out of room (even though there is plenty) on my drive or that I don't have enough user rights (even though i'm running as administrator) . Then when you restart the updater, It starts to 'fix' the cityofheroes.exe and a random pigg file.
    I had this, too, but on a second try it downloaded the manifest, fixed a couple of files, and was fine.

    Except for the testing not being done and not being able to get on a server. [rolls eyes]
  12. Well, last night I tore the rig down to loose components and rebuilt it from scratch. (It needed to be done, anyway. As I mentioned, a friend built it for me so I needed to get a better feel for how it was assembled.)

    In checking around and moving components (like putting the graphics card at the bottom of the case for better air flow, and taking out the never-used BD-Data drive), I found that the SATA port running the C drive may have gone bad. No visible issue on the mobo, but I had noticed an intermittent failure on init for SATAII01. I moved the drive to a new port and it ran for hours (including a couple of hours playing a grav controller) without a reboot.

    Was that the problem? I don't really know. I ended up changing so many things it would be hard to be sure. But I wouldn't have even started looking in that direction if not for the assistance you people provided. Thank you all very much!

    Now let's just hope it keeps working...
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gaia View Post
    Been working in the heroside one iirc for at least 6 months
    Oh, I don't doubt that at all, it's just that I just discovered it. Also the Pocket D Hospital allows TP.

    My guess is that the no-TP applies to D itself, as evidenced by the presence of the Clubber Day Job icon. The Vault and the Hospital (and maybe the area directly beside the base teleporter) are technically different locations, so the Day Job timers work appropriately.
  14. I just discovered by accident that the Mission Teleporter (at least) works inside the Pocket D Vault, too.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Back_Blast View Post
    In the second, it seems at least some ATI cards have some sort of audio driver with them (not quite sure why) and disabling it fixes the conflict. As you have an Nvidia card, this may not be relevant. Not sure if Nvidias have such as well. In any case, you might look for additional audio type devices and try either updating or disabling them as well.
    I wonder if the embedded audio chips are for handling the HDMI output? Anyway, thanks for the suggestions. I'll look for more drivers for that.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
    8) If you're the electrical type, check the actual output of your PS to make sure it's operating within specs. If you're not, DON'T mess with it unless/until you learn how to do so correctly (without ruining your PS or yourself via electrocution).
    Yeah, I'm not going to be doing that. I don't need my own personal electric aura. ;-)

    I've cleaned it out a couple of times, and will probably check the mobo for acne in a couple of days. I'm using cpu-z and gpu-z to keep tabs on the status, too.

    While it may be a coincidence, when running for a bit today I noticed something odd. The Particle Physics Quality was set to "Very High (Not recommended without PhysX card)". I certainly don't recall making that change, and since I don't have a PhysX card I can't imagine why I would. At any rate, after changing it to High I played for a couple of hours without a problem, even during a fight with Babbage.

    Any thoughts?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
    Funny. havent seen tht one before lol
    I'd not seen that one, either. That's pretty awesome.
  18. I had previously looked at the logs. The last 58(!) critical events are all the same, varying only by timestamp:

    Log Name:      System
    Source:        Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
    Date:          3/16/2010 1:20:28 AM
    Event ID:      41
    Task Category: (63)
    Level:         Critical
    Keywords:      (2)
    User:          SYSTEM
    Computer:      Nyarlathotep
    The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.
    I've turned off the auto-reboot. The fastest way to get it to blow up is to do something significant, like getting the Madame of Mystery down to a sliver of health when I'm out of inspirations. ~sigh~ I guess I'll be waking up in the hospital when I log back in.
  19. I updated the system from XP Pro to Win7 Home Premium, but it worked fine for a few months before the trouble started. I upgraded the video drivers at that time (but not to the card-killer driver they pulled back). The Windows crash analysis tool pointed out that there had been ~some~ driver failures, but upgrading to the latest-n-greatest doesn't seem to have changed anything.

    I'm going to tear the box apart and look over all the components for signs of failure. I've already checked the fans and they all appear to be hunky-dory.

    Thanks for the information!
  20. Thanks for the input, Steele. I don't see anything looking funky on the mobo, but I'm going to tear the box down completely and look for anything else weird. The most recent reset it was sitting idle without any running applications at all.

    This is getting frustrating. I've been out of work for six months. I can barely afford to keep my account current. Building a new box will be beyond my means, and going back to playing on a laptop will su- will be less than optimal.
  21. Hmm, I'm less confident that it's a heat issue now. I logged into CoH from a cold boot, after the machine was powered down overnight. It blew up (i.e., instant power-interruption type reboot) before it even finished logging me into the game. After the reboot I was able to get in, fought a few mobs (on-line for maybe 15 minutes), and then it blew up on zoning via the train.

    Could there be a power issue? I would think a 1000W PSU would be sufficient.
  22. Thanks, I'll try downclocking. After making that post I noticed an oddity about the way the builder set it up: the PSU's exhaust fan is right beside the GPUs intake fan. Not perhaps the way I would have structured it, myself.

    I'll let you know if downclocking solves it. Thanks again!
  23. These forums have a pretty knowledgeable and helpful group of people, so I'm going to ask for a little advice. My current rig was built for me less than two years ago by a friend who owed me some favors.

    It's been a real workhorse, but I've started having occasional problems with it, usually (but not always) related to playing CoH. In about one out of four sessions the machine will cut straight to a black screen and reboot. I've checked pretty much everything I can think of, and can't determine the culprit. Any ideas?

    Processor: Intel Core2 Extreme QX6850 @3.0GHz
    Motherboard: Gigabyte X38T-DQ6
    Graphics Slot: PCI-Express x16
    RAM: 4GB DDR3 (Patriot PDC32G 1600LLK)
    Main Disc: 320GB Western Digital 7200rpm
    Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 295 (ASUS ENGTX295/2DI/1792MD3)
    Power Supply: Turbo-Cool 1 Kilowatt (1100 W Peak)

    For a monitor I'm using a Samsung 40" TV running at 1920x1600, if that makes a difference, although I can't imagine how it would.

    Temperature-wise it runs a little hot, but the monitors indicate that the GPU peaks at about 70-72C, which should be okay. (That's fighting a room full of Carnies with all my shaders and particles and what-not cranked to max, too.)

    Any ideas as to where I should start looking to track this down? Thanks in advance.
  24. GlassGoblin

    Test Server Down

    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    Check under the top level of the forum or under the English level. If you don't see Closed Beta Forums and if you haven't received a email invitation, then you're not in Closed Beta.
    To be fair, I was in the DP beta for almost two days before I got my invitation e-mail.
  25. The download's going fast enough, but wow! That is going to take a while to apply!