Test Server Down




Why is the TEST server down for so long. It just says connecting.... like it freezes up. Whats going on? I know i17 is supposed to start, but it never freezes up the launcher before.



Because they're probably still updating the test server to have i17 at all.

That or the patch is downloadable but theres hundreds trying to download at once and you gotta wait in line.

Big update perhaps.



Dude relaaaax. Keep in mind, if you aren't invited to wave one of closed beta...waiting all week won't matter.. you won't have access to it!

Wait until you see the closed beta forums show up in your email, you will know you have access then.



It's an 879meg patch

... oh... my...



Down for me as well Connecting #3



Originally Posted by SDragon View Post
It's an 879meg patch

... oh... my...



It really is 879 MB O.O

Can someone PLEASE tell me if the i17 beta forums are up or not? I thought I'd be in it because of Loyalty.



Wow 879...have not even got to the downloading stage yet



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
It really is 879 MB O.O
Must be all that Ultra Mode code.. and the animated tails... and the market update.. and.. oh... my....

*beats on training room doors*

Let me in!!!

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Originally Posted by Mystic_Fortune View Post
Must be all that Ultra Mode code.. and the animated tails... and the market update.. and.. oh... my....

*beats on training room doors*

Let me in!!!
*cries* Why can't they just tell us when the forums are open so those that wonder don't have to keep obsessively refreshing?



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
Can someone PLEASE tell me if the i17 beta forums are up or not? I thought I'd be in it because of Loyalty.
If they are, I'm not in either.

I'm not going to sweat it today, though. They got started a little late in the afternoon, so I'm guessing they're still getting set up behind the scenes, and I'll know more in the morning.

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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



1 Thing i've noticed so far, the UI for the login screen, specifically the borders around the text, has changed. A little bit more squareular (Ill make that a word) but still Roundish.



God damn it! Got the patch download, and when it went to apply, it gave an error. Was trying to do something with C:\Program Files (x86)\CohTest/something. Stupid / instead of \.

Closed the update, started it again, and now it's gonna take 3+ hours to "fix" the files! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!

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Hmmm. The test server appears to be up. Upon attempting to access the server, a message appears indicating the test server is closed to the public. I'm guessing the devs are checking to make sure things aren't horridly broken before starting CB.


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Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
It really is 879 MB O.O

Can someone PLEASE tell me if the i17 beta forums are up or not? I thought I'd be in it because of Loyalty.
If those forums were up,
and someone released that information,
They could be kicked from beta
for disclosing such info.

So no matter how wonderful a person you might be,
Nobody is likely to answer your question for us.



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
It really is 879 MB O.O

Can someone PLEASE tell me if the i17 beta forums are up or not? I thought I'd be in it because of Loyalty.
There was no mention of Loyalty status with regard to an I17 Closed Beta. It was mentioned explicitly for Dual Pistols CB and GR CB, but not I17.

Check under the top level of the forum or under the English level. If you don't see Closed Beta Forums and if you haven't received a email invitation, then you're not in Closed Beta.

And if we're not in Closed Beta, we should stop trying to download the patch tonight so that those who are in CB can.

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Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
*cries* Why can't they just tell us when the forums are open so those that wonder don't have to keep obsessively refreshing?
Tell me about it. I keep traveling between different sections of the forums, thinking that it'll magically change or something.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
And if we're not in Closed Beta, we should stop trying to download the patch tonight so that those who are in CB can.
That's a nice thought in theory, but fails in practice. I had several friends in the last closed beta (for dual pistols) who had no access to the closed beta section--but they could log on to the test server. They would have never known they were in, had they not actually downloaded the patch, applied it, and tried logging in.

On top of that, it was ALSO explicitly stated before that ULTRA MODE would be a part of Going Rogue. The entire reason I participated in the Loyalty program and dropped that huge chunk of money at one time (when I could barely afford it) was specifically to see Ultra Mode early.

So, now that Ultra Mode is now *seperate?* from Going Rogue, we can't get access to it, even if we qualify for Going Rogue beta?

That seems very faulty to me.

Just sayin'.


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The way you play changes your IO slotting..

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
If you don't see Closed Beta Forums and if you haven't received a email invitation, then you're not in Closed Beta.

It MIGHT mean you aren't in beta yet.
often, they add people in waves.

But then, in past betas, I have known people who got their invites several days after they had been in, testing away.

And there was at least one beta where people did not have access to the forums until they had PM'd the proper redname to fix that for them.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Check under the top level of the forum or under the English level. If you don't see Closed Beta Forums and if you haven't received a email invitation, then you're not in Closed Beta.
To be fair, I was in the DP beta for almost two days before I got my invitation e-mail.

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We can beat them, just for one day
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Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
It really is 879 MB O.O

Can someone PLEASE tell me if the i17 beta forums are up or not? I thought I'd be in it because of Loyalty.
As far as I know, the loyalty program and vet status only applies to the GR closed beta - everything else is invite only.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
There was no mention of Loyalty status with regard to an I17 Closed Beta. It was mentioned explicitly for Dual Pistols CB and GR CB, but not I17.

Check under the top level of the forum or under the English level. If you don't see Closed Beta Forums and if you haven't received a email invitation, then you're not in Closed Beta.

And if we're not in Closed Beta, we should stop trying to download the patch tonight so that those who are in CB can.
But i17 includes Demon Summoning, a part of GR. Therefore, I should have access to CB



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
But i17 includes Demon Summoning, a part of GR. Therefore, I should have access to CB
I thought DS was going to be tested separately?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork