Ghost Falcon

Business Manager
  • Posts

  • Joined

  1. [ QUOTE ]
    I've been checking this game out for a while now, and decided to try out the trial. I signed up, and everything was going smooth until I clicked the link for the installation. Whenever I click the link to the CohUpdater for the PC, I just get a blank white screen - no window pops up, and I can't even install it. I use XP, and I don't think it's a problem with javascript. I don't know what to do. Can anyone help?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Try this Installer from our FTP.
  2. Greetings Heroes and Villains!

    We have received a lot of GREAT feedback from players, and want you to know that your comments do not go unnoticed. We recently made some changes to the Villain Strike Force in Issue 15 – Anniversary, and will be making additional changes to the Hero Task Force next week. This was all due to player feedback, and we want to thank everyone for their input.

    Please check the changes out on the Training Room, and let us know what you think!

    In an effort to expand our pool of potential Closed Beta Testers, we are looking to find players who provide us constructive feedback (both in areas we got right as well as what needs to be improved) and detailed bug notifications during this Beta.
    <ul type="square">[*]If you are interested in participating in future Closed Beta tests we encourage you to check out Issue 15 on the Training Room and post your feedback on the forums! [*]Players (in good standing) who are selected for the future Closed Beta Group will have Beta entry priority over all other players selected from our normal Beta selection methods.[/list]Remember, it’s your feedback which helps us create an experience that you enjoy. Take this opportunity to make your voice heard in the continuing development of City of Heroes!

    -Ghost Falcon
  3. Ghost Falcon


    [ QUOTE ]
    Ah good. I thought I did something durring my sleep...

    Had a fun time playing just 7 hours ago, now I can't seem to log in.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This appears to have been resolved. If this occurs again, please file a Support Ticket (through the link in my signature).
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Hey ty for the info see all of you on Protector in 15 then , oh and ty for fixing the AE prob

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Protector is back online.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    this just came thru in global

    [Admin] Attention! In 15 minutes, the City of Heroes and City of Villains servers will go down for maintenance reasons. Further information can be found in the City of Heroes Forum.

    so something is up....

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Due to in-game /petitions, we're restarting Protector to restore connectivity to the Mission Architect server.

    (Protector should only be down for 10-15 minutes.)
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Does this mean EU servers too?

    (just to say to give us more than 30 minutes warning this time please )

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This maintenance only affects North American servers.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    YAY! Thanks for the confirmation. However since MA is a global service does it mean MA will be down? (Apart from the testing of arcs)

    Just seem to recall somewhere that MA would be down when you guys have your maintenance (correct me if im wrong obviously).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    For EU servers, the Mission Architect system, and the Hero/Villain Wentworth's/Black Market services will remain online during this maintenance.

    edit : Changed text above to "EU servers" and not just "EU Players" who so happen to play on North American servers...
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Does this mean EU servers too?

    (just to say to give us more than 30 minutes warning this time please )

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This maintenance only affects North American servers.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Having the same problem. Virtue. Black Market. Crashed 5 times so far. It happens when I click on an item to make a bid.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    We're looking into this now.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This now appears to be resolved. Please file a /petition in-game if this occurs again.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Having the same problem. Virtue. Black Market. Crashed 5 times so far. It happens when I click on an item to make a bid.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    We're looking into this now.
  10. Ghost Falcon

    Closed Beta

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I think they should call this one

    Clopen Beta

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm stickin with Schrodinger's Beta.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The servers are both crashed and uncrashed?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually, there is no spoon.

    For the record, there is NO Issue 15 Closed Beta.

    Issue 15 Beta will occur on the Training Room (in both North America and Europe), and not on a separate server (like the Macintosh Closed Beta)

    Issue 15 Beta will be open to everyone who has an active account. Trial Account users will have access to the Training Room, however Trial Account limitations will still be in place on those Trial Accounts.

  11. [ QUOTE ]

    They also still have 12 openings.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /shameless plug for openings at Paragon Studios an fyi, we have hired qualified applicants from our player-base for open positions...

    &lt;edited to reflect "open positions"&gt;
  12. Ghost Falcon


    [ QUOTE ]
    Devs - is it so hard to give advanced warning about servers coming down? I doubt this continual unannounced "server maintenance", sometimes on a daily basis, is really that urgent. Let people know what and why you're doing what you're doing. We pay to play this game, it's not free. Pay us a bit of courtesy.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This morning's maintenance was due to a planned publish of the 18.20090422.5T build.

    I've discussed this with the Community Team, and we'll make sure to update the Server Status page with planned publishes.

    As a brief note, we started the publish/build deployment one hour earlier. The build had to be deployed simultaneously to both North American and EU servers, and there was some concern that we would be publishing during Europe's prime-time hours.

    I apologize for the lack of an update on the Server Status page, and we will be taking steps to ensure that those maintenances and publishes are clearly stated on that page.
  13. Ghost Falcon

    Tech support?

    [ QUOTE ]
    So, ah, does this game actually have tech support, or are these forums all there is? I'm yet to get any help with my problem, posted over 24 hours ago.

    Is there a way to get proper help?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As Eislor said, NCsoft does not provide Technical Support on our Forums.

    We have a Technical Support team, a Billing Team and Customer Support team who help players with their problems.

    Our Online Community Team that monitors these forums are charged with Community Relations, and not Technical Support.

    If we (developers) and the Community Team answered every single Technical issue within the Technical Issues / Bugs forum section, we would be undermining the Support Teams (Technical, Billing &amp; Customer Support).

    By filing a Support Ticket (see my signature for the link), we will be able to work one-on-one with you, and track your particular issue. If we see common ticket trends, our Technical Support team may ask the Community Team to post recommended solutions or ask for more information to identify causes.

    By far and large, most issues are resolved by checking/changing firewall settings, changing program access in Vista/XP or updating drivers (graphics and audio).
  14. Ghost Falcon

    Login Locks Up

    [ QUOTE ]

    Still no support?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just an fyi that Technical Support is not provided by NCsoft on the forums. When you post to the forums, players are most likely to pitch in with their experiences.

    If you would like assistance from NCsoft's Technical Support Team for your Mac issue, I would recommend filing a Support Ticket.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Well i15 would be nice. I must admit that all these patches are causing pain here in Australia. The servers are shutting down at 10:00 pm seemingly on every night I've tried to play recently.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    We recognize that we have been performing more maintenance periods than usual, and due to the need of the additional Thursday (April 23rd) down-time, we have canceled the Friday, April 24th maintenance.

    Thank you for your patience as we resolve the remaining base issues.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Can we purchase MA through steam and attach it to our current existing account?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's my question at well.

    [/ QUOTE ]



    1) Create a Steam Account
    2) Purchase City of Heroes Architect Edition
    3) When you see "City of Heroes" in your list of games, select Install (even if you have the product installed on your system), and you will get your "City of Heroes : Architect Edition" serial code.
    4) Copy that serial code (i.e. Highlight it and copy with CTRL+C)
    5) Cancel the download (the download is unnecessary if you already have City of Heroes installed on your PC)
    6) Go to and select the "My Account" tab at the top of the page
    7) Log into your NCsoft Master Account
    8) Click on "Use a Serial Code"
    9) Enter the Serial Code given to you by Steam (Paste it with CTRL+V)
    10) Select the Account you want to upgrade
    11) Select your "booster" (i.e. the Cyborg or Magic Booster Pack)

    ...and you should be done with "upgrading" your current City of Heroes account.

    Please note that if you select a booster that you previously already had (i.e. you picked the Cyborg Pack and you already purchased the Cyborg Booster Pack, or you picked the Magic Booster Pack when you already purchased the Magic Booster Pack), you will need to file a Support Ticket for assistance.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Please use this thread to discuss the recent &lt;a href="/showflat.php?Cat=0&amp;Number=13368502" target="_blank"&gt;announcement&lt;/a&gt;.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Does this mean that we can actually have an alternative to the Updater to get the new patch ? I normally don't like Steam but I have to admit their Patching technology would be very helpful for COH

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Steam will not replace the City of Heroes Updater for "regular" City of Heroes customers.

    The current build being delivered by Steam has to be patched to our current build on our Live servers.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    HERO con attendees are still getting a pass in beta? I thought that was only for i13- but I could be wrong?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hero Con attendees will be getting into Issue 14's Beta "Soon"...fuzzy date is that by this time next week Hero Con attendees (+ some additional folks) will be in the Closed Beta. It may be sooner, but within a week.

    That's as close of an update that I'm allowed to give right now.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Greetings Players due to the upcoming holiday breaks and our normal publishing schedule you will be seeing some service outages over the next few days that I will recap in this message.

    Web Server Maintenance--December 16th 6:00 AM CST - 8:00 AM CST
    All NCsoft game forums will be down for DB maintenance for this time period. The estimated down time is set for 2 hours.

    Live Publish--December 16th 7:00 AM CST - 10:00 AM CST
    All North American Live Servers and Test Servers will be brought down for a live publish. This publish is expected to last 3 hours. There are no public patch notes as this publish is for the support of COH Mac.

    Live Publish--December 17th 8:00 AM CST - 10:00 AM CST
    This outage is to grant Holiday gift from NCsoft to all City of Heroes active subscribers of Freespec and Tailor Token.

    Discuss or ask questions about this announcement here!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As an fyi, this morning's maintenance also included a hotfix to address the XP Loss issue that was affecting some customers.

    This was applied to the Training Room yesterday, and fast-tracked to the Live servers this morning. Our Customer Support department has dealt with all lost XP reported.

    The XP Loss hotfix information was withheld from Ex Libris' post until we could perform some post-hotfix deployment checks and perform several hours of monitoring of the Support Ticket queue.

    We have not received any new reports of XP loss since this morning's maintenance.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    So, are there any other invites going out? Or is the Mac closed beta pretty much full?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    2nd Wave Closed Beta Invites were sent out today.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    So when around do we expect to receive them and for it to start?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Mac Closed Beta applicants who have met the minimum system/OS requirements will be contacted soon.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How do you know what our system and OS are? The form just wanted our e-mail addresses. Was there a cookie probe?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There are *two* Beta application pages.

    Closed Beta - targeted to current "active" subscribers who own a Mac
    Closed Beta Application Page

    Open Beta - targeted to anyone who owns a Mac (even those who aren't subscribers)
    Open Beta Application Page

    If you missed Lighthouse's post where he discussed the Closed Beta Application process, you can read it here.
  22. or working on the Betas....

    Open Beta for Issue 13 in North America and Europe.
    Closed Beta for Mac Testing in North America and Europe.

    Who said I ever got up this morning? Sleeping is over-rated.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    So when around do we expect to receive them and for it to start?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Mac Closed Beta applicants who have met the minimum system/OS requirements will be contacted soon.

    As my previous post stated, we're just wrapping up a couple of things before we have the kick-off.

    All the Mac Closed Beta players will be on their own server (independent of the Open Beta Training Room server), so really, we're just wrapping up a couple of things on the back-end.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    Have they picked anyone for the Mac Beta yet?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No Mac Closed Beta invitations have been sent out yet.

    We're wrapping up a couple things on our end in preparation for the Closed Beta launch, and the Mac Closed Beta applicants will be hearing from us.