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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
    I stopped after witnessing the Jailbait thread. Stay classy, Paragon Unleashed!
    I have so many one liners, it's not even funny. But I told my wife I wouldn't be a jackass today.

    I told Westley he should stop being the one to give the guided tours. General Knowledge is going to have to take over showing our newest members the "goods".
  2. Gaelic_Reign


    Rick has such pretty hair....*swoons*
  3. I'm Gaelic_Reign and I'm not an altaholic. I'm currently playing three creations with any regularity:

    Atom Basher, my kinetic powerhouse, EM/WP
    White Centurion, my Greek warrior, SD/BS
    Caledonian, my assassin, AR/Traps Corr

    And in production:

    Amazer, my DID suffering former circus clown, Ill/Something...I forget
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    That was what *I* called my GOING ROGUE trailer... three months before the announcement of I-17's name. *holds her fingers up to her temples and chants* The videographer sees all and knows all.

    And now I gotta remake my INCARNATE video. *sigh*

    At least though this explains why the devs got irked with me when in my INCARNATE video, I initially had it labelled as "Issue 0: Incarnate". They told me to take the Issue thing off... but at the time, I didn't think to question why... it's coz we really WERE getting it as an issue!

    I'm sending in headshots now, in preparing for a walk on roll!

    Oh, and Issue 18: Bug Fixer!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    It's a clique. These things happen in large groups of people with at least one similar interest. It will eventually fade to obscurity as people lose interest. These things also happen.
    Wait, I'm in a clique? SUUUUUUUGGGGGAAAAR <edited by Avatea, because Sugar is a much better altzernative to the F bomb>! There goes my reputation. But for the most part, I like the folks on the site. Most of us seem to have the same strange sense of humor, we don't put on airs, and we all love to have conversations that are more than just "You!" "Nuh uh! You!"

    I really have no idea how/why I got an invite. I didn't think I'd been around long enough to be considered interesting.

    Edit: Wait, I can say that on here? Bwah?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
    They added miniature, winged, flying, purple, heart-laden Ewoks to Galaxies.

    Every day, in every way, I'm happy to be in CoX.
    Seriously? You've got to be joking....right?

    Anyways, yeah, I've seen some CO players log into AP and just start spouting off at the mouth. /petition, /globalignore and my chat box is quiet again.
  7. My wife and I had two choices for boy names:

    Ulysses Adair ((from Earth 2))
    Gabriel Xavier

    Then we had a girl....
  8. Like the others, I get to say whatever I want about anything or anyone, (( )) and as long as it's not a direct threat or anything illegal, it's fair game. Do we seem to be fascinated about boobs & sex? Sure, just like most of North America & Europe...well, I say Europe, but I don't really know if they're fascinated by that stuff, I could be wrong. But anyway, I digress. We discuss, ad nauseum sometimes, the healthcare debate, politics, gay rights, religion, etc. at least we get to talk about it with folks we've known for a while here on the boards. It's refreshing. And yes, trolls get Kung Fu kicked in the junk far faster there.

    And we have boobs. And the ultra secret room where Vivace is queen, and we do her bidding.
  9. I don't have any canon based creations. But I'm thinking about it.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I rather like the idea of her as someone only Statesman knows about fully, and who he can talk to in private when he needs another perspective.
    She's the Alfred Pennyworth of the Freedom Phalanx!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    *beats Gaelic_Reign senseless with a dead carp*

    DO... NOT... MENTION... THAT... NAME... HERE!

    Does this mean I lose my spot in your next movie?! I'll be good, I'll be good! Boy Scout's Honor!!!
  12. Really? Then tells us, O Grand Poobah of All, what does science fiction have in it?
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I think Malaise, Infernal and maybe Valkyrie are the only ones who'd fit that discription
    Not if you give them the Rob Liefeld treatment.
  14. I think I'm gonna start saying "congrats" in different languages, just to throw people off.

    Better brush up on my Ewok, Klingon, Vulcan, and Catgirl.
  15. She'd be a good fit. The Vindicators should be the gritty, hard nosed, violent strikeforce the Primals need. But she'd probably have to ditch Excalibur, because it's a weapon of virtue, thus can't be used for evil.

    But not too worry, Azuria has plenty of stuff in the M.A.G.I. vault, and that thing NEVER stays locked.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I've looked at her CoV text on paragonwiki, and I can't see anything that's arrogant or spolit about it.
    Her attitude in the comic wasn't the best in the world. Again, she needs a flogging.
  17. I just wish her evil twin was a brunette.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    "Die"? We arrest then
    When shooting someone with an automatic rifle, or now dual pistols, using trip mines, poison mines, and full automatic drone, how in the hell is that arresting anyone? I don't care what anyone says, riddling an enemies' body with bullets, even "rubber" ones fired from the fully automated gatling gun, would probably kill the enemy.

    But you can suspend your reality any way you want.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    "Uppity"? What an old-fashioned word

    It's also not the correct one for her - she's just very passionate about her job
    Don't know about the NYC, but 'uppity' is used all the time here in the South.

    And Ms. Liberty ain't passionate, she's like a spoiled brat born with a silver spoon in her mouth, and acts all bitchy because of who her Mom & Grandpa are. She needs to be taken over someone's knee and put in her place....or tied up and flogged. Either way.
  20. I do it for SG mates, friends, and allies all the time. But on dbl xp weekend, it's just overkill sometimes, I agree. But I'll keep doing it.

    And I agree. We need a "chest bump" emote, a "fanny smack" emote, and some new dance emotes to help us celebrate.
  21. Atlantis might fit if they tie it to the Coralax in some way, otherwise, they'd have to tie it to Praetoria. Cimerora is tied to the Midnighter's, Sister a way, the Nictus, and other things. It fits.

    We don't need to go to the Moon for anything. We need to go to the Rikti Homeworld. That'd fit the CoH/CoV mythos far better than that pock-marked orb in the sky.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post

    Obolishing? Is that some kind of political/economics joke combining 'Obama' and 'Abolishing'?
    That's what I was wondering too. What the hell is 'Obolishing'? Spelling, ftw!
  23. Redside: Wyvern

    Blueside: Legionnaires