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  1. Triage beacon is easily the worst power in the traps set, you would be better off getting aid other instead of it, it can be used but its very situational and wont really save a minion near death in the middle of a fight aid other on the other hand would. (Unless interupted obviously)

    Also what is this I hear about anti-repair? Sure the cooldowns long but the full heal has saved Monkfish Omega, my assault bot, many times and besides with FFgen, prot bot sheilds + heals my bots stay alive perma anyway.
  2. It is true, dark is an extremily powerful secondary powerset but its not neccerily everyone's taste. Lets face it how can u make a Bots/Dark char concept work? ff kinda fits your bots more.

    But the point is Dark rock but you should have a go with some of the others like traps or trick arrow which give you more of an active roll. oh and FF = tad bit boooooring.
  3. What is this RL? there is only AFK.

    wb dude
  4. After experimenting with the hero planner i think i have worked out a possible build, so here it is:

    Exported from version 1.5C of CoH Planner

    Archetype: Blaster
    Primary Powers - Ranged : Ice Blast
    Secondary Powers - Support : Ice Manipulation

    01 : Chilblain acc(01) acc(37)
    01 : Ice Blast acc(01) dam(3) dam(3) dam(5) acc(13) recred(37)
    02 : Ice Bolt acc(02) dam(15) dam(17) rng(21) acc(40)
    04 : Ice Sword acc(04) dam(5) dam(13) dam(15) acc(31) endred(43)
    06 : Aim recred(06) recred(7) recred(7) thtbuf(43)
    08 : Freeze Ray acc(08) hlddur(9) hlddur(9) acc(17) recred(37) recred(46)
    10 : Frost Breath acc(10) dam(11) dam(11)
    12 : Combat Jumping defbuf(12)
    14 : Super Jump jmp(14) jmp(23)
    16 : Swift runspd(16)
    18 : Bitter Ice Blast acc(18) dam(19) dam(19) dam(21) acc(40) endred(43)
    20 : Acrobatics endred(20)
    22 : Health hel(22) hel(23)
    24 : Hasten recred(24) recred(25) recred(25)
    26 : Bitter Freeze Ray acc(26) hlddur(27) hlddur(27) acc(46) recred(46) recred(50)
    28 : Shiver acc(28) slw(29) slw(29) acc(34) conrng(42)
    30 : Stamina endrec(30) endrec(31) endrec(31)
    32 : Blizzard dam(32) dam(33) dam(33) recred(33) recred(34) recred(34)
    35 : Freezing Touch acc(35) hlddur(36) hlddur(36) hlddur(36)
    38 : Ice Storm dam(38) dam(39) slw(39) slw(39) slw(40)
    41 : Static Discharge acc(41) dam(42) dam(42)
    44 : Charged Armor damres(44) damres(45) damres(45) endred(45)
    47 : EMP Pulse recred(47) recred(48) recred(48) hlddur(48) hlddur(50) hlddur(50)
    49 : Boxing acc(49)


    01 : Brawl enhancement(01)
    01 : Sprint enhancement(01)
    02 : Rest enhancement(02)

    Anything thats a bit iffy in there? or does it look alright?
  5. I used to d PvP alot as my ice/ice blaster until i started PvE'ing alot. Dark/dark corr are the most annoying ever! fullstop :P. Slows are ok but the -acc stacks from dark are just pure evil i got slaughtered cause i couldent hit the bugger lol.

    On bitter freeze ray, its ok the animation time isnt that long its just longer than freeze ray which; ok its not a good thing but having 2 holds is helpful incase ur freeze ray misses (misses alot for me so thats why i have 2 holds).
  6. My Ice/ice blaster is only lvl 33, having read what you've said i'd just like to point out a view things from what u have said:

    -Ice Patch: Had it, used it, respeced it out due to the small AoE and it creating a patch around me instead of targeted. Didnt like it because of that and i used to get killed by bosses alot when using it lol.

    -Build up/Aim: Doesnt seem like such a good move to me due to my lack of sniper attacks, its short duration and long cooldown but i have never actually used it so i might try it.

    -Fly/Hover: uh... too slow for me :P i prefer cj/sj/acro for immob, knockback + hold res

    -Chilling Embrace: Tried it, was too endurance greedy to fit into my battle plan i'd sooner use chillbaines or 1 of the freeze rays.

    -Frost Breath: The only AoE, apart from storm or blizzard but thats targeted, in ice. I use it good for PvE but worthless in PvP (good job, i dont do PvP much anyway).

    As for the slotting you suggested its really good the only thing i would change is one dmg for range on frost bolt due to it being good for pulling in my case.

    Thanks for the help guys i think i know what i'm doing now.
  7. Hey folks, just got back to CoH after freeing my self from the shackles of WoW (i know its disgraceful :P)

    Anyway its free respec time! only i dont know what i want to do with it, over the time i've been playing as frosty i've worked out that most of the /ice secondary powers are lame due to having tried them and most not doing anything but get me debt , with the exception of chillbanes and ice sword. The main thing i need help with is the secondary powers and the slotting of abilities, i've basicly taken every power from primary apart from aim which has worked fine up to now but i want to make it better .

    So does anyone have any constructive advice? i was going to try shiver but i dont know how i need to slot it without messin it up :P, and i dont wanna waste my respec because its a pain to get lol.
  8. I've just had a thought: why dont the devs just introduce a 'Bodyguard' stance instead of setting them to follow/defencive would make this alot less painful having to set it every time : /
  9. i've had a think about the patron powerset, my MM is a technology themed guy and the only powers that fit in with him are mace and mu, the fish one kinda looks sucky and soul really doesnt match technology.

    Firstly, the mace one has rattled my cage a bit because i really dont want these powers:
    Web envelope - stops people from running/flying/jumping off , ok but it doesnt do any damage compared to the other imob making it less affective than the others also AoE not cone i prefer cone because i can control it more.
    Scorpion sheild: eh? defence! i need resistance not defence, dodging a few shots wont save me in battle.
    Mace beam volly: Great more agro...
    Web cocoon: same as web grenade but a single hold, ok i can see it being partally useful in boss fights if u can get a couple in before he closes on you but not that likly.

    Over all i'm disappointed with the tech-style PPP, i was expecting something like another pet from it or a decent buff, but instead i get agro imob and a hold. Not that good tbh lets hope the the Epic powersets or whatever are better.
  10. I could see this being potentally powerful, especially in PvP. Its like bite me u lamer blasters.

    As for PvE i have my protector bots in defence/follow most of the time and the rest in attack so that will provide a modest bonus base, and if i come up against a boss who is getting a bit close for comfort just set them all to defence/follow and whulah: "Hey there stop hitting me with that hammer, it tickles" whilst the rest of ur henchies blow 7 kinds of multicoloured chicken out of the boss
  11. Hey there guys i'm relitivly new to the dominator scene although i've had some practise.

    So could anyone advice me on some ideas for a Grav/? build? would be good because i've been meaning to make one for a while and i'd like to give the class some justice.

    So... any ideas?
  12. Frostmourn

    The Blastermind

    [ QUOTE ]
    Admittedly, you're most often going to need to TP your pets around whilst in mission, in which case, SS would be a reasonable choice, but frankly, it would make your life hell outside missions.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No tp with MM? its burns! I didnt have it a and let me see oh yeah, where the hell is my Assualt Bot? suck in a damn wall.

    Btw SS without a power to gain height is a pain, u get stuck trying to jump over a hedge
  13. I have a bots/traps MM with rating (difficulty whatever :P) set to highest and i easily solo it without leadership, however i do have my henchmen slotted with +2 accu to make sure i dont miss and sure enough: Bots dont miss much, bots inflict pain on others

  14. Frostmourn

    My First MM

    Robo/Traps reminds me of the villains in comicbooks having a nice tripmine waiting to trap their pray (Heroes ^^) Hence why I choose to make one. They seem like a good opertunity to RP to me however if thats not your thing go for Robo/FF.

    Of course i am a Sci Fi fan so i chose robots i'm sure traps can go with the other powersets too.
  15. Frostmourn

    Roleplaying Help

    Sounds cool, i had a quick read of the recent posts and i would join in but i'm not quite sure how i would introduce myself.
  16. Frostmourn

    Roleplaying Help

    Thx mate i'l make sure i'm there at 9pm.

    Zolt Man away! ^^
  17. Frostmourn

    Roleplaying Help

    i'm sure i'm probally one of the many people who ask this but... how do i roleplay? what are the rules and etiquette? can anyone direct me to a good source of information about rping?
  18. Frostmourn


    I've recently been getting into the tank side of the game, as generally i'm a blaster/MM fan. However i've really enjoyed playing as a tank and had a go with a brute good stuff tbh.

    As far as its concerned i'm making a brute elec/resistance tank (if elec is defence which i will be annoyed about >=[) The elec stuff for blasters is pwnage hope the brute's set doesnt let it down
  19. I found the patron powersets very interesting, and especially the soul mastery. Being able to hold/health drain whilst bots open fire with burning plasma seems to be quite a good PvP tactic.
  20. Well although i do get owned frequently in PvP MMs can trump the enemy sometimes.

    The traps powerset is the set i hear about the least even though i find it quite effective in PvE and sometimes in PvP when i'm not getting a tank chasing me, poison trap on the ground followed by a quick sheild gen provides sufficent protection for about 5 mins. Then you get some cocky scrapper who trys to nail you and he gets battered by your poison trap and burning robot plasma.

    So why do i hear so little about the trap powerset, does no one like it or something?
  21. Seems like a truly 'Matrix' style poweset to me, with the duel wield 'n stuff, although i'l stick with my robots tbh.
  22. tbh no matter how anyone puts it, when it comes to PvP MMs are kinda near the bottom of the food chain.

    Sure, we can kill stuff quick if were in the right situation but soon as a tank comes along and wacks you with knockout blow or something ur halfdead and if by some miracle you manage to escape u get some blaster who snipes you from like 3 miles away.

    Personally i never do PvP often as my MM i know as soon as someone see me flash from tp they think "oh look a mastermind we can get an easy kill here". Some times i get lucky and manage to drop caltrops and vanish with teleport whilst my robots annoy the guy who just attacked but thats 1 out of 10 times.

    MMs just arnt good at PvP we get wacked by blasters shooting us from miles off and tankers who just storm past our pets, if anything the idea about defence buff for number of henchies around us would be a godsend.
  23. Blaze is an amazing powerful fire move, it deal masses of damage at a minor range (which sucks) However the amount of damage it does makes up for the relitivly close range

    Basicly take blaze with no regrets
  24. hmm, i'd have to disagree, the flamethrower is an alright weapon its not brilliant only modarate DoT dmg but its a cone attack so it gets lots of people. Kinda softens then up, and the uber b00m headshot dualies AoE sucks but high damage if it catches any

    Basicly i'm saying i dont quite agree with ya
  25. hmm, well at respec i will be getting tp with tp friend and tp group etc and instead of the first pulse rifle attack and photon grenade i will be getting poison trap and acid mortor,

    I will probs keep my leadership stuff etc and i've got stealth trying to get invis and phase shift to save my bacon