500 -
More pics: http://screenrant.com/avengers-photo...es-rob-130607/
The Captain America costume in The First Avenger had the miscolored straps, but were given the look of being part of the Load Bearing Equipment (LBE) that soldiers wore up until about a decade ago. I thought it was an excellent mix of modern and old school.
As for the new movie one; would this have been that hard to replicate?
I'd be a villain. I'd just take whatever I wanted and do whatever I wanted. Sometimes what I'd want to do would be to beat up some bad guys and take their stuff. Maybe I'd just be a vigilante that steals the bad guys stuff.
Quote:Most of the characters look like the Ultimate versions rather than the 616 versions. And, yeah, Nick Fury bringing them all together is straight out of Ultimates, especially since Ultimate Nick Fury is Samuel L. Jackson.Except Cap isn't a jerk, Hulk doesn't eat and r*** people and basically everything else too.
The movies so far have taken the best bits from each universe, but are much more heavily influenced by the 616 iterations than their Ultimate counterparts. The only real similarity is that the Avengers are being founded as a Shield project by Samuel L. Jackson rather than just because they all feel like joining up.
I'm fine with them taking from both universes, it's just that they have taken more from Ultimates than the Avengers. I'm fine with it; I prefered Millar's Ultimates to any Avengers that I'd read prior to that. -
This is "The Ultimates" just misnamed "The Avengers".
I watched Earth 2 way back when and thought that it should have gotten a second season.
I liked Flashforward as well and would have liked to have found out more about the event. I know it kind of fizzeled out, but I still dug it.
I wanted to watch Threshold and I did see an episode or two, but by the time I got around to wanting to watch it, it was cancelled. I mainly wanted to watch for Carla Gugino.
Also going way back to stuff that was cancelled, I always wished that another network would have picked up The Flash or that there would have been another Superman TV show....not Smallville. -
One of Captain America, Black Widow and Hawkeye: http://www.eonline.com/photos/galler...yUUID=6#139230
Gallery with several pics of Cap and Thor: http://www.eonline.com/photos/galler...ID=3587#138919
I'm not really liking how Captain America's costume looks. Very disappointing when I think of how well the costume looked in his solo movie. -
Allow all NPCs to be targeted and killed, like Grand Theft Auto, but with fire blasts and battle axes! Make your own meatshower!
I also like redside better, except for Grandville. I just like teaming with people though, so it's mostly blue for me. -
I don't have a problem with wrasslin' being on sci-fi. I'd probably watch wrasslin' if it came on the Home Shopping Network. Although the question of it belonging on a network called "Sci-Fi/Scyfy"......
I don't know if I was the only one who suggested it, but I suggested a Second Chance network. The idea was that they would specialize in renewing TV series that other networks cancelled, more than running old series that ended. Networks have done this often, like when NBC cancelled JAG, it moved to CBS and continued for several more seasons. The main focus would be things like making new seasons of shows that people really liked like Firefly,Angel and others that were cancelled with many fans wanting more.
Said network would have acquired the rights for the TV shows in question and would also show episodes from the first run. -
I never liked Farscape, but I'm sad for those of you that did like it. I miss many of the shows that didn't get a chance. I wish someone would start a 2nd Chance network or something.
Quote:I'm enjoying them for the first time. I've read three and am working on the fourth, which is the second book, Fool Moon. Anyway, I fully plan on reading them all and maybe checking out some of the Graphic Novels that they have done.Yep, I've been on a total Dresden fix these last couple of weeks.
THE DRESDEN FILES by Jim Butcher - yes, the entire series. I always have several books going at the same time, so I'm back-and-forthing through the whole series picking up on details I missed the first time. -
Quote:I've just started reading those. I've read Turn Coat, Small Favor, Storm Front, and now Fool Moon.Gettin' my Dresden fix: Ghost Story and Side Jobs by Jim Butcher.
I started reading them out of order, based on what my library had available, but now I'm working my way through them chronologically. Pretty enjoyable books. -
I want a fire katana! The Oni Mastermind pet has it! I want it for katanas and for fire melee!
I was expecting a light saber to be the #1 sword.
MANY of my characters have the Justice gloves and boots.
I saw some leaked footage from Newsarama. Looks pretty cool. It was Thor and Captain America fighting some invisible guys.
I'm not digging the modern Cap costume. Kind of disappointing since I really dug the costume in the Cap movie. -
I'm going with the "try several" crowd.
I came up with a concept and decided that KM/WP would fit the best. I got a brute, redside, up to lvl 17 and decided that I wanted to go with a KM/WP scrapper instead. Delete, restart. Kind of good not to watch the Fury bar, but I missed the growing level of damage, and I was kind of squishy by comparison. I rerolled him today as a Preatorian brute and got MANY levels thanks to Double XP. Anyway, I tried a couple of things and decided on what I liked the best.
I think the best way to explore the game and different ATs is just to try them and the different powersets for yourself. -