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I would like the Fire Katana that the mastermind pet Oni uses be available for Fire Melee/Manipulation/Assault. The scimitar and giant sword make me not want to choose any of the sword bases powers.
Alternate animations for the sword powers in Fire Melee/Manipulation/Assault. Those animations could be fire whip attacks from the Demon Summoning Mastermind set. One of those attacks even spins around, like Fire Sword Circle, so I don't see the downside to it. -
I know there are all kinds of reasons for this not to happen, but it sounds fun to me, so make it so. Also, some of the most fun I've had on games was defending the SG base against raids. Fun stuff so I wish that could make a comeback as well.
"So.....you come here often?"
I turn all my toons into rogues or vigilantes so I go where the team is when something is announced. I normally jump on it when I see something redside just for the novelty of it. I spent a couple of years playing CoV before I ever went blueside, so it's always like going home for me.
That sucks that it won't be Mandrin. They even had the "Ten rings" terrorist group in Iron Man I to set it up. I was picturing Chow Yun Fat or someone in a wig with some wicked kung-fu magic ring action, and yes, Fin fang foom. Maybe we will get that for Avengers 2.
I never read the Extremus story by Ellis, but I did watch the motion comic on Netflix. What bad guy would Kingsly play? The infected guy that went on the rampage or a whole new villian? -
Doh! And I've been saving my "money" for staff fighting!
I was thinking that they had something going for a long time before the walkers since Rick was talking to Shane about the troubles they were having.
I just read The Hunger Games and it was pretty good. I haven't read the others in the series though.
There are other Star Wars novels that are pretty good, but there are so many out there now that I don't really know what to recommend. I'm not really that into sci-fi novels even though I enjoy many TV shows and movies that are sci-fi. -
For Sci-Fi I'd recommend some of the Star Wars novels. The Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn is very good.
For something non sci-fi, I'd highly recommend The Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher. I'm reading through the series now and I'm very much enjoying all the books. -
....that you remember when you actually wanted to PvP because it was fun
Very nice looks at Golden Girl in there.
I also had the pleasure of a pummeling by a Tsoo with a staff while I was saying "cool" with my mouth open while she was kicking my butt with the staff. THAT is what made me disappointed that it wasn't part of i22 release.
I was kind of surprised that they decided to put Dale out of his misery like that. Other than being in pain/shock, is being disemboweled fatal? I've heard of people being stabbed or wounded in the abdomen and their intestines coming out and surviving. I guess the doc must have seen more ripped stuff inside Dale than just the skin and knew it was beyond his capability to fix.
Also: looking forward to seeing the ZOMBIE COW!
The virus or whatever probably only effects human brains or something.... -
I have to see this in the theater.....and I never see movies in the theater. That says a lot about my excitement level for this.
I'm with you. I think an option for a flaming fist or something would be good as well as more swords or other weapons. A fire katana already exists in the game, used by the mastermind pet, Oni from the Ninja set so I don't think it's that much of a stretch for us to be able to utilize it for fire melee/manipulation. Also, I think that different animations could be put in place of the fire sword attacks from the Demon Summoning mastermind set's fire whip attacks.
The clubber pack, or whatever it's called came out and the only thing that I bought from it was the acid washed jeans. And that's cool since I've been wanting jeans in the game for awhile but there are none of the other things that I'd like to see in the game: sweatshirts, hoodies, more jackets, normal-non-skintight t-shirts, and the ability to put a logo on the back of a jacket/shirt.
I just want blasters to get a damage buff to make them the king of damage dealing again.
I just want them to fix whatever the issue is; I still don't have my 5 year badge after 5 and a half years....
As soon as they got Archery, I rolled an Archery/TA Corrupter. Fun ride to 50 and is very powerful with only the basic IOs. I'm sure that he would be a monster if I fleshed him out with IO sets. I'd recommend that to the OP for an archer.
They should revamp CoV to feature destructible environments and killable civilians to go along with all the enemy groups. Something to really say "villian". Plus, totalling ripping off GTA might attract a whole new player base to the "redside".