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Or we could just set up explosives and collapes the cave. If a Thorn Wielder want to hide and seek, he can go dig himself out.
Diary of a Trapped Thorn Wielder
Day ?: Been trapped for a while, don't know how long because the mages wouldn't let me keep a watch. I've decided to log my days as slowly slip into insanity.
Day ?: I've given up on trying to escape and used my time to develope other aspects of myself. I've manage to teach myself to watch television through extra sensory perception.
Day?: I found a hero left by it's team. I stabbed it few times, it made me feel a little better.
Day?: I desided do to certain events I am now a unique character, so now I call myself Sara. I think Sara is a manly name. I can't wait to tell the other Thorn Wielders when I get out.
Day?: I think Mr. Color Discooridinate might be mad at me as he hasn't talked to me in awhile.
Rocks start to fall from the pile blocking the enterance's path. Sara hears the loud sharp claps as they hit other rock. He looks around and wonders what the sound was. More rocks fall and clap, Sara is now able to determin where to sound is coming from. He follows the sound until he reaches the pile blocking the exit. As he arrives he sees more rocks fall. Instantly he's filled extasy. This could be the rescue party coming to save him. He waits anxiously for more rocks to fall, but none fall.
Time passes and Sara begins to wonder why the rocks have stopped falling. He walks up to the pile and wonders if there was anyone on the otherside or were the rocks only falling due to past Crossbow aided escape attempts.
A while passes; Sara now depressed turns and hope Mr. Color Discoordinate isn't still mad at him. He walks out a bit and the ground starts to rumble. He wonders what could be happening and his heart fills with new joy. This has to be a rescue, there has to be someone on the otherside. Excited he faces the pile, all muscles tense up.
Then a thought occurs, it probally would be a good idea to move. Before he is able to get away the pile explodes knocking him back while being pelted by multiple rocks. A Force Mage walks over the remaining pile laughing as the Thorn Wielder lays in pain covered in rocks. "See, I told you I could get the Thorn Weilder to stand by the pile.", the Force Mage says to the other mages whom are laughing as well. The Thorn Wielder angry at Force Mage, but knowing it's best not to retalliate asks how long he was in the cave. "Two hours."
So yes. I do think it's a good idea to give all combat NPCs actual names instead of titles.
Actually being able to target through the map is a pretty good idea. I also like the defeat 90% of the map as well. My suggestion is to have a mob location tracker, where when you see a mob the groups location will be marked on the map as a red dot and when all mobs are defeated in the group the dot vanishes. It does have a flaw of not being able to track patrols and ambushes if they are seen before they reach their destination. -
Why's it got to be just Arachnos flyers? Why can't Circle of Thorn mages and demons tear down the fence to break out their fellow mages. Or Crey tanks helping breakout Lady Crey?
As the Circle of Thorn mages and demons are attacking the fence the siren would go off, the turrets would activate, and prison guards would rush to stop the infiltrators. Once the CoT are in they'll go to the sewers or they'll go to multiple wall weak points and start breaking out their fellow mages. Once the fellow CoT are out of the main compound they'll rush to the holes they made in the fence destroying anything that get in their way, to include other prisoners.
The Lady Crey could accur the way a CoT break out does with tanks attack the fence to get in or a few Crey helicopter could fly in pausing at different points so Crey agents could slide down ropes to gain tactical advantage points; patrol the area shooting prison guards, Longbow and heroes with their mounted guns; and one or two could land letting out a few medium sized groups of Crey tanks that rush to different point along the wall. Once the Crey tanks are at they wall they'll set up explosives, run away a bit, the explosives will explode making holes in the wall, and they'll rush in to get Lady Crey out. While the tanks are going in the agents will head to the landing zone and wait there until the tanks show up. The tanks'll then run back the helicopters get on them and start to fly away. The helicopters that were patroling the area will land to pick up the agents and they'll fly away as well.
Council will come in with the largest force through the front gate and/or a few points along the fence that lead to doors of the outer buildings. The Vortex Cor Leonis will follow a charge of Zenith bots. The hoverbots would fly over the fence attacking prison guards patroling the catwalks and the prison snipers on the guard towers. The mech men would destroy the walls and they and the Vortex Cor Leonis would enter the holes in the walls. Some of the Vortex Cor Leonis would enter doors of the outer buildings and exit through the higher level doors to patrol the catwalks and set up Penumbera Elite Sharpshooters at the towers. The remaining would if have gone through the front gate would head to the front doors with the Zenith bots and/or head to the sewers. When they exit the the main compound they'll have Council prisoners, where some of them after moving some from the min compound will transform in to warwolves. The Council will then fight their way out through guards coming out of the main compound and Longbow coming in from the outside.
Freakshow will bust in attack whatever; will sometimes become so distracted with destroying things they'll forget why they even broke in and leave out of bordom after a few minutes.
A riot will brake out and some of the prisoners will escape.
During a prison breakout any combination of events could accur at any area. And generic villains will take advantage of the situation and make an attempt to escape. -
I think a Recall Team or Teleport to Friend would be better.
Once the devs wave their magic wands.
Level 6: Wall Cling; Toggle: When the character jumps to a surface the character will stick to no matter how steep the grade; even upside down. Character animates a crouch emote, but hands and leg further apart. Character will unstick if moved or use a power.
I figure this is plausible because I believe the game knows when a character runs into a structure. If it didn't everybody would be running though everything. Since the character becomes detached as soon as they move or use a power. Only one animation at a few angles has to be made; straight, up and down, and upside-down. It work similar to how teleporting into a wall works, except there's no time lime to how long the character stays in the air; atleast until the character attempts to move or a power is used. Might be able to get away with activating toggles as long as the just the auras are animated and the character doesn't move. And the PBAoE effects of some toggle powers are turned to the side or upside-down at certain angle ranges. Might get a way with sticking even with click powers if players can except very limited animations.
Level 6: Foe Pull: The enemy becomes infinite taunted with a pulling type animation. A line from the character with device drawn to foe is drawn. Foe can't attack until in melee range. And character has to remain in LoS. One animation for the foe; the chest is pulled foward and the limbs and head is flung back. Another animation the foe is dragged along the ground with "Ow, I'm being drag along the ground" animation.
I think this is plausible because it's just a foe that being taunted that's using a pull animation instead of running animation.
Level 14: Grapple: This is less likely to happen then the first two. The way I envision this one the player aims similar to how teleport works, a pole is animated out of the ground or if close to a structure a line is animated from the structure, the character slides down the line with legs up and arms and hand tucked into the chest and before the character reaches the next structure from a straight LoS; a line is drawn from the firing device to the structure. When the character hits the structure; the character animates knees bending character letting go of the of the firing devices and pushing arms out in front. To look like the character is trying to stop their self after traveling so fast. Works sort of similar to fly on autorun, but more like a character that's been teleported up against a wall.
Level 20: Infamous Wall Crawl: I don't know how to figure this out. Because I don't know if walls are reactive, meaning the game doesn't know if the character will hit a wall until the character hits a wall. Or proactive, meaning the game detects how for the character is from a structure. If it's proactive this will be a little easier to due as the character doesn't have to keep moving foward into the wall to do a structure check. But, in a reactive setting if the character moves from the structure the check will be missed and the character will fall. Power use will have very limited animations. Main differences will be particle effects and colors.
Level 20 can probally be added to Level 6 and replaced with unmovable untargettable small dome pet that animates lines from it to foes around it. It will be a ground effect power and foes will be taunted to run to it, except with a slide to animation. Once a foe is in melee range of the pet, immoblize is casted on the foe for the duration of the power.
Costume Editor: Ancient, Modern, Energy Technology, etc. I can only think of three. If ever a possiblity more will probally be made. -
Okay than, they should put it in help. There's nothing on hide there.
When hiding from everyone each and all circle thingies gets clicked to fill. And when no longer wanting to hide each and all circle thingies gets clicked to unfill.
It would be nice to have a circle thingies that turns on/off all hide options. -
Quote:You spelt DISUCSSION wrong.
NCsoft® Unveils Guest Author Program for the City of Heroes® Mission Architect System
NCsoft® Unveils Guest Author Program for the City of Heroes® Mission Architect System
Popular user-generated content system attracts industry and comic book notables to try their hands at mission design
NCsoft and Paragon Studios today announced the Guest Author program for the Mission Architect user-generated content system in City of Heroes. This program invites influential writers and aspiring game or story designers to collaborate with the team behind the City of Heroes MMORPG and publish custom missions directly into the City of Heroes game using the revolutionary Mission Architect system.
Participants in the Guest Author program will be announced on a rolling basis. The first participants of this program comprise notable industry veterans from the gaming and online comic industry:
Rooster Teeth (www.roosterteeth.com): The machinima producers that brought the gaming world the Red vs. Blue series and created a series of live-action shorts for City of Heroes and Mission Architect (starring Barenaked Ladies front man, Ed Robertson, as Captain Dynamic) is ready to put their designer skills to the test. Rooster Teeth plans to bring Captain Dynamic and his nemesis, The Great Face, from YouTube to City of Heroes.
Scott Kurtz (www.pvponline.com): The creator of the popular PvP web comic has already begun collaborating with the City of Heroes team on bringing LolBat to life within Mission Architect.
City of Heroes is currently one of North Americas most popular MMOs, having sold more than 1 million units in North America. The City of Heroes Mission Architect system offers all players an opportunity to hone their storytelling skills in an established game and social media environment.
Those of you who will be at the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) in Seattle this week should make time for the City of Heroes panel discussion entitled, Mission Architect: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Story. Two guest authors, Scott Kurtz and Rooster Teeths Joel Heyman, will be on hand with City of Heroes developers to talk about their experiences creating their own unique, personalized missions for the game. The panel will be Saturday, Sept. 5th, 2:30pm - 3:30pm Raven Theatre at the Washington State Convention & Trade Center.
About City of Heroes
City of Heroes (www.cityofheroes.com) brings the world of comic books alive in this massively multiplayer 3D online universe. Craft your characters identity and join millions of hero and villain characters in a constantly expanding universe. Explore the sprawling online metropolis of Paragon City and the Rogue Isles, and battle a host of foes including criminals, villains, heroes, and monsters.
If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page. -
Not if they're large symbol shaped belt buckles! Just like the COWBOIES, word. And yes for cape and armband symbols.
Send GhostRaptor_EU a message
I hate it when people spam influence, just throwing it everywhere. Geez! Enough already! I don't need anymore!
I think people should be allowed to promt to not accept influence from other players. -
Sounds great and so does logos on capes and side arm logos too.
What does that have to do with anything? The sorceror's robe stretches with the sorceror movement so I'd imagine a robe on a player would do the same, just like every costume piece in the game. If what your saying is true about the size than the it would be true for all costume pieces. The devs would have the make a seperate costume piece for every size rather than the costume piece automatically changing its size and shape. Character scaling doesn't change at 1:1 scale they can become wider and taller, wider and stay the same height, and taller and stay the same width. So while costume pieces look the same they're actually changing their shapes alot.
In AE I've selected the sorceror from the Tsoo gang and went through all the emotes. The only emotes that doesn't look right is crouch, only because the sorceror's arm clip through his robe. Is having trouble with just one emote a reason not to add something quite a few player have been asking for?
The big splash sound should be put back in for when a character falls from a height into deep water. When the big splash sound was used it didn't sound right when a character would just walk in the water. And now there's a new sound, but it doesn't sound right when a character jumps in water.
Ahhhhh! bloop-new sound
Ahhhhh! KASPLASH!!!-old sound
Know what forget the sound, instead the big splash graphics should be scrapped and replaced with a drop. That way the animation can fit with the sound. -
Unenhance Speed boost cost 7.8 endurance, 1.0 seconds to activate, and 2.0 seconds to recharage, so there is a 3.0 second delay between each endurance cost. Making Speed Boost cost 2.6 endurance per second. A players recovery speed is 1.67end/sec.
In the time it takes to speed boost 8 players 62.4 end was spent and 36.74 end was recovered, costing the player 25.66 end in 22 seconds or -1.1663...end/sec depleting all off the players endurance in 85.73655 seconds. Plenty of time to recharge the players endurance with Transference.
But than there's the duration of the power 2.00 minutes. Given 1 minute and 38 seconds until the next round of SBs is needed to be applied spread the cost throughout a 2 minute span, costing 0.52end/sec for 8 players or 0.065end/sec/person + time saved, AoE, and toggle fees, what ever that is. -
A villain and/or group has decided to destroy/enslave/hold for ransom the city/world. And a lone and/or group of hero(es) must stop him/her/them.
Length: Short
Morality: Neutral
Level Range: 30+
Enemy Group: Council -
An icon other than $. Maybe a tiny shirt for icon and m for merit. Maybe even make all the origin stores use their symbols instead of $.
/e protest
No more updates!
No more updates!
No more updates!
It syncs with the game emote. -
Seriously! Issue 15 just came out and now they're announcing Issue 16 Closed Beta soon. I just got started on Issue 15. They should give us issues less often like 1 a year.
Edited OP.
About not having AV assassins. I was thinking the same about not having them for the high level players, but I wasn't sure. So leiutenants after low level players 1-14, bosses after mid level player 15-35, and EBs after 36-50. The assassins level matters to the player difficulty -2 for heroic/villainous to +2 for invincible/something, what ever it is villains have.
With the ambush problem about the player getting away too easily. The assassin could use the code that it follows the player where ever they go like in Mayhem missions. There could be a count down timer for how long the player can stay away from the assassin, when the assassin gives up and stops persuing the player.
The assassin could be designed to use only single target powers since their target most of the time is a single player. That way player who want to mind their business and not get involved won't have to.
For the employer suggested as an AV alright but mainly for a team for 5+ under 5 the mission is against an EB. -
If a player defeats X NPCs in a group in X amount of time. That group sends an assassin/hitman to take out the player.
Only NPCs the player defeats in a group adds toward the counter for that group.
Getting a Mission Complete gives a bonus to the counter to the group the mission was against.
Multiple Groups can send hits after a player. But only one assassination/hit can be made at a time. Between 10 minutes to 40 minutes after the last assassin/hitman stops chasing the player. No less than 30 seconds to 40 minutes after a player leaves a mission.
The counter discharges slow enough to players with slow killing builds if they work only on angering NPC groups at a skim of 3. This way any player can use this with only moderate effort. And it discharges fast enough so only a few groups will go after fast killing players.
When the player is being targeted a flash message will read, "YOU ARE BEING TARGETED".
Low level players will have a lieutenant sent after them, mid level players will have a boss sent after them, and high level players will have an EB sent after them.
Assassin's/Hitman's level depends on the players difficulty. -2 for heroic/villainous and +2 for invincible/something, whatever villains use.
Assassins'/Hitmen's primarly goes after the player tagged for the hit. They have taunt protection on for 10 seconds and off for 4; while it's on they will go only after their target. They won't attack anyone other the target that doesn't attack them.
Assassins/Hitmen use only single target attacks to avoid hitting player that don't want to get involved.
Assassins/Hitmen won't attack near kill zones.
Assassins/Hitmen will persue a player everywhere, like how Mayhem missions work. If the player can get to a safe zone or stay out of range of the assassin's/hitman's power for 30 seconds. The assassin/hitman stops persuing the player and head for the nearest door.
If the assassin/hitman stops chasing the player a flash message will appear, "YOU ARE NO LONGER BEING PERSUED"
Assassins will only have travel powers if the player has travel powers.
Assassins/Hitmen will have buffs and use debuffs depending on the players build. The buffs and debuffs aren't to make the assassins/hitmen too hard only challenging.
Defeating assassins/hitmen earns a clue. A hit receit with the employer's name. The player could choose to go after the employer. The employer on a team of 5 or more would spawn an AV, teams of 2 to 4 would spawn an EB. And soloing the boss would be a boss designed to be buffed against the player's character.
Logging out will pause the counter.
Assassins/Hitmen won't go after a player until 10 minutes after they've logged in. -