Firefist Ace

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  1. Firefist Ace

    Best Solo combo?

    I think I've decided on DM but I have a question, does the auto-crit out of Hide affect DoT's becuase I want to know if I could assassin strike someone and then placate->midnight grasp or if I'll have to use siphon life instead.

    Also, SR versus ninjitsu, I can't decide between the two. I've never built a defense character, always resistence, and the difference to me seems to be wether I want more toggles or mor situational/utility powers.

    Which would you suggest? I'm leaning towards SR for quickness.
  2. Firefist Ace

    Best Solo combo?

    Hi everyone! I've decided to make a stalker but I don't know which combo to choose (I'm pretty sure I want /ninjitsu) but with the super high lethal resistence at higher levels I don't know if I shouldgo nin/nin which is what I want to do.

    Thanks in advance.
  3. Realized it doesn't shut down to KB but to KD/U it does because it gounds your character. That only happens if my toggles go down for a reason (death, out of end during incredibly long fight, etc).
  4. Yes it is a toggle (however it turns off with KB, hold, KU, KD) and you get the regen every couple of seconds. You're question makes near to no sense to me but yes you leave it on constantly.
  5. A few things from a WP user.

    1) SIX SLOT MIND OVER BODY FOR CHRIST SAKE! It's your s/l dam reduct and you should have that fully slotted!

    2) Health gets massive diminishing returns after about 4 +health IO's put on it so take two slots off of it.

    3) I know some people will disagree with this but three slotting TWO travel powers after BotZ nerf isn't worth it.
  6. I know I am not a farming guru but I know one thing The rare salvage bags you can buy for 10 merits give out things that can sell for 3-8mil. From what I've read normal farmers earn 1mil an hour (excluding rare drops I'm assuming). However you can earn 10 merits in about 20 minutes. Wouldn't it be more cost effective to farm TF/SA/GM and buy the bags to sell?
  7. Is this the most populated server (or does that even exist truthfully)?

    I'm on Pinnacle and find there aren't many people on consistently which upsets me. I went to the server section and Virtue had the most posts out of any server. If this is I will probobly migrate to here becuase moe people = more fun!
  8. I do need more time in game. Adressing the defense issue, I thought Ihad toggled off Vengence but apparently Mid's wanted me to look foolish and hadn't so when I checked totals they looked great.

    Also thecost issue, usually when I build I use nearly all sets and next to none non-set IO's. In this I used quite a few non-set ones which is why I said mid-cost range.

    Also why isn't there a option for the thread starter to delete their own thread?
  9. Built this earlier today and I'm very happy with how it turned out. Let me know what you guys think.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  10. Firefist Ace


    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    Not great but I playd with it for a while and this is what I got.
  11. Hi everyone, I know I start lots of threads but I would put one giant collection if the ideas didn't come days apart.

    My question now, as the title says is what is the best /EA primary? I find myself in love with this set (Lightning Reflexes is GOD) and I want to make a DPS MACHINE out of him.

    I figure something with longer recharges would capitalize best from this set (BS, EM, DM) but I built a Claws/EA and I love him so far. The super-short recharge benefits greatly from it and I love the two PBAoE's it brings.

    My second choice would be DM because it complements it well and the -hit would be very nice with it.
  12. Firefist Ace

    Help on Kat/DA

    They're bringing it from like 3.6 AoE defense to 1.5 and similar with the other +def/res in theset bonus.

    Also whats wrong with claw/EA? The damage output looks incredible (if not incredibly costly) from the build I put on which I know you couldn't look at.
  13. Firefist Ace

    Help on Kat/DA

    Decided to scrap the katana/dark and went with Claws/elect. I think this is a much better build, big improvement from my first created to this, and claws look fun! Tell me what you think.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  14. Firefist Ace

    Help on Kat/DA

    Looking for a scrapper set very unlike fire/WP that levels well and when IO'd does very nicely. I liked Katana because I don't have to wait for my powers to recharge because they are always up and I liked having a sword. I'd be willing to go for completely different set combo that fits that but I liked that. Also I liked the idea of having a stealth (even if moe minor).

    Thinking about it claws would fit also but I don't know if SR is so different from /wp.
  15. Firefist Ace

    Help on Kat/DA

    Hmmm, fixing now

    there ya go, fix'd.

    However relooking at it the defense and resistene is pretty damn low so I'm guessing you all are going to say it's terrible (which it likely is).
  16. Firefist Ace

    Help on Kat/DA

    I got rid of my build because after looking through it was terrible. For some reason Ifind myself not motivated enough to make another. Let the thread die or discuss the concept.
  17. Firefist Ace

    Archery vs. AR

    If there is no descicive victor than what are the + and - for each?

    Group and solo please! I know I ask a lot but y'all have the experience.
  18. Firefist Ace

    Archery vs. AR

    Hi everyone, I am deciding between these two power sets but I find myself unable to decide. I'm looking for a character that can solo but also group well. I couldn't find a decisive compilation of the pluses and minuses and things of that type (the guides don't cover this and are old).

    Also which secondary would you suggest to go with your selection. Thanks in advance!
  19. Seems fire is what has been going. Dark isn't my favorite tree so I'm leaning towards elect because I don't want to do fire again.
  20. Hi guys/gals, new to the forum but have been playing for a while. What's the best primary for a /SD guy which will be good for solo and group play. I have quite a bit of influence on my Fire/WP (original, I know) so I'm not worrying about that.

    I have feeling it will come down to opinion but lets discuss. Please elaborate on your points if you could.
