70 -
The only person who is allowed to do something like that is Johnny Turbo. And that's only because I gave him permission.
[/ QUOTE ]
You give no one permission to do anything CC!
Also, does this have anything to do with Johnny's reason for us doing that Mender Silos TF?
If Statesman and Manticore knew how many illegitimate children they had, they need Chris Jenkins on speed-dial to fight child support claims.
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According to this, Chris Jenkins is evil and is plotting the Jenkinspocalypse, he wouldn't be answering his phone calls!
EDIT: I thought sharks didn't sleep, so how is sleeping with Mako even possible? -
It's easy enough to do, Fire_Wyrm. Just from War's post, I immediately formed an opinion on what type of person he is.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmm, touché. But then again, he kinda held a sign over his head saying "I hate RP, come get mad at me!" -
I just realized that we never did answer tuter_king's question.
Well I guess I was right about RP. How boring
[/ QUOTE ]
Please don't assume that just from an argument on the forums. RP can be tons of fun when done right.
RP is a lot more random and human then PVeing. In PvE, you already know the behaviors and powers of the enemy, but when you role play, all that is up in the air and can be quite random (unless you are role playing with someone you already know).
The fun thing about RP is that not everyone will react the same. I have one character that is a total Casanova and likes to flirt with girls in Pocket D. Sometimes they like it, sometimes they don't (I don't always know if they are girls IRL though, Oh snap, that's taboo!). One of my favorite things about RP is that not everyone will like you or hate you, heck, some of my favorite RP sessions have been with people whose characters don't like mine.
My advice to you is to try it out, if you like it, then great! If you don't, that's okay too, just don't act like War did. -
First off, thanks for clarifying the situation a bit more, but I still have a few comments to make.
So, as you can see War has a pretty good reason for not being a fan of "role-playing"
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No, he actually only has a reason to dislike these two people, not role playing in general. If he's gonna use it as a reason to dislike RP, good for him. Just keep him and his comments away from the rest of us that enjoy RPing.
Something else I think thats being missed here is that War DOESNT have an issue with guys PLAYING on a chick toon, as he said, he has 1. What he IS saying is that he has a problem with a guy ROLE PLAYING as a female.. if you cant see that there IS a difference in those 2 thing's.. well.. meh.. perhaps you need to step outside and tell me what color the sky is in your world.
[/ QUOTE ]
Except that we do see the difference and others have told him that there's still no reason for it. As others have said, yes it's wrong to lead people to believe that you are something you aren't, but in a regular RP scenario, that's the whole point. Notice I said "in a regular RP scenario" meaning that this was an abnormal situation. I agree that what they did was wrong, but you can't hate on guys that RP as girls just because of these two people.
Oh yeah, and the sky is usually a light blue here on Earth. Maybe if you got out more, you'd know that. If you aren't living on the same planet as us, well, that explains a lot. -
From that point on...I just assume punch RPers in the face. They're useless if you ask me. Dudes RPing as chicks......get a life. Seriously.
[/ QUOTE ]
So, just from your experience with those two people, you've formed the conclusion that all RPers suck?
What if they really were girls and just didn't want to broadcast that to people? What if they really were guys and just didn't want to use vent?
So we're useless, but at least we (usually) stay away from non-RPers or, if we team with non-RPers, we don't force RP on them. We don't go around saying that PvPers/farmers/PvEers are useless (At least I don't).
It's our $15 a month, let us spend it on what we want. If you can't respect that, you should just leave. -
Pffft, blue belts.... I'm getting my second degree black belt in a month and you're still fighting blue belts?
And what? Only a bub? If you ever want any new enhancement slots, you've gotta level up!
Just kidding man. I know how it feels to go toe-to-toe with someone who may or may not be bigger/better than you and being able to stand your ground. It's a good feeling. -
I made a new logo for Repeater's page. Check it out.
My new project, it's a major WIP but I'll put it up here anyways.
The layout was inspired by Spartan. -
I finally finished Laff Apocalypse! Keep in mind that it is not supposed to make very much sense and is supposed to entertain the reader.
This was an awesome guide! I'm up to level 9 so far and i love it. It's so much fun to freeze and psi them down. I am (somewhat) patiently waiting to hear about the patron powers and I hope that this will be my first villain to get there.
OK so I get why PC is hard to do, but I don't quite understand whether you are going to try it or not. I read the F.A.Q. but it seems like you said no it's not gonna happen, then you said we are trying to figure out how to do it then you said no again. Please clarify: is it ever going to happen or no?
Hey Fire Wyrm here and I just thought I'd make a guide for Flame Mastery. It's just a quick little guide detailing the powers and what I think about them. Here goes:
Flame Mastery Epic Power Pool
Bonfire-available at level 41
You can create a bonfire that knocks back and burns any foes who try to pass through it.
animation: You throw your hands over your head and summon a ball of fire. You then throw the fireball onto your designated area and create a circle of fire on the ground.
End cost: 18.8
Cast time: 3.1 seconds
Comments: It's a very situational power. It works better against more melee oriented opponents. I would say that if you know you are going to take this power take it at 41, if you're not to sure I'd wait until later.
Char-available at level 41
Incapacitates a distant foe by charring him with soot and cinders. The target is left helpless, choking on the soot.
animation: You throw soot out with your left hand and the opponent goes into the "choking" position.
End cost: 12.3
Cast time: 1.1 seconds.
comments: This is the power you get if you don't want bonfire at level 41. I haven't used it all that much to know all that much about it but I do know that it is a nice hold. I would get it unless you have some other power in mind.
Fire Shield-available at level 44
While this power is active, you get a good resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Fire damage. Fire Shield also provides minimal resistance to Cold damage. You must be at least level 44 and have Bonfire or Char before selecting this power.
animation: You throw your hands up into "V's" to your sides and are engulfed in flames. (sorry for the bad description, just think of the normal fire shield that tankers get.)
End cost: 0.2
Cast time: 1.7
comments: Now this is what I'm talking about. Finally, some protection. Deciding to get this or not depends on your play style. If you tend to hang back and fight then I wouldn't bother on this, but if you tend to play more of a blapper style this is definitely the power for you. I personally chose this at 44 and use it whenever I fight, it's great.
Rise of The Phoenix-available at level 47
If you are defeated, you can rise from the ashes. The fiery resurrection blasts nearby foes with an explosion and knocks them down. You will revive with about half of your Hit Points and Endurance. Rise of the Phoenix will actually leave you invulnerable for a brief time. You must be at least level 47 and have two other Flame Mastery Powers before selecting this power.
animation: you rise up as if you were normally rezzed, but instead you are engulfed in flames fire in the shape of a phoenix rises up.
End cost: 0
Cast time: 4.3
comments: a VERY situational power, mostly because you need to be dead to use it! Finally, it has been 47 levels of relying on the healer when you die and now you can rez yourself! This power is nice because not only is it a self rez, but it provides knockback as well. I say get this at 47 and love it. If you don't, I will hunt you down, listen to why you didn't get this (hey I got to have SOME mercy), and then kill you just to laugh at you without your self rez. overall a great power to have for a Flame Mastery blaster.
Enhancements and Slotting: I am not going to but anything here. It all depends on what you want. For example: if you want char to do more damage slot it with damage enhancements. It's all up to you in this department.
Take Care!
~Fire Wyrm -
wow. I tried my pic on Photobucket and it wouldn't work so I tried it on ImageShack and it still won't work. any ideas?
OK I got a couple projects for you to work on. The first is an old fashoned regular spandex clad hero probably invuln/ss. I don't have any colors decided yet so just do what you can. The next one is a ninja/ninja stalker. I want to make him a tech ninja sort of. Not so much as a robotic arm or armor but with gadgets and stuff. Thanks in advance.
Cool. I think I'll go with the ninja/ninja stalker and I'll be using this guide.
this is a really great, detailed guide and it makes me want to play a /ninja stalker, but i can't decide to do ninja/ninja or dark/ninja or maybe even (but probably not) a claws/ninja stalker please help me decide.