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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
    So I get an invitation and see the banners for Paragon Unleashed. I go and look it over and it seems to me to be an excuse to post naughty pictures and say naughty words.

    Is that basically it? Aren't their lots of other sites that do that already?

    And if you want to talk about this game, isn't this forum better for that?

    I guess if you want to talk about the game in naughty words and with naughty pictures . . . .
    You've convinced me! I'm going to check out Paragon Unleashed right now!
  2. This is the one thing I always mention as one of the positives about City of Heroes. You can really explore the entire city from the deepest nooks in Skyway City almost to the tallest towers. I like just setting out to explore the city every once in a while leaping from rooftop to rooftop or just running through the streets.

    One thing I'd love to see is more life and more stuff in the city so that it is a more interesting places. Having random buildings you could enter for special missions or just to look around the building would be cool. I'd like to be able to sit in the coffee shop in Faultline or some of the buildings in Founder's Falls.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
    You'd have to be really, really bored to go through that site.
    Pretty much, but sometimes you find little nuggets of pure gold.
  4. 7th Grade makes you sound like a Freemason. The States are filled with Freemasons who use silly green playmoney.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by War Witch View Post
    Actually...it's Coffee Crisp.

    Here's the strange part: I hate coffee (as you all probably know). I don't know, that little Nestle bar just makes my taste buds happy.

    I have a friend from the Philippines and she could not believe that we crazy Canadians put coffee into a chocolate bar! She then thought it was the best thing ever.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    This is why I have a long-standing theory that if we could ALL hear each other's thoughts, or at least UNDERSTAND each other fully, then we'd realize that all the things we do are "good".

    Well, not exactly GOOD, but at the very least, not evil. Because deep in our heart of hearts, no one believes that they, or the things that they do, are evil. At least no one sane could live with themselves with such thoughts. So I strongly believe that everyone really believes that what they are doing is good.

    Now that doesn't excuse them, mind you, but it does make you wonder about the reasoning behind decisions that some call "evil". If you can get inside the head of a person that does "evil" things, I mean REALLY get inside their head... will you still believe that those things are evil once you understand the motivations and reasoning behind them?
    The problem with that is the old adage "the ends justify the means." For those who believe that the ends justify the means, they will willingly do evil acts in an attempt to bring about the greater good. They know what they are doing is wrong, but it's for the greater good, therefor the evil acts that bring about the good are in and of themselves acceptable because they bring about great good.

    I've come to the conclusion that holding the philosophy that the ends justify the means is in itself an inherently evil philosophy. Despite the fact that it is intended to do good, it very well may fail in that regard because more evil acts may be committed to achieve that good goal. All the good that was fought for might be lost completely with those evil acts.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
    That is awesome and it is no surprise CoX beat out CO with CO's many perplexing missteps and failure to apply lessons learned from this game's development.

    And how the heck did DDO do so well in the contest? That game is failure on toast.
    Many people felt that DDO made a good recovery when it switched to the free to play model.

    Anyway, go City of Heroes! Yay!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    Oh, good! Of course, now rampant speculation can begin on what the 'And more...' means, but as long as the march of development progress continues on, I'm good.

    Positron, lead for CoH leaves to work on CoH endgame, and other unnamed projects. Ken Morse, art lead for CoH is replaced while he also goes to work on other projects...

    You heard it here first folks! Paragon Studios is officially working on City of Heroes 2!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DLancer View Post
    I'd like to be able to tell a few things from the log in screen:

    1) Influence
    2) XP to next level
    3) Patrol XP gained
    4) Day Job being worked on and progress towards it.
    5) Items in Wentworths and whether they have been bought/sold
    6) Option to switch the character's costume on the log in screen
    7) Powerset Primary/Secondary
    8) SG they are in.

    I could probably think of more.
    9) The number of badges the character has.
  10. My veteran rewards haven't updated since September 23rd.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
    There's this guy...

    "The Arrival" and "Xavier: Regnegade Angel" are the only examples I can think of with a truly "backwards knee".

    Plenty of people have made homemade or professional rigs to mimic digitigrade legs for humanoid characters.
    This one looks really cool. Very natural in my opinion.
  12. Evilanna

    Moon Hazard Zone

    Originally Posted by Karl_Rove_Man View Post
    Fight crime on the moon? Psshhh!

    I want to see a villain zone on the moon, complete with a Earth destroying laser! Ok, maybe not a complete one, but I sure want a SF where I get to help build a super laser.
    Your villainy knows no end, does it Karl Rove Man!?

    I agree, a cliched Earth destroying laser on the moon would be pretty awesome. In my opinion Arachnos and Lord Recluse don't go into the world destroying doomsday devices nearly enough.
  13. I was first exposed to CoH through the PvP comics by Scott Kurtz. There was one where an old lady is getting mugged by a Hellion or something and a hero runs by, she screams for help and then the hero explains that he won't help because her muggers are far too low level and he won't get XP. That one was funny. Then there was the comic where one hero runs up some stairs to a ledge while the other hero uses hover and takes a minute to get up. When I first played CoH and first got hover it was exactly like that for me. Who cared that hover was so slow, you were flying!!

    Anyway, I think one good way to keep CoH in the limelight is to send tips on upcoming CoH news to various video game and MMORPG websites. For example, if you send a note saying "City of Heroes announces Issue 17 and features" and include a relavent link then there is a chance they will publish the latest CoH news on the site and increase the game's exposure. In my experience people generally talk favourably of CoH on gaming websites. This game is generally considered one of the "good" MMOs (unlike say Star trek Online.)

    City of Heroes has an excellent community as evidenced by these forums, so why can't we, as a community, harness our devotion to this game by gaining it more exposure in the outside world. Personally, I think NCSoft and/or Paragon Studios has been very lax in the marketing department. The community can help make up for that shortfall.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    Where have I seen this before...?

    Oh, yeah!

    *puts her hands to her temples and chants*

    The videographer sees all and knows all.

    Still, damn excited to see this issue... promises much awesomeness.

    You wrote the Bible?? Woooow!!!

    The video was awesome by the way, I loves it.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sam_Sneed View Post
    The standard excepted by this player base is amazing. You will actually make excuses for a poor product again and again. It's amazing how excited you all get over more band aids. Just keep smothering this pig with more lipstick, i'll pass. Don't worry, I did cancel both my subscriptions and no you can't have my stuff or my names.
    I think this is the funniest thing I've ever read in a very long time.

    This isn't the Star Trek Online forums, those are thatta way --->
  16. Evilanna

    SG idea for GR

    I think the devs already have what they're going to do planned out...
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
    1. Remove or raise the three-mission limit
    Woah, you must have the devs' ear. They just announced that they're raising the three mission limit to seven.

    Edit: Awwww, I'm the victim of thread necromancy.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BeyondReach View Post

    $£!$!"%"^%£$&£$*^%$%*$£$£"%£!"&$%*^""!%"%&$%*(^*)_ ()%"$£$%£"$!$!%"^%£$&*$£.





    Going Rogue will have to try hard to overcome my current perspective of: I17 > GR.

    CoH once again makes most other games look pathetic in comparison.
    Man, Paragon Studios are the worst. The worst game company I've ever dealt with. These people, every single one of them are horrible, horrible people. They are worse than any other game company I've ever seen or heard of. I can't believe how bad this company is.

    I want to play I17 so bad right now it physically hurts...
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slope View Post
    Chairs, couches, benches, stools, counters(?), and booths should all have a left click option to sit on them which of course leads your character to the object and sit down in/on it.

    The reason for this is because when you're Rping you can either sit on the ground or take a long time to angle it right and sit on a chair or something which just looks weird when you're talking to someone.
    I want to see this too. This would help make the game a little better, though it might be pretty labour intensive for the devs? They have added little things like this in the past, like walking (which I love) so maybe someday...
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
    I don't discount your conclusion about this out of hand but people have been asking for these things since at least CoH beta that I can remember.
    Perfection is one thing, but it has been 6+ years now. Just how -perfect- do these things have to be?
    Perfect enough to eat off of! No... wait...
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Anyone else hoping that, at some point, they re-build the character rigs?
    No more club hands and feet, huzzah for more detailed hands with fingers, and back details, and stuff?

    What, never seen a robot smoke?
    I too hope this particular upgrade comes one day.
  22. Evilanna

    New Capes

    Originally Posted by CapnGeist View Post
    To be fair, none of the heroes really get fleshed out in game play except maybe Ms. Liberty. I admit that I don't actively like Statesman either, but I also don't dislike him because the canon we see is of a Statesman who does nothing but get kidnapped (once by Tyrant, once by Recluse) and fight as part of the full team. Oh, and he'll send you off to do his dirty work and stop Lord Recluse while doing nothing to help. At least Imperious joins you in the charge, and most of the Phalanx and Vindicators show up as Heroes in random redside missions.

    Statesman barely exists in-game, and that's just not cool.

    I hear in DCUO Superman will fly around and respond to trouble whenever a crime is committed. That should be cool. Maybe Statesman needs to stop sitting around and Patrol Peregrine Island, smashing whatever villains he finds.
    I think the reason States isn't featured in the game more is because he was associated with Jack Emmert, and ol' Jack is persona non grata around here nowadays.
  23. It seems to me that this will be in the game eventually. The devs just want it to be perfect (as usual.)