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  1. EmperorSteele

    98 Sketches!

    [ QUOTE ]
    1-4 , 5-8, 9-12, 13-16, 17-20, 20-24

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Don't you mean 21-24? =P

    Lookin' great, though!
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    When I made my video, it was to settle a little bet between my self and 2 friends who were avid WoW players. We each would make a vid to showcase the game we played in an attempt to sway the other to join. It may lack of a storyline (as some mentioned) but it was never supposed to have one. It is just a collection of some of the more photogenic scenes and some action sprinkled on and put to some really cool music.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    So what were their videos like?

    Aaah, nevermind, you won hands-down!
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Name: Patty-Sue Ivanova
    Global Contact: @emperorsteele

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You're Patty!!???

    [/ QUOTE ]


  4. Name: Patty-Sue Ivanova
    Global Contact: @emperorsteele
    Level of Classification: 50
    Origin: Mutation
    Super Rank & Super Group: Leader (Main Character) in the "Heroes of Paragon City"

    She's bored and wants an excuse to bust heads.
  5. EmperorSteele

    98 Sketches!

    Well [censored] yeah! 98 years and still kickin' is awesome indeed! I'll help celebrate!

    Bio: http://www.virtueverse.com/index.php/Patty-Sue_Ivanova

    Short bio: A Crey project to be a blank-slate body-double for Countess Crey (in case she ever needed a new body to place her mind into), this clone gained sentience and escaped. She now fights the good fight... but with a rather unfavorable dark streak that's a constant reminder of her origins.

    Here's a few more pics:


  6. [ QUOTE ]
    We need a Shotgun Temp Power, I amd suprised they forgot that!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    We already have one. It's called Holy shotgun shells. You can get it in a Striga arc. Cone AoE, special damage vs Undead >=)
  7. Heh, they wanted to break out the whips and chains for Pain Domination... awesome =P
  8. ... I thought Pain Domination was going to have pink ponies?

    le sigh.


    Seriously, good looking stuff there!
  9. ER: Yeah, thanks! There was some discussion about that and that part of the guide does indeed need some work (I was going off of Mids for most of my info before the Real Numbers feature was available)

    Since it TAKES the enhancements, I'll note that, but also that the enhancements won't do anything (whats 42% of 0 again? oh, right... =P)
  10. I just wanted to say that this guide will be receiving an update shortly after I13 goes live. Lots of power changes, particularly when it comes to PvP, seem to warrant a guide re-write. =)
  11. The Sector 5 music from Recluses Victory =)

    Which isn't on the ftp site last i checked >=.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Oh come ON! That's not even fair!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The power of PIE compels you!
  13. The statues in Founder's falls. They look all angelic and historical =)
  14. Er, I'm sorry, i meant they were showing off the Mission Creator alpha. yeah....

    Oh, oh, and, uh, PIE instead of cookies. yeah.

  15. Yeah, I just looked at the schedule.. you're on at the same time as the Devs showing off I13 Beta. They'll also be giving away cookies.

    Sorry =(

  16. EmperorSteele

    Enemy XP Mods


    Some AVs have a multiplier of 0.

    Wouldn't that make them worth 0 XP? Or do they get an XP amount added after the multiplier?
  17. Heh.

    Okay, I re-read it, and as someone who dabbles in modding for other games, pretty much everything here looks like good advice =)

    #3 is something that I can relate to. Making something so wonderful and complicated, but then it doesn't work or it's too taxing for the existing system or it just can't be pulled off.. it's a real downer =(

    Anyway, we'll see how it goes once we get I14 =)
  18. Were you in such a hurry to post the first "Mission Architect" guide that you couldn't even be bothered to format it correctly for the forums out of fear that someone else might beat you to it?

    I'd love to actually comment on the material you wrote about but
    with all sorts

    of odd line breaks, it makes it all a bit hard to read =/

    ^intentional, btw =)
  19. ...


    What would that look like, say... from above?

    *feels the need to play an 80s arcade game all of a sudden*
  20. Along this line of questioning: Youtube displays videos in .flv format. Would it save upload time to convert directly to this format before putting something online?
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    I know ALL of that. Would you like me to redo the video explaining all the pets and getting into fights where heads glow for defender powers the same way they do when standing around? I think that's silly.

    I didn't ask for a critique, as I already stated I am not much of a videographer, it's intended to be simplistic for a new viewer who has played other MMOs, so they can relate to the archetypes. That's it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hey, all beginners need tips to help improve. Even intermediates and sometimes pros. Otherwise creative growth stagnates.

    As for me, I think I'll make like D_R and try my hand at this sort of thing, too. After all, this is like the second or third time i've put in my 2 inf about a video like this, so... yeah /=)
  22. Hmm... Some thoughts:

    Yeah, get rid of some of the UI, if just for some visibility. I thought the Blaster portion said "But no arm" =)

    Seriously, i was wondering wtf you were going on about. Then i barely saw the "or" superimposed over the map. "Armor"... yeah.

    Controller portion: All the controller primaries except Mind have a combat pet. You should have shown this, as pets are a Controller's main damage and agro mitigation tool when mez fails.

    Defenders: Should have shown him in a combat situation with a team. Right now, he's just standing around making people glow.

    Your powers list: Very disorganized. Small text, big text, huge space, next; with no mention of what's a primary or secondary (inter AT overlap notwithstanding). Next time, try playing with the credits options in the movie maker program, I'm sure you can figure out something with a bit more time and effort =)

    Overall, a pretty decent vid. The quality of the visuals pretty much "makes" the video. Despite the points i brought up, it should accomplish your goal of being a suitable advertisement to show off the how varied the game is =)