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  1. Also with GR we're getting "Global enhancements". It is unknown if such things could be traded, but if so, i would presume that they'd be the next big sellers if they're going to be as difficult to get as the Devs have intoned. Also, with people muling items between sides, prices may drop redside and become further stabalized blueside, which means you may want to sell now if anything.
  2. Guh... I really prefered it when Nvidia stuck to the 4 number system.. they should have graduated to a five number system, but no-o-o-o-o. They Dropped a number and proceeded to make new cards that are inferior to ones made 3 years ago. Thanks, guys >_<

    So what about the 250 series? Would that be a better investment for the extra 20 bucks and get me out of low/mid-range territory? I realize it's not the best card on the market (i've seen something like a gtx 285?), but I can't justify buying anything higher, so i'm stuck in the mid-range, and I'm fine with that... I just don't want it to be useless for what I'm planning (IE Ultramode)

    Guess I gots ta do more research...
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Well if Posi's recommendations are correct, the GT 240, even with GDDR5 memory, is a bit on the low side. Problem is anything more powerful will require external power and that brings up the whole issue about having a decent PSU.

    But since we don't know the actual impact on performance with Ultra Mode, even on it's minimum settings, relative to current performance as well as what you may consider to be an acceptable resolution and frame rate, there may be a combination of settings that you would feel OK with.
    I already have a 650w Antec power supply i got last year, so I'm presuming that'll be adequate for any power supply needs i may have.

    But the 240 is LOW? Dang, from what I've read it blows my current card out of the water and runs modern games great.. I would hope that it could run an old game with some modern bells and whistles good, too!

    Hmm, if i get some cheaper memory, i can probably slide with getting a slightly more expensive GPU (a 250)... won't give me EVERYTHING, but i won't be on the low end fro ultramode anymore, so that'll be good =)
  4. So there's no harm going 4Gs, then? Hmm, I'll have to consider it then, thanks! *gives prezents!*

    Oh, but the computer should still run Ultra Mode fine, right? Or is that still unknown at this point?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    Ah, three 1GB sticks is going to force memory into single channel mode, halving memory throughput. Are you sure you want to go that way?
    Wait, are you saying 2 gigs would be better? o_O (I don't wanna do 4 gigs as i'm still using Win XP 32-bit, and i needn't explain to you the 4 gig limitation =) )
  6. Okay, Ultramode has me salivating, but unfortunately, my current box (2.1g proc, 2 gigs ram, 6600GT vid card) can barely handle CoX at good settings (solo i get about 30 fps at 1024 x 768 w/o AA or AF... forget team content!).

    But then Techreport (.com) did their system guide for 2010 and the econobox looks very nice. I made some modifications to fit my own desires, and here's what i came up with:


    Basically, it's a AMD Athlon II Quad core at 2.8GHz, 3 gigs of DDR3 ram, and a Geforce GT 240 (512 mb GDDR5). The vid card has impressive numbers and good reviews, and I was wondering/hoping that it would be good enough for all the Ultramode goodies. Confirm/deny?
  7. "epic" ATs are ones that are inherantly tied to the story lore. I know that on the internet "epic" = awesome but the word is being used to describe soemthing that's part of a larget narrative (An epic useed to be just that, a long story)
  8. I just noticed: In "Ally resistance or defense buff (bubbles)", you neglected to mention Kinetics. Increase Density has +smash/energy resist built in, as you stated later on when detailing Kinetics specifically, so it's disclusion from the category is strange.
  9. The best way to figure out sets is to use a hero/villain builder, such as Mids. It automaically knows what sets go into what powers, and you can see what bonuses they offer just by mousing over them.

    Any guides will likely overwhelm you just as much as paragon wiki... it's a lot of info to digest.
  10. EmperorSteele

    Stacking Effects

    One: Yes, the -Def stacks so long as the duration of each overlaps. As an example, if "Power1" had -Def that lasted 2 seconds, but "Power2" takes 3 seconds to activate, you wouldn't see them stack. Fortunately, the Devs aren't mean like that. In fact, a lot of powers can even stack with THEMSELVES.

    The A.H. proc, as far as I know, would be great in Freezing Rain, because you'd get a chance for the debuff for every tick of damage. I think, i'm not 100% sure on that.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jacks Assortment View Post
    omg!! the PPD have power gloves of some sort. i want that powerset lol.
    I love the Power Glove.

    It's so bad!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GATTACA View Post
    I can has all their costume pieces?

    GoRo's website = sexy.
    OOOHH NO DON'T you start with that! Remember the cluster**** that happened LAST time.

    I think it's safe to say that the red guy and purple girl have player-available costume parts. But the PPD and resistance = no guarantee and you people better not start hoping for it. You'll end up disappointed.
  13. Blame Canada!

    From what i heard it was a great game, gratz on the win! (though tbh, that's my team's goaltender, Ryan Miller, in net for USA, so i'm a little cheezed that we lost. But I can be sporting!)
  14. I got a few ideas:

    A temp power vendor in RV: Items cost a million inf, but offer good buffs: +Perception, + recharge, + resist, + damage, w/e.

    Purchaseable Merits: 1:100,000 ratio. I wouldn't expect people to buy craploads of merits and try for a random roll (that'd be stupid!), I'm thinking more like "I'm only 3 merits short of that lotg but i don't feel like getting on a GM-hunting team..."

    Increase the costs at the tailor (esp for lvl 50s). Everyone and their grandma aleady has a zillion free costume tokens, and there's a day job to get coupons. No harm in paying a little extra.

    Scale inspiration costs to level: So that by the time you're level 50 a t1 insp costs 2,500 instead of 100. They drop free from enemies anyway, can be transfered on the market, and it's not like you don't have the cash.

    Finally, a blank statue pad in Atlas Park... that, if you pay 250,000,000 Influence to the city rep, gets you your statue there (client-side effect only). Dunno what a v-side equivolent would be... wanted posters all over town?

    Also, more stuff for bases and lower the inf/pre cost like someone else mentioned. Definitely a winner there!
  15. The game is all about exploring the backstory and finding your place within the game world. Blitzing through levels isn't going to accomodate that.

    You don't "win" or take over the world or kill the Freedom Phalanx for good, you either just keep going with your current toon doing the same raids and TFs over and over, or roll a new character and start all over.
  16. For one, i think that instead of the Concealment pool, you should pick up Leadership. Maneuvers gives a much better defense bonus than Grant Stealth. If you want stealth for yourself, grab a stealth IO and plop it into sprint. And also, you can boost your team's offense at the same time, which is nice.

    I would also try to fit Hasten in your build somewhere. Your best buffs are all on really long recharge timers, so a little extra "omph" in your recharge rate would help a lot!
  17. Gat: I understand your confusion. However, there's a technical reason for this. Something about how a 32 bit processing system can only natively support a value of up to 2-billion-something when counting numbers. So the devs just capped it at 2B and hoped no one would ever reach that limit.

    Then they intorduced the markets. Oops!
  18. Well the thing is, not just any team can speed an ITF in 20-odd minutes. ANY team can do katie in under a half hour, provided they get past the first mission. Because after that is three small missions: Defeat a boss, defeat all (in a small map), and a hostage escort who can FLY. Besides which fact is, with 10 Avs in a row, a Katie TF is your best chance at getting a purple drop.. and sicne it's the first misison, you can just repeat it over and over.

    Anyway, speed runs are an outlier. Now if EVRYONE were speed-running and getting things done in under 20 minutes, then the devs would have to re-evaluate the rewards. However, a team with only SOs and few debuffers will have a much harder time speed runing than an all IO'd out team with lots of buffs and debuffs. And since the game is balanced around SOs, the devs aren't going to "punish" playes who only use SOs by reducing the rewards for tasks that were demolished by those using IOs.

    That said? The ITF is played WAY too often, probably because the playerbase intrinsically knows what the deal is, even if they don't want to admit it: It gives too many merits for the time it takes to complete compared to other tasks. However, if the devs dropped it by even one merit, people would stop playing it all together as it would no longer even be worth a single random roll.
  19. Actually, Inv/EM isn't the best possible combo. My thinking being (having played one to 50) that it's kind of annoying to stun all your foes, have them wander away, watch your defense #s drop, and then stuff starts hitting you. But if you can manage that minor issue, the sets actually work pretty well together.
  20. I think this would be a bad idea. I mean, you know that purple recipies only sell at an NPC for 10K, right? So, if i wanted to be REALLY patient, i'd just set up bids at 11K or so and wait for the prices to drop.

    Also, it's not completely unreasonable for them to be at the prices they're at now. A buyer wouldn't even get their listing fee back if it got sold at the NPC price.

    Also, lots of things (like crafted IOs) don't HAVE an NPC buyer price. What do you do then?
  21. Hmm, I'm pretty sure Recluse has never summoned his Banes on me when I haven't hit him, and i KNOW he wasn't debuffed all those times. It's only when I start punching that he starts brining in help. *shrug*
  22. Yeah, msot of my characters have close to 100million inf.. i'd love to be able to pool it to help purp one of them out.
  23. Mothership raids tend to happen on Sundays and Mondays, around 7-9PM EST. Keep an eye on the global channel VU2010. However, any day at peak hours you should be able to pull something together. It might take an hour for people to trickle in, but it can happen.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    pohsyb has given a few more details:

    He also clarified that you can send emails to your own global name and that you can't use it to send items between sides (no word on different servers though).
    Actually i think he said YES to cross-server. Because they now use your global name to send things instead of the local name of your character.
  25. A little too MUCH back. Good lord, a single buttcheek is bigger than her entire head!