What missions are best?

Ael Rhiana



When i was level 27 i did AE and leveled really quick.Now i'm level 37 and I don't level as quickly.I know why this happens but i need awsome xp missions.(i'm playing COV)

Someone please help me



Originally Posted by Bakumaster View Post
When i was level 27 i did AE and leveled really quick.Now i'm level 37 and I don't level as quickly.I know why this happens but i need awsome xp missions.(i'm playing COV)

Someone please help me
Your question can't be answered in a vacuum. Just knowing what level you are doesn't help much.

If you're playing a good solo AT, then soloing on the hardest setting you can handle and still complete quickly without dying much is best.

If you're playing a good team support AT, then it's really a matter of finding good teams. It pays to friendlist people you get along with, so you can team with them again.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



lvl 37... see if you can get a bunch of ITF teams going. If you kill through instead of trying to speed, that is good for XP.



Irrespective of whether or not these level you fast, some of the best (read funnest) missions in that level range are Technician Naylor, and the first arc in the Rikti War Zone. The creepy stuff going on in St. Martial is rather enjoyable as well.



Originally Posted by Bakumaster View Post
When i was level 27 i did AE and leveled really quick.Now i'm level 37 and I don't level as quickly.I know why this happens but i need awsome xp missions.(i'm playing COV)

Someone please help me
You must level quickly because...

I mean, even with the vaguely referenced 'End Game Content' mentioned for Going Rogue, there's no real need to run to 50. I'm not saying I dont understand the desire, but what's the rush? Want to get a VEAT unlocked the 'old fashioned' way before they become available when you level a toon to 20? Respectable, but you still have plenty of time twixt now and Issue 17 (I think) to Level a toon any old way to 50, and if the you want to hit 50 for the aforementioned 'End Game Content'; well, that's still further away than Issue 17.

It's the journey, and all that. Otherwise, just up your Rep and wail away on scads of baddies either alone or with a team. Simple. Specific missions for more XP? Meh. I'm sure there must be some missions out there that are more XP-tastic by some degree, but if youre just gonna PL anyway; stick with AE. You say you understand why leveling slows down. Well, that's just the way it is. Again, simple. It takes a little more time in an almost geometric progression (but not quite that drastic). Good luck.

Ninus Lvl 50 Bots/Dark/SM Mastermind Badges: 1384 @Ninus on Global
Put an Ebil MasterMind in the Obal Office: It wont be the first time
Campaigning for Global Global Ignore Champion since 2009!



Thank you for answering that question but i have another one.

can you powerlevel in CoV when issue 16 came out?



Can you? Yes.

Should you, personally? No.

Dude, you've been playing this game for less than a month. You still need to focus on how the game works and experiment with things on your own rather than just rushing to 50. You're going to burn yourself out. You're still a novice at the game, so take the time to run through as many different missions and content as you can the first time through, then worry about powerlevelling subsequent characters once you understand the game better.

There's nothing special waiting for you at level 50. No raids, no epic max-level content. And if you're just super interested in making a Soldier of Arachnos AT character, they're going to be available at level 20 starting in April.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Bakumaster View Post
Thank you for answering that question but i have another one.

can you powerlevel in CoV when issue 16 came out?

But I agree with Chad Gulzow-Man. Since you are still a very new player, you should gain some experience before you worry about how fast you gain experience. I mean that you as a player should gain more experience.

I can't count the number of times that I've heard a PLed level 50 character say "This game blows, where's all the content?"

You skipped past all of it PLing to 50. The stuff on the way to 50 IS the content, for the most part. If you want to get to 50 ASAP so you can join in the awesome end-game raids...you're going to be very disappointed. Take your time and enjoy the game, there is no real reason to blow through the game just to have a level 50 character.

When AE first came out, there were hundreds, maybe thousands, of brand new players that thought Atlas Park was the entire game. Thankfully most of them have gone on to become decent players, or have left. The game is more geared toward creating many characters, instead of just playing one and grinding for new gear. Personally, I have 6 level 50 characters.....and I've been playing for 4 years. I have dozens of lower level characters, and they are ALL fun to play.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



The game is all about exploring the backstory and finding your place within the game world. Blitzing through levels isn't going to accomodate that.

You don't "win" or take over the world or kill the Freedom Phalanx for good, you either just keep going with your current toon doing the same raids and TFs over and over, or roll a new character and start all over.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
You don't "win" or take over the world or kill the Freedom Phalanx for good
Maybe YOU don't!



I've been playing the game for 51 months?



And any one who does test server there down tuesday to put issue 17 in.
So if you have a 20 or up in coh/cov bring them to the training room today.



Originally Posted by Bakumaster View Post
I've been playing the game for 51 months?
This sounds very questionable to me. If you have been playing for 51 months, then why don't you know how slow it can get in the 30's to lvl up? Why don't you know what zone your character should be in by that point? I have been playing 42 months, rarely (if ever) touch CoV, and even I know where to go by lvl 37.

You honestly sound like a newbie, who has used AE from the start of things.

And like others have asked: Why the run to 50? There's nothing special waiting there. This game is all about making alts.

EDIT - The I17 thing is closed beta. Unless you get a beta invite, you will not be allowed to login to the test server at all.

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

My Characters



Originally Posted by Bakumaster View Post
And any one who does test server there down tuesday to put issue 17 in.
So if you have a 20 or up in coh/cov bring them to the training room today.
That will be the prepping for the closed beta, yes. At 51 months there's a good chance you'll be in the closed beta at some point, but it's not guaranteed. Hell, i just got the badge that's 18 months farther along yesterday and there's still no guarantee i'll be invited to the first part of the beta either.

Anyway, while it's easy to level faster than ever now, the leveling curve does slow down a bit in the late thirties. i've found that SF/TF runs and teaming, especially with friends, makes it go by very quickly.

If it's solo leveling you're looking for then continuing what you're doing and upping the difficulty is usually the best way to go. Generally speaking mission arcs outside AE give the best xp per minute spent in the mission due to the end of mission and end of arc bonuses. By the later thirties travel time shouldn't be too much of an issue unless you skipped the temp powers and taking a regular travel power.

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Originally Posted by Bakumaster View Post
I've been playing the game for 51 months?
i do have to agree with StarKitten regarding your subscription time.
i especially like how you phrased it as a question since that's how i would've read it anyway in light of your prior posts.

If you've been playing the entire 51 months prior to now you've come to the boards not a moment too soon.

Welcome. It's about time.

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It isn't on today?Does anyone know when issue 17 is on test server?



If it does hit test server today, then it will be in the form of Closed Beta. Not everyone will have access to Closed Beta.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
If it does hit test server today, then it will be in the form of Closed Beta. Not everyone will have access to Closed Beta.
Yeah, that was already posted in this thread, but you know... words are easy to skip over.
It's not like the game itself requires reading. You can if you want, but it is optional.

Dr. Todt's theme.
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